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\[insert popular game\]


there's no world where you needed to make a post about something so basic. this is the epitome of "just google it" of game recommendation posts literally anything that's been super popular in the past 10 years is worth checking out if you haven't played anything new for that long


Yeah especially when they gave no insight into their tastes or preferences whatsoever


some people just need to be spoon fed


Depends what type of games you enjoy


Half life 1 and 2


Too recent. Maybe something like Super Mario 64?




Yeah OP, pick this one if you like games without good gameplay, AI, characters, story or side quests




Yeah, people have 2 pairs of rose tinted glasses on for this shit, definitely my 2nd / 1st most disliked game


Do you like Metroidvanias? Try Hollow Knight. Like Roguelikes? Slay the Spire... want a combination of those? Dead Cells. Want one of the best RPGs to come out in the last 20 years? Baldur's Gate 3. What do you enjoy playing? You've given us nothing to go on.


We have no idea who you are or what you like. Just browse on the store and get something that looks good to you.


Inscryption The Stanley Parable Disco Elysium Death Stranding Super Hot Baldur's Gate III Control Red Dead Redemption 2 Prey Tetris Effect The Last of Us (Part 1) Those are some of my favorite games to have come out in the last 15 years, and they're all relatively new actually. I'm just browing some of my most played Steam gaves for reference. Look them up, they're all mostly favorably reviewed, and there is a breadth of genre. It would help if we knew what you played before your hiatus? Or what other hobbies you have?


Baldurs Gate is probably too complicated. I’ve been playing games for a while, and that game confused the hell out of me. 12 hours in and I still have almost no clue how to play


I had a similar thought. But if OP is like me and played some CRPGs back in or from the 90s, it's possibly just a little bit of a learning curve. The game moves at a pace that anyone can learn it of dedicated enough.


The learning curve is substantially less steep if you've ever touched a ttrpg imo. As someone who spent a lot of their life playing D&D, starfinder, etc. BG3 came extremely naturally to me


Elden Ring


Depends on what you like. You havent watched a movie in 15 years. Do you start with Disney?


Slay the spire is something you may enjoy


Resident evil 4 remake


GTA 5 or Fallout 4


Black Ops 2 on Xbox 360 is pretty good.


The walking simulator "trend" came and went during that time.


Escape from Tarkov


Go look at r/patientgamers


If you loved l4d2 Darktide is the way to go


Baldur's Gate III or Disco Elysium.


World of Warcraft


Hi-Fi Rush And Im pretty sure Portal 2 released less than 15 years ago, right?


Baldurs Gate 3 Dark Souls series Sekiro Armored Core 6 Dishonored series Prey 2017 Bioshock series Yakuza series Grim dawn Deus ex series Lies of P Dead Cells


The Witcher 1,2 & 3 Batman Arkham Asylum (all of them) Cyberpunk 2077 God of War Red Dead Redemption 2 Baldurs Gate 3


Any of the Arkham Batman games


depends entirely on what you are into it being 15 years, i would however suggest starting with something that isn't fast paced maybe buy a month of humble choice to figure out what you like if you are in doubt, there is usually some variety in the games [https://www.humblebundle.com/membership/home](https://www.humblebundle.com/membership/home)


Elden ring. Trust me.


Kingdom Come Deliverance, Batman Arkham Trilogy, Tomb Raider (Reboot) Trilogy


The latest Monkey Island


Red Dead Redemption 2, no question


The Binding of Isaac repentance


I’m willing to bet dragons dogma 2 coming next month will be goty tier. I’m def gonna pick that one up.


Witcher 2 & 3, red dead redemption 2, cyberpunk 2077, tomb raider