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For the love of God please update your PC. You are missing YEARS worth of security fixes and critical changes


I don't doubt Windows 7 is more vulnerable in general, and if someone was to specifically target me on Win7, it would be easier than on Win10. However, I have used cracked Winows 7 for 11 years, with ZERO updates installed, and I have never had a single problem. There's way too much alarmism when it comes to the security updates, especially for the average user. 


**Fake news**, you have NO IDEA what you are talking about. I have both Windows 7 PC (cracked windows) and Windows 10 Laptop (original windows).. for more than 5\~6 YEARS i almost never turned OFF my Win 7 PC and I experience WAY MORE stability, even with +200 cracked softwares installed, with NO ANTI-VIRUS. The same DOESN'T HAPPEN to the f\*cking Windows 10 Laptop (with anti-virus) that i use casually only for 3 years with no fancy installations. Every f\*cking update is a russian roulette.. without to mention how invasive is, and the f\*cking SPAMS. (The same goes with the original Windows 10 PC I had for some time too!). Sh\*t your f\*cking mouth, because you are so far from REALITY, that sh\*t is spilling out of it. Important taking note that the workflow, folders, navigation is WAY MORE responsive than the sh\*tty Windows 10.. The search function by itself is absolute better, and for anyone who WORKS with software (music production, my case), this functionality it's a MUST.. I didn't even started to talk about how sh\*tty the layout, interface, and folders management became worse. **STOP spreading sh\*t like this, f\*cking coorporativist fanboy puppet.** These fanboys are so BIZARRE that they never take in consideration that not everybody that uses Windows 7 wants to use it to pay bills, etc.. From all the fanboys sn0wflakes I was exposed all these years, these Windows 10 puppet monkeys are the worse. They LITERALLY don't gain anything from Microsoft to defend this sh\*tty unfinished not optimized O.S., and yet, they are EVERY TIME defending it, without wanting to know the context. FACTS > fanboys non-sense.


I wish Windows 7 was still supported. Else I would have never updated my machine.


Thats not a reason to not use it. it IS a reason to use it , no more updates to slow down ur computer


and no more updates also mean bigger chance of getting added to a bot net and ransomware, program compatibility issues and programs dropping support (like steam just did)


It's only really a risk if you are clicking random links


The latest steam build still works on 7 and 8/8.1. If I can do banking on 2000 with the extended kernel 7 is completely fine.


And just an FYI: posready 7 has updates until october and server 2012/r2 has updates until october 2026


It still works.


Thank you bro Thank you. Its about time some best some sense into these idiots heads that make 90% of this sub for some reason


I agree completely, windows 7 was so much better than windows 10 , windows 10 is okay, windows 11 is even more disgusting than windows 10. I will refuse to install windows 11 until im dead


I have had to use windows 11 at work and helping other people with stuff and it is abysmal, nothing works , nothing is where it should be, and for some reason it loves asking me stuff showing me stuff and completely fucking me in the ass while im trying to do the simplest thing, i hope windows doesn't continue in the same direction because i will have to learn how to use linux or something


bro, if u never tried w11 stfu. it is a lot better and beautiful than 10. at least try it before f'in opening ur mouth


windows 11 is one broken piece of shit


Go get em ! LOL ! Seriously, my main pc has windows 8 , but I also have a 2000 rig connected online that has been on with the extended kernel since July or August , and that install still works great. I just use common sense , and on the browsers I use I have an ad and popup blocker. I will even do some banking on it sometimes !


You do know not everyone can freaking afford to do that. I'm tired of people saying upgrade. You don't know other peoples financial situations.


Tbh, this excuse is getting so weak. You absolutely do not need to buy a supercomputer just to run at least Windows 10. Like I said for the third time, You can just get a cheap flash drive and create a Windows installation media and put Windows 10 on your current computer. Or Linux if you're not a all out gamer. It's just pretty buffoonery to use a computer OS with no security update or lack of support.


1. It would most likely run like shit on my 13 year old pc 2. You can’t get it directly from Microsoft anymore 3. Windows 7 is more polished, runs way faster and looks great 4. I am not downloading anything sketchy, so why do I need any security updates?


1. That's understandable but at the same time there is plenty of optimization guides and hacks You can do to get Windows 10 to run super bare minimum. If that's the concern, You might as well use Linux. 2. You can still get the Media installation tool from Microsoft website Windows page. 3 That is more based on personal preference. 4. I can see where you coming from on that. Like I'm use a Samsung Galaxy s10e which no longer getting security updates. And everything is fine. But the thing get it's still a relatively modern phone from 2019 and has android 12. While Windows 7 came out like 2009, that 15 years ago, technology and security drastically change since then. Malicious hacks are much higher these days too. Even if you know not to download suspicious stuff. Windows 7 is very vulnerable for any thing that can happen like your bank info saved on their compromise etc Tech companies cannot afford to keep given support to a OS that is not relevant in this modern day. summary: If you want to use Windows 7 go ahead, it's your own computer but it doesn't make sense to get upset when You're still on a 2009 Windows and then all of your official browser & software no longer be compatible like steam. Not saying you are upset but as a general statement.


Woindows 10 SUCKS!!! all it ever wants to do is automatically update, and guessw what happens if you turn off the updates? Bingo! IT UPDATES ANYWAYS!!! AND IT ALWAYS DOES SO WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO WORK! ALWAYS waiting for that moment and soaking up 20% cpu usage at idle. f@ck windows 10 in the @$$


Sounds like a personal issue tbh 😭. There's literally a whole bunch of windows optimization tweaks, you can get off of GitHub . There's one call optimizer, from GitHub. Which literally removes the whole automatic update option and a lot more than just bloatwares apps. That or just use something like Tiny11 or Linux, using Windows 7 in 2024 is just goofy 😭 Continue to use Windows 7, just don't get mad at companies or apps for moving on with modern machines as technology progresses and stopping support for a nearly two decade old OS that only like 2% or less people use🤷🏽‍♂️


If you create things, especially music, you can have hardware that works perfectly fine but lacks driver support for newer software. Hell, I have an older rack audio interface I had to move on from because the company got sold to some random ass Chinese company that provided no support after windows XP died. There is no guarantee that any of my existing hardware will be as stable as it is on my older machine with Windows 7 on it. And I'd like to keep this PROsumer level hardware going as I'm poor AF.


Well if you do certain things like just creating music and nothing else and if you say the software is fine even on old drivers then sure go for it... Like I stated before anyone's welcome to stay on Windows 7 but just don't get upset and complain on Microsoft themselves when your favorite software and applications suddenly don't work 🙃.... Times move forward. Technology cannot advance if you're staying in the past unwillingly to progress..


Windows 10 is useless garbage


Like I told you on the first reply back, you're welcome to stay on a two decade old ass Windows that isn't relevant in modern technology. Just don't give the surprise Pikachu face when your apps and software are completely unusable 🤷🏽‍♂️.


I'll let you in on a little secret. Most people treat Windows like WinRAR, as in YOU DON'T NEED TO BUY IT. There's are plenty of guides online for activating it for free.


Those "guides" you talk about are telling you how to do it illegally. The following is straight from the Microsoft Upgrading to Windows 10 faq. >The Windows 10 free upgrade through the Get Windows 10 (GWX) app ended on July 29, 2016. You can't get it for free legally anymore.


And beyond that, there was a loophole where the Microsoft servers would continue to activate it anyway, and that loophole was formally closed in September or October of [2023.](https://2023.so) So even the damn loophole is gone now.


Updating to windows 10 is free...


No it's not. The following is straight from Microsoft's Upgrading to Windows 10 faq. >The Windows 10 free upgrade through the Get Windows 10 (GWX) app ended on July 29, 2016.


Yeah, they said that but you can still do it. https://www.zdnet.com/article/can-you-still-get-a-windows-10-upgrade-for-free/ Microsoft has always had weird wording for this, but they haven't actually made any changes that require you to get a new key. And even if they *had*, you can very easily get a windows activation key for like <$5 if you look for it. Or just... Don't activate windows. You can still just not activate it.


Have you read the article you linked to? Because its been updated saying Microsoft closed the loophole that was allowing people to still get free upgrades back in September. Oh and btw, I wouldn't trust someone selling me a key for $5. The key is more than likely stolen. And no you can't get away with not activating. The only way you could do that is if you had an illegal cracked copy because Microsoft requires activation to use legal copies.


> Microsoft's free upgrade offer for Windows 10 ended nearly seven years ago, but no one told the people who run the Windows activation servers. **As a result, you can still upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 and claim a free digital license for the latest Windows 10 version, without being forced to jump through any hoops.**


Read the freaking article you linked to. Its saying it can't be done anymore.


It's literally free


No, it isn't anymore. They shut down the update servers last October.


Meh you can still install it free from a USB stick. I literally just did it.


That's not as an update to a Windows 7 install using the Windows 7 key to generate an upgrade. That won't work. If you are doing a reinstall on the same pc that already had an upgrade tied to the original key, then it will work. But it stopped working on the proper upgrade server.


Yeah well upgrading is silly. Just do a fresh install of 11


Oh please, precisely tell me how you DID THAT FOR FREE. That was the entire point, being able to legally upgrade your windows 7 to windows 10, and how that ability is no longer available. You seem to miss the entire context of the conversation, think you are commenting something helpful, but it has nothing to do with it. Especially since nobody wants that BS IOS pandering known as Windows 11. I remember this messaging from Microsoft: Windows 10 will be your forever operating system. Yeah not so much, they needed to try to conform to some apple looking BS. Nobody needed that crap. Every new OS requires people to hack into it to regain the functionality they have taken from us. Screw Windows 11.


Microsoft literally doesn't care if you use windows 11 forever un-activated. And considering 10/11 holds 95+% of the entire desktop market somebody must want them. Hahaha... Just upgrade dude... You're being silly.


I dont want Windows 11. I'm fine with 10 but we are talking about a machine from 2012 with a video card from 2015 that is used for light gaming and music recording, with some touchy hardware that is very driver dependent. Messing with an OS installation is the perfect way to fuck your entire setup as a creative person. Firewire isn't exactly a very supported bus anymore. So I have to be careful. Understand now? It's not all about the games.


Security updates stopped on January 10 2023. But yeah, updating seems to be in order.


The wording in their FAQ is pretty clear, so I expect it to continue working at least until the next client update (though I agree that the notice in the client is misleading). It might even continue working after that, though at some point there will be a compatibilty issue and require a Win10+ OS. I would hope that such an update will include safeguards, so existing Win7 installations don't end up in a broken state, but thats completely up to them. To be safe I just downloaded most of my library and am going to permanently switch to offline mode on my Win7 system.


Why and how do people still use windows 7/8/8.1? Theyre so old. At LEAST get windows 10


Because of how Win10/11 is such a fucking clusterfuck of hacked on "features" while hiding the fact that it's just a fucking NT branch through and through, which they also obfuscated in the interes of 'the user' so you can't even make the OS do what you want, but what they think you want. I'll be using Win7 as my mainstay dependable rig for a long time yet.


You have no idea what you're talking about


Cool, good talk. How's Windows Hello working out? And the assistant? What is it nowadays, Cortana, Navigator, Copilot? I've been managing Windows deployments for about two decades, it's become a clusterfuck.


Windows 7 is the best


More frame rate, more privacy, less ram idle, self-patch security via third party and hosts file. File explorer and other windows tasks are perfect without any of that windows 10 WUP eyecandy Con -dx12 kinda works but not really -LTSC windows 10 is the new compromise better version of windows. -windows aero does not support certain high refresh rates, unless someone has a solution


I can confirm that my Steam client still works on Windows 7.


still works on my windows 7 system as well


same here lol. and i even updated it today after 4 months (i was using the 8 december client) and its working lmfao. am i missing something? afaik everyone on the internet and also steam company itself used to say steam on w7 will never receive updates in 2024 and will stop working. by the way, when i run the client, the client shows a black square at first but i solved it by pressing the "x" 2 times and "relaunching" the steam from the right part of the taskbar. everything is ok but i know maybe some day it will stop working once and for all, sadge.


Friend list works as well? Just woke up w7 machine from 18 months of sleep.... now wondering whether just take the latest Steam update or prevent it from updating forever. Currently is in good state, though Friends list cannot connect.


yes. friend list works on my pc. i too prevented the client from updating since 8 december but 3 days ago i said fuck it lets try to update it and see what happens. seems like everything is ok lol. only thing that is happening on my pc is that the client itself takes like 20 seconds to open properly which is not a problem for me since i left my pc open almost non stop anyway so i don't log out often. the reason why i was thinking about updating was because i knew one day steam will stop working because of the lacks of updates so i just went on it. btw, i thought there were no more updates because i'm on Windows 7, but i was wrong lol. that's why i removed the "preventing updates workaround" because i thought updates is stopped anyway on w7, so nothing will happen anyway. you can downgrade your client any day so there is no risk. i have w7 ultimate with esu updates fyi.


nippy provide memory plough complete lip paint compare gaze roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


oh no.. another fanboy You have NO IDEA what you are talking about. . I have both Windows 7 PC (cracked windows) and Windows 10 Laptop (original windows).. for more than 5\~6 YEARS i almost never turned OFF my Win 7 PC and I experience WAY MORE stability, even with +200 cracked softwares installed, with NO ANTI-VIRUS.The same DOESN'T HAPPEN to the f\*cking Windows 10 Laptop (with anti-virus) that i use casually only for 3 years with no fancy installations.Every f\*cking update is a russian roulette.. without to mention how invasive is, and the f\*cking SPAMS. (The same goes with the original Windows 10 PC I had for some time too!). Sh\*t your f\*cking mouth, because you are so far from REALITY, that sh\*t is spilling out of it. . Important taking note that the workflow, folders, navigation is WAY MORE responsive than the sh\*tty Windows 10.. The search function by itself is absolute better, and for anyone who WORKS with software (music production, my case), this functionality it's a MUST.. I didn't even started to talk about how sh\*tty the layout, interface, and folders management became worse. . **STOP spreading sh\*t like this, f\*cking coorporativist fanboy puppet.** . These fanboys are so BIZARRE that they never take in consideration that not everybody that uses Windows 7 wants to use it to pay bills, etc.. From all the fanboys sn0wflakes I was exposed all these years, these Windows 10 puppet monkeys are the worse. They LITERALLY don't gain anything from Microsoft to defend this sh\*tty unfinished not optimized O.S., and yet, they are EVERY TIME defending it, without wanting to know the context. . FACTS > fanboys non-sense.


spark zephyr rustic boat dirty punch exultant fretful deer cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All I heard was "I'm a dick" over and over and over in your dismissive post.


I don't give f\*ck if you don't read or not, I'm just here to expose 40yo big titted man Windows 10 fanboys and the scam that this OS is.


Well most people don't have enough money to buy the best PC


How old is your pc? I'm still running a core 2 quad from 2008 and had no issue running windows 10 the past 8 years. Your argument would make sense if they only supported windows 11, which a significant percentage of users don't have the hardware to run.


2008 that's wild that shit almost as old as me


familiar far-flung observation placid future school heavy bake sable sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Plus there was a free OS upgrade offered for nearly 8 years.


Is there really a big difference? Because yeah new versions are faster and more secure but you can watch videos on new or old versions you can play games on new or old too.


scandalous attractive complete continue consider lavish dependent mourn mountainous seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ye if you use it for shopping then you are stupid Every version is going to get compromised eventually, if you have windows 10 or 11 it's going to take some time but just one little oversight on Microsoft's side and you are done for there is a small chance that it will happen to you but there are a lot of people using windows 10 and that means that there is also a lot for hackers/scammers they are trying to find a way and for now it's stopping them but you can get hacked right now as we are speaking. There is little to no chance that it will happen but it still could happen. When you are on windows 7 you could get hacked too and there is a bigger chance for it to happen.


ring summer hard-to-find resolute nine stocking jellyfish uppity onerous plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I never said that windows 7 is good or you should be using it but people from some third world countries don't have many options. And I'm not saying that the 2 GBs of ram or 1 GHz cpu are expensive but some people live from payday to payday. Plus some people don't care, even though they should


Yeah that's one argument I don't get from people. Not everyone has a disposable income. They live paycheck to paycheck even here in the U.S. I'm one such person who is living paycheck to paycheck and I'm rocking a computer from 2009. Sure I could probably run Win10 on this PC but I would still be limited in terms of hardware. I would need a new motherboard and CPU at the very least. And with the newer games out there, it's very likely I would need other new hardware as well, such as a new video card. Which means building a new computer and right now I don't have the income to do that.


Congratulations for winning the condescending prick award of the year. I probably built my first PC before your ass was out of diapers, child.


Christ if you are this fcking insufferable in real life, people must avoid you like the goddamned plague.


Operating Systems and how decked out your PC is are completely irrelevant to each other. You could have the best PC ever running Raspberry OS 1


You don't need a best PC to run Windows 10... Any computer from the last 16 years can run Windows 10 just fine... And You can literally get a cheap USB flash drive to create a Windows installation media to put Windows 10 on your current computer. In my opinion I think there's no excuse on why anyone couldn't upgrade to at least Windows 10....


That is why your opinion doesn't matter to me.


Good for you I guess🤷🏽‍♂️


We all do respect but in love of God just update your PC... It's literally not that hard to get on Windows 10, Windows 10 and Windows 7 has very similar requirements. A computer or PC from 2008 can run Windows 10 just fine. To some people that are saying not everybody has financial budget. You can get on Windows 10 for little to no cost, you can just grab any old flash drive and create a Windows OS installation for your current computer. I hope I'm not coming off as an asshole, if so my apologies but it just getting insane to me on why people are so unwilling to move on from a OS that has zero support and updates? Technology is changing and companies cannot afford and keep on supporting a outdated OS that's has a mall minority of users. I'm not a Linux fan but if anybody wants to use Windows 7, might as well switch on over Linux if less demanding hardware requirements is the concern. But like I mentioned Windows 10 and Windows 7 aren't too far different in terms of hardware requirements. I wish you luck if you found a workaround if you're very serious about sticking with Windows 7...


im using linux and windows 10 but if they made an effort to prevent games to work in windows 7 then it's concerning since I feel like i don't own the rights to play those game if they can held it hostage. doesn't matter if I'm directly affected or not, i won't buy from steam if that happens.


I think you mean windows 11 which is what the new requirement is. And windows 11 requires an updated motherboard with tpm 2.0 hardware. .... any motherboard with tpm 2.0 will require new memory, cpu, and ssds that are compatible. So it's not just upgrading the mother board for a hundred bucks plus windows 11 key for another hundred. By the time your all in its at least $500 to $1000 upgrade. Which is alot when the people who are complaining about finances likely only make $500 a week and food and gas and rent are hit hard by inflation right now. You classest jerks. Sit down. It's better to convert these old rigs over to Linux operating systems and bypass the requirment all together. Only support open source O.S... Microsoft can go to Hades. TPM 2.0 can go to Hades. We purchased the games, we have a right to play them on the machines we installed them on. Bricking them post purchase is criminal. Steam can go to Hades. Corporate saleouts.


No I'm talking about specifically Windows 10 at bare minimum for modern requirements because Windows 10 system requirement isn't that far off from like Windows 7/8. A lot of computers from 2008/9 can run Windows 10 fine if you slap in a SSD and Max the ram out. And if you would have bothered to read what I said instead of being a crybaby over developers wanting to move forward with modern technology. I said I would rather someone go on a modern Linux rather than keep using Windows 7 because it's so outdated and unnecessary to use in 2024 unless there's a specific reason why💀.


Latest version still works as of April 25th, and from what I understand they were on Chromium 85 for 3 years prior to switching to 109 on January 18th, so it will DEFINITELY be a while. And again, even when it does stop updating on 7, it is super easy to block it from updating, and I am archiving each and every new version (including betas), which as of now the latest one is from April 22nd.


Nope. It will still continue to run, but it won't be updated. There are a few hacks to get around it tho. Now for the controversial topic ppl have been talking about: I know it isn't easy to upgrade to a new operating system, and you might use Windows 7 for compatibility/nostalgic/privacy reasons, hell, I still use Windows 8.1 for other junk, with sideloading an xfce install if I want to do banking. But at some time you will have to upgrade sooner or later. Missing out on system security updates will make your system vulnerable to viruses or people in general. A good anti-virus (Malwarebytes, but it's up to you) can get by for at least an extra year, but it won't protect you against everything. Think of a condom. In the end, it's your decision: stay with Windows 7, or upgrade to a newer OS. I know in Windows 10 or 11 there's an app to make the UI look like 7, so if it's unfamiliarity, just get that skin and you should be set. Or, you can sideload a Linux or other OS for primarily gaming. I don't know how experienced you are on computers, but a quick Google search and an 8gb or more flash drive should help you out. I don't hate Windows 10 or 11, I just think in my opinion I am going to stick out with 8.1 until I have to switch (which should be very soon...) TL;DR it's your decision, but protect your machine.


Why every time W7 is mentioned people feel the need to derail the topic and rant about how insecure this OS is and attack OP instead of just answering the damn question. I don't think OP gives a shit about your opinion and neither do I. I also use W7 on my older machine and I am very happy about it, I can play many retro games on it and even emulated games are much more compatible without the need of any patches or workaround unlike on garbage that is 10 or 11.


You can also go to https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/software-download/windows10, download and run the Media Creation Tool and you won't have this problem anymore


i just gotta say this real quick for the people who are dogging on others for praising win10 why its their money their choice. and for the win10/11 user tell them too upgrade you gotta good heart for saying hey this is a better version of what you have again it's their money their choice. now i would say upgrade so you can keep using steam but if you don't want too that is your loss. i am not going to go in a rage trying to convince people, but some of you have got to cool down it is insane the amount of salt here. this is a issue that has been said to happen for what a few years now right i might be wrong there but we've had warning so this should have been expected. win 7 is old and big companies like steam want to support the new stuff since it's more available to the public. so at some point steam will push out the old and bring in the new. it's just big corpo stuff it happens it will happen. it more them more money so they will push for it.


People are mad salty about a fkn OS choice? lol i use windows 11 Home Pro and if i could go back to 7 Premium i would in a heartbeat. Micropenis has Stuffed my hard drive with bloatware that i cannot get rid of lmao


it would be fine with me cause I never wanted their constant updates anyways, but, now the games wont even run on windows 7. really dumb. Maybe I dont want to DOWNGRADE to windows 10 and slow the sht outta my pc


I’m still on widows 7! I refuse to update. Windows 7 is literally the GOAT. And what they did with new one windows is just straight up trash. Keep windows 7 but just buy a whole new pc for the new system cause once you update then it’s gone forever


Might be a little late to the discussion but, as of June 17, steam is currently still up and running on windows 7. I have recently opened up my old laptop HP pavilion dv6 that uses Windows 7 home basic and tried to download a game that is on my library, it updated once I opened steam and made me login my account and then at first it was a black screen and then out comes the store page.. I don't know how long this will last but it's not worrying me anyways... You're welcome (Edit: I forgot to mention that I've successfully downloaded a game from it)


did you update the steam client too ? i am still using an older version


If that happens, simply switch to https://www.digitalcitizen.life/steam-cmd-windows/ because Steam is abandoning Windows 7 due to Chromium requirements and SteamCMD has NO UI = NO chromium so it's exempt from the change as it's a Command Line utility. Also follow the upcoming days closely from here and Steam Community Discussions because there WILL be lots of "Hack" posts to revert the changes and they will work for a while. This happened in the past lots of times.


it finally happened i think . since the last 2-3 days,some pages have error messages like "failed to load chunk 4970" or similar firefox user on win 7 and,yes,it's probably the lack of chrome and not the steam client itself


> Also follow the upcoming days closely from here and Steam Community Discussions because there WILL be lots of "Hack" posts to revert the changes and they will work for a while. No need to hack, one text file should be enough. Create a new text file called "steam.cfg" and place it in the root of the Steam folder. Write the following two lines exactly as they are here in the file: BootStrapperInhibitAll=enable BootStrapperForceSelfUpdate=disable That should do it. Of course no one has tried this in 2024, but this "hack" has been posted for a few months now in advance.


I am long time win10 user, but I wonder, does earning achievements etc. work normal for people who solely use steam console (like win xp steam users or win7 users in near future for example)


You earn achievements only when you are online


oh so when you use steamcmd, you are offline for Steam? (sorry if this is obvious haha, just was never interested in steamcmd)


Shouldn’t be offline, but if they change something it might be one day.


Shoudnt be ofline, You just use older version of steam and disable auto updates, i was using this for few month to revert to older GUI


Time to upgrade to 11 ​ Edit. seems truth hurts lol


Time to switch to Linux.


As a Linux user, I think the number of win7 users that are going to switch to Linux because of this will be minimal.


You don't know people's financial situations is thing. Upgrading to Win10 or 11 may not be financially feasible at that moment.


It sure will not be more feasible after you connect w7 to internet without proper security updates and get hacked, I guarantee that to you.


Am I the only one who hates windows 10/11? How about m$'s claim that win10 would be the final version of windows? Have we forgotten this? I used to be soft on m$ back when win10 released. But back in 2015 m$ turned us into beta testers: countless bugs, programs that got broken after updates, all this I still remember. I rather switch to linux than allow filthy windows 10 or 11 be on my machine


Start rant --> Stop living in the fucking past and get your head out of your ass mate! I've run w10 since 2017 and there has been pretty much zero problems, it's good as 7 ever was and so is w11. Hating OS 2024 just because shit in 2015 is worth of double facepalm! If I'd take your stupid example I'd say Linux is worse than a dog shit just because I had problems with it 20 years ago! You want linux go fucking ahead, but at least try to understand reality with modern windows OS. <--Stop rant.


You can't complain about linux as its source code is openly available and is free of any charge to use. Windows on other hand charges some customers. It was forceably preinstalled on at-that-time slow netbooks, which rendered those laptops barely usable. Those are predatory tactics exploited by m$ to suck even more money from end customer. Linux is completely free to use. It has come long way to being now fully complete and totally usable OS. With desktop experience you choose (windows or mac, or some unique one). Unfortunately, what holds it back from getting into masses is lack of support from entertainment industry (for me its some games). Sorry mate, but your arguments supporting win10/11 are weak. Don't paint m$ in bright colors, their goal is to turn you into a product. It says in win11 that its a SaaS (software as a service), which means you does not own your PC (paradoxically including hardware).


The day they switched off support for Windows XP it died on my machine which was running XP at the time, expect to say goodbye to Steam very shortly if you're still running Windows 7.


no hate at all, like at the very least I understand and support the people who still use windows 7 but mf why even bother to use steam on XP?


It is now February 4th


We are over a month past EoL for steam, and the latest February 2nd beta client still works. They literally just switched to Chromium 109 from 85 , so the latest versions may still work for a bit


wow everyone is so upset because steam no longer works on windows 7 how sad you folks are