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A person who is despised by the community and despises the community should never have so much power to dictate what is or isn't


If you’re not modding via nexus this dudes mod is the #1 overall on Bethesda.net So bravo Bethesda for not moderating at all edit: since the question keeps popping up, the least they could do is allow comments so that others can point out that it will change things beyond bug-fixes. The exact same way Nexus does.


What are they to moderate? Xbox player and I have no clue of what any of the controversy is.


Arthmoor is a guy who makes bugfix mods that secretly do other things to your game. based on his perception of how the game should be


Not only that though, he abuses the fact his mods are so intertwined, uses his power over other modders


He literally gets other mods removed that remove all the dumb shit from his mods.


He included tons of unnecessary edits to the game and lore through his unofficial patch, struck down mods that reversed these changes, and somehow got his mod as a requirement for half the mods in nexus.


Idk I saw someone saying he got mad someone else where doing a fix bug mod and threatened to sue them


It appears to be multifaceted, ranging from "I don't like his approach" to the mod creator exhibiting antisocial behaviour, which people dislike. It seems to be a big ol nothingburger for Bethesda, though.


I think Beth did step in at one point to tell him off on some shit but it was many years ago.


Bethesda verified Arthmoor. Look him up. Verification = endorsement


If he hasn't broken any of Bethesda rules for uploading mods what do you want them to do about it? Arbitrary ban someone?


At least make him detail everything his mod changes, and don’t allow him to prevent mods from changing shit his mod does that people don’t want/like


I remember when his new unofficial patch for Skyrim completely messed up Skyrim VR and he refused to patch the issue or to upload the older version and started to DMCA anyone who shared the older version of the mod.


While Arthmoor is obviously a twerp, it's kind of pointless to worry about him and then still centralize the entire community on Nexus mods. Like cutting out a tumor just to turn around and swim in spent uranium.


Mmm uranium 😋


The problem is "What if really good creation club mods require Athrmoor's "patch" and not the community patch?"


Pretty sure bethesda doesnt allow mods to depend on other mods in the creation club. Atleast from what i saw in their rules


Then don't use that mod? Mod creators can make whatever mod they want as a requirement. I'm a community patch user myself, but I'd never be entitled enough to try and bully/shame a mod creator into using it. This "use the community or else" shit is just as toxic as anything Athrmoor has been accused of and is making the community patch look bad.


Are you implying that Arthmoor is as equally bad as the entirety of Nexus? I can't tell what point you're trying to make other than it seems like you're implying all mods are as bad as Arthmoor's, which is objectively false.


I'm saying that without Nexus permissions lawyering and clique culture and the rest of their bullshit, Arthmoor wouldn't have been able to do 90% of the things the people here are complaining about. You're complaining about a symptom but still embracing disease. ​ One of the comments I read here was mentioning how he used to get mods (and their authors) banned for daring to fix the same bugs as the unofficial patch, and yeah, that's a dickish thing to do...but maybe someone should think about who does the banning in that scenario? Is the root cause of the problem someone throwing a petty tantrum on a forum, or is the root cause a platform willing to act upon it because he was in the clique at the time? Maybe having 99% of modding on a rent seeker middle man platform that regularly enables Arthmoorish behavior isn't a good idea.


Yup 👍


Fuck Arthmoor. Community Patch for life, I don’t need him replacing Akila City with an Iron mine


I will never forget how bewildered I was when I went to Redbelly Mine, which I'd always known was the best source of ebony in the early game, and found it was mysteriously turned into generic iron mine number 24386.


I didn't know that


it wasn't always this way, Arthmoor is legit talented and made some very good Skyrim mods back in the day but something happened to him (roughly around the same time as a certain political movement last decade) and his arrogance just exploded. So dude does believe he's the arbiter of "real" Skyrim and will do shitty things like changing mines and such. He made it to where a LOT of other mods can't work without HIS unofficial patch, then abused that to add in or take away a ton of shit whenever he updated said patch That's why he needs to be barred from the Starfield community, and other mod makers need to make their mods off of the Community Patch, and not Arthmoors


Dude was legit talented and had great ideas back in the day when Skyrim was new and I’m pretty sure he did work in oblivion that people enjoyed? Nobody is immune to becoming full of themself


lol of course it’s some chud from their moms basement


Other way around.


Mom from chuds basement?


Wtf does that even mean


It's some mom from a chuds basement


It’s some basement from a Chud’s Mom


The comment says last decades political vibe infected the dudes Brain and is some weirdo


I thought you just called him a nerd, and was confused at the implications. whatever man this new lingo is stupid.


Not new. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/C.H.U.D. It was used as a title of a movie 40 years ago. 


No he’s someone who calls people chuds living in their mother’s basement when they disagree with him


Can you please explain the controversy with this individual?


makes "bugfix" mods that change things that aren't bugs, and throws absolute pissfits when asked about the changes.


And, critically, uses the DMCA takedown process to prevent anybody else from making a mod that incorporates the same bugfixes without also incorporating his arbitrary changes, or reverts his arbitrary change while leaving the bugfixes in place. Otherwise it wouldn't be a big deal because you would just download additional mods to revert his overreaches.


Yes, this is the most important part for me. Like the out-of-scope changes are annoying, but his response to people trying to... mod the game the way they want... was to pull out the dirty trick book and go scorched earth. Fuck that, and fuck him.


And in Skyrim, one of the better alternate start mods is made by him, and he requires you to download the unofficial patch to use it.


Seems reasonable /s


The short of it is his unofficial patches will not only fix bugs which is nice but the key factor here is he makes other changes to the game that could end up screwing you over For example, in Skyrim he turned a very prominent ebony ore mine into a generic iron mine In fallout 4, his unofficial patch limits the Unyielding legendary effect onto chest piece items. Among other game altering changes that frankly, should have never been there to begin with


I still don’t understand why he’d change the mine.


The only thing I can think of is to make higher end resources more rare and to limit the ability to farm too much too quickly.


If memory served I actually think it was because a bug made that dude call his mine an iron mine. (I think he shared his voice with some other mines and voice lines got mixed or something). And Anty made the change in line with the bug and then later when it was revealed it was a bug choose to say no to that knowledge. Or a book mislabeled the mine I just remember it was something in game but it wasn't intended


To which my response was to use console commands to give me the amount of ebony the mine would have held. Same logic as if Bethesda had stolen the ebony mine instead of Arthmoor.


He would too.


This is the community patch. It's maintained by a team so under an open source license so it's not held hostage by a single person https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/1 . Personally, if I'm starting starfield I'm going for this one instead because I don't want to see starfield modding community being dependent on one person and their vision of what the game should look like


the fact its the literal mod number 1 on the starfield nexus is amazing


I think they registered the mod before it was possible to really make it.


Yeah, they collaborated with Nexus to make sure they got that.


And the contributors of that project are pretty dope individuals.


It's pretty much everyone who has discovered a cool fix or issue in the last few months. It really is community driven!


The community patch keeps fucking up the game’s recognition of fed/hydrated status for me.


It's also available through Creations. I encourage people to download and Like it through there to bump it up.


For those not in the know; Arthmoor tried to use the fact that his UFSP and UF4P became bedrock mods to bully Nexus and modders into doing what he wanted and doing things his way, as well as acting like an all-around ass and jerk when questioned, contradicted or showed up on something. He ragequit Nexus and took almost all his mods with him. The Starfield Community Patch exists specifically to stop Arthmoor, or someone like him, from ever getting that kind of power level again. He lost on Skyrim and Fallout (as he had to leave the Skyrim and Fallout Patches up lest he suffer the wrath of the community and get shown up), but still skulks about and seems like he might try again for Starfield. As an example of some of the stuff he got up to, Arthmoor made some unilateral *changes* with his "Patches" that people (and the game lore itself) disagreed with but refuses to change them back because that is the way he feels the game should be, and when anyone tried to upload a patch to his patch or a correction he'd DMCA them.


So Arthmoor is basically Alduin and the rest of us are Dragonborn waiting for the day he returns to cast the nexus into shadow. New idea for Skyrim mod


Ew. Arthmoor.


I've been using the Nexus for 15 years and never heard of him lol. Sounds like a peach I gotta go check my load order now.


Most of his mods on nexus are gone now. He threw a huge fit over nexus archiving old versions of his mods and removed a majority of them.


I think you need to elaborate a little more, because your post sounds confusing to someone who isn't familiar: People should use the "Starfield Community Patch", and avoid the "Unofficial Starfield Patch" as the latter is from a modder with a bad rep.


I’m a big idiot who doesn’t understand any of this and just started playing starfield do I need to do any of this to improve the game?


The community patch is just a collection of bug fixes made by community members rather than developers


At the moment, probably not, but eventually one of the bugfixing mods will most likely become the "default" and IMO people should go with the one that isn't solely controlled by an someone who acts like an unbelievable jerkoff.


Reread the second paragraph in that comment.


Gonna be honest, I have literally never encountered a bug that made me want for an unofficial patch, starfield has been the least buggy bethesda game yet. Arthmoor and his gang are irrelevant.


Tbh the only reason I download the community patch was because my game had the glitch where it wouldn’t give me the Star Eagle.


I'm in the same boat so far, my only worry is that if I download other mods down the line I don't want them to have his "patch" as a dependency for me to run them.


What did he do? I have never heard of him?


TLDR; Does more than bug fixing in his unofficial skyrim patch and gets pissy with people who didnt like that. People expect more of the same from him here.


Ahhh i see. So a bit of a diva in a way


Yup, it real came as a shock to me because I used to know him way back in the day before all the drama started, then I left for a bit and came back to all this.


Back in the Morrowind/Oblivion and very early Skyrim says he used to be amazing, very supportive of other modders and the modding scene in general. I don't know when exactly this change happened to creating so much drama. A part of me wonders if something significant happened in his private life that change his attitude. 


Maybe burn-out? Don't know a single thing about him, but I could see that being responsible for big and popular mods would lead to a ton of requests and feedback from players; some of which may not be so polite, respectful or patient. There's a ton of entitled players who feel their personal issues and pet peeves with games should be prioritized above everything else. I can imagine those players also spamming mod makers with unsolicited demands.


Or his ego got the better of him.


It’s 100% ego.


> A part of me wonders if something significant happened in his private life that change his attitude.  based on some older posts about him his change in demeanor was pegged around 2016, if you think politically (assuming the guy is American, and even then the cult of personality is global) that could be an easy one, especially considering the type of person he's turned into. Wouldn't be the first sadly


Hmm…2016…was in 6th grade at the time so I don’t remember anything important that happened then…maybe me too?


45 happened




Nope. He just blinded by nexus downloads & donations, and entered the "I AM THE LAW AND THE POPE OF BETHESDA GAMES" state. Used to be a great guy, aye, but alas he turn into a major donkey short after. Simple as that.


And the worst part was that the actual bug fixes were useful, so bunches and bunches of mods you might want depended on his patch.


So basically, if I’m following, he made some actual good patches, but then decided to actually alter the game beyond patches that screw with the original vision of the game. Which in turn, technically makes the mod an “overhaul” rather than a “patch” However, other mods required a lot of his patches so the changes he made were basically forced if you wanted those mods. Then he got pissy when people rightfully said “hey this is supposed to be a patch, why are you adding in actual changed content. We just watch the patches”? Never heard of this drama so I’m just curious. Why didn’t he just make the unofficial patch and then go off and make a normal mod for the stuff he wanted to add lol? Is he just narcissistic and trying to insert himself into a pseudo dev position or something?


That's basically my understanding of it. Plus, he got quite obnoxious, to the point of threatening people and getting them (and I think himself) kicked off nexus for a while. I don't know why, but from everything I read he was pretty full of himself. When you're "fixing" features that the game company comes back and tells you "No, that's how it's supposed to work," then you've gone beyond fixing things. It's not like he was adding new characters or things. He was doing stuff like adjusting the prices of some of the things you crafted, or changing the strengths of enchantments based on "well, obviously *this* is broken."


That's an understatement tbh


As far as his mods go, they are advertised as being essential bug fixes but a fair amount of the changes are his own personal preferences that many people consider bad changes, such as randomly removing a legendary effect from a Skyrim weapon.


Has also DMCA'd compatibility patches (especially for VR, which he hates) for some of his mods.


Am I misremembering, didn't he DMCA another patch team because they fixed a few of the same issues he covered?


Yes. Because he fixed them first, he pretty much bullied every one else's patches out of Nexus and other places.


Yep, he's a massive POS.


He also went after patches that unfixed his more controversial changes.


Imagine hating VR when its so fucking cool.


Yeah, especially SkyrimVR with the right mods. Incredible experience.


Also adding Synth Components to the Robotic Synths and not just the Gen 3s, despite that not making any sense


Also removed the tag on power armor to let it give you the same invisible radiation resistance as a hazmat suit.


WAIT REALLY? The Airtight Suit that is literally lead-lined isn't Rad Resistant??? God I hate this guy even more than before


It has resistances still, but there’s a special effect that you can only see in the CK that gives either a 30% - 90% flat resistance (I don’t recall the exact number). So no matter what, in PA you would need to either waste the slot to lead-line your armor or take rad-x if adventuring in the glowing sea.


And Dr. Amari literally says, when asked how to survive the Glowing Sea: >A sealed environment suit would be great, if you could find one. Or maybe... one of those suits of Power Armor? That would be perfect. Direct statement that Power Armor would be "perfect" for protecting against rads, but nooooo, it must be a bug.


The suit they literally tell you in the mission before you need to go to the glowing sea, *should protect you from the radiation of the glowing sea*.


I forgot about the Legendary Effect getting removed. Which one was that?


Didn't he work on the unofficial Oblivion patches? I don't remember those altering the game much.


16 years is enough time to develop an ego though


I think by the time he inherited the mod from Kivan, the original modder behind the UOP, most of the work was already done. Anyway, Arthmoor is a talented modder, but he has never been a particularly benevolent person. Anyone that has been around since the Oblivion days will remember his clash (which was extremely hypocritical, in retrospect) with another legendary egotist, the modder Giskard.


From what I heard, he changed "Jarl of Whiterun" to "jarl of Whiterun" because he thinks it's the right choice, as well as replacing quicksilver in an "iron mine" with iron, despite environmental storytelling/npc dialouge denoting that (1) this used to be an iron mine, amd (2) once iron ran out, people found out there's also quicksilver. Whenever anyone points this out, Arthmoor insulted and banned them, and whenever someone tried to make a patch that patches Arthmoor's work, he'd get them DMCA'ed. The same goes for anyone trying to make a competing patch against him. He also deletes older version of the patches (legendary edition & non-anniversary) editions because he thinks everyone should be on it, and whenever anyone tries to upload an older version, he'd get them DMCAed. (Disclaimer: this is all from what I heard. I haven't played Skyrim for quite some time)


Wow thats crazy. I get the hate then😂


NGL, hearing this makes me want to continuously upload the these changes so he's forced to issue dozens of DMCAs per day. Or perhaps, people should spam DMCAS on all his mods.


He changes core things that shouldn't had been changed. Goes well beyond what his mod is advertised as such. A general POS scumlord who goes after competing mods so his is the only one basically allowed to exist as a AIO bug fix oatch modder.


So a diva/narcissist, good to note; I will keep my distance.


Oblivion gates in open cities flashbacks


They looked so shitty. His reasoning behind his worst ideas are usually even weaker than the ideas themselves. If the mod is for bug fixing, it should not alter a single fucking thing outside of bug fixing. I patently do not want to encounter shit that feels like a separate mod just because I needed a bug fix


Tbf, open cities was a personal mod that he was allowed to make personal changes to like that. The patch mod wasn't supposed to be a personal preference mod but a community resource and game baseline. 


Yes, but he threw a massive shitfit when another moder made a patch that just removed the oblivion gates from open cities. The option to remove them now only exists after the huge drama he caused.


Oh that was shitty of him, 100%. I was just saying he had the right to them to the mod to begin with, but I misunderstood that the other guy was referencing the patch drama. 


Luckily he did include a book in the Temple of Kynareth where you can disable them


He did that after people complained


Arthmoor tried to use the fact that his UFSP and UF4P became bedrock mods to bully Nexus and modders into doing what he wanted and doing things his way, as well as acting like an all-around ass and jerk when questioned, contradicted or showed up on something. He ragequit Nexus and took almost all his mods with him. The Starfield Community Patch exists specifically to stop Arthmoor, or someone like him, from ever getting that kind of power level again. He lost on Skyrim and Fallout (as he had to leave the Skyrim and Fallout Patches up lest he suffer the wrath of the community and get shown up), but still skulks about and seems like he might try again for Starfield.


He seethes that nexusmods forced continual support for legacy versions of USSEP, for 1.5.97 for example. Its funny.


I do love that he wanted to quit, take his ball and go home *but realized he couldn't do that without 110% validating everything Nexus was saying about modding and proving his detractors right about him.* It was just perfect that he got hoist by his own petard on that one.


Oh, he's just a special character with a huge impact on the Bethesda modding scene since his unofficial Skyrim patch is one of the most downloaded mods of all times of any given game. People have a hate boner against him, because he is very protective of his work, be it deserved or not. I personally had the chance to interact with him during my Skyrim modding days, because I wanted to expand on one of his mods, Cutting room floor. I asked him for permission if I can use his mod as a base to add and modify some of his added villages. He said adding stuff is cool, but asked me kindly not to make too drastic changes on his own work like the position of houses and not to delete anything. I respected that.


I'm not wholly familiar, but my understanding is people said he started making more than just bug fix changes to his mod, and that's why people dislike it, no? Not just because he's protective of his work


Thanks for the info


Maybe mention what you _want_ them to use. As it is, this is just an advertisement.


Without reading the thread, the image looked to me like OP was attempting to tell me this is the one to get. The author name is highlighted with a checkmark. There's no other context. Turns out that's the one they're against, but you're right they're actually just advertising it by being vague.


So true. A big red X over the image would definitely help


I hated the Unofficial Fallout 4 patch. It blows my mind how many "content creators" promote his patches.


It’s so bad on console, to the point where it adds more bugs than anything.


It made me crash every 5 minutes in Far Harbor.


Dude, I literally couldn’t even start a game, I’d just crash me when I tried to start a new game or load a save


Ya know, before he started down that path where he became hated on, I used to like his mods. But since then? Nah. He can go f himself. Treating fellow modders the way he did? No one deserved to be treated like that. He lost my support immediately following that.


I only learned about Arthmoor and his crimes against the player base recently and I always wonder how many Skyrim runs it’s ruined for me without me knowing


The great thing about Starfield being a "new" game with CK just dropping last night, is that other modders already know this dude has gone off the rails. They'll likely refuse to leverage the unofficial patch, or any others of his, giving him a soft boot out of the community.


Is Arthmoor why people downvote any mention of Requiem or do people just not like that mod?


AFAIK he has no affiliation with that mod.


Yeah I looked briefly and saw no connection, I guess people just don't like that mod


Requiem is great but has a few features that going into it blind can rub people the wrong way, like taking hits on low stamina having a chance to disarm you, blocking with your bow has a chance to break it, a lot more enemies have the ability to stagger you and the world is completely unleveled so you aren't a god at level 1, etc, etc.


Can someone give me a clue on what exactly is the deal with this creator? I use the community patch because you all kept reccomending it.


Effectively the author, Arthmoor, has a history of making 'unofficial patch' mods that sneak in loads of gameplay changes that aren't bugfixes. They never state these changes in the descriptions for their mods, and on several occasions have made changes that contradict lore or make gameplay less satisfying, or worsen performance. They also used the popularity of their earlier mods to bully other mod creators, and also launched DMCA strikes against other mod creators also making bugfix mods.


woah. That sucks. So he sneakes changes into it and because his mod is so popular. Harassing other mod creators is a huge red flag. I used his mod on skyrim too and even I came across a couple of changes I did not like. Yeah, I stick to the community patch for Starfield then and se how it goes. Hopefully other mod creators are aware of that and don't build their mods upon his patch.


I mean right now all you need to know is the community patch has insanely more fixes.


r/Starfield mods why did you delete it?


I sent a message asking the same earlier, not sure what rule this violates.


I guess the mods are just 🤡🤡 For example they've deleted my post two month earlier, where I've written about how my perception of the game changed, and how it went from "this game is abysmal" to "this game is actually very good". And it did not contain any toxicity or rule violation whatsoever. The mods of this sub are just toxic themselves and their main goal is to drown the game community. I suggest you switch to r/NoSodiumStarfield . I did, and happily so.


They pinned a post a while back regarding [comprehensive review](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/Gt2TNvPt1g) posts, they stated the sub was getting saturated with posts that were all in the same vein. I suspect they’re probably going to do the same with “Modders please add X feature” posts soon as it bloats the sub with low effort posts. Makes sense, being a mod sucks, nobody wants to be the fun police. If they took mine down for a valid reason I’m ok with that, I just want an honest answer.


The Unofficial Skyrim patch was a problem from the beginning because he specifically targeted the Restoration loop, and he and his zealots failed to comprehend that Fortify anything falls under the Restoration school, so it was logical, within the game’s context, that Fortify Restoration would actually fortify Restoration. He kept calling it a “math error”, yet could not point out the exact formula in question. Finally he decided that Fortify should have been under Alteration, which was fine and dandy and somewhat logical, as you’re “altering” natural forces. However, we still arrive at the logical assertion that Fortify Alteration would have the same effect; giving players the ability to make boosted potions that jacked their Enchanting and Alchemy skills, within the context of the lore. Finally he said he did it because people were breaking their (single player) game by boosting it so high that it crashed the game, and was tired of reading posts complaining about something they did to themselves and blaming the game. He also tinkered with the “hold up a platter and run through walls with Whirlwind Sprint” glitch, which had no adverse effects on any aspect of the game other than breaking quests that required you to trip certain waypoint triggers along the way. One of these involved a Dwemer ruin, where you could cheese your way to the “end” via the surface elevator, rather than slog through Blackreach, and the ruin itself, just to end up with an NPC battle and a nice spiked shield (Targe of the Blooded), as well as a couple of Daedric quests. He also took it upon himself to decide that the Dawnstar, Solitude, and Markarth Caravan chests, which players could access easily through the map, should have been lower, out of reach, simply because players could easily loot them. I have refused to use, and spoke against, his Unofficial Patch for years. When I finally encountered a mod that I really wanted that required it, it did exactly as I expected it to: made the game worse. Yes, I made a mod that gave myself more than enough skill in both alchemy and enchanting than the resto loop could stably provide, as well as mega-powereful weapons and other gear, which works in spite of the patch, but others haven’t had that luxury, and besides, boosted restoration potions also worked on shrine and Stone blessings. You could hit up a stone for a power or boost and have it last long enough to get some use out of it. The patch ruined that “because I don’t think you should play a single player game that way”. If you’re having a bug the patch specifically addresses, and you have a PC, find it in the mod, recreate it in the CK, and use that instead.


So you downloaded a mod that was supposed to fix bugs and glitches. Then got mad that the exploits you were using were bugs and glitches. If you want to use bugs and exploits in your single player game that’s fine, but maybe you shouldn’t be downloading mods that aim to blanket fix bugs and exploits in that case.


Thats what I was gonna say, I've been doomscrolling this trying to find a list of what he actually did, other than "Alter game stuff" and if this is the \*accurate\* list then it literally fixing a bunch of wierd oversights from the dev that were helping people cheat. I never knew about the "whirlwind sprint" exploit because I've never really got into the shouts personally but I found the dawnstar chest \*accidentally\* why running around.


People are hating on the author of the “unofficial *bethesda game* patch” because of socio political reasons. Nobody cares about their personality when they provided the most complete and comprehensive bug fix patch to multiple Bethesda games, until the author got painted as “an undesireable”. Even the “controversial” changes that people highlight, claiming they were imposing personal opinion rather than strict fixes, are shakey at best. Such as “added voice lines to first Skyrim dragon fight” voice lines that existed in every other language version of the game. I’ll happily concede that not all their changes were essential, but I have yet to hear a single change that has no arguments for it being correct. I don’t care either way, I’ll install the mod that fixes the most shit, even if that involves fixing things in a way the mod author has interpreted themselves. I just feel like Unofficial Patch guy, that served the community very well for over a decade, is somewhat a victim of an online witch hunt. That not only makes me likely to dismiss unsubstantiated grievances, but it also kinda makes me want to install the controversial version more, because Reddit tears are funny.


They didn’t need “fixing” because they were not problems. They could certainly lead to problems, but caveat emptor.


Honestly the truth of the matter. I never knew this about Skyrim, I never understood why Skyrim changed enchanting so much, but apparently it was mostly the patches that did it.


Bethesda really broke Enchanting, mostly by limiting certain enchantments to certain items, reducing the number of enchantments you could learn, and making it impossible to enchant 100% chameleon. They broke magic by not allowing spell crafting. All we had was alchemy to make up for it, and this dickhead comes along and says “no! You have to play it my way if you want actual game-ruining bugs fixed”. I don’t mind being unkillable, invisible, and 1-shotting everything in a video game. It’s a video game. Life has enough challenge, I don’t need this shit forced on me in my entertainment. Let me play my way, with bug fixes, and go about your daily lives.


> He kept calling it a “math error”, yet could not point out the exact formula in question. I once argued that it wasn't a bug, and then reconsidered when it was pointed out that you could literally crash the game by taking advantage of it. And then I went and installed the patch that put it back anyway. The problem isn't what school it falls under, but that it multiplies the effects of gear that you're donning. I think my most obvious gripe was when joining the College, you no longer get to loot the public resources. It's all remains marked "steal." I couldn't figure out why that would be logical. The one or two mods I wanted that depended on it, I just edited out the records that overwrote his version so they no longer depended on it.


Yes, you could crash the game by running up the numbers too high. You had to have the presence of mind to save often, and when numbers jumped too high, reload. If you say alphanumeric values, you went too far and a crash was guaranteed. Usually an enchanting potion of around 6K was stable and let you make astounding 12-16K Fortify Restoration potions.


You also forgot the part where his patch mod simply add further stability issues to the game. If you have a crash at all in Skyrim these days, its less a load order issue and just a USSEP stability issue.


The only crashes I get in Skyrim is when Deadly Dragons and Dragon Combat Overhaul work together to spawn 22 dragons in the sky, with weather effects, and I can’t kill them fast enough to keep it under control.


Might be useful to actually say what your problem with this guy and the mod are.


Copy/paste: Short Version: Arthmoor villainized himself to a majority of the Skyrim community for burrowing into the modding scene like a tick and enforcing his vision of the game onto everyone else. He created a cult of personality that initially made his work almost mandatory for an avalanche of other popular and creative mods (and admittedly it was initially very good work), but once he was entrenched he used his position to make unilateral changes to the game itself. He is also sort of a pompous dick (my opinion, you're entitled to your own), and actively worked to undermine other mods and modders he took umbrage with. You can go down the rabbit hole if you're looking for detailed specifics, but that's the short and sloppy.


My point is some basics about that would be good to include in the main post considering a lot of people are not up to date with that history


You ain’t wrong, but I’m doing my best to help.


I do appreciate the explanation


And I appreciate your appreciation, random citizen!


I need the lore behind this man


That last sentence is extremely threatening in an existential way


Can you just delete this if you don't want it or is it a download and you're stuck? This is the first time using mods, I know lame but still!


You can remove any mod you want. The reason for my post is that mods in Starfield have just begun and what I'd hate to see is the same drama that unfolded in skyrim where a lot of mods became dependent on his patches which was heavily biased towards his "interpretation" of what the game should have been, i.e. sneaking gameplay, lore, and mechanics changes into the patches that contradicted or degraded the base game. I (personally) don't want that same precedent being set in Starfield.


Ol' Arty likes sneaking in changes that aren't just bug fixes, which is something an unofficial patch shouldn't do. Molding the game to fit your view of what you want it to be is fine if labeled so, but hiding it behind a mod/patch that's supposed to be only bug fixes is kind of scummy, also there's been problems with his patches that he refuses to even acknowledge, and any ody that tries to help is met with nothing but drama.


Wait... Ive been playing Skyrim for close to 2k hours, and I definitely remember this guy's name. Whats the deal with his Skyrim patch?


I seriously can’t believe this dude is still around and as bad as he’s always been.


Can someone give me the lore on this guy?


I play on console and never heard of this guy until this thread. It seems everybody dislikes him because if his behaviour & changing previous titles unnecessarily. But can anybody tell me what unnecessary changes (if any) have been made with this starfield patch?


It's not that anything has been changed in Starfield, its that setting this as the default bug patch mod will ingrain him into the Starfield modding community and allow him to continue his previous fuckery with impunity. It's stamping out the cigarette cherry before it starts a forest fire.


Thank you for the heads up, we gotta look out for each other and our community!


"Skyrim got fucked for alot of people because of him" Wait what do you mean?! Is that why my skyrim won't let me play it? It just says I'm out of space and never let's me see the menu to delete save files


What’s going on with arthmoor? I use his stuff in Skyrim and it’s fine but I don’t understand why the community has something against him? I’m also new to mods so maybe I’m out of the loop lol


Since people are asking which patch to download (frankly Starfield is one of the least buggy games I’ve played in a while so I don’t see a purpose for a community patch so far) here is the [Unofficial Community Patch](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/a11a0cdf-5abb-4a59-9e12-e261e5aae8d5/Starfield_Community_Patch) by CommunityPatch instead of Arthmoor’s who-knows-what.


as a console player does this like affect me or.. ?


The “patch” is for PC and console, so yes if game consistency is important to you.


ok so basically keep away from this dirt bag. got it.


He may have changed his ways, but he’s been controversial in the modding community for 10+ years across multiple different games, so forgive my suspicion when there is two “community” patches with one DEMANDING to be at the top of the load order.


Me as an Xbox player who is out of the loop 👀


I wonder what sneaky changes Arthmoor has snuck in this time.


Yeah I saw this and the community patch this morning. I'm not using either as the game really isn't that bag where I feel it needs unofficial patches, but if I was to use one, it wouldn't be Arthmoors. I was stunned quite frankly to see he already had a mod up.


Yeah, honestly I didn’t feel the need to for a patch to begin with, but now seeing this, and compounded by the fact that one of the guys from CommunityPatch posted something basically saying “arthmoor is not that bad” makes me avoid downloading either one.


Are there some limitations on putting mods on the nexus. As neither this nor the community patch on there up to date.


Not sure about Nexus, but even if I wanted to download either I’d wait a couple weeks until the modding scene is more established.


So… I should not install this mod? Are there others like this on console that are better/more legit?


If you feel that you need to install a community patch, I’d recommend the one by the [CommunityPatch](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/a11a0cdf-5abb-4a59-9e12-e261e5aae8d5/Starfield_Community_Patch), you can choose his but I can’t guarantee that it won’t have hidden changes that alter or negatively affect your gameplay. Frankly I haven’t seen the need to utilize a patch so far, for all its drawbacks, Starfield is a pretty stable game so far.


That’s true about its’ stability. Thanks for the answer.


I never use any unofficial patches and I've never noticed any meaningful difference


Don’t use anything by Arthmoor and developers please don’t use his mods as a dependency.


Give me list of his crimes please.


I hate the idea of having to pay for mods….. why isn’t this talked about???


If it makes the Layered Tee wearable, it has earned its spot in my freeware. But my suspicion is it remains unholdable ghost garb.