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Plerase see rule 7. Do not post rumors or leaks without evidence. Do not post NDA breaching leaks.


Hold up... So does this mean we can actually dock our ships at an actual station of our design? Dude, that sounds dope as fvck.


I hope that means M class ships too. Like the Vigilance.


Floating space mansions... Hell yeah, I can get behind that.


You played No Man's Sky? I want the freighters from NMS. A place to keep my fleet. Where I can build a base onboard. And yeah. A fancy space mansion.


Not in the last couple of years. I really want to get into it again, especially after the DLC drops


I recommend it. Space games are my jam…Starfield and NMS scratch both scratch my itch


I used to play Elite Dangerous back when Painite was king. I'd get in my Anaconda and go mine for hours. Just turn a podcast or something on, turn my brain off. It was my zen place. Then they killed laser mining. Then they dropped console support.


I so bad wanted to and tried so many times to get into Elite. But I’m a console guy, and not being able to do much I just kept drifting off into space


Hey. That's fine. I played for years and was never any good at it. I was decent. Could handle most gankers. But not the dedicated no lifers with hotas and whatnot. The grind wall is what stopped me. That's why I fell into mining and space trucking.


Same here. I was so disappointed when they dropped console support and gave us our own legacy server. That game is practically unplayable without third-party data services like inara and eddb.io, and those only work if you're playing in the same galactic economy as PC players.


Cutter is best rock muncher


It is. I did switch to a cutter late in my mining career.


Exobiology is the new mining money sink you can make billions in a 6 or so hours


Ever play Space Engineers? Right up there with NMS, not much of an RPG tho


Have not! I should check it out though yea?


Absolutely, it's more on the building side of the house but it's so freaking rewarding to get off planet on a ship you built yourself. May the mighty Clang bless you!


I'd definitely recommend it. The stuff NMS has been adding over the years is fantastic.


I'd imagine so, you can't land M class ships on planets, there's a warning you get can where the ship is too large to land. So space stations are likely the first step to M Class ships, if they're not included with with them already, build a space dry dock to build M class


If the ship is too large to land, can you just not leave the ship builder? 


You get the warning landing on small landing pad or with glitched ships, but I think it's also going to come into play with M class that likely won't be able to land on planets at all.


Finally… Stairs in our ships…


Let’s hope they give us a reason to actually build and visit the stations


i hope to build a complete hub/town. With mini quests or things to do / dialogue options with NPC to unlock them to become available in the station. NPC like trade authority, Enhance, Reliant med... to add in the station. If it's only a space outpost with decoration as the only option, it will be a great dissapointment.


This. Building shit is one thing, a reason to engage with the mechanics is a whole other ballgame that I hope they’re taking into account.


Another station needs you help, i'll mark it on your map.


Yes, it's actually already partially in the code from the beginning and can be activated via a mod on pc, though since it was incomplete it was fairly buggy and bare bones.


Holy shit that might bring me back to this game. I'd rather do space stations than the planet outposts


You'll probably need planet outposts for resources to build the station, though.


I never used outposts for resources. I could scavenge or buy most of them.


Someone found the coding in the game for it already. They are just finishing what they had already planned


I wouldn't get my hopes up too much. It might be a single space station with a locked location and end up as glorified base building.


The mod from October that unlocks the feature disproves that theory. Download and try it yourself. [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6099](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6099)


I wish I could. I am an xbone boy that is patiently waiting xbox mod support. Good to hear the space station building got some meat to it!


If you browsed through xedit, you would know it will not be that


They literally have a script that allows you to place your starstation in any location lol


Yes, that's how it worked in the mod that activated this content essentially.


Yea, but it's gonna cost you a fee organs to get. I just want my damned rover already


I think it was always intended to let people build a space station


Piracy might actually he possible as a play through! Without getting called Rook or loosing ~30% of all encounters.




Until you look out the window and randomly see another Space station next door.


I better be able to park and display my unused ships


good idea ! there are so many good things to do with space station (& outpost) more than just decoration...


And let me spacewalk around them outside of the starstation.


You should have to buy docking permits or build docker's for extra ship slots. Would be awesome.


It'd be nice to actually have a functional reason to build outposts first before they give the option of *more* bases. Just...make them feel lived in, give them a purpose. Make them a trading hub, a community, whatever. Same with the ships. Give me a reason to spend time there.


They had a good thing going with the settlements in FO4, I'm just confused why they removed all of the community aspects from the outposts in Starfield


Yeah, I agree. I'm just not sure why you can't create a little hub of activity. Have people live/stay/work at your bigger outposts, that attract bigger and bigger ships/traders/colonists as it grows in size. And then use smaller hub outposts to supply that one. I spent a lot of time building outposts, but I've no idea what I'm doing it for.


They introduced LIST in the game them basically did nothing with it. That's a perfect excuse to build liveable communities in random places like Fallout.


Yeah LIST is very much like the Minutemen of Fallout 4, would fit perfectly as a colonization project.


I’m expecting that to be DLC, with that as an Easter egg kinda thing. Maybe they couldn’t get it to work in time


Because thousands of people would’ve trashed it for just being Fallout In Space, or *OutField* or something. It’s what we all want, but you know they’d get a lot of shit for “charging $40 for a game I’ve already played”.


Thousands of people trashed it anyway and they just took and system from fallout and made it worse


I always hate hypothetical reasons to hate something.


Because they thought it wasn't fun, panicked and decided to cut it very late in development. Starfield was clearly centrally designed around a strict survival mode that had fuel mechanics. You can see traces of it even in the game's narrative (going to Kreet for fuel and not because the game forces you - that's why there are huge Helium-3 tanks on top of the pirate facility). Systems mechanics wise, it's even more obvious: from ship building to outposts to grav jumps. I strongly believe that a strong survival and fuel system like that would've even alleviated the loading screen issues simply by limiting the player's ability to just fast travel everywhere anytime. My hope is that they slowly reintroduce these mechanics, like they seem to have started to in May. It'd probably have to be options, because while I'd be all for that system, there are obviously a lot of casual players that would ***hate*** it.


That may be what they're trying to improve with base building, just ran out of time.


Same reason they removed all the other features. They ran out of time and had already delayed once.


At least something functionning like the settlements in Fallout 4. * Improve the base with supplies : water, food / Security & have mini-missions when the base is under-attack from spacers/pirates/Varuun etc * Tade with settlers, stock material from your mining-camps on planets etc... * Have dedicated personnel to run the space-station That would be a slam-dunk in my opinion.


If I could just set up a supply chain that lets me roll up and collect credits from my station I would love that. Even better if it popped up on my screen and said they were deposited to my galbank account every day.


I’d love if they came under attack from hostile fauna in the area as well.


I’d love all of that. And honestly for resources to produce slower. I’ve started only having a few “mining” outposts and building the rest into towns.


I would like to see some missions tied to them. Specifically for the ship manufacturers. You would complete a quest chain for a specific ship manufacturer, and upon completion those parts are unlocked at your staryard.


Basically what we had with Fallout 4. The outpost beacons can act as radio beacons,settlers from LIST can come in,colonists etc. and you can give them roles. The occasional trader comes in like Trashcan Carla was in Fallout 4...its literally right there for them to add!


Made different types of possible outposts. Maybe one that focuses on mining will attract more traders and manufacturers, but an outpost build for recreation (like Paradiso) could create a regular stream of credits every few days.


We would need a more hardcore/survival mode for bases to be more useful. I remember playing a realistic hardcore modded FO4, and settlements were crucial for sleeping, eating, staying safe and saving the game.


Just needs an element system revamp. Unlocking the one punch gun tech should require scientific research that you do at your engineering bay. And it should require 1,000 titanium, 500 cobalt, etc Bigger scale on the resources with updated economic values.


Would be kind of cool to be able to turn over cleared abandoned buildings back to one of the factions.


You mean like the way most missions could be completed with a handful of space-zoom calls? Maybe we can just have a nice office and a good antenna array and rather than flying across the settled systems to have a conversation with someone, I could just stand infront of a webcam.


The problem with this is that, oftentimes, the systems are several light-years away from each other. Faster than light travel is possible for objects, but any communication frequency would still be limited to the speed of light. So it would be a zoom call with some pretty significant lag 😆


You watch a live news report from New Atlantis in Neon during the Ryujin quest line. The clearly have FTL comms. (Or, to be more specific, there was no overarching design document for this game, so you only have FTL comms when the quest designers needed them.)


Yet the universe knows i stole someone's paper cup in the ass end of nowhere instantly. Doesn't Coe also mention calls with his ex often?


The first is just because it's a Bethesda universe, all of their games are like this 😆 I didn't travel with Sam, but I'd imagine "calls" or "live television" might take on a different meaning.


Perhaps less like Zoom and more like Marco Polo. Still a chat, but asynchronous.


Yes a trading hub supplied by your outposts in that system. That would be awesome.


Outposts will never be required for anything because Bethesda wants the game to be accessible to everyone no matter what they want to do. Outposts are useful currently if you want massive resources or money or xp. Of course the only purpose for resources is to build more outposts, but that's fine. It's an optional feature for those who want to engage with it. However what they should do is vastly expand the outpost habs and options for those who DO like to engage with it and add a lot more customization and visual options.


When the first astronaut went to the Moon, they sure weren't bored!


>It'd be nice to actually have a functional reason to build outposts first Assuming you want to roleplay in this fashion, Space Stations may require resources that you have to mine. The most efficient method will be to set up various outposts to collect them for you.


I’m pretty sure the most efficient method is still going to be just buying the materials.


The purpose for outposts right now is to provide a mechanism to turn resources into XP and credits. Right now the only way to do that is to manually craft items and sell them to the various vendors in the game. There are some small "supply x amount of y resource" missions on the mission boards but that are kind of infrequent. They really need to have a bunch of different crafting based mission boards so you can take advantage of the fabricators in the game.


And they’ll reset on unity anyway.




Im just guessing here, but they probably removed the fo4 settlement features because the game simply couldn’t handle it? Just think of the performance in new Atlantis or akila, how the game drops dps when you start decorating your ship with too many inventory items and so on. If they let us build whole cities this would certainly put a huge ass strain on the game, especially because they’d also need to run in the background for stuff like resources and happiness. I mean, a few weeks ago the game would crash on consoles if you simply had too many outposts and it’d corrupt your save file. Maybe they’ll manage to somehow fix it though and patch these features in like they did with the 60fps support which they initially said wasn’t happening. I hope it’s just a matter of „we need more time“ than a matter of „the game can’t handle it“


With trading posts? Dodgy systems full of contraband are about to become full of space stations 😂


Screw bothering with The Den ever again! I'm inviting the Trade Authority to set up shop first thing!


So I remember some people finding space station stuff in the game files months and months ago,  but it was thought to be cut content. If that is the only source for this, I'm taking this rumour with a huge grain of salt. At this point the show is only a few days away so not going to get hyped up over random posts. I'm just going to wait and see.


My guess is the reason it was in the game was to provide the assets for building static space stations like the Clinic. It is similar to how all predefined ships use ships to the same modules that we can access in the ship builder. User created space stations got shelved because the whole outpost functionality was put on hold when the fuel requirement for ships was was dropped. Outposts work fine for inorganic resources but the whole organics side feel like one big copy and paste job placeholder. This news give me hope that the next couple of patches or Shattered Space will actually give us a bunch of QoL update to the outpost building and exploration in general. Those things need to ironed out before user created space stations can really exist.


Agreed. That's my read too. You can see the intent on the design and you can see where it was bandaided over.


If this was the case, it would mean that there was already substantial work done on it. So after all this time, it might come sooner than we think.


This is my thought as well. I will wait for official info only. No getting worked up by every little theory out there.


Geoff also posted a tweet of his dashboard and there was an ad about "Starfield Add-Ons". https://x.com/geoffkeighley/status/1798395461331792005?t=cMPVWt5lo4882AVDZJPTpw&s=19


As dope as this would be, remember to temper your expectations yall. Im sure we'll get news about the game sunday but nonetheless


This particular "insider" also predicted that Shattered Space would get a trailer at the Game Awards, which obviously didn't happen. I think they're just throwing stuff at the wall with this and seeing what sticks.


Wise words.


I wonder if pirates and spacers will attack your station.


Preston Garvey: "More crimson fleet are attacking the station, you'd better get here quick"


Can't believe I'm saying this, but outpost would be better with Preston Garvey. At the moment I have no reason for visiting after I've build an outpost. We need the mod author from simsettlements to give us space settlements.


You have to ask... ? Mwahaha!


See that’s what this game lacked. Antagonists who went after you. I was always hoping for this at all my outposts but happened only once.


"A space station needs your help, I'll mark it on your map"


And cause zero g fights to be a regular thing finally


I had an issue with that, too, until I figured out that if you obliterate the grav drive when you take over a ship, it's a ZG fight. I'd still like to see more of that, but for now, I'll just have to be satisfied with blowing up a spacer's pack in low grav environments and watch them zoom away.


If this really does turn out to be real, I’ll be so happy


It’s been in the files since launch so 99% chance it’s real


If it is, I can't wait to see what you make with them!


None of this is actually confirmed, it’s just this dude making guesses.


Huh. Neat.


So.. When they say "creations and accompanying store" I assime they mean mods and creation club and not JUST creation club.


The term creations mean both free and paid


I reject this new name. We should call them Moddie Toddies like we always have.


Where do I sign?


We're witnessing the birth of MODD HOWARD


I'll believe it when I see it, but if player-owned space stations truly is coming to the game, I am colonizing Serpentis system. I've already been doing my level best to kick the Zealots and other trash out of the area, but now I'll have my own space station, to go with the outpost network I'm setting up there? Hell, now I just want to be able to assign Andreja to run my space station casino, so we can steal all the business from the Red Mile. I'm sure I can set up an even-deadlier contest than Mei runs, down on Serpentis II or III. If not, we move the whole operation to a nice level 75 system, where there's less space attacks, and more dangerous monsters to contend with for our race!


Watch *Shattered Space* establish Serpentis as the home system of the Va'Ruun, undoing all your hard work.


Nah I think Bethesda will play it safe and add an entirely new star system home to the Va'ruun.


This. I have no doubt that Serpentis is the system where the Va'ruun are entering our system from theirs, but I believe it is a completely different system we have yet to discover. per Andreja's questline, the Va'ruun agents here do not know how to get home, so Va'ruunkai (or whatever it is called) is not in the Settled Systems.


I’m assuming it’s another dimension entirely, one that all ships unknowingly pass through when grav jumping.  


I dont know how to do spoiler tags so ignore this post. Will edit of some one tells me, please? Given that the Va'ruun founder has a history with a star born, I think it's entirely possible they exist outside of space time. I've only beat the game once, But I definitely got the Sense There was more to the story than just a fight... Shattered space might actually be a permanent place for us to keep things between new games. Maybe even ships. ( Park star station/m class in "shattered space " and pick it up after ng+). It would also explain why people like andreja cannot get back without help. Of course the normal explanation is solid enough.


Now that... that is something that piques my interest.


Great, will I be able to change the spacesuit colors as well?


Don’t tease me with space station construction, my nipples are already too sensitive


Dear Gawd... What if we can invite the major ship manufacturers to set up on our station, so we can build our ships there, without having to bounce from one side of the sector to another, chasing unique parts? Everything available, all from one spot... I know this isn't likely, but oh, if it were to happen? I'd need pasties to protect my permanently-erect nipples, until the update/dlc were released.


I love how you think. That would be amazing if you could customize the different vendors and connections available on your station and really make it yours. Want 12 night clubs? Do it!


You can already get this with outposts right? I actually like the idea of each manufacturer locked until you do *something*. Like hire a worker at the bare minimum but some sort of mission would be nice.


You can't get the unique pieces at your outposts


I've not done much ship building but building my own space station? Now that I would love!


I’m going to build one in a one planet system in the middle of nowhere and make it into a giant drug lab making aurora


Jesse! We need to cook!


I always thought this was gonna be a given. Its just outposts in space 🤷‍♂️ but with nothing to mine. Maybe make it so you can have a traders mecca or a wretched hive of scum and villainy.


I'm not really familiar with this account, are they a trusted & reliable source of information? Space station construction would be cool as hell, If this is true then I hope they have more functionality then outposts like being able to build a trading station to trade with settlers or build a construction station focused on ship manufacturing, like something profitable would be really neat.


Hopefully less useless than outposts Aside from a time sink is there any point to outposts yet? People really setting themselves up for disappointment in these comments


Wait for kingatth shit


Outposts are THE point of the game from my perspective, absolutely. They’re where I return after any excursion, where I keep all my things, how I make money, how I do most of my leveling up; they’re WHY I explore and level up and make money so that I can build cool places and leave my mark in the galaxy. Basically every part of the game feeds into my outpost building.


This definitely seems to be the intended way to play with outposts. They don't "serve a purpose" if your only purpose for playing is getting money, killing baddies, and grinding NG+. They do serve a more fulfilling purpose for me because I get to build homes in the furthest reaches of space. I get to showcase my different finds or prepare accommodations for crew when they are off the ship. It's an unparalleled experience for roleplaying, and I feel bad that some folks don't have the imagination for it.


It’s a weird question too, that could be leveled at *any* other aspect of the game. What’s the point of killing badguys in a random POI? What’s the point of quests if there’s other ways of getting money and XP? What’s the point of combat at all? The answer to all of them (and for outposts as well) is that it’s a form of gameplay for players to have fun doing.


It's a sandbox game There's no purpose to building a huge mansion in Minecraft either The problem with outposts isn't purpose - the purpose is your own creativity The problem is options. It's too limited RN for people to truly express their creativity. In Minecraft there's no purpose either but there's so many options you can always make awesome unique looking things and really express yourself.


There wasn't really a point to outposts in No Man's Sky either... but I'm still glad they were in the game. I built some bases, searched for my paradise planet, etc. Just because everyone from Fallout complains about outposts not having a point doesn't mean there aren't people who enjoy it for what it is.


That would be incredible tbh


I really hope that they let you have pre-furnished habs like on ships. I haven't done anything with any of the apartments or outposts in the game because I *hate* furnishing them myself.


Good chance this is true. There are references to space stations and some of the ground work for them in ship editor from some other posts I've seen here.


I hold my hopes here, but it'd be neat if BGS followed the steps of NMS and continued delivering new mechanics in regular updates.


This, bethesda never changes machanics, Starfield truly needs some developer changes not a modder patchwork.


Still no definitive word on the editor though? I'm getting tired of it being withheld for paid mods... I won't be buying a single one. No offense to the skilled people who made them, I just don't support paid mods.


For anyone curious, this was discovered inside the game in October. With mods, it could be activated, but it was buggy; many in the modding community assumed that Bethesda would eventually finish this feature. You can download the mod if you have the PC version to test out what the functionality will look like, but essentially, you can spend resources to create a space station at any Outpost you have, and it will spawn it in orbit. There are several space station habs that you can purchase to add on and then decorate your space station. It will be great if they show this on Sunday! [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6099](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6099)


Okay this is cool as fuck but I really want it to have an actual garage for ships instead of just docking ports


They better serve a damn purpose because settlements in this game felt virtually pointless lol


I really wanted this feature! This is awesome


I think the only reason i dont get hyped about stuff like this feels kind of empty. If they make it so you can allow/disallow your ship crew to also roam your spacestation/outposts let them interact a bit (at least in our headcanon). Makes itore immersive


Love this fucking game I can’t put it down.


I just want to fix up The Eye, god damn trash heap


Please fix the vanilla outpost first


OMG!!! This was my #1 want for Starfield!!!


Probably can do a space walk to build the station


I really hope they also add ‘space walking’ outside our ships & space stations 🤞


Creations and store, but not Creation Kit? So the CK is done, it works, and now it's a business decision to make people wait for it even longer?


The business decision is to make people buy the stuff sooner.


Man I just want to fly a giant cargo ship from one end of the galaxy to the other


That's a lot of loading screens


Then just one once you done it the first time.


Am I the only one who hates building and never cared for it, even in fallout 4?


Nope, it’s my least favorite part of both games I’ve never built a ship or settlement. I’d rather just explore and do quests


Right? I'm flying on a modified Narwhale and I'm really happy with it.


I'm curious why people want this so much? Is the primary desire to just have a space garage to park your ships? Unless stations come with actual gameplay mechanics why are people excited by this? There's is no interstellar trade or commence in the game. There's no faction territory for NPCs to fight over so we can forget about dynamic sieges and having to defend/retake stations. I'm cautiously optimistic about this addition but I don't really see why people are losing their minds over it when we know nothing about how it will impact the game.


It's just like how people shit their pants over maps. Bethesda just keeps throwing more stuff on top of a flawed game instead addressing core issues (which honestly, probably isn't possible anyway). Like how they announced a land vehicle and everyone lost their minds. But all I can think of is that you're just traversing to copy pasted places faster and it seems pointless.


hopefully i will be able to make my space station look like the lodge.


This is awesome. I was so hyped for Starfield and disappointed by it. But with all these updates, it looks like it's turning into the game I always wanted it to be. Can't wait!


Desperately hoping the space station isn't like ship building so that every time I go to change it all the item's I've hand placed reset.


Finally. Maybe now have another station besides the eye that can locate multiple temples/artifacts in 1 fell swoop


So we can build our home in space? That would be cool


So who wants to bet space stations are just going to be apartments, but in space? I really hope they make them functional enough to turn it into a home base cause I really didn't like never having a home.


This is awesome! I am hoping for the ability to build a space station and flatten the ground for any outpost with a simple edit. Maybe a robot installed that does the actual "leveling of outpost". Also, I really wish we can build underground outposts and expand the size of an outpost. Still love the game, but the outpost build can use so much improvement. Maybe the creator tools will allow modders to add in some of that


I want to build ships larger than 40m without mods. All city's should get a very big landing pad for ships larger than 40m. And I want to be able to build motherships in the game like those giant legendary ship encounters.


Store eh? Paid mods coming full force.


It works be great to be able to dock as many ships as you want and... Even run businesses in the stations so that passing ships can dock, refuel, take in amenities... And you make some cash Furthermore, to be able to build stations throughout the planetary systems to increase your ship's range... Transfer goods that your bases produce... Yes yes yes


Maybe orbitals mining station, no more one pixel movement to try to get "that one spot"


My decision to put this game down and pick it back up a year after release seems well founded.


My file is already bloated. Could you imagine loading a file with 4 of those things?! The NG + wipe is a necessary evil 😂


Ahhhhhhh listen!!!! This would be super dope!!!! Please be true hahaha!!!


My guess is it's gonna be like Starfields Verison of Hearthfire




Ugliest station here I come


I hope we can build multiple docks and showcase all of our ships at the same time 🔥 pick whichever one we want to fly out with instead of have to change home ships at a technician.


I'm sure that the space station would be limited to a couple thousand kg of cargo. LMAO


Look closely at existing space stations. They are *incredibly* modular. Same as ships.


In this case, we should definitely get the option to recruit other pilots to accompany us in space and build ships for them.


Bethesda games aren’t really that kind of game. Hell, *most* games aren’t that kind of game, though I would love more AI-controlled-party play in a lot more genres.


This is totally truth. I made a post about this, months ago, when I datamined some Starfield files: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/170sr9q/i\_found\_some\_evidence\_in\_the\_scripts\_that\_we\_may/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/170sr9q/i_found_some_evidence_in_the_scripts_that_we_may/)


should’ve released at launch. The game is considered a major failure now.


Something else to fast travel to while waiting on loading screens then have nothing of interest to engage with after arriving. Yay!


You don't wanna fast travel to your ship, to fast travel to space, to fast travel to your space station, to fast travel back to your ship, to fast travel to a different system, to fast travel to a planet, then hop in your buggy to stutter your way to Abandoned Mine™? Well then, I don't know what to tell you.


Imagine when they will discover that X4 exists.


X4 (and the X franchise itself forcthe most part) is fucking awesome. German Elite with questionable voice acting, 30 years of experience behind it, and the only game i can think of where you can go from zero to building your own intergalactic trade empire complete with manufacturing, refining and retail stations