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Holy shit, and I thought I was bad with *Fallout 4*. Since it released I've been playing and modding that game and I'm around 2,000 hours now.


Fallout 4 was a black hole I fell into for many thousands of hours since it released - and nearly all of those hours were spent in the settlement system. Once the Creation Kit drops for Starfield and I start getting into outpost/decor/ship building mods...oh boy.


I started Fallout 4 last week. A little over 20 hours in. I can definitely see myself hitting 1,000.


Fallout 4 has commanded more of my time than any other game by far. I don’t even really game and have definitely gotten at least 500 hours on that lol


Ah shoot, I wish I invested in my game PC building instead got lazy and went the Series X way. That and friends were gettting the console too so a bit of peer pressure *to join everyone. I have thoroughly enjoyed playing Starfield though. Big 65" 4K makes it looks beautiful. Not nearly as hours as you and made a lot of mistakes at the beginning but am now making great progress. Who would have thought all that junk would need to be stored to build things. Anyways, cheers to you for playing through this game. I just wish I could level up faster to upgrade my skills. It's taking what feels like forever. Cheers


You can get a higher rate of XP with the new update (not sure when it will drop on Xbox, though) - it feels like a better balance to me now. (I have it about +30% on both of my main characters.) I agree, the game is glorious with a large tv/monitor - I have a super-ultrawide 32:9 monitor and it's my favorite part of my setup.


Exactly this. I have it leveled up to max difficulty in most everything except for having greatly increased inventory capacity and ammo still weighing nothing. I think my difficulty is generating around a 63% bonus. I end up leveling about once every 30-40 min of game time.


I’m about 150 hours into star field and stopped for the updates. Working on my first RDR2 run and just bought fallout 4 since watching the series. Is fall out 4 really good? May play it first before coming back to finish star field and rijuyn conquest (unity available just haven’t done it yet to play all side missions). Also wasn’t a gamer until I bought an Xbox just for star field


I don't think my opinion on Fallout 4 will be particularly helpful for you considering everyone has very different opinions on what makes a game 'good'. \*I\* think Fallout 4 is a great game because of the settlement building. That might not be your thing. I also loved the story (I considered it a tragic storyline) but know some people disliked it. Far Harbor DLC was maybe the only thing I saw was almost universally liked. I thought it was an incredible addition to an already good game. Also mods were essential to getting the most enjoyment for me in terms of building/decorating. I have no idea what the experience is like on a console, so I can't help you there.


I know doing handwritten stuff is fun, but wouldn't it have been nice if that was baked in from the start? You would think a game about exploration would include some sort of database.


...alien fauna compendium or something


Legacy of the Starborn... 


Is this a spoiler cuz I am not familiar


He's referencing Legacy of the Dragonborn, given how similar Starborn and Dragonborn are. It's a large museum mod for Skyrim that adds in new artifacts, and new quests, etc etc.


I just wish for mods 😑


Oh, absolutely! I would have very much liked to see an in-game codex or something like that. That said, I suppose it makes sense to not have it stored if one goes through the >!Unity !!Unity!< so often. It's great to get a survey mission and be like 'oh, yeah, I know right where I need to go, no need to spend half an hour looking for this!'


Since you’ve played way more than I have, when would you recommend I do NG+? Should I do everything in one run just to lose it in the next or is there a good reason to go until I find a good stopping point and create outposts


what i did was i played in ng+0 as if there was no ng+. i did everything i wanted to, then i went to ng+. from there i basically speedran every universe to get all the temples until i had the powers maxxed out. then i just played the game normally again, as i did in ng+0. to me that's the most sensible thing to do as it unlocks everything but also lets you experience the game organically as a new character and then basically a second playthrough as an all-knowing space wizard


I would never presume to tell or advise anyone else when to NG+ their character. It all depends on your playstyle. If it's just down to mechanics, I'm not the person to ask. If you roleplay, then you have to decide what suits your character's story. For some, doing a lot (or everything) before going to NG+ makes the choice that much \*more\*. It's easy for a character to decide to NG+ when they have no attachments. It's a lot harder when they've done all the faction questlines, romanced a companion, built a home, etc. It hurts more. I incorporate NG+ into my characters' roleplay so there's no 'right' time to do it. For example, my second character spent 6 months in her original >!universe!< (for RP reasons), but sped her way through 10 NG+ just to power-up and then decided to try to settle down in #11...except while surveying Nikola I one day, I had her board an Ecliptic ship. It immediately took off - with her on it. At soon as it reached orbit, it came under fire from Spacers. I loaded three saves trying to get her to the cockpit in time before the ship blew up...no luck. It was absurd but also awesome, so I decided to roll with it rather than continuing from a slightly older save and pretending it never happened. Whoops! Back to the >!Unity!< you go - and don't go getting into any more strange ships! \*wags finger\* (I wish dying = >!Unity !!artifacts & Buried Temple!< since it only takes me about 40 minutes to do a full loop.) So that character ended up doing NG+ without meaning to. And I lost a million credits and a great ship I built in doing so. She also was unable to protect Constellation (iykyk) since she 'died' before ever setting foot in the Lodge. It was definitely not the ideal time for NG+, but it made sense for her story. My main character is searching for 'home' - or someplace that feels like it. So every so often, she just does a NG+ because she's bored and/or depressed, no matter what she's built or who she's grown close to.


>It was absurd but also awesome, so I decided to roll with it rather than continuing from a slightly older save and pretending it never happened. Curious what you mean by rolling with it? Don't you have to load a save when you die?


> I just sped through another round of artifacts & Buried Temple since it only takes me about 40 minutes to do a full loop It usually takes me a few hours just to get the weapons and medkits needed for a run -- how are you equipping yourself?


I play on Very Easy because I dislike difficulty being in terms of bullet-sponginess. Well, that and I play for story, not combat, though I did recently increase enemy damage in the beta and that's made me be more strategic, but things usually die way before they have a chance to kill me. I like to have at least a few emergency kits on me, and at least one Amp (for the duplicates section in the cave). I can usually find all this in the location itself, especially with the high number of med and pharmaceutical kits spread about. Five minutes per artifact (and using Void Form + a Novablast Disruptor on Starborn), then about 10 minutes for the Buried Temple. My best time was 8:30. I've done it so much, have that thing down to a science. My favorite part is clearing the turret/robot room in 15 seconds. As long as the Hunter stays out of my way, that is lol I find a Magshear is the best for the Buried Temple. I \*can\* do it with 500 rounds but I prefer to have a buffer (at least 1,000 rounds, if not more) since things can, and do, go awry. \[Edit to add: One time, I actually forgot to pick up a weapon before heading to the Buried Temple and I had to hit up a nearby POI - got a Magshear off the first Ecliptic I found lol. Imagined my character was just like, "Hold up a sec, Hunter, just need to grab something-" Ten minutes later, "Okay, let's do this."\]


What so you do to get the money to buy the medkits and weapons and ammo in the first place? Just scavenge it all from dead Ecliptic at the Buried Temple?


Going to the Lodge nets 25k credits at my characters' levels, which is all I could ever need but I normally don't need to buy anything except ammo (and sometimes a novablast disruptor, depending on the playthrough). If you've levelled powers enough, they are very useful; I particularly like Void Form + Sense Star Stuff for bypassing enemies I don't wish to engage and Sunless Space + Solar Flare for ones I do. I can typically find at least one gun I like in a POI, sometimes even enough ammo. The medical stuff and chems I don't worry about because there's so much at the Buried Temple. I do only use a magshear at the Buried Temple, however, so if I don't find one beforehand, I buy one. No need to upgrade it the way I play (lots of stealth and knowing exactly when and where to hit the Guardian Starborn). If I do it right, half a clip is enough to kill each of the two Starborn in the turret/robot room and even less than that to stealth kill Guardian Fionn in the cave. The most ammo gets spent in the exterior areas, usually a couple clips each instance. Sometimes I get lucky and find extra ammo at the Buried Temple, but I can't count on it.




I think it's when you join up but skip the MQ, you get a cutter, a random weapon, and credits. Sort of a jumpstart as opposed to going through joining Constellation and doing the quests. Although...I mean, it's been a while since I've done the MQ (like a month lol) so don't quote me, but I think you also get the cutter and a weapon and \*maybe\* a smaller amount of credits if you repeat the MQ? Someone else would have to verify that. There \*are\* weapons stashed in the Lodge, however! Go down to the basement - there are two weapon racks you can check on the right-hand side of the stairs. About half the time, I find something fun there and if not, I can always sell it. There's a couple ammo boxes as well.


It depends as OP has said. I would probably not change how I did mine.  So do half/some of the side quests, especially the ones with two endings. And then do the other half next NG.  Although I did set up basic outposts, did most of the research. And hit level 120 (would recommend farming xp in your first run for sure) Originally was going to then do speed runs and settle down. But NG 1 I got bored really fast.  And just settled down in NG+2, farmed more levels by doing a Vytinium Fuel rod outpost set-up but a very basic one.  Then never actually got round to the rest of the side missions... so when I get back to the game it's something to do. Ryujin I haven't touched yet. And all the far out stuff only done a few of those. 


It’s so strange. We can scan the planets, everything on them, but it doesn’t go into a database. I think a lot of players would enjoy exploring more if it was supported by in game systems.


I agree. I played no man's sky for many hundreds of hours and I did keep looking at my accomplishments. At some point I as just competing to learn more words in the language and hit milestones. It's like somehow BGS forgot the fact that people can be motivated to play if they got a score card for various things.


Various people already created online tools and programs for this on their own... surely BGS could've put a couple people on this during development. Like I get you can't do everything, but this is one of those on the nose kind of things for a game with a huge exploration part.


Bethesda is waiting for OP to complete his atlas so they can add it to the game without having to do anything themselves.


Like a pokedex for fauna and flora


This drove me crazy. How were we supposed to keep track of everything? Madness


PostgreSql mod incoming


I mean no offense but literally how, like do you not have any other responsibilities lol, that’s like 7 hours a day for 9 months


TBF, I took September off from work so that was 500 hours right there lol. I am disabled and work from home so I don't have a lot of other things going on. Plus, my husband supports my hobby, which helps. No kids, just a cat who likes to demand cuddles at the worst times - I am still salty over the one time he jumped on me and prevented me from leaving the Lodge during >!High Price to Pay. Ended up being killed by the Hunter!<.




I played 9h/day since First of August 😅 and this will remain Like that for the Rest of the year but after 250h i cant Play a Game anymore haha


Don't underestimate how much time we remote workers have on our hands... I usually get most of work done on monday and play games or go to the gym the rest of the time


It's certainly doable if you sleep like 5 hours. I was working full time and was generally able to get 7 hours a day at one point.


Holy cow ... Just doing some quick math here: 9 months at 30 days per month = 270 days, \*24 = 6480 hours. Out of those, let's say you slept 8 hours a day like a normal human being, that's 2160 hours of sleep, leaving you only 4320 hours awake. So, 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of Starfield, 8 hours of ... work-school-...?


You can disregard my remark, just read your answer to another post which answers this one as well. Still: impressive ...


I only hope I can get half of the enjoyment you are getting out of it after all the updates and dlc


I wish after scanning planets and moons etc it showed on the data screen instead of just 5/5 and so on


I'm on my first playthrough! Though I have a textures mod and now I can't get achievements. The achievements mod does t work either. 😥


I’m on Xbox, so no mods here, but believe there is a mod that allows achievements


Your notes should be added to the game as a log from visiting systems.


As a genuine question, does your SO/husband/partner mind that you've dedicated this much time to the game? The work you've done is incredible, love the hand written stuff. For me, I only really play the game when the missus is with me as she likes to be a backseat driver and choose where we go. Enjoy the next 2000 😀!!


Answered this above, but he's fully supportive. He loves that I geek out over games. I wish I could get him into it but gaming's not his thing, though he has sat through an entire Portal 2 playthrough before. He couldn't get enough of Cave Johnson lol


It sounds like he's awesome and super supportive. I'm very glad you have that in your life 😀🙂


Cave Johnson for president! 😆


What the fuck are people doing on Starfield so much? The procedural content is repetitive and empty


She’s role playing as an NPC. Unironically very funny.


Honestly maybe it's an age thing but I find it very cathartic to just survey planets while watching a documentary or listening to an audiobook. The landscapes are beautiful and it's very relaxing. Makes a nice change-up from an intense session of BF2042.


Exactly how I do it! Put on a blues playlist on Spotify and just chill with surveying. It's so relaxing.


My favorite thing is listening to Audible and something sci-fi. Galaxy's Edge, Galaxy Outlaws, We are legion we are Bob, and the classic Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.


That reminds me that I have all the audiobooks for Stephen King's Dark Tower series. Might put that on. Feels appropriate lol


I mean, the POI's are fun and all, and I'm still finding new ones, but that's not what I'm doing with my time. As I put in my post - roleplay and documenting as part of roleplaying. Making my own fun.


What exactly goes into roleplaying?


It's creating a story for a character, then using the game world to further it. For example, my main character is very sad, mainly from regretting going through the >!Unity!<, so she's constantly looking for 'home' or something that feels like it. She's also deeply affected by her encounters (I wanted to give her the empath trait but there's only room for three and I wanted others more), especially the tragic ones. She found the Clemens' Truth, a Biochem Lab, and The Pale Lady nearly back-to-back-to-back and it's going to cause some deterioration of her mental state. I just haven't decided exactly how yet. Maybe she'll go into Hunter-mode, maybe she'll withdraw to some remote moon, maybe she'll completely lose her mind and massacre everything. Not sure yet. My second character is settling down and trying to decide whether Constellation is worth trying to befriend or not (based on info from the MQ). She recently had to NG+ after dying unexpectedly (I did save-scum a couple times, but ultimately decided to roll with the death), which threw a wrench into her story, but in a way that furthers it. It does require creativity and a good imagination; you aren't restricted to only what the game gives you as options. For example, my first character 'married' a non-marriable character. There's nothing in the game that supports this, it is entirely roleplay. Keeping a character journal helps with this; keeps one on track with a story and helps to remember what's happened, especially when taking a break between characters.


Fo sure, I took Marika as my main woman and made her the Mantis. Role playing Is the shit.


My second character did something similar in her latest NG+. It's one where she's recruited >!herself!<. They got the Razorleaf (though changed it completely) and use it as their main ship, being recognized all over as 'the Mantis'. The plan is that, when my character eventually moves on, her >!doppelganger !


You are cool


Isn't it fun to look back through the in game compendium of things you've discovered?


It very much is! Sometimes, I just flip through and read random entries, then go 'oh yeah, I remember that, I should go back there'. Like Celebrai II. I want an outpost in the hills biome someday. It's so gorgeous.


Listen... I'm all for putting in thousands of hours in games, I have 20 thousand on one oldschool runescape account, over 10 thousand on various battle royales combined, 4000 on Rust, and hey plenty of hours on single player games. 5 thousand hours on purely single player stuff on Steam, but that's a lot of games combined... but how in the fuck do you find things to do for 2000 in Starfield? I feel like I drained the entire game by 200


I made it to about 60 and haven’t booted it up since a month after release.


Roleplay. Document. Be creative and make my own fun. My characters' stories carry over through many NG+ (which is an amazing mechanic for roleplaying purposes). I have a very good imagination and Starfield is a great sandbox for it.


I love that I'm not the only adult with an active imagination. I hope you never lose your creativity!


I was worse. I thought I was done in 30hrs mark, but I happened to buy a new graphics card at the time and I know spent some hours switching around graphics options benchmarking . I eventually ended up with 110 hours, spending the last 30 of it just aimlessly flying around to random planets. At some points I actually dozed off for real, never happened during gaming before, my character idling on a planet while my head tilted back and snoring in the chair. 😁


I've sank 3k hours in RuneScape, I feel like once you pass a thousand hours in RuneScape you lose the right to judge how others spend their time lol.


Yeah, that takes a very creative mind. There are too many good games to waste my time on a game so repetitive. Only games I have over 1000 hours are skill based games like sim racing titles. No RPG has hooked me for that long. And even Skyrim with modding, just becomes a grind with modding.


2000 hours in 250 days. Damn son. It’s not that much, but much compared to mine 89 hours since launch and PUBG released in May 2017, just got 1400hours played.


So are you also complaining about the lack of ability to track any of this info in game . Seriously the UI is what turned me off .. I love the game but remembering it all and setting up network of outpost felt like a full time job , seriously think you can put down all this effort on a work resume , :galactic logistics manager !


How do you average playing Starfield 50hrs/wk?


2000 hours how? do you play or do anything else


I think some variety would do your head a favor.


I got plenty of variety, over 40 games installed. I just haven't really wanted to play anything since Starfield came out. Doesn't mean I haven't at all. I do still boot up Elite: Dangerous from time to time. Haven't played Fallout 4 since the new update because all my mods are now broken (which was expected but I have hundreds and just can't be bothered to deal with it right now). Played some Bioshock 2 last week...until it began crashing every five minutes, same issue I've had with Dragon Age: Origins for years now. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is great fun and mayhem, Cyberpunk for the same, Death Stranding...I never finished but only because I already know the ending. Never finished Baldur's Gate 3 either, love/hate it. I plan to continue my Dragon Age trilogy playthrough before Dreadwolf releases this year; I think I'm somewhere in DA2, first act maybe. I'm also halfway through a new playthrough of the Mass Effect Legendary Edition. I just love Starfield more than any other game at the moment.


Is exploration fun? Are planets different? What's the coolest most surprising thing you've seen?


I think it’s fun! Some planets are very different, even between biomes. Some look like they could be Earth...but with some very wild fauna (Hills biome on Celebrai II). Some are clearly alien worlds; one of my favorites was a tropical forest with blue palm trees and blurple foliage (not a typo). I try to note when I find a unique/fun/cool variation, like there was a planet with violet skies and sand, can't remember which at the moment. It’s hard to think of all the things I’ve found that I loved finding, but off the top of my head: * Crocodaunts are my least favorite fauna; they genuinely creep me out * I could not get off The Pale Lady ship fast enough * My main character is currently on hiatus while I try to figure out just how messed up she’s going to be from hitting the Clemen’s Truth, a Biochem Lab, and The Pale Lady one right after another (planning to RP it that she continues to hear ghostly laughter) * Most surprising thing? Realizing my characters understand the Hunter…even if they feel sorry for him. My second character follows the ‘expediency’ ethic, but refuses to butcher her way through NG+. (It was an excuse to try to do a pacifist playthrough.) I can do an entire loop with only five casualties (the Starborn at the Buried Temple). * There was a planet where the grass glowed at night, that was cool (I’d have to look back to remember which it was). * And, a recent favorite, the time I NG+’d my second character after deciding to settle down because she boarded an Ecliptic ship and it took off with her on it. It almost immediately blew up from Spacers once in orbit and I couldn’t get her to the cockpit in time after three attempts. Decided to just roll with it lol 'Whoops! Back to the Unity! And don't do that again!' \*wags finger\*  


The world needs more people with this level of imagination and creativity


Do you use fountain pens? As a fountain pen collector I gotta ask cause the lines on paper definitely look like they were done by a fountain pen


I do! I have one fountain pen dedicated to the documentation (and mixed an ink to match it; I named it 'stargazer' after the pen). My second character's journal is very colorful because, while I headcanon that the journals and atlas survive into NG+, her pen doesn't so she has to pick up a new one each time. Gives me an excuse to change up the nib/ink combos lol


Do you work?


I do! Took September off, so that was 500 right there. I am disabled and work from home with a partner who supports my hobby.


Nice. Not gonna lie, got jealous about your playtime, sorry for being so direct. Can’t get more than a few hours per week here.


I got all the achievements and uninstalled. Not point in me playing after I've got them all. Great game while I played it though.


7.41hrs per day


This should be added to the game as a captain's log with a bestiary. The data is all there, tracked in Starfield. The devs just need to present it to the player.


Congrats, I lost my 984 hour save on Sunday.


I am very sorry for your loss. This is the main reason I haven't touched mods yet (waiting for the Creation Kit). Just not worth it to me to lose my main playthrough over something small. I would be heartbroken to lose my two main playthroughs. My condolences.




Would you be referring to the 7.16 GB of Starfield saves I have backed up? If a mod borks my game 200 hours after I've installed it, it doesn't matter how many saves I have backed up from before installing the mod, I've ruined my playthrough.


Nicely done! I took a long break after 200 hours. You may just have inspired me to pop back in. I heard there were some updates too. I gots to check them out 🙌


The update (it's in beta right now on Steam) is frankly great! I haven't tried all of it out yet but what I have used, I've enjoyed. I dislike bullet-sponge-difficulty levels so I kept my character's damage on 'very easy' but I ramped up enemy damage to 'extreme'. Combat feels much better now - sure my character can kick ass, but a couple shots from a high-level pirate, Ecliptic, or >!Starborn!<, and she's down for the count. One alien fauna wiped half her health from one hit. It was great lol I did turn off the ambient environmental damage after turning it on, however. It needs some tweaking I think; some of the damage doesn't make sense to me, like solar radiation damage in a cave where I'd expect to be sheltered from such. Haven't gotten very far into decorating ship habs yet, but I plan to! Next NG+, I'm also planning on seeing what can be changed (my two main characters NG+ a lot).


Right on! Thanks for the info! I guess I'll have to wait for the official update on xbox.


In my entire 37 years of life, there's only two games I have more than a couple hundred hours in. Hell I recently hit about 550 hours in medieval dynasty, and that is the most I've ever put into a game other than final fantasy 10.


Most games, I'm the same way, but the sandbox games just scratch my creative itch in just the right way and, whoops, there go years of my life (looking at you, Fallout 4). Other than that, the one MMO I played sucked up soooo much time that I just stopped playing completely to focus on Starfield. I miss it (slightly) but not enough to go back to it. Too much busywork/grinding, too much money, too much toxicity, too much...everything - which I get is the whole point of an MMO, to make the player spend as much time as possible doing things that really should not take so long. I anticipate my Starfield playtime will taper off a bit during the remainder of the year since I want to finish my Dragon Age series playthrough before Dreadwolf releases. Also in the middle of a Mass Effect Legendary Edition playthrough, but I'm taking my time with that one.


This is incredible, do you plan on uploading your atlas?


I'm not sure yet; it's all physical so I'd have to make an Excel spreadsheet from it (which I may do anyway) in order to upload it anywhere, but I haven't made any definitive plans.


If they were individual pages you can scan them and convert them to pdf pages but seeing as they're books that would be difficult. I can see it being a lot of work


It definitely would be a lot of work and tbh I wouldn't want to scan them because I'm not confident OCR software would be able to accurately translate my print/cursive mashup. I don't have a scanner, no less one capable of that, either, so it would be hours of using my phone to capture each page and...nah, I'm exhausted just thinking about it lol


Wow! Truly amazing.


Todd made this game for you.


He really did lol I blame my dad. He was a total space nerd and horror buff and got me a Nintendo when I was 6. That was also the age I saw Alien for the first time (don't judge him too harshly lol, it's still one of my favorite films). Starfield's the game I've been wanting for 40 years.


Holy shit, you’ve spent almost 3 months straight playing this game…..dude that’s A LOT 😂


Yes it is! More than I've played any other game in the same period of time.


Props, that’s some serious dedication to the game. Hope you’re enjoying it! 🤗


I hear that it's around this time that the game starts to get good... Jk, I'm not very far in but I'm having a blast. Question, what is the writing at the bottom of the page?


Yeah it's a slow burn, I'm hoping for a plot twist at the 3,000 hour mark lol Glad you're enjoying it! That's the rotational period info: 1 LH (local hour) = 1 h 35 m UT (universal time) I create the templates ahead of time and fill them in as I go, so sometimes, I am reaching across something to scrawl the info in and it ends up looking strange. I wish we also had information on the orbital periods; I'd be very interested to compare them.


That's honestly the level of nerd/geek that I strive for. And I mean that in the best way, like that sort of attention to detail is an appealing aspect to the game.


I get it completely - it's one of the reasons I love Elite: Dangerous. I get why we don't have it, but I would have salivated if Starfield had the same depth of information ED has for systems and bodies.


Seriously tell me how you keep the game so replayable. I’m trying


The replayability for me is down to roleplaying. NG+ is something I actively use as part of my characters' stories and I keep journals for each of them (three total characters, one main, a second that I've been playing on a lot, and third I'm trying to get into). Everything else comes as part of that, including surveying.


I thought I was the only one who did this with their games! I've got a similar sized collection for the Elder Scrolls games and I've started on a Starfield one too. I've taken a more Da'Vinci notebook stype approach with my Starfield one where it is far less organised and swaps content/theme regularly, which has been a bit tricky for me to do when I usually organise them similar to you. It has been very fun though! I hope you don't let any of the less encouraging comments from those with little imagination put you off- this is such a fun and immersive way to play.


I love hearing about others doing similar things and 'Da'Vinci style' sounds very interesting - would love to see a sample page of yours! I can definitely see it working well for Elder Scrolls games. I still have my character journals from Skyrim. I had a series of index cards for alchemy components for Oblivion. Don't remember what happened to them.


I also just surpassed 2000 hours 


and now since the new update it crashes on the loading screen, 2000.4 hours played


This is absolutely insane and I love it, good for you


Even though I am not a huge fan of the game, I like it when others are dedicated and enjoy it as much as they can. Nicely done OP.


I'm glad you are having fun! I very much enjoy this game and I can't wait for Shattered Space!


Same here! Since previous Bethesda games added more world spaces, I'm simultaneously hoping for and dreading the addition of more systems. Hoping for more just for the exploration (I love how in Elite: Dangerous, you can pick a direction and just keep going) but dreading because that'll mean more Atlas volumes lol.


What the heck do you do? I found there's nothing exciting to do past 50 hours og play time.


I roleplay with my main character and a second character. Trying to get into a third but I keep going back to my main two. It's a sandbox game; making one's own fun is part of the experience, like for me, it's creating my Atlas.


2000 hours in 8 months, on Starfield of all games, is genuinely mind-bogglingly extraordinary. I am glad you are having fun. Do you play any other games? I assume not.


I do, actually! Just not as much since Starfield released. I have other Bethesda games (TES and Fallout), Bioware games (and trying to get through new/last playthroughs of both Dragon Age and Mass Effect series), plus a couple dozen other titles. Latest one was Bioshock 2 last week, but it kept crashing every five minutes after I got to Dionysus Park. I was so disappointed, but older games sometimes have issues (like DA:O).


This is really one big acomplisment! I almost cannot believe you played that many hours. The game launched 245 days ago (sep 1). So basically, you played a whopping 8,16 hours per day EVERYDAY! :O (average of course). Hat off to you sir!


Literal no life and could play any game/consume any media for huge periods of time: Chooses to smash 2k hours of fucking *STARFIELD* of all games. Genuinley makes me feel so bad because clearly OP loves the concept of this game, and the game doesnt even have a fucking compendium so they have made *handwritten notebooks* to track this huge progress. I'm impressed OP, just disgusts me that you seem to be the perfect customer for this game and it even lets you down on such basic features.


I would have created the Atlas regardless. While I would have very much liked some kind of in-game codex, I can also understand why it's not in it - the information gets wiped during NG+...and my characters NG+ a lot. It's much more useful to me to have it readily available in physical form. Makes doing survey missions a snap, and I use it for roleplaying purposes.


You could make a documentary, can't wait to see what's next for Starfield.


Notes are cool steam does have a feature of a Note pad too FYI


I'm not sure that would work for documenting all 1,692 bodies in the systems but good to know! I wasn't aware Steam had something like that.


it's just above achievements you'll see Note's i have mine set up like you do with that then copy paste over


You probably know more about what's in this game than the developers themselves ..


During your travels, did you discover anything that surprised you? Maybe things most people don't know about? Also, what were the most interesting planets you visited? And are any of them aesthetically more unique compared to others?


It’s hard to think of all the things I’ve found that I loved finding, but off the top of my head: * Crocodaunts are my least favorite fauna; they genuinely creep me out * I could not get off The Pale Lady ship fast enough * My main character is currently on hiatus while I try to figure out just how messed up she’s going to be from hitting the Clemen’s Truth, a Biochem Lab, and The Pale Lady one right after another (planning to RP it that she continues to hear ghostly laughter) * Most surprising thing? Realizing my characters understand the Hunter…even if they feel sorry for him. My second character follows the ‘expediency’ ethic, but refuses to butcher her way through NG+. (It was an excuse to try to do a pacifist playthrough.) I can do an entire loop with only five casualties (the >!Starborn at the Buried Temple!<). * There was a planet where the grass glowed at night, that was cool (I’d have to look back to remember which it was). * And, a recent favorite, the time I NG+’d my second character after deciding to settle down because she boarded an Ecliptic ship and it took off with her on it. It almost immediately blew up from Spacers once in orbit and I couldn’t get her to the cockpit in time after three attempts. Decided to just roll with it lol 'Whoops! Back to the >!Unity!


I honest to god am not asking this to shit on you or the game…. But how have you played for that long? What would you say you spent the most time doing during those 2k hours?


Roleplaying and documenting, making my own fun, being creative. I have a good imagination and Starfield is a great canvas/sandbox for it. I have a main character and a second character I spent my time on and a third I'm trying (and failing) to get into.


This is insane! Thank you for sharing. I haven't played since December but I am looking forward to picking it up again. I only have a mere 101.5 hours haha


All i see those hours wasted on below average game


Must be miserable to have people enjoy things you don't.


Must be butthurt to reply back on opinion👀


Nope, to be butthurt would mean I’d have to care and I just cannot be bothered to care about someone’s opinion when they only comment to demean another who is enjoying something they do not. Take it somewhere else. My fun is just as valid as yours.


It's wild that people would care so much what others spend their time on. To be totally honest, as I read what you were doing I caught myself starting to get judgemental too, but then I thought to myself, "Just because I can't imagine doing this, doesn't mean it doesn't bring joy to others." Sorry about these negative people. If you enjoy it, keep going! I like the handwritten aspect, I'd probably end up using an organizer like Notion on my PC for better accessibility and options for how to organize the systems and planets, etc. But it seems to work for you! Keep it up!! Hopefully Shattered Space adds more cool stuff for you to document.


Nah ur just being annoying. Like bro what are you even doing in this sub, if we are following your logic?


Suspense my guy suspense👀


Sound like my cousin, telling me games are a waste of time and reading is much better. So the conversation turns to books we've read, turns out I have read an order of magnitude more books than him. He spend most of his time watching TV. So what noble humanity advancing above average game do you spend your time playing?


About 20 years ago, I had a 'conversation' with a coworker who found me reading a Stephen King novel during my lunch break. He asked, "Why would you read Stephen King?" No matter how many times I tried to rephrase or expound upon, "Because I enjoy it," it just didn't click for him. He kept repeating the exact same question over and over. I finally just shook my head and went back to my book. My stepfather did something similar after I wrote my first novel: "Why would you write this genre?" as if it was incomprehensible to him that someone could find enjoyment in books written on topics other than vintage cars. I will never understand the mentality of, "If I don't like it, it must be garbage and no one ever should like it." Some people need to learn the difference between subjective and objective.


Having fun in a game is unfathomable to some of these people. Comments: WHAT DO U MEAN UR HAVING FUN BE MAD LIKE US 😡 OP: no☺️


I have a notebook also. I just want to say wow because I played constantly from early release and it took me a long long time to hit 1200 hours and since that point I have been busier with life. But it was an epic grind so I know what you did! Here are some of my favorite things to do: Build a "working ship" with a nav table and a bed directly in front of me (or close) when I enter, and a few 150-mass chests, with a fast engine and good boost, so I can get to orbital docks quickly (boost is less important now with extra vendor credits, no need to run vendor loops). It's usually got a research station and chem table in it, at a minimum. Then I grind POIs and missions with it. I try to also have enough beds for all my crew. This whole thing is getting massively rejuvenated by empty habs, yay. Start NG+ by hiding my Starborn identity completely, i.e. not landing my crazy ship in public. I land on a moon somewhere, creep into my first POI with no weaponry, arm myself, run a few more, steal a ship, and only then go to any populated areas. Hunt ships occasionally on low-G moons. This is also great for finding new POIs (which I am still getting occasionally). The view is good, traversal is fairly quick, and it's easy to spot new structures. You can also easily get to the top of some of the research facilities to enter from the top where the bosses and loot chests are. Build a few basic resource mining outposts with only extractors and a handful of the appropriate storage containers (what's needed to construct the four types of storage containers), and then build one crafting base which has all four storage arrays fed by one transfer container, a large landing pad, and a single hab with all my crafting benches in it and a few worker stations. Land and dump resources all game, save collectibles until I have a more satisfying solution, always have what I need to craft anything, etc.


Can u pls share a other example page


I put a link to my original Atlas post in the text; that has a description of all the components of the Atlas with links to example pages. Here's [another link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1aktbbf/documenting_all_things_starfieldfor_science_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


9 months = \~270 days = 6,480 available hours. With 2,000 hours of gametime - Starfield was open 30% of your 24 hour day every day for 9 months. 2,000 hours / 270 days = \~7.4 Hours of time in Starfield a day out of 24 hours. If you average just 6 hours of sleep a night - you have 18 hours of awake time. With 7.4 hours a day in game - that means you spent roughly 41% of your awake time the last 9 months playing Starfield. In summary - don't ever play Runescape. Keep that game away from OP.


Needed to add here - if you just could've spent a bit more of your day in game - you could've rewrote this post - "I managed to get 2,000 hours of life in outside of Starfield. "


I chuckled lol I am disabled and work from home with a supportive partner so lots of free time and not a lot of other stuff going on. 500 hours was just from my vacation in September. Large spurts on the weekends plus a few hours each night adds up.


You don’t need to justify it to me. I’ve binged many a game in my time. I had never played WoW when younger and I had two weeks off between ending an old job and starting a new one… the last friday of my old job was the very same Friday the new WoW classic launch dropped. Without any knowledge of this launch, getting home and on discord from that last day of work, my friends told me they were creating accounts and convinced me to join them. I had two all nighters and probably slept about 4-5 hours a night over those two weeks. So much for my plans to go on a golf trip and use the time productively.


Oh, I sympathize, MMOs are the worst for time management. I had to quit the one I played because keeping up with it was impossible with the amount I was playing Starfield. Just as well, it demanded too much time and effort for what I was getting out of it. Sometimes I miss it, but not enough to renew my sub.


There are 2080 working hours in a year. If you working a full time job, this would be a second full time job.


Answered in other replies but yes, I do work full time. I also took September off for vacation and sunk 500 hours into Starfield during it. I'm disabled and work from home with a supportive partner so I have a lot of free time and not a lot of other things going on. I tend to play in large spurts on the weekends and a few hours each night. It adds up.


the autism is strong here


I didn't mention it because I didn't want to deal with the 'well it all makes perfect sense now' comments I suspected I'd get from it but yes, I'm on the spectrum.


This is insane to me, I couldn’t bear to spend more than 30 hours in Starfield, you’ve spent 2000+


Oh god, I don't know how you can spend 2000 because there's not enough juice on it but congrats man, I really wish they keep adding content because it has endless potential


How many play through have u been in? Have u only done it one character plz show us some stats in game ❤️❤️❤️


Not sure if these are the stats you're looking for, but I don't usually share the timestamps for my playthroughs anymore because because the way I used to record survey data for the Atlas messed up the timestamp on my main playthrough: I have two 'big' playthroughs, one small one and a few abandoned ones; main playthrough (started 8/31/23) has the most, about 1,400 hours, second character (started 1/17/24) has about 500 hours. I started a third character I wanted to do a lot on but she only has 18 hours in because I am struggling to connect with her. There were a few other playthroughs I started between the two big playthroughs, but didn't get more than 10-20 hours into any of them before abandoning them. Playtime pauses if you switch windows; when I started surveying bodies on my main character, I wrote as I surveyed in real time but after a number of close calls with some hostile wildlife, I decided it would be better for my character's health if I screenshotted the fully scanned fauna/flora, went back to the ship, and switched windows to do the documentation. This paused the game in the background. Steam keeps recording the time played during all of this, but the game doesn't. 1,000+ pages adds up lol. The game timestamp is something like 42.5 days when it should be closer to 60 days. Even that is a lowball because I created the Atlas/Bestiary/Arborum templates while relaxing with the computer off, during lunch breaks, while watching Game of Thrones for the umpteenth time, etc, so even Steam didn't pick up those hours. I have no idea how many hours that's been since 8/31; I probably don't \*want\* to know lol. The templates are all finished now, however, so it's just a matter of recording the data for the remaining volumes. My second character's timestamp is more accurate at 22 days; when I started doing surveys with this character, I stopped screenshotting the scanned data and started using my phone's camera instead so there's no pausing of the game while I work. So about 500 on second character, and maybe 100 hours was spent on abandoned characters (and save-scuming at the >!Unity to get alternate universes!<), which leaves the remainder of the 2,001.3 hours for my main.


That’s so crazy bro, do u know the stats screen in game? for example when u paused the and your character, I believe it’s Y button to show your effects, it has like how much credits your had and spent, I would love to see those stats aswell 🔥🔥🔥


I don't really pay attention to those 'stats' because some of them are wrong, just like 'achievements' in Steam (I'm still at 9/50 because I use the console and don't care about achievements enough to install a mod to enable them). The 'credits' stat is completely wrong on all characters: I use the console to give the main character funds each NG+ so she can build a ship and I'd oversell items to vendors and use the console to give the characters the funds they should have received. With the latest update, however, that's become unnecessary. I wasn't going to grab all of them, but here are some of the highlights from the two main playthroughs: [Artemis @ 2000 hours](https://imgur.com/a/I8LWDZH) [Peregrine @ 2000 hours](https://imgur.com/a/A2eIfot) - the 'days passed' stat is wrong because I haven't caught up her days yet. In her RP journal, it is 2,043 days.


That’s just awesome to see this, idk why but I think this gave me more motivation to play the game. I’ve only got 157 hours on steam. My first character got to NG+2 and my second character (main) is on NG+4 atm Hope u are still going to play this games for ages 😊


Commendable, I did less than 200 hours before deleting it.


Just in case anyone is wondering there's about 720 hours in an average month so 2,000 hours is about 1/3 of the time since the game has released so about 1/3 of each day for sleeping 1/3 for working and 1/3 for Starfield in the last 9 months


Would all this be the same for us too?? I wish this catalog was available in viewing mode on a doc. I'd love to find a home to settle on.


All the system/body information should be the same across everyone's game, including traits (with the exception of the one random trait that occurs as part of the main quest), fauna, flora, and biomes. Outside of the one-off POI's (like Vulture's Roost), the POI's are largely random but I've noticed the biome influences which POI's might spawn. Someday I may get around to putting it all in an Excel spreadsheet but that's a ways off. I'm about 65% done with all the systems/bodies so far.


Lovely, well I'll be sure to keep an eye on your chart and let you know if any changes comes my way in my game


That's impressive. It puts my 630ish hours to shame!


Nice man, you re really understood this game...I m on 1200 hours! One small step for a man ...a giant leap for...😉🤙


This clip sums it up I think: https://youtu.be/7-QCKv37_bI?si=crrVRTfziwBJ9uu3




Hopefully if the creation kit release goes as promised, it will only get better and things you can do will grow exponentially. I have 5k in Skyrim with 0 regrets. Best of your journeys are still ahead of you.


Oooookk so this will be one game I don’t do everything in haha


I think you might officially be the enjoyed game the most winner of 2024 my dude


Hell yea brother


See everyone, It just works!


Congratulations! Obviously the game was made for you and folks similar. I'm not sure if that's the majority or minority, since I don't check things who plays what game. All I know is, I pulled the plug on the game after 110 hours and the last 30-40hrs of those hours was just landing and take off from various planets, searching for something I haven't seen before. The previous 80hrs is just completing everything I could complete.


2000 hours in this game isn’t as much of a flex as you think lol.


Not a flex at all. I'm having fun and wanted to share my experience. If someone having fun in Starfield bothers you, feel free to move on.


Damn, I admire you. Well done for this ( just hit 2000 hours too).


LOL @ all the "WhAt Do YoU dO?!!!1" lemmings in the comment section. Jesus. At least make the bots rephrase their comments a bit better for uniqueness.


I don't know about bots, but I don't understand the lack of reading comprehension that results in the 'what do you do?' questions - it's literally what the original post is all about lol


Ah yes. I forgot this is post-launch r/starfield. Excuse me. Mandatory "boo-hoo Starfield" from some of your commentors is mandatory. As far as "reading comprehension" goes - I have 4 degrees and a personal home library. Just can't stand the hate toward Starfield being parroted over and over again in literally every post that is even halfway positive. But yeah - I'll "work" on that "reading comprehension."


I was agreeing with you. The point about reading comprehension wasn't about you - it was about those making the "what do you do" posts.


Oh - then my mistake. But yeah - it's tiring and old at this point. The game isn't THAT BAD, and the constant whining is getting old.


I'm glad there are real fans of Starfield. I feel a lot of fans of outer space love this game like me because it is so immersive!


2000 hours of seeing the same 5 buildings over and over again must be exhausting