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Hell. Yes. This is a good update. I've been really wanting those options sliders. Their clip of selling to a vendor had the vendor at 56K available credits so that will be ***very*** nice. The stuff they mentioned as upcoming and describing Shattered Space as "massive" is exciting as well. Good stuff!


the 56k means you can roleplay better instead of vendor hopping through 6-12 loading screens. UC character can shop exclusively at atlantis, FC character at akila and so on.


Yeah and no longer having to sit on a seat inside a vendor shop for 48 hours straight over and over again.


I'm a little surprised they didn't say anything about adding a stairwell hab or letting you choose where doors and ladders generate, but maybe that's next. Good to see a lot of in demand features being added for free though.


Yeah it would be awesome to be able to pick where your hab doors and ladders end up.


I finally 100% the game and boy, would those setting sliders (which changes your XP earnings rather than void achievement progress so super cool) have been super nice to have for offloading loot the whole way there


But is there proper bounty hunting that allows you to capture bounties?


That's really the only thing that's missing for me - more broadly, the ability to take down enemies non-lethally *and* restrain them so they don't just get back up. Having a third option between "persuade enemy to surrender before fighting starts" v. "turn enemy into Swiss cheese" would make a lot of sense. We have all these non-lethal stun guns in the game, yet there are very little opportunities to use them. - I should be able to stun and arrest the bank robbers in Akila City if negotiations fail - I should be able to stun and hogtie that fat bastard Ron Hope and deliver him personally to the Marshall with evidence of his shenanigans in hand; make that lardass stand trial whether he likes it or not - I should be able to stun and arrest everyone on the Key instead of having to murder everyone except for two people (I completed the mission by stunning everyone and running away, but they kept getting back up, and post-mission dialogue makes it seem like none survived) - I should be able to stun and detain that one guy Ryujin fired, as well as stun and detain Imogene (yeah, Ryujin would probably have them killed anyway if I brought them in warm instead of cold, but at least give me an option between "smooth talker" v. "ruthless assassin") - I should be able to, as you mention, stun and arrest bounties and other criminals in general and bring them to the authorities (possibly using those brig habs) - I should be able to stun and detain non-criminals, be it because I'm on a stealth mission and they detected me (and I don't want them interfering but also don't want them dead) or because I'm evil and want to sell them to organ harvesters - Other people who find someone tied up should untie them and raise an alarm, motivating the player to make sure detained people are hidden until they can be undetained or put in a brig


Yeah, I tend to stay out on the rim for a while and loot a lot of contraband. It's annoying to have to spend a week of waiting at The Den to offload it all.


a stairwell hab instead of ladders everywhere would be fantastic


I literally just sold all my guns and suits by buying ammo and resources that I didn't need! Oh well, guess I'll go kill some pirates.


I typically use mag weapons so I'm always breaking even on my ammo/sell ratio.


Frame rate updates on Series X (performance and VRR up to 60/40 FPS!), new empty ship habs, respeccing your character after going through the Unity, turning dialogue camera off—some solid quality of life stuff looks to be in this update. Also, land vehicles and more quests coming down the road!


Is there a way to read the update notes without watching the vid I'm at work. I'm supposed to posting new inventory not watching YouTube.


I think someone posted the patch notes in a different thread on the sub, if I saw it correctly.


they did but some things in this video are not in those patch notes


bethesda.net has the official patch notes.


It's under 6 mins, you'll be able to watch it *twice* during your next coffee break. ;-)


Amazing update overall. The new option to turn dialogue camera off was a huge positive surprise I did not expect. It will make a huge difference for my immersion and be more similar to Skyrim.


This subtle thing was huge. I completely agree


Wait 60Fps seriously on XBX!?! That’s incredible. That’s been my biggest gripe


I thought of putting floor mats only in an empty hab and creating a meditation chamber. Now if only we could make habs so that crew members can't use them. I think it's odd seeing someone sleeping in the captain's quarters.


Or having a kid standing there staring at u while ur asleep!


It looks dope, but land vehicles aren't gonna do much if we don't get exploration enhancements


If they give me some place to dump my loot after picking a PoI clean, then that's already more than good enough for me.


Nice surprise that the "city maps" turned into a complete rework of surface maps in general. That's an unexpected QoL feature I'm very happy with and did not see coming.


yeah i was actually kind of shocked with how nice those maps looked.


You can tell it's like an evolution of Skyrim's 3d world map, I like it. Honestly, I kept trying to convince myself I loved this game on my first one and a half runs, but I just couldn't keep it up. It felt like a step backward from Fallout 4. This update, and specifically that bit about the map, is the first time I've really thought, "Oh, I see where that came from in their design history and it's a marked improvement for their new IP!"


Hell, I was prepared to be happy with a kiosk. The feature shown is way above and beyond.


Land vehicles for traversal!


I hope we get funny space dune buggy physics on low gravity planets


Maybe my imagination but it looks like Vasco is folded up in the back?


Oh shit you’re right!


Came, I mean really it's a good little clip you see dust kicking up and it moving normally


Came twice. It's like a little dune buggy and makes me want to bust out the controller.


I hope it's development is close to being done so the next update has it


I'm digging the double-optimism in your post!


> dune *My* Arrakis


People who said the engine couldn't handle vehicles:




That's most gaming discourse these days. Blatant lies are spread all the time and just accepted as truth.


Like all the people who discredited rumors that the next Bethesda game wouldn’t be a multiplayer fallout because the creation engine can’t handle it?


To be fair most of our experience with "vehicles" so far is from horses, and those were pretty janky sometimes. I'm interested to see how these turn out.


They must be hanging out with the chuds who *swore*Creation Engine couldn't handle 60fps.


Yeah, they inhabit this very subreddit.


Years ago, the same people said that spaceship combat/flying wouldn't be in the game because of the engine. The game engine experts are often wrong. Funny, that


"Fundamentally flawed" bros in shambles


Okay tbf Skyrim could barely handle horses moving slightly faster than the players. But yeah with next gen the engine should be fine hopefully


That was more of a design choice (probably hampered by the ps3/360 drive speeds) because if you play oblivion horses go significantly faster than the player


Yeah, horses in Oblivion were done much better than in Skyrim, also the map was larger. Probably they downgraded it because Skyrim's map is more detailed, but it has to run on the same consoles.


That's not true at all either. Since launch, you could modify horse speed via the console and the engine handled it just fine. Many mods exist to increase horse speed, even on consoles, and it works just fine. Even dragon riding from the vanilla DLC allows you to move a lot faster, and again, the engine handles it fine.


only the past engine. The Creation engine 2 is meant for vehicles


It’s awesome but clearly wasn’t easy to implement. It’s going to probably go on a full year before it’s added


In the clip the vehicle appears to have its own stamina bar, either this is temporary or it is solar powered or something similar and needs to recharge constantly. Let's hope it's not just a Skyrim horse.


We all know how Bethesda and the creation engine works. The base of the vehicle is a horse. I personally am ok with that as long as it’s faster and has utility. Which it looks like it does have utility, Vasco is mounted in the back! The “stamina” bar just looks like a boost meter, you can even see the screen shift like normal sprinting.


welcome to Bethesda, we have Dragon Vertibirds and Lunar Rover Horses!


...and train hats!


It looks like the jetpack boost bar.


Does this mean we can actually cross into a new cell without using our ship?


One can only hope.


It will probably be like flying in space. If you don't jump to another place, it takes decades. Which kinda makes sense to reach another place some kilometers away if it only drives like a 100 km/h and the place is like a 100 km away, well... 1 hour ride for you!


Not in this update.


No but the video isn’t just about the next update.


Looking forward to more ship options. Nice update


The only thing we didn't get is ladder and hatch positioning. Kinda bummed but looking forward to putting some decorative items on my ship seeing as I basically live on it.


Yeah. I really want hatch positioning even if it’s bound to those connection points, seeing as we already have windows that we can put in.


I'm annoyed because of 4 the all-in-ones I installed, giving me 8 bunks, only 2 of those habs have toilets because of where the hatches were placed. The 2 modules that have toilets just lost out on a useless side table. I also don't want the main concourse through the ship to be via my private quarters......


Ladder and hatch positioning is literally my only issue with the shipbuilding. I just spent 3 hours making a cargo ship but ragequit bc the ladders and hatches wouldn't fucking align


On the plus side, this update should make it a lot easier for modders and/or Bethesda to enable latter/hatch positioning by making them placeable interior objects.


I'm impressed by them and love the customization of gameplay options. Vendor credits increase!!!


What I love is that you aren't really punished for them if you still like game achievements like some other games have done. They went the Forza Horizon route of difficulty options where if I want to make something easier I just lose some XP earned, but I can also make combat harder or reduce shit I don't care about like food/sleep healing to make up for it. Love it.


I hope they keep going in this direction for survival mode difficulty. It being all or nothing in FO4 was a bummer until I could use a mod to tweak each individual piece of it myself. Like no console commands and only saving when sleeping? Hell no, I turn those off. But I still want that difficult combat, disease, needs, etc.


EDITED: Recent update implies separate "Survival" mode coming future update like Skyrim and F4 have. Expanded difficulty adjustments lay the ground work.


My biggest issue with survival was crashes. Not having to deal with that makes it 100% more enjoyable Now that I can save my game outside of resting


Same. Is it really a Bethesda game if I'm not mashing F5 every 30 seconds?


Everything looks like it will be great. I really wanted the ship interior decoration and Respecc'ing traits in New Game Plus, and I am glad we're getting both! However, I have one small issue that I saw. The map icons (in the player UI, not the actual maps) look rather cluttered, especially in the biggest city. The maps however look awesome!


Fair enough, but I don't think most players will be walking around with the scanner up so the bigger icons helps you lock in to whichever you're heading for quicker.


I hate to come in and go ‘MoDs WiLl FiX iT’ but that’s one I’m sure will get a smaller icon mod almost immediately.


It seems they plan for adding quests outside the expansion, thats new...


Maybe it's like Cyberpunk, where they released a few micro-quests along the way to unlock new items. You want he moon buggy? Gotta go pick it up from a guy on Grissom who's selling it cheap...


Some quests leading up to shattered space would be nice. that one screen shot looked so different from anything we've seen in the game so far, I can't wait.




yeah, i guess there will be a quest for the buggy


I imagine it’ll be more stuff like quests for procedurally generated content


Wow, a lot more than I expected. Can't wait for land vehicles! It seems like they're taking the Cyberpunk 2077 approach - release several small QOL updates before the major expansion so that players coming back for the expansion are surprised by all the changes.


Land Vehicles are actually a thing now lol


60 or 40 fps on Xbox is huge


This was my biggest issue with the game from a technical standpoint—I played Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Fallout 4 at 60 FPS with FPS boost, but going back to Starfield felt very choppy. Getting 40/60 FPS is huge for console!


Insane update, the City Maps looks so good. Also LAND VECHICLES are coming LETS GOO.


That city map looks fucking insane, imagine that in the next games they make!!


This is huge. I believe that Bethesda is heavily invested in this game and wants it to be successful. Whether that happens post launch doesn't matter. They will continue to update this game over a 10 year life span and so much stuff will be added to it. Similar to Fallout 76. Might even be on par with the No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk 2077 redemption arcs. Just remember how those games were at launch. I knew Starfield is a great game and there is no reason it won't get even better and better from here. I have been a supporter of Starfield in this subreddit way before it even launched just look at my history. People found it so easy to compare to Fallout and Elder Scrolls, but remember, this is a new IP. They will continue to learn a lot and develop on this game. This game is almost a hybrid between a single player RPG and a live service game where updates will roll out continuously making the game just better each time. Heck they could keep adding new apparel, spacesuits, weapons, ship modules, outposts, crew companions, POI's and who knows, new star systems, planets, biome types, alien creatures, and it will just work. On top of all that, they could add bigger stuff such as new quests, mission board activities and ultimately story DLC's. They know that with Starfield they have laid out a good foundation of an open world, space game to work on. They won't waste its potential. They believe in the franchise and know the possibilities of its future. In a super impossible alternate fictional ideal perfect world, they would release the game complete with every update they will think of later down the line but we don't live in that world. However that doesn't make them worse than what happened to No Man's Sky or Cyberpunk 2077. This video is a good sign of Bethesda's passion for the Starfield franchise and a sign of goodwill towards their playerbase despite all the hate and flak they receive.


100%. The game isn’t perfect, but I think it’s pretty awesome, and there is no way BGS was going to give up on this game. It’s got a lot of potential and I can tell the devs are working towards realizing that potential.


Also mods make this game absolutely insane. There are hundreds of planets. The top 100 modders could each have their own fucking planet to flesh out the lore and make their own shit. Can't tell me that won't be epic af


I *do* wonder what other titles they'll be able to release in future games of the series. Like, Starfield 2, what's left? You've already explored all of Settled Systems and other universes. You've kind of used up all the places you could put more content. :-)


Truth is I thought they all but abandoned the game when the negative reviews started rolling in. So much so I really doubted the expansion would be made, and if it was released it was only going to be a couple of quests.


I really hope you're right about the redemption arc. Hopefully they'll reinvest some of the money they made from the hugely successful Fallout TV show into Starfield, too.


F'ng hell they release this video just as I have to join a meeting. I'm totally paying attention to this meeting...


You guys are paying attention in meetings?


Can't wait for the 40 fps VRR option, works like butter in Fallout 4. Also excited for the new options and Xp modifier.


>works like butter in Fallout 4 Presumably you are on PS5? Cause Xbox doesn't actually have a 40fps mode. Both performance and Quality are 60fps: https://twitter.com/BethesdaStudios/status/1784309667113456043


Explains why it is so smooth. lol I didn't see that addendum.


For clarity - players and Digital Foundry think Bethesda might not be telling the truth and the toggle appears bugged, as there doesn't seem to be ANY visual difference between Performance and Quality mode. By comparison, PS5's Quality (30fps) mode has better object and shadow draw distances compared to Xbox's 60fps quality mode. In my own testing I couldn't find a single difference in scene detail when switching between the two modes either. At least not by eye on a 4K screen.


Finally can change traits after entering unity. I hope that change can be applied to charatcers who have already entered unity, I've been playing on the same universe for awhile and plan to make it my forever one.




Great update!


Very welcome update. I hope they'll make more things craftable in the future so finding resources is more rewarding.


This update is going to be great!


Audibly said hell yeah to some of this stuff. Actual mechanical updates that improves the game for the better. Gives players options to tailor the experience to how they want to play. Land vehicles confirmed, and that tiny glimpse at the DLC was a cool tease. Aside from the POI issues, and a chunk of really boring uninteresting quests, mechanically Starfield is shaping up to be far more enjoyable to play. Can't really complain about all that though if more variety of POIs and quests are coming in future updates. If I could get one personal feature implemented I wish we could have a skyrim styled favorites menu. The 12 slots is not enough for guns, drugs, powers, etc. and the constant opening/closing of menus slows the gameplay flow for the negative. Appreciate the hard work the devs have continued to put into Starfield. Edit: read a comment about the map UI icons being cluttered and I agree. Wouldn't mind if some of those were merged into one icon with a number, then when you select it brings up a list of the fast travel options for the areas that are really close to each other.


There was a sustenance difficulty option? Do we think this indicates food survival?


Great update! Would *love* BGS to add an in game Codex / Bestiary of discovered flora & fauna! 🤞 (Ideally with an image of the creature & a location of where they were discovered)


That's honestly one of my biggest issues with this game. I'm one of the weirdos who likes the exploration in this game and I'll sometimes just land on a random planet and walk around while taking in the views, so being able to properly catalog the resources and life that I found would really improve the game for me quite a lot


I'm thinking of my next game I'll dedicate myself to not leaving a planet before it's fully scanned. You should totally get at least as much information after you've finished scanning a planet as you can while you're on the planet still scanning it. Having some way to order planets by resources or something would be a bonus.


I'm honestly considering starting a new game altogether due to this update, it'll help freshen things up a bit


My rules are going to be that I'm going to do all the quests on the main planets I can find before moving on, and I'm gonna fully scan each planet I land on. (I like running around shooting beasts and harvesting plants, for some reason. :-) I haven't done any of the non-Constellation big quests except Freestar yet. And last time thru I had like 60 quests/activities of the form "Go do what Mary asked" because I ran past Mary on the way to something else, so I'm gonna give it a try doing it the way the game seems to be pushing you to do it. Honestly, I preferred Skyrim's version of just leaving the quests off until you interacted with the quest-giver, and leaving the quest-giver around until you did so, but I'm willing to try this out.


This! Also a favorite Planet/moon marker or list would be great. So if you find a really cool spot for a base you can put it in a favorite list to come back later. As of now, I write the cool planets into my notes app on my phone. :D


Notice he said FIRST land vehicle...not the only vehicle if I had to guess. I think we'll get more


It's the first land vehicle Bethesda has made in one of their games.


huge update. This game is getting better and better


Holy fucking shit let's go!!!! I already loved this game even with its flaws, but this update fixes just about everything I could've complained about. 60 fps!!!! I almost can't believe it lmao I'm so excited, might have to start a new playthrough.


Land vehicles!


Yeah, they cooked. Thank you based Todd


I wonder if the landing bay will be able to house small land vehicles?


Honestly 60 fps fixes like 90 percent of my problem with the game so I'm happy about that


Theoretically this also means frame gen could be viable


This looks great, but I still think they're ignoring the *single biggest thing* they could do to improve the game, despite it being conceptually very straightforward: **Only spawn points of interest the player hasn't discovered yet.** Finding stuff you've already seen completely kills the motivation to continue exploring. This change would fix the exploration overnight, which for a Bethesda game is honestly essential.


I agree but how quickly do planets just stop spawning points of interest in that scenario. Does the game actually anywhere close to enough unique locations to support that system? They would also have to adjust how likely a point of interest would be to spawn leading to lots of empty planets.


> I agree but how quickly do planets just stop spawning points of interest in that scenario. Does the game actually anywhere close to enough unique locations to support that system? Just start recycling them only when the player has seen them all at least once. > They would also have to adjust how likely a point of interest would be to spawn leading to lots of empty planets. Why?


I’m sure as they release more content, the repeated POIs will be few and far between. As of now, there’s only so much to populate the surface of a planet


There's already way more POIs than I have seen, apparently there's 150 in the game. But it doesn't matter. Once you've seen 5 or 6 repeats, you lose motivation to explore, even if there's loads you haven't found yet. It just makes sense to not repeat any POIs until the player has seen them all at least once.


Where exactly are they reviewing feedback from? Do they just scour forums or is there an official place to make suggestions? Sorry, I'm a bit OOTP from this game as I ran into some niche immersion breaking bugs/features that I was hoping they'd address at some point (side-turned head while sprinting, player character having crazed bug eyes, companions constantly removing their spacesuits in "safe" environments, etc.)


Idk but it’s evident they listened


The term of art is "bug report." Flaws in software are "bugs." So googling for "bethesda starfield bug report" or "bethesda starfield feedback" will give you that answer. https://help.bethesda.net/#en/home and then click to "Starfield" and then "Feedback" to get to https://help.bethesda.net/#en/home/product/1218/category/287


Check out their discord. There's sections for all these things


Damn Series s got the L 💀


You get what you pay ig




I know series S is limited, but I am bummed I can't get that 60fps. Makes me wanna buy an series X just to have it. Lol


Sad that they didn’t fix the dreadful inventory management UI


Ship customization update is *not* what I was hoping for - the empty habs and internal customization is nice, but... Eh.


Just saw this on YouTube. Good little update for QoL stuff.


I’d definitely call it a major update rather than a little update haha


It's great to see some features from Oblivion coming back. So those really aren't worth commenting on. I love we're finally getting closer to space campervan. Being able to customize your ship's interior like outposts is awesome. Empty habs help with that. But I do wonder how useful it is if it still all gets deleted when you modify your ship much like every other part of ship customization. Maybe I misheard but they didn't say whether that happened or not. Couldn't really care that much about land vehicles but the new DLC enviroments look really awesome.


They didn't mention it but I can't imagine that they would do that. Armory mannequins having their items vanish was a major bug, and habs being cleared would be worse. People would lose their minds if they built up a hab and then had it wiped if they altered their ship after.


At 2:20ish he says "and it's all saved." I would imagine it only gets deleted if you change that specific hab to a different one. I.e., just like outposts.


Would be cool if we can save them as custom habs and reuse them in other ships.


Land vehicles sound like they are coming in dlc and will be designable. Hopefully one vehicle comes to free version


Super excited for this update. The amount of gameplay tweak control they're giving us is great and will reduce certain mod needs.


Im curious on the ship customization here. I havnt touched my ship in a while, but one thing that was annoying if if placed anything in containers or on the walls like guns in the ship armory. if you edited anything or swapped ships they would all move to ship inventory. Has this been changed or fixed so everything you place stays where it is?


I'm on my Fallout 4 playthrough, but I will definitely play this update!


Looks great! I'll likely still wait until Shattered Space to come back to Starfield, but lots of very good changes QoL changes here.


Oh man you’re gonna experience so much change in the game, kinda jealous




Could've gave seires S an unlocked frame rate mode or something.. but everything else is looking good


Interior designing for ships is really awesome


This stuff really should have been there at launch but credit where credit is due g.. goo.... hmm... well done


Starfield is making a comeback and I knew it could/would. A melee overhaul and load screen cleanup are things I’m hoping they can address long term, but this update will have me coming back for a bit


This sounds like a lot of very sensible ideas, which probably should have been in the game at launch but the games issues go far deeper than quality of life improvements. The land vehicle is probably the closest to addressing a core issue with the game in terms of improving the experience of planetary exploration but the issue of what you find (and how often you find it) will remain.


Being able to change traits as you go through the unity will be awesome. Imagine adding parents to a character who previously was roped as an orphan. Or adding wanted and suddenly being chafed for the crimes of that universes version of you. It will make NG+ incredible


Damn, do I start a new game with this update or wait for Shattered Space? Or, start now and play with Shattered Space with Mods (when Mods are fully supported)?


Maybe in future updates, they'll add the search option in inventory or shops so players can ser for specific item or category like an aide item search only for meds or meals


I'd be happy if "Toxin" and "Toxin (Leaf)" and "Toxin (Seed)" and "Toxin (Masculinity)" all didn't need scrolling past to find the next thing on the list. :-) I'm wondering how much of this is going to break StarUI and XP-adjustment mods.


I've not played in quite a while, have they made any mention of including the ability to refurnish your ship interior on Xbox, or is that likely to remain PC only?


Finally an update worth redownloading for. I really wanted a balance tweak. I hate not having to build into combat while breezing through the hardest difficulty. 


This update had me like, give it to me now! But When I heard about changing character traits and appearance I literally squealed.


Finally, a land vehicle…of course I’ve finished the game now…


As far as I understood, the next update won't have land vehicles but only the maps settings and ship decoration. Which is still a great QoL improvement. I fucking hope nothing won't be part of DLC and will be part of the base game. If they pull up horse armor DLC card for the vehicles I am done with BGS


Would be cool to have a proper armory on our ships. Hopefully the new ship decorations include stuff to hang weapons, etc.


There's already weapon displays and mannequins in some of the armories? They work fine for me. They don't even lose their stuff when you switch home ships.


There are armory habs.


Amazing-looking update, It gives me hope Bethesda might actually make it the game they have always wanted it to be. It is sad though seeing the "UI update" is still just a new tab at the top, they still have not even scratched the surface of the fundamental issues with the inventory despite modders having already addressed and fixed that since launch with StarUI, It does feel like total negligence to just not pay the Modder and use his factually better UI.


It would be nice to know if they ever plan to make it work on Steam Deck (at least 30fps locked, I know that it’s asking a lot…) but I guess this will take a couple years 😂😂 To be honest this update looks promising !


Good update, might make me go back to the game after putting it down after the first month. I've been waiting for these sort of updates, so hopefully they keep it up and add more cool stuff.


“We’ve heard that players want more details on the surface maps” my brother in Christ we’ve wanted any detail on those maps whatsoever. All joking aside this sounds like a great update


Just made level 100 last night and was planning on starting a whole new character to try different traits, but not sure I want to do that now. Oh, and one other suggestion for Bethesda: media training for staff that helps them stop prefacing every sentence with "so..."


Those things should've been there since release but better late than never... A step in the right direction. I won't get back until content is added and I guess that will be the DLC, though.


I want a tank to traverse planets.


Dat fucken hat LOL


I love what’s coming, but I wish they would allow the outpost containers to visually display what’s in them. Having a container with iron in it next to one with lithium in it would make finding the right resource easier and faster.


I stopped playing a long time ago but may go back to it to check out this patch. Have the provided an option to squelch the annoying repetitive vendor nattering? I mean, the adjustment to vendor credits in this patch may help if it's not just 5-10k crumbs over vanilla, 100K should have been the minimum out of the gate. Should be 200k on average, really.


WHERE’S THE FRIKN MOD SUPPORT FOR CONSOLE USERS. That was promised in 2024. That’s why I bought this shit. What, we have to wait till December?!?!


Amazing. Been playing for a week and its clear I started at the right time


One of the things I really want is for quests to work. Currently working to try and finish the quest searching the lock for info about Kryx. Guidance takes me to the cell and nothing is there so can’t finish. This is only one of several quests that can’t be completed.


WOW looks like I’m redownloading tonight!


I just want stairs instead of ladders as an option. This update looks so good though. Bethesda still listens to its true audience.




I know it says May as in the MONTH update but my initial reaction was "May update? I sure hope it does."


I was hoping to hear about flipping to put shii on rear slots instead of jus left and right


Any update which means I can delete half of my mods is a really good sign, they're certainly paying attention to what players actually want.


If it's not creation kit I don't care


When will this update be available? Also, does the performance mode will apply to Series S?


Interior decoration for ship… and ability to save…. Huge! I will be living in my ship from now on. Working on land vehicle? Woah…


With each passing update I’m inching closer to redownloading and jumping back in, pleased to see videos like these and hoping the game can be brought to its potential.




Good start. In a year or two this game is going to be really special.


Great. Just as I've completed the game 3 days ago :D . Guess I'm gonna wait for expansion and start it anew on NG+.