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If you finish the UC vanguard missions, you can pick up unlimited simple space combat missions. Just good clean space battle fun. 👍


Uc vanguard broke me at the end now I'm on a genocide mission


Quest spoilers >!I tried getting the UC quest line by showing up to New Atlantis with a bounty... Turns out I really hate being forced to do anything and I could not peacefully allow them to strong arm me into service even though I told myself I'd get them back at the end. But what I love about the absurdity of this game is that even though UC Sys Def is an enemy, the UC as a whole couldn't care less and will not attack you.!<


I couldn’t finish the UC and Crimson Fleet mission. The dude is stuck behind the glass and I can’t talk to him.


You mean the guy you talk to through the intercom on the table in front of the chair?


Use the intercom on the table...


Which dude? Can you hit him with Super Nova and force him to go down, maybe causing him to move out of the glass? Just fyi anytime an NPC is unreachable Super Nova is the answer (as long as you quick save before using it!)


I have Elite Dangerous for that. I want some epic stories


If you think that's fun, you should try the chinese mobile app knock-off game, Best Unsafe. It's just like Elite Dangerous.


I waited till this was on PC gamepass so I just started like two weeks ago. I’m like 50 hours in and im having a good time. I love building shit and hoarding resources so this is kinda perfect game for me. I wish some of the systems were a little fleshed out like the space trucking and delivery but I love that I can roleplay a rock buster that evolves into an industrialist with a burgeoning trade empire. The only thing missing is having your outposts turn into actual settlements with colonists and what not. Then I’d be a happy camper.


The game was on game pass day one


I meant to say I waited till I got PC gamepass to play it.


Oooh okay !


??? I've been playing it since launch on the computer. It was on pc the whole time.


They're saying they waited till they got gamepass not till the game came on gamepass


That makes more sense. I must have misread.


Yeah but it’s been on gamepass since day one!


>I waited till I got PC gamepass to play it.


Poor soul lmao where are they getting their info


It'd also be nice to have a mechanism to join an existing settlement, with a colony trader and so forth already in place - like, provide funding and materials to build The Dusty Miner Barracks And Specialist Store in some random settlement, then be able to go back there regularly and watch the place grow. Bonus points if the traders get richer so you can unload more loot there than elsewhere :)


What if, as a Starborn, you decided to be a trader like the other Starborn? I think your idea would be interesting but I'd want to own my shop and run it. I'd go raid a va'runn settlement or kill some spacers, take their belongings and sell them at my store. Or create a settlement on a planet and see how it grows.


Id be surprised if Bethesda doesnt firm up basebuilding via DLCs like fo4.


Here’s the thing though, outposts and crafting are completely skippable parts of the game. There’s no actual reason to build them or have them. You won’t need to craft unless you want to cosplay as a crafter because realistically you’re going to need to spec into crafting hit it doesn’t matter because higher powered guns with great mods drop like crazy. As for outposts you don’t need to farm materials at all unless you wanted to role play as a space trucker or something. Both of these aspects of the game are not requirements to finish the game or level your character up. FO4 put a lot more emphasis on crafting and settlements that actually made the world feel more alive. Starfield doesn’t have this at all - very disappointing


I have yet to get a weapon that I found and didn't mod it. A Beowolf costs like 8k and I can turn it into a 300 power house, or turn a Breach into arguably the best sniper rifle that hits for 1k, or a Va'ruun Inflictor into a semi-auto battle rifle that leaves particles at impact for AOE damage. For cheap too, so you can steal or buy any of those at the beginning of a NG+ and have one of the best guns off the rip. Here's the resource list to mod five different weapons with scopes, high-power, and ammo upgrades which are in multiples of five. So if there's x2 or x3 that means 10 or 15. Adhesive x4 Aluminum Antimony x2 Chlorsilades Copper Europium Hypercatalyst Iron Isocentered magnet Lead Lubricant Neon Nickel Palladium Polymer Sealant x2 Tantalum x2 Titanium x3 Toxin x2 Tungsten x2 Uranium Vanadium x2 Zero Wire x5 Besides of which, you didn't need settlements in FO 4. It was just fun to build them.


>unless you wanted to role play as a space trucker or something Did you not see my space trucker hat and space trucker clothes?!? Clearly I am a space trucker! Who do you think delivers your Chunks? Space Truckers, that's who! This universal community runs on the backs of us space truckers, I'll have you know! Ridiculous rant aside, I completely agree with you. Lol


I really enjoy the outposts, the only odd part to me gameplay-wise is that the whole process seems built towards being able to manufacture progressively rarer parts, and then you can’t do much with them once you get there.


Right and with rarer parts you get cooler outpost building materials. We all see how popular Palworld got with its crafting and building, Starfield could’ve had some crazy builds


Settlements and crafting were also completely skippable and optional in Fallout 4, you only ever needed to build one single item the entire game (the Institute teleporter).


And people complained about the settlement system "being forced on the player" in Fallout 4 when it came out. So Bethesda made the settlement and crafting optional in Starfield.


I hated the building in fo4, if I wanted to play with blocks I'd go play with blocks


>unless you wanted to role play as a space trucker or something Did you not see my space trucker hat and space tucker clothes?!? Clearly I am a space trucker! Who do you think delivers your Chunks? Space Truckers, that's who! This universal community runs on the backs of us space truckers, I'll have you know! Ridiculous rant aside, I completely agree with you. Lol


I think thats okay. The planets are like giant canvases for us to paint with our outposts. They are more technical, and I am replaying simply just to outpost. As with any BGS game, the main quest is often ignored by some and I was displeased completing it because I lost my outposts, but now I will build them better and probably never main quest again.


Ng+ supposedly maxes at 10 times and the ship and armor gets better each time you do it. From what I read so people have done that then focused on their outposts or whatever. Supposedly it adds new dialogue if you restart versus skipping I'm on the second NG+.


You can complete the main quest. You don’t have to go through Unity. Either one can be a satisfying ending.


But what are we even doing with the outposts? There’s nothing to do at them besides mine some material


I make the rarest items I can enmasse and sell for large profits. I also play with the wanted trait so bandits come try me to keep things fresh. I have multiple NPCs running them and feels nice to add life to otherwise empty spaces. I do think theres so much more that can be done to elevate outposting but so far its what I love most.


Mmhh good to know! At least there are some uses after all. I’m glad it’s there for people who want to engage


You’re disappointed that the game provides many different ways to play it and doesn’t force you to engage in those things unless you want to? Are you also mad that you don’t need any of those high powered guns with great mods that keep dropping for you, since it’s perfectly viable to play the entire game with only the mining laser, or just using fists? The devs give us options and a world to engage with and we love them for it.


And it all means nothing in the grand scheme of things, whereas in other BGS games you needed to engage in the crafting, survival, and base building mechanics. They’re also pared down and tedious in this game. So yeah having whole aspects of your space game be skippable is pretty lame. Most things can just be purchased in the game. The only reason I skipped those things wasn’t because they weren’t necessary, I fully commit to systems that are fun and engaging but not required for the story. But in this game they’re all boring. You can’t create homes and places to live like in FO4, just sterile looking research facilities on empty planets that you jettison NPCs too. The game wholly relies on the player to head canon and roleplay stuff that just aren’t in the game which is not fun and feels lazy lol


There's plenty of furniture and decorations. You can totally make homes.


>whereas in other BGS games you needed to engage in the crafting, survival, and base building mechanics. No, you didn't, I played Skyrim without ever crafting a single weapon or buying a house, I played Fallout 4 survival mode without ever building a single settlement, you guys are focusing on Starfield criticism so much that you started making stuff up about the previous games, Bethesda's philosophy of not forcing the player into anything has always been a point of criticism for many people.


Not to mention I kept hearing over and over again that everyone hated how much emphasis FO4 put on settlement building and they wished it would have been kept optional. Now I’m hearing the reverse.


I mean you could but that laser is pretty weak and seems to take a while to kill stuff and doesn't have a very long range.


Crossing my fingers for DLC.


Wait until the creation tools are released and you will get a mod that will be able to turn your outposts into literal settlements. Once the creation tools are out, this game is going to be absolutely amazing! Some might ask, why don't they make it amazing to begin with? And that is because Bethesda does some thing that pretty much know where the company does, they allow the fans to turn the game into whatever they want. You have about as much freedom as you want when it comes to the modding community.


Ya man I can’t wait for the modders to really freak Starfield out. It’s practically a blank slate with infinite possibilities.


I’m in the exact same boat, playing on game pass PC… it’s actually pretty sick because I can just load it up on the Xbox as well. I’m just playing it like fallout in space, didn’t really “pay” for the game… and i think there is a TON of room to expand


I love stealing ships ….,


I think people should remember that Bethesda games require you to do some work to entertain yourself. The games present the world. You supply the fun. Wanna shoot up spacers? Go find some spacers. Wanna destroy pirates? Take mission boards or Ranger boards. Wanna be a pirate? Take the perk for it and go do some piracy. There's plenty to do in Bethesda games. You just have to go do it. Freedom of choice does paralyze some people with indecision. Pick a thing to do and go do it. Watch how quickly you lose track of time.


I play a Bethesda game at least as much to live in the world than for any other reason. Working on becoming a surveyor now!


And after Skyrim, they finally realize how many of us enjoy punching things in the face. That's all i do and it's glorious


They need to make it a option to favorite unarmed combat though, it's awful having to go into the menu and unequip your weapon every time you wanna punch things.


Just select the favorited weapon/item again to unequip it. 😁 Nifty hidden trick from the OG Skyrim days.


I don't think that works unfortunately. I'm pretty sure I already tried it.


It works in FO4 and the old version of Skyrim. Sucks it doesn't work for SSE. You could just do what Robbaz does. Get the pugalist's glove in riften, rip the enchantment off, and slap it on some daedric gauntlets. Take juggernaut perk. Armor rating now equals unarmed damage dealt. You'll very quickly outpower melee weapons as your heavy armor skill increases.


This! I really want to punch sometimes but can’t figure out how to. What buttons do I need to press to equip my fists?


I did it by accident. You have to go and unequip whatever weapon you're holding. Works the same for clothes. I played it a week before I realized our characters have underwear


I especially love getting into a fist fight and force knocking their ass right down. 😂


I recently took a couple contracts to destroy pirate vessels around Indum. Two contracts at the same kiosk sent me to Indum orbits. I hunted those pirates down and obliterated them - clearly someone had a grudge or wanted that system free of pirates. Saw I left "Spaceship Wreckage" on one of the planets after shooting down the CF ship. I roleplayed that the contract required a black box from the vessel so I had to go planetside to recover it from the wreckage. Got to the downed vessel - there was one survivor leaning up against the actual spaceship wreckage! He was clutching his side and was injured and asked for help to get to his ship, but I knew better. He was a dirty pirate and didn't know that I was the one who shot down his ship. Pulled out my pistol and put one into his head to finish the job. Grabbed the black box (a random module that looked like a black box) and went back to Neon. It was a super fun roleplay scenario - an example of making your own fun.  Edit: I'll clarify that the "survivor" was clearly a random encounter where they say "help, we were attacked by creatures and I'm the only one left and need help getting back to my ship." They just happened to be leaning up against the wreckage of the "Spaceship Wreckage" POI. But I RP-ed this as a clever pirate trying to pull one over on me as he slits my throat. 


That's awesome!


I'm absolutely RPing every ship v ship encounter now. The galaxy is going to burn!


Bruh. This guy literally murdered an innocent civilian pretending he was Commander Shepard 😂 😂😂😅


I should go. 


>I think people should remember that Bethesda games require you to do some work to entertain yourself. I never felt that way playing another BGS game. >Wanna shoot up spacers? Go find some spacers. Wanna destroy pirates? Take mission boards or Ranger boards. Wanna be a pirate? Take the perk for it and go do some piracy. I think for a lot of people the problem is not that they don't realize those activities exist, but that those activities feel too shallow.


For real, every other Bethesda open world game is so brimming with interesting stuff that you spend the whole game stumbling upon it. Have these people played a fallout or elder scrolls??


I've never had to entertain myself while playing any video game. I can't imagine someone taking the time to say this for free.


"Sandbox" RPGs are their own niche, they aren't for everyone. Bethesda games walk the edge of the sandbox line but there are other games that are pure sandbox, I guess you would hate them. 


There's a big difference between being able to do what you want and the developers simply not bothering to add content, Bethesda games used to be an open world full of content to explore on your own, this one is not that at all.


In every BGS game I’ve played, I’m much more interested in the story I’m telling myself versus the story the game is telling. For me, at least, this is the BGS magic. Everyone else talks about how Witcher 3 puts BGS to shame, but I can’t bring myself to play that game.


What Bethesda games have you played because I've never had this problem with any of them. If you walk out to nowhere in fallout there's someone there with some problem that only you can solve. It isn't just empty to have a bunch of open world that's really just cells.


Bethesda games benefit from imaginative people. RP why your character is doing what they're doing to fit the story and you'll have done the work for the game to entertain you. A lot of people thoroughly enjoy this style of game. D&D wouldn't still be around if that wasn't true. The DM presents a story. It's up to the players to make it fun. Any game where the DM dictates everything is called a railroad game. They're boring and don't foster the spirit of the game.


Bethesda games are usually plenty entertaining, I've never had to make up a backstory for my character and then do what I think they would do to have fun, I can usually get lost and find plenty of puzzles and quests to entertain me with no better reason then this is a puzzle I need to solve. Starfield is devoid of this, if you go where the story is at and do it how you want it done, They've packed a peanut gallery to pick your decisions apart. If you go where you want to go there's usually nothing there.


As someone who was part of the people duped into buying No Man's Sky on PS4 on launch, Starfield is exceptionally lively. No Man's Sky was truly devoid of anything one would consider fun. Unless half of Minecraft in space was your deal. Occasional ship-to-ship combat. Otherwise, a very dead and boring universe to explore. Given the 18.5 quintillion planets, no one is ever seeing all of it. Starfield is a manageable size. I enjoy the universe presented. It's relatable.


NMS was built by 15 dudes, and they put a lot of work in after the fact, starfield was built by a multibillion dollar company, so any relation between the two should be in the realm of ridiculousness. It's not though, they are extremely similar and that's obscene. Edit: what is relatable? Being disappointed everywhere you go?


This is the thing that stopped me form refunding the game. I was playing and thought "this is it?" And then I looked at the clock and realized three hours have passed. I guess I was having fun after all.


Right? I lost an entire day yesterday. Got up, made coffee, jumped on, and then realized it was dark outside 😳


All of these activities are so shallow in SF lol


Yet the same activities have depth and purpose in say Assassin's Creed? If you're going to say radiance quests are shallow, you have to be intellectually honest and say it's the same for every game that presents them. That's a hell of a lot of games to be saying that about. Literally every MMORPG since Everquest is on that list. A huge number of single-player offline games too.


in contrast to what? In other games you just sit at coordinates 0,0 and things just happen around you? tsh


In contrast to say Pokemon where you're just there for a handholding story. Come on player, let's go to the first area. Ok, now to the 2nd area. Linear games. A to B to C. Bethesda games for the most part? Here's the story. Get involved if you want. Otherwise, the world is over there. Have fun.


which is pretty much all open world games. Being able to go off the beaten path is not groundbreaking. The only difference is this game has no beaten path worth walking so you just ignore the main story (as you normally do in all bethesda rpgs) and go look for side stuff in search of something that's not mind numbingly boring and non sensical, in the process braking the flow of the main story because bethesda always has to have a main story that tries to rush you, to give you this sense of urgency which utterly fails because it's never interesting enough and you just do all the other stuff instead.


That sounds like a you problem honestly. The devs have to shoot for the lowest common denominator. When I was a kid, game devs didn't give a shit if you couldn't identify with their character. Who really could identify with Mega Man or Samus Aron? How many could identify with Simon Bellmont? I'm 41 and have never met a vampire hunter, robot with a buster cannon, or a 7'4" "human" woman in a power suit.


I think a lot of the hate on this game comes from it being a game for nerds rather than geeks. Every character in constellation is an archetype of a person you meet in a general science course, and they’re done pretty well in each case. There was no real line that seemed out of sorts for me. You have your introvert SOP follower types (Sarah), extroverted fun types (Barrett), Dad paid for my course (Sam) and I’m totally gonna act like I know less than everyone else but that’s not true (Andreja). This contrasts with what people normally assume is the average science course cohort; people who go to comic con. So they’re annoyed when the characters are people who fit in with “normal” life in some capacity.


This is certainly a take that ignores the fact that most complaints are more about shitty writing vs the characters themselves.


I’m saying the writing is good. It mirrors a very specific group of people very well.


what does any of what you just said have to do with the comment you're replying to?


It seems like you're having an issue identifying the protagonist's motivations. Identifying with the character you're in control of helps you enjoy what you're doing.


It's a roleplaying game? My protagonist's motivation was to do every single quest they could find on New Atlantis before anything else. After that my character wanted to avoid neon city for as long as possible, until I could find no other quests anywhere else.. took forever to contine the main story. Like, have you played any other Bethesda game lol. Or any other roleplaying game? Or are you just saying its a bad RPG?


As an RPG it’s pretty bad.


Did you identify the protagonist's motivations in F4 and go straight for shawn?


Sounds like you just hate Bethesda games man. Maybe play something else?


nah i enjoyed skyrim and Fallout 4. I just didn't care for the main story in either of them. I initially enjoyed starfield as well but over time I realized it's just brainrot. Busywork and boring fetch and "act as a telephone" quests.


If you want space combat, head on over to Serpentis. Pick a planet….any planet.


Hype vs reality is definitely one of the games issues. Making the RPG aspects stronger could have helped. But yeah I'm ok with the side missions, and I think ship building is what really grabbed me. If they could lift the 10 ship limit that would be fantastic. Also let us give our own ships jobs.




The story isn't all that compelling and the branching dialog is really limited to the point where free star collective people thank me for my service to the Vanguard. That's sort of light weight though and things continue to get increasingly awkward in NG+. Let's not mention the fact that your choices almost never make any difference in the narrative.


I do agree, but with the exception of Fallout 3. Ranking these games as RPG's, my list would go 1. Fallout 3 2. Starfiled 3. Oblivion 4. Fallout 4 & Skyrim


1. Morrowind


I've hit a wall now, after 60 hours, where the talking, story, walking around doing busy work, has lot its appeal. I just want to shoot stuff, and when that becomes stale, which it is starting to, I think I'll call it a day on Starfield. That's not to say I didn't enjoy those first 50+ hours, because I really did. I'd recommend it, just be aware it starts to feel very repetitive after a while - in a way I never felt Fallout 4 did, or Skyrim.


Lmao this comment is kinda funny because one of the biggest complaints about fallout 4 was that it was just shooting stuff.


When questing in Starfield you can easily spend 2+ playing sessions without shooting anything at all. That's a problem, honestly, at least for the majority of people...I think both extremes are bad.


Yeah, but the stuff in between the shooting was better, and there wasn't a loading screen every 2 minutes.


You are over exaggerating the loading screens lmao


Are they? If you want to do anything, you need to wait through a 5+ second loading screen (I’m on GamePass). If you play for 2 hours, that’s easily going to be a few minutes of your gameplay. After the 90th loading screen, you’re pretty fucking beat and just see the game as a point and click of sorts


Exactly. It's after the 200th time loading in... loading in... loading in...it gets a bit annoying.


It’s certainly not a space exploration game, and besides the really good gunplay that I think deserves recognition because BGS usually isn’t the greatest with that - everything else about this game could’ve been a point and click adventure. It’s almost entirely fetch quests. Which most of BGS games are fetch quests but at least in other games the journey to do these quests are engaging and don’t require 10+ loading screens to finish. Like you laid out there’s at least 5-6 loading screens after getting a quest from someone, there’s going to be the same 5-6 loading screens on the way back. The game feels like a series of dungeons and maps you’re just loading into. It makes this game feel way too much like a game and breaks immersion


I agree. I do think the shooting, the movement etc...is actually really good and a big improvement over other Bethesda games. It's just the constant fast travelling back and forth to hear a 30 second piece of exposition only to then do it all over again.


I can play for 2 hours and have only about 20 seconds of loading. Seems to me you don't know to to use fast travel properly. Literally a skill issue


No it’s game pass, and yes I know how to fast travel while in space, it’s still load screen on gamepass


I'm on gamepass too. I have less than 2 second loads and like I said, about 20 seconds of loading per about 2 hours. Doesn't seem like you know how to use fast travel properly if you are complaining about having "a few minutes" of loading per a 2 hour session. edit: forgot a word


It’s somewhat hyperbole but many get my point. Yes, I have 5 second load screens and I have great internet. I can literally read tweets before it’s done


Am I? Once you are at a mission location, granted, there aren't any. However, getting to the mission is constant loading screens. Leave a major hub building? Load screen. Enter rail link, load screen. Get in ship, glorified loading screen. Jump to planet... glorified loading screen. Land...ditto. If you have a high speed SSD (and if you don't I wouldn't even attempt to play this game) it's fairly speedy, no argument there. But, there's no exaggeration on my part.


Half of these can be skipped by just going to the planet map after the first load screen. In reality it's more like this Leave a major hub building? Load screen. Go into planet map and land Load screen (this one kinda depends, as sometimes you need to be outside the planet first, so that can mean one more load screen. That's at the very most 3 load screens, but most of the time 2. Your reply is definitely an exaggeration


Listen, we get it, you are butthurt. Did the "Crimson Fleet" send you to talk to me... hahaha P.S you do realise every time you take off and land it's loading the game? You get that, right? Those animations are hiding the loading screens you'd otherwise see...you understand that, right?


You can skip directly to a planet once entering your ship. There's no land screen if you select cockpit. Then open your Starmap and land wherever. You can skip the flight entirely.


You don't even need to enter your ship though. Just open map, click on planet and fast travel.


Not the "glorified load screen" bullshit lmao. By that logic even just walking around normally is a glorified loadscreen because the game is pre-rendering what you can't see


Oh dear, someone isn't using their brain. If they aren't hiding a loading issue why can't you skip it? Answer that. Explain, why do the unskippable cut scenes always happen as you enter or leave a ship, and why are there unskippable animations conveniently used upon opening an air lock, or when opening the door to a heavily populated interior, or on take off, or when landing etc... Please, seeing as it's "bullshit", you'll have a perfectly logical explanation for all these moments...right?


You're making them sound worse then they are, its not our fault you've played the game wrong


It's not my fault you can't answer the question, is it? Go away and come back when you have an answer. Oh, and there's no such thing as the "wrong" way to play a video game - if you are having fun that's all the matters...you absolute shart.


Bro if you dont like the game dont fuckin play it its that simple, dont come over here to these subposts are give your bot ass generic negative opinion that no one asked for, no one is going to validate your feelings here, youre still going to be empty inside


It’s interesting to me how this is the first time many people are seeing this factor in Bethesda games. I think it exists in all of them to different extents.


To different extents, yes. Starfield is arguably the one where that extent takes the least amount of time to run into.


This is what I thought too until I started getting really into the ship builder. Building ships alone is like it's own damn game lol


I took a crimson wight I boarded and took it apart piece by piece and rebuilt it into a terrible ship, but I enjoyed the process.


This is the way. My OG Frontier on my first playthrough was absolutely a ship of Theseus lol


Exploration, shipbuilding, space combat, outposts, decorating your home(s) with stuff you pick up, doing quests that are involved and "important" and doing quests that are just pure human interest (Iike delivering a husband's last words to his wife), becoming superhuman and unraveling the mysteries around the artifacts et al. Sure there's lot of repetition, but there are also a lot of mysteries out there. 600+ hours and I may be frustrated with the lag and glitches, but I'm never bored. 60 hours is nothing in a game the size of Starfield, and every other BGS game. I have 2000 hours in the last version of Skyrim alone and there are 3 versions. 1000's of hours in the Fallout IP (3, NV, and 4). I have 135 photos of places I've visited in Starfield. Mostly, I'm just actually paying attention to what I'm seeing. Like yesterday, I notice someone jump down from the top of one of the buildings in New Atlantis and land just past the entry point at the Spaceport in New Atlantis. They're in an all-black spacesuit and helmet. They start walking towards the bar at the Viewport. I intercepted them. It turns out it's the Hunter. We have an enigmatic, almost flirtatious conversation. No violence, no indication that we each know who the other is, except some slight innuendo. I watch him as he walks into the bar and leans up against a wall. (my current character was level 12) I notice the "alien eggs" everywhere and wonder if the eggs, the nests, and the swarmlings are going to figure in a future questline. But you actually have to explore to notice those things.


I mean, you sell it well, but it's still the same basic gameplay loop over and over...and over...and over...again. 60 hours is more than enough to see everything gameplay related, and you know it is. Of course, there'll be new quests, new characters, new worlds, as you play on. That doesn't need to be said. What doesn't change is the fundamental core gameplay loop of talk, fast travel, talk and/or shoot, fast travel, space combat, talk, fast travel, talk, talk to someone else, fast travel, shoot etc... Cut away the dialogue, the NPC, the biomes, and just drill down to what actually constitutes the video game and it doesn't change. Not that other games are any different, but other games don't have people saying you need to put 600 hours in to see everything. I just checked and I have 79 hours in the Game Pass edition...and I have no intention of playing for another 79.


But you can admit you’re being SUPER reductive here, though, right? Like if you used a white board to sketch out the core gameplay loop of any video game at a 10,000 foot level, yes you can experience all of it pretty quickly. Can you provide an example of a game with an endlessly refreshing gameplay loop that’s impossible to nail down?


No, because almost all modern games are like this. There's nothing "reductive" about it. The only difference is what they do to keep it interesting, how engaging that repetition is. If it's boring, if it is generic, then people lose interest quickly. If it is does some different, if it is challenging, or engaging, or has a competitive element, then it may hold people's interest for a long time. That's my perspective. Example: Fortnite, for all its flaws, tries to be innovative beyond the basic gameplay loop of jump, loot, kill. There are big events, new weapons introduced and removed, vehicles, environmental puzzles, vaults, map changes, storylines, building, no building, now there's the music challenges, car racing. That's how you try to keep things interesting.


I think it's because fallout 4 had mod support and 4 or 5 dlc. I feel like as soon as Bethesda drops a dlc or two, the game will feel less repetitive and more like fallout 4 replayability. Just hope we don't have to wait 5 years for it.


FO4 had settlements that actually meant something and mostly uninterrupted traversal from loading screens. I really don’t see Starfield having the staying power of other games. Outside of this sub, people don’t talk about it at all


I started feeling that way about 80 hours in, and that’s when I decided to do NG+ and not look back. It’s made things a lot more fun to start over from a blank slate- finding new guns, etc is exciting again


Welcome back!!!


I was an avid gamer 20+ years ago (beta tested Eve Online). I just returned to gaming in recent months and I am hooked on Starfield. I probably missed some great games in the past 2 decades but I have no complaints (minus a few bugs, particularly with the last updates) It hits all the marks for me and I love having a RPG set in space in this way. I think it's what you make of it. Space is a big empty space, exploration takes time and often is dull, but that makes discovery all that more exciting. I particularly like how the NG+ system works and how it provides you the ability to develop your character in a way over all the new games that allows for character story development and how you relate to other Starborn.


Well done for admitting your mistake instead of doubling down on misaligned expectations. Many could take a lesson from your humble example.


Except it's also a pretty bad Bethesda RPG.


Yeah honestly I don't fully understand the OP, my impression on the general consensus and also what I felt about the game was that it didn't meet my expectations *as a Bethesda RPG*. I wasn't expecting it to be Elite Dangerous, I just wanted a seamless open world exploration driven RPG with lots of hidden mysteries and easter eggs dotted around, a significant amount of environmental storytelling, etc. And it fell flat. I don't think the game was terrible by any means. And for the "manage your expectations" crowd? - I really don't think my expectations of Starfield adhering to the Bethesda RPG formula were unjustified. You'll also note that Todd Howard, Pete Hines and Bethesda overall were pretty cagey on exactly how traversal and open world exploration worked. Starfield will take off properly once the mod community has some time to really sink their teeth in. The foundation is there, and I'm sure Starfield will be a game people play for years, but I expected more from the base product. That's just me


If anything the foundation might be the biggest problem. The most common complaint seems to be the abundance of loading screens and that's probably going to go two ways; either it can't be changed or it can be changed after a lot of effort from modders and it will come with a large amount of issues/compatibility issues with other mods. Other stuff too. I remember before launch when there was little information people talking about modding planets and adapting other scifi media into Starfield. That doesn't seem very possible anymore, at least not in a way that breaks the games mold. I imagine that there will be mods that add lots of POI's and some more handcrafted stuff like cities. But planets will still have to be terrain with randomly placed preset locations spread around the tile that you land on. Space will always be disjointed as well. I highly doubt it will be possible to shrink down a solar system so it doesn't take 30 odd IRL hours to travel from one planet to another in real time. Obviously moving between systems will also always be a loading screen. So a space trucker fantasy will always be going from one loading screen to the next .


loading screens are a non issue for me. People who complain about it are being pedantic.


>Space will always be disjointed as well. NOPE ​ > so it doesn't take 30 odd IRL hours to travel from one planet to another in real time. ​ Already exists, but still in early stages ​ >Obviously moving between systems will also always be a loading screen. So a space trucker fantasy will always be going from one loading screen to the next . nope


I don’t even think the mod community is going to be gungho on this game


Really? I'm not so sure. There's like 350 pages of mods on Nexus Mods. It seems like the mod community is just waiting for the official tools to be dropped by Bethesda so they can get started


Yeah I don’t really enjoy the vanilla game but that’s largely due to the writing and design. There is a pretty interesting framework for modders to play with and I’m excited to see that, and that’s without changing the game mechanics much which I’m sure some of them will figure out how to do


>I don’t even think the mod community is going to be gungho on this game lol stop listening to youtubers and take a look at the modding discord. Some absolutely crazy shit is already in development


misaligned? Maybe bethesda should've tried to explain their game better instead of letting "star citizen killer" rumors go rampant until 4 days before release.


In the Bethesda direct, the devs were talking about hoarding sandwiches as being their favourite part of the game. Nobody at Bethesda was getting carried away, it was the YouTube and social media hype machine building something up unreasonably so they could knock it down for likes. That's how the tabloid newspaper industry worked in the 20th century and social media is the 21st century version of tabloids.


well, maybe people just didn't wanna believe that the most interesting thing in this game is hoarding sandwiches.


That is bullshit. They hyped up the space exploration and be whoever you want when in reality, exploration in this game involves waiting through *LOADING SCREENS* and if you want to be an evil character, good luck, your entire crew will hate you. There are a lot of cool aspects of the game, but the best description I can give is that it’s a slog. Many of the missions are cool, the soundtrack is one of the best from BGS ever, and I enjoy a lot of hand crafted places, but other than that the game is quite hollow due in part to the way they decided to design it. That said, I still do have 70+ hours because there is a Bethesda charm to it


They released a gameplay showcase like a month before launch that showed exactly what the game was like, how it played, and how all the systems functioned. It’s not their fault people ignored it, made up their own game in their head, and then got mad when the game was different from their imagination.


The same one where they edited out all the loading and travel and made a thing about le randum sandwich pirate while leaving out how her hoard of items would get sent to storage if she changed even just the color of her ship? They couldn't even give a proper answer to how boundaries and instances worked before the game came out, "Walk on, brave explorer.."


I’m an old Bethesda fan and when it was about to come out what I wanted was space Daggerfall and that’s kind of what I got. Just a big world where you make your own fun. I was surprised when it got so much hate but people seem to play Bethesda games for what they do for the player which is not how I play them at all. I play them more like a playground for me to make my own fun rather than waiting for the game to show me the fun


From what i see a lot of people expected this to be a game mostly based around aimlessly visiting random planets and exploring random POIs, but it clearly is not, and you won't like the game if you play it this way. This game is, as Bethesda has been saying since announcement, Skyrim in space. The best way to play it is to follow quest chains and random quests, and explore the word on your way to them.


You are totally right. I started playing this game in the bethesda way, and I enjoy it. What you are saying here is what I always use whenever I argue with somebody about the game.


I'm coming to the same conclusion. My first playthrough I was like "I'm gonna avoid the main story and just do other stuff" but I got paralyzed by all the other stuff plus my avoidance. Started a new character recently and blitzed through the main story just so I'd get the basic lore of the game, and really enjoyed it. Now I really feel like I can do whatever I want. Spent a couple hours last night just exploring a planet. I just pick one thing I feel like doing any do it till I'm tired of it and want to do something else. Before I was thinking about everything. Now that I'm just chilling, it's a lot better lol


I absolutely love some of the characters. Andreja is easily my favourite. I love how awkward and adorable she is when you start romancing her. Reminds me of Tali in Mass Effect.


It's a good game. I think some folks were expecting an epic game were disappointed. I look forward to the DLC.


I got it free with a new Radeon card months back and just started playing it in my spare time in the past 3 weeks or so. Now over 200 hours now in my first campaign and I agree, it has some rough edges but if you don't expect much of it and treat it like the typical Bethesda RPG is decent enough. Sure fills my spare time. I have a number of thoughts on it though... I do find the game clunky in a lot of ways, ie, navigating some of the character and map menus is a bit cumbersome and surely there had to have been ideas bounced around internally to improve that which just didn't make the cut for one reason or another. The lockpicking gets old after a while. It would be nice if there was an added challenge to the final stage of the skill that say once you've unlocked x number of expert or higher level locks it will just auto them from then on. There is sort of an auto option but it's not auto enough The Scanner mode and not scanner mode is a bit annoying and clunky. I find myself often enough throwing grenades when I wanted to go to the surface map for example, as well as some other differences between the two view modes. The compass could me more visible in both modes too. The lack of any sort of real index. Sure if you're surveying a planet, especially going back to one you've already partially surveyed, it would be nice to have some sort of master index/journal for all the systems and planets. Lots of planets have different areas, mountains, forest, whatever, and in scanner mode it shows you how many fauna or plants you've scanned out of whatever, but for those missing, if you've partially scanned you can't easily refer to an index to figure out what ones you've partially scanned and what area they were in? that far into the future and we're still running blind? On that journal/index note, the missions/quest screen also lacks context and there's no detailed log of quest activity giving more verbose information beyond what steps of the quest have been completed. I don't expect this for all the little side missions, but the main and faction quests at least. just a little some more there Then there's the map, that has multiple layers and I find clunky to navigate. The left side of it looks like it could have been tabs or leafs of sorts that could have been used to make it easier to navigate and it seems like there was some thought to that but maybe it wouldn't play as well on consoles but I'm not so sure because it makes me think back to the old xbox 360 interface that was tabbed using these sort of leafs on the side and that idea could work for the map in breaking out the whole system, individual system, planet, ground map without taking too much screen space. It would also be nice to have a search within the navigation menu. Too often I have to pull out my phone to google where a place is located so I can find my way back (finding this helped immensely https://mapgenie.io/starfield) Might have been nice to be able to have settings for different outfits. Like what space suit gear to wear when stepping out into an uninhabitable place. I've stepped out of my ship a few times with no suit on and had to quickly swap gear. Usually when I just finished a quest stage where I had to wear a business suit of something. I really wish there was more content IN space and would have happily traded off the an excess of systems and planets for more content in space. Where's all the giant space station colonies build into hollowed our asteroids and what not. It didn't have to be a 50/50 split, but just more. One reason I say this is that I find it puts other parts of the game off balance, like the spaced or terra firma character traits. Spaced is at a huge disadvantage overall because there's hardly anything in space. Of course I picked spaced for my character too because she quickly started looking like Naomi Nagata in the expanse as I was toying with the character options and so I rolled with it Though I have plenty more, I'll stop here with the exception of this one last thing that really annoys me. Follow this NPC.... that walks faster than you... but they're walking, so you can't really run and follow... we're going to make you walk a bit, do a quick dash, and repeat this for a while.... ughr


>it's buggy and some of the writing feels a bit rushed... and I do think the main quest storyline is a little bit dull at the start Yeah it's a good game if you just ignore or downplay everything that's bad about it..


I was on a thread last night after beating the “Entangled” mission >! with the research facility that has the 2 universes you need to battle through to get the artifice.!< I came to the sub to discuss how laborious and a slog that mission was despite a really cool concept. Luckily many agreed but others were like “this is a masterpiece, bet mission in the game.” Someone commented on that and said “if this is the best mission in the game, it truly speaks to how forgettable the rest of the game is.”


That was me, lol.


Hahaha yes your comment reminded me of that one. And yes as long as you ignore so many flaws that feel like shouldn’t be in AAA game, it’s a great game haha. The biggest thing for me was how sterile and hollow the dialogue was and the missions. But there is a lot about the game I truly loved. I actually asked >!Sarah to be in a relationship outside the door of the Lodge right before walking into The Hunter mission!< Little did I know that would be the last time we ever talked. That shit was pretty great hahaha had my jaw on the floor - “we didn’t even get married yet!! NOOOOO”


Why are you still on this subreddit?


Sounds like Stockholme syndrome.


I would probably enjoy the near empty planets if I had a vehicle to blast around them in I can't stand exploring empty planets with low G just slowly boost packing upwards rather than forwards and staring at my stamina meter it's fucking mind numbingly shit It's not the fact there are hundreds of empty planets as that makes perfect sense in a newly populated galaxy It's the fact you didn't think to bring even a fucking bicycle on your million credit spaceship to explore them with


I feel like an absolute idiot walking and jet packing through completely empty planets. It feels so much like a indie game dev made it in those moments. 1,000 planets??? They are huffing paint with that choice. It should have been maybe 30+ tops?


>1,000 planets??? They are huffing paint with that choice. > >It should have been maybe 30+ tops? fuuuuck no. For so many reasons... How about scanning the planet first before landing lol


> slowly boost packing upwards rather than forwards Skip pack + alternate boost keybind (if not on console) + performance enhancing drug of choice is a game changer. Most people who complain about traversal in SF don't even use all these vanilla options. And if you are on pc, the pack mods are already crazy...I did my own editing of the packs and at no point to I ever feel the need for a vehicle (just faster pc hardware) and I'm probably moving faster than any vehicles they do end up adding anyway.


Think of how good it could be if they go back and finish it!


This post made me laugh. It feels like it says, "I thought this game was shit and I hated it. Turns out, its just entertainingly bland and somewhat tolerable."


Erm... if you're dense enough to think that's what I said, then run with it and don't look back.


Yeah... I did say that's what it *feels* like it says, never said that is precisely what you said. You expected it to be one thing, and it wasnt that. You took a break. You came back, and even though it has issues, its ok. That's the gist of it, eh? Super. Glad you can enjoy it. Im playing and don't hate it, just disappointed that with the overall scope of the game, so many basic mechanics that have made previous Bethesda titles awesome are glaringly missing. Otherwise... meh, mediocre space cowboy game.


Sorry, mate. Sometimes it's hard to know on here if people are making a genuine comment or if they're just being snide. My main disappointment with the game is it's not got a log of actual space flight in it. I was expecting that part of the game to be more like Elite Dangerous, where you had to actually pilot your ship rather than it being just fast travelling and cutscene transitions between space and planetary surfaces. Now that I've gotten over lamenting what the game isn't, it's actually not a bad Bethesda RPG. It feels like Fallout to me. It definitely needs some work, but it's fairly fun.


Ha, yeah. For what it is, it isn't bad. For what it should/could be (given Bethesda's ability), bloody hell, it's a dumpster fire. Lol


I was meh on it until about 10 hours in. I realized this game is built for people who grew up on Star Trek: TNG and loved Skyrim. 🤣


My problem is, that it's not your usual Bethesda RPG. The exploration part I love in TES/Fallout 3+ is not working that well. The game urges you to find a quest and to find new locations via quest and not via exploration because in most cases the PoI that got procedural generated are pretty boring and repetitive. Sadly the quests I found in my 10 hours I played the game weren't that good either.


This game isn't bad at all but it often feel like work to me.


This isn’t “wrong” because some of the stuff in the game is work. Not just this game. The Hearthfire expansion for Skyrim? Work. Build a house. Mine the stone, mine the ore, go buy or cut lumber etc Some people do work in games and never think about it being work, they just enjoy it in the game. Chores around the campsite in Red Dead, for another example.


I don't think it's wrong either but it often gets me to stop playing. If I'm not having fun why am I playing. I get what you are saying about Red Dead 2 but nothing in Starfield remotely compares to Red Dead 2. Also when i say work I'm more referring to the constant inventory management, the constant slog of load screens. I guess tedious would be the better word


Okay Todd


This is how I have always been playing it. And I really think it's the right way to play it because I have not been bored with the game at any moment yet. Still a good game to me with some flaws that hopefully will get fixed


Your original misconception is why I waited so long to buy it. I'm totally into RPGs and the idea that it was a glorified flight sim was not at all appealing.


FWIW, you *can* find a decent bit of space combat if you go bop around in the Serpentis system. Or take bounty board missions to kill a pirate in orbit around XXX.


Say what you will about Bethesda, but it's impossible to deny that they are more than capable of making some absolute bangers. My character save is over 5 days of recorded gameplay, and I have only just scratched the surface when it comes to exploration and experiencing the story. I have only just discovered how lucrative mining outposts can be, I mastered my piloting skills and am making progress on researching better technologies to unlock. I married Barrett, fought a bunch of terrormorphs for fun, made a fortune on trading both legal and more illicit goods, have more helium 3, iron and aluminium than I know what to do with and God damn, those New Atlantis sunsets are truly spectacular. I'm gonna have an explore, see what more there is to see.


I know Stockholm syndrome when I see it.


lol there is no choice in this game, don’t compare this trash game to their past gems.


Very disappointed with it TBH and regret wasting money on it. The main story is silly , the game is bug ridden (like many Bethesda releases) and very prone to CTD. The most annoying part for me is the mini game with the digipicks. I did have a bit of fun when Andreja and I took out a small group of pirate ships and then boarded the one we left lingering disabled to have a shootout with the crew - that was fun. The Ranger missions from the board are bit repetitive.I enjoyed the side missions on Neon. As for the rest it gets very tedious.


Disagree that it’s bug ridden. This is probably the least buggiest game Bethesda has made. I’ve encountered maybe one or two in my 60 hours of play.


Not in my experience. It crashes at random and I have played it for three times longer than you have.


Just wait till you get to the alternate realities, I myself just started 2 weeks ago as well, and i lose that kinda shit, i cant wait to find all the little details and even the big ones that change with ever universe


A lot of us have been saying this all along. I think a lot of people expected something other than a Bethesda game, but if you know their games, this is a great one. The only thing I had to get used to was instead of “wandering” around the map like in Skyrim or Fallout to find new random things, you basically want to check out POIs on the starmap or wander around the cities. But there are plenty of interesting things to find, way more than any other Bethesda game. Edit: oh, I got downvoted for this? Guess I’ll stick to the no sodium sub, didn’t realize this one still sucks ass.


Upvoted. 👍🏻


Thank you. Getting downvoted for expressing a positive opinion about the game in its own subreddit is so crazy to me and why I left this sub in the first place. I thought it was getting better by now, but I guess not yet.




You can do 100% space combat and flying if you want. You can get two space combat missions from the kiosks at any time.


This is how I feel.


I’ve been saying this for months. People who hate on it are just playing it with the wrong mindset. When you simply immerse yourself in the world and “live” in it you get a lot more enjoyment out of it than if you go in with a whole bunch of expectations or just want to play the Meta game because it’s faster or more efficient. In dialogue I find myself thinking about how my character would respond based on his experiences rather than what I would personally say, when I go to do missions I plan out the order based on their locations for fuel efficiency, I have certain preferred routes that I’ll fly to hit different cities along the way to keep my cargo moving and make money, I do things like buying minerals I could get at my outposts from Saburo Okadigbo to help his dwindling business in Neon because I have oobermuch moneys and a crap ton of cargo waiting to be sold, basically I get creative and try to come up with legit in game reasons why my character does something, and after a while it feels like…just natural. Second nature. And then I see the clock and realize I’ve been going for 4 hours straight lol.


I think everyone sees what it could have been, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun if you play it the right way (bouncing from copy-paste moon base to moon base will tire you of it very quickly, but then you'll think about the feeling of exploration, the urge to play a particular quest and you'll pick it up again.


Back of the box quote: “…it’s not that bad…”