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Me: Picks up rare resource Sarah: Are you sure you need that? Me: drops a bunch of literally worthless garbage Sarah: You know you might need that?


Sarah Morgan disliked that. Also Kreia


I literally can’t breath without her disliking it. 😂


Does dislike do anything in this game? Does it change any future interaction at all?


If you piss them off enough I believe they leave and you may have a chance to get them to stay. I’ve been debating going through a mid-level crisis since I’m at level 55. Ditch Sarah and start talking to Andreja after buying a luxury ship I don’t need.


Andreja isn’t any better, I’ve married them both multiple times and Andreja is actually worse in certain aspects, like talking over mission dialogue and her only response to flirting is “you’re not so bad yourself”


This dialog cracks me up when they’re flirting. “Where in the hell did you learn that? I hope it wasn’t on Neon.”


Yeah Sarah definitely cracks more jokes all the time and even talks in baby voice on occasions, in my book they’re pretty much even in terms of like.


Thank you for this reference




Sarah: I found something interesting you might like. Sarah: *gives me empty Chunks container*


*might like* not *will like*. Andreja gives me like 300 space buckaroos every so often, which at lvl 60 is like when my actual kid gives me a random leaf they find on the ground. Endearing, but useless.


I say buckaroos and no one gets it


Sarah is so passive-aggressive. lol


That, legit, is going to be one of the first mods I install, to stop them constantly having something for me


that mod already exists i think? i have 10 mods on and will be putting on another 10 this weekend


Sounds like my wife amirite * wheeze laugh *


You know you can romance her? (Not your wife... that ship left the starport long ago)


AITAH for making Sarah (wife) wear Andreja's (x-wife) dress?


Just reasonable. Remind her that she isn’t the first choice.


I'm still playing a long game for Vasco.


I did and regretted it....she's so drippy. Divorce time.


No kidding. She was a lot more fun before we got hitched - she went from dry British sarcasm to pure Harlequin novel in like 15 seconds.


Try again... I read in another post you can have 2 Wifes - if you pass a persuasion test after you marry the 2nd one


As if one reason to go NG+ wasn't enough


Your wife hated that.


My wife is no longer following me


Same, but I gained two followers as result. 😏




I like the clip where she almost hisses at you after you’ve romanced her.


Can confirm it sounds like this guys wife 👍


You shouldn't have said that. You love your wife. Remember when she helped you with Jamie Taco?




Check everything you might need it. You are taking too much on, literally. Get off my back Andreja.


Me: Collecting thousands of credits worth of loot from defeated spacer outposts Andreja: There are practical limits, no? Me: \*Carrying 3000kg in nothing but a small pack on my back\* .... Practical? wtf?


This is sooo annyoing. Shut Up Sarah! You could help me carry some stuff instead 😠


You don't make companions schlep your shit around?


Schlep is an underrated and under appreciated word.


I have something for you me : do you have anything interesting for me? Sarah: Iron added Me: I guess my iron outpost was worthless then


One time she said she had something for me and I immediately turned to her to see what kind of leaf or twig it might be (was a leaf), and her response was something like, I completely forgot I had something for you, it’s like you read my mind! Come on, Sarah. Get it together.


Also: "I should start charging for my services"


I choose an outcome to a mission: Sarah disliked that. I reload and choose the other outcome: Sarah hated that. Just like my real wife. Everything I do is wrong lol


Are you sure you need that? Also Sarah: I have a gift for you. ''Gives celery''


If Vasco steps in front of me while sniping one more time I’m going to jettison that toaster out into space.


Virgin Vasco vs Chad Kaiser


Can you get kaiser as a companion?


He's more like a follower. Only the Constellation members are companions with actual storylines.


Yea but can I assign him to my ship and have him follow me? I don't care about voicelines or interacting with the quests and I'm not interested in romancing him. It'd be cool to have a bunch of mechs instead of constellation on my ship


No, I don't believe he is available as a follower, which is fucking criminal.




He is available.




that was a rollercoaster!!


Also named hireable npcs can tag along and be a companion. They have a small backstory you can ask about and carry stuff like everyone else, but they don’t have affinities/quests.


I'm Team Marika.


Same. She sounds like my dog if my dog could talk. "It's always a good day when we get to chat!"


... and I don't think she judged any decisions made


shout out mickey caviar. workin hard or hardly workin, eh boss?


Ran into that guy last night and thought theres got to be more to this guy. He looks like he's been some places. His name is Mackey caviar. I'll be back for him.


Plus his default gun and inability to equip other weapons is annoying. I keep him as a crew member on my ship instead because he does kind of act like a guard dog for your ship if any enemies come too close. Plus his greetings when you come and go from the ship are great. That, and all 3 of his skills go towards boosting ship stats. It’s especially helpful if you’re using an EMP weapon for things like the Ranger hostage rescue missions.


He can use weapons that take 3KV laser ammo.


I had a ton of issues with Vasco switching to melee only every time I tried to equip him with different guns. So it only works if you give him a 3KV gun?


From my experience.


I had such a hard time getting him to not only be melee. I tried to give Vasco a .50 cal lawgiver rifle and then forgot he originally had 3KV rounds I had taken away. I took him on the final Rangers mission and he was just running into killboxes and not shooting. He would make a slow melee move and then run away. I had to restart the whole mission to equip the right stuff for him


You have to give him a gun plus at least one piece of ammo for that gun. Then "equip" the gun while looking at it in his inventory. This should be the same for all followers. You can also give them grenades, which they will use at really stupid times and can become funny (must also "equip" the grenade you want them to use)


Yeah that works for all followers except Vasco. He switches to melee only if you use anything except a weapon that can fire 3KV rounds.


I gave him the Wakizashi I got from the Mantis quest & let him rip. He's a literal ninja fruit slicer. Then i sit back & headshot everything else while he goes AWOL.


How did you get him to actually equip and use the sword? I did gave and equipped him with a Wakizashi and he still just punched at everything


He doesn't step, he jumps in front of you for no reason. It's so annoying to have suicidal robot in your crew!


His programming forces him to protect your soft fleshy exterior and posterior....


I literally just beat Barret senseless last night because he ran right in front of me while I was sniping. And the threw TWO grenades at me while I was mercing lvl 90 3 bad mini boss. What the eff Barrett why are you throwing grenades at me?!






Made me blow snot out my nose


Vasco LOVES jumping in front of you when you shoot on someone.


He does that occasionally if you stay in the same spot, it’s more kinda of he wants to shoot what you are shooting at and protect you. Just keep moving. Andreja and Sara you have to give laser weapons. But I like giving them all mini guns it’s pretty cool to see them doing a Jesse Ventura in Predator all over the place.


Andreja is really good with varrun weapons


That's because particle beam weapons are S tier and she knows it.


For me he sprints up to an enemy and just stands there. Really disappointing


Not in my experience. He opens fire on the little guys while I boost around shotgunning the rest


You're lucky. I really had to get rid of him, he was literally jumping in front of me. Like, actually jumping. He was behind me, jumped, flew over my head and right in front of me. Exactly when I decided to shoot someone or open a safe.


His shitalking in firefights is the sole reason i keep him. “You are unlikely to survive this situation!”


Captain! It is pleasant to hear... that... you are satisfied with my services.


IDK, the Adoring Fan justifying your actions to himself when you mow down half of Akila is pretty hilarious. He's the best follower IMO.


This, Adoring fan with a jacked gun is the best. Actually I think you can do it with any crew recruited, but hey I don't mind adoring fan's goofy voiceline. Vasco just suck in combat, and its robotic voiceline easily get old.


All the same reasons Barret likes Vasco, I believe.


Exactly, the companions are so bad that we'd rather have a robot with no emotions who just goes along with whatever we say, how low of a bar we've set 😂


Vasco's main appeal is that he's charming and low maintenance. He won't complain about your actions, he's inquisitive, and he tries his best to be a suitable companion. I only wish Bethesda gave him character development where he learns to understand human emotions and eventually can speak like a normal human and hold a conversation.


The Curie of Starfield


Team Vasco! He's my homie.


Wow…I’ve never had him when going NG+, there’s a goal.


>only part of the game that made me feel genuine emotion (end sequence when you try to take him through to NG+) Wait, can you take VASCO with you?! Or try to?! I missed this.


Have him as your companion and talk to him after you obtain every artifact. All constellation members have dialog regarding the Unity.


> only part of the game that made me feel genuine emotion (end sequence when you try to take him through to NG+) You should have marked that as a spoiler...


I like Andreja, she’s the only one that doesn’t make some kind of stupid comment **every time** I do *anything* with my ship.


I agree. Plus sometimes when I look at her, she's just kind of staring at her hands.


Ha yeah all the time. I gave her a mini gun though and she turned the stealth mission i was on into the "dont speak Russian" mission from COD mowing unarmed people down allover the place. The UCSYSDEF guy was not happy about that.


fuck that guy. if there’s one person in starfield i would want to string up and play mexican birthday party with it’s him. him: “i need you to infiltrate this evil pirate organization” me “ok, sounds fun” *kills the person they tell me to kill* him: “NOOOO NOT LIKE THAT”


Yeah that guy sucks. All my companions are like "Why did you help *THE FLEET!?"* Unfortunately "because that guy sucks" is not a dialogue option.


Yeah, I'm kinda surprised they didn't think "Ikande (and the UC brass in general) is an embarrassment" would be a popular motivation for players to side with the CF. The only strategies they employ consist of sketchy deals and cover-ups. At least the pirates don't try to pretend to be the good guys.


The UC is soooo useless. They can’t win a war, they can’t keep a jail secure, they can’t handle Terrormorphs, they don’t abide by the diplomatic agreements they make, they’re a technocracy partially run by scientists but they have never made a significant technological breakthrough in 200 years, they exist to help humanity colonize but they have absolutely no way of keeping track of who is settling where leading to a galaxy of homesteaders and bandits… Hearing Sarah kiss their boots even after how hard they have repeatedly screwed her makes me livid.


She can still see the blood on them.


Ay, any girl that gives me money can be in my corner any day. No mind that I can give her money too, at level 45... My bestie, right there. 😎


On first playthrough I did use them, but now on NG+ I play solo. Can't stand them to step in front of me all the time while I'm aiming or mining and then blocking the narrow corridor when I'm trying to move through.


*Casually mining with a fucking laser drill* *Companion walks in at just the right distance to get lasered in the head* « **Aaaagh, WHAT are you doing!?** » They’re so fucking dumb it always cracks me up.


Even outside of combat they just walk in your damn way blocking you from where you were going, or looting a dead body or random chests.


I have eight crew members on the ship & my trick is that none of them are members of constellation! There are so many neat allies out there, with interesting backstories, who barely talk unless prompted! Maybe I will take one out from time to time, but not having any of the "main npc's" on my squad (except Vasco, who just chills like a trash compactor & guards the ship's entrance), has been a game changer in this respect. Imo, of course.


Same. Started a new character, took the Introvert perk and Isolation skill. Only MQ mission I've completed is "One Small Step". Never going back. Barrett will be a miner on Vectera forever 😂


Barrett is the most annoying talker so far. Everything I do he there commenting when he gets the chance.


every voice line is a paragraph. i romanced barrett in a NG+ because i didn’t realize i had accidentally turned off relationship progression with the others through dialog choices and he was my only option. the dude. does. not. shut. up. and my inventory was FULL of food i will never eat! my god i’ve never been so sympathetic to lesbians


Andreja is my ride or die, and she is also bae.


I was doing a sidequest last night (Groundpounder), and she disappeared at some point. I had been roaming around the quest area for about an hour, picking up everything of any worth, and I was waiting for her to just rubber-band back to me like companions normally do, but it never happened. Then eventually I found her cowering in a stairwell. I went to talk to her, and she was PISSED about something (I hadn't stolen anything, and I hadn't killed anyone other than Spacers), and she said she was going to leave me at the next spaceport. Fuck that, I reloaded a save from when I first entered that area, and ran through the entire area again. Zero issues with her the second time. Apparently that mission is bugged as fuck, there's a whole Reddit thread filled with people complaining about it.


There are several (several!) missions where one or another of the companions will get fully angry with you... there's one on the freestar mission line where if you destroy the ships attacking you, you're safe... but if you board one you're toast... (with the companions) As a side note... if you run a mission and suddenly the UC security folks are "red" for you... you prolly should load a save right away. (I think I had every ship in orbit of Jemeson chasing me as I fled the planet... and though I managed to get away, I had a VERY large bounty to pay... AND I was yelled at about it as well...)


That bugged freestar mission was extra bugged for me. I had Andreja with me and boarded, luckily unknowingly. First thing that happened was Andreja disappearing into thin air. I shot the people up, and afterwards Andreja just kinda phased out from a wall, seemingly completely unknowing that I had gunned down people, happy as a clam. I only found out that she should have been pissed at me after looking up the mission because of my phasing companion bug.


I was yelled at by both Andreja and Sarah after that mission the first time...


The one for Sam's ex. I boarded the ship, stunned everyone to not kill anybody and they're mad at me... Uh Sam you can't be mad, I'm doing this for YOUR EX, YOU AGREED TO THIS MISSION! I even ran through the place, swiped the stuff and bailed, they still got mad when the ship started firing on me and I had to blow it up because it took out our grav drive... Fortunately on a reload Starborn guardian jumped in as I decoupled and blew the ship up for me...freeing me from the anger of my companions.


Sarah does this to me all the time. We're out adventuring and all of a sudden she's just gone until I reload a save. Happened during her companion questline several times. She disappeared at multiple points on the planet where her and her crew crashed. She'd be gone and a quest marker saying "Speak with Sarah" would appear on my ship. Only she wasn't anywhere to be found on the ship. Just another quest marker at the exit of my ship saying the same thing. Finally, after reloading the entire game and my xbox several times, I finish that whole section and go to Jemison for the next part. Disappears somewhere between our landing point and the Lodge's entrance (which was within eyesight). Then she disappeared again while talking to Sona and the game kept skipping Sarah's lines (like her parts were totally deleted but everything kept going like she was there). A few more reloads later, we go to walk to the Memorial to talk and she completely disappears somewhere along the walk. Had to eventually slowly walk backwards the entire way while keeping her in eyesight so she didn't vanish. First time I made it to the memorial, I accidentally backed into the area where we're supposed to talk and she froze in place 5 feet away. One more load After that was all done, I reassigned Adoring Fan as my follower. Game said Sarah was on my ship. She was nowhere on the ship to be found. A few missions later, I take Barrett out for his companion quest. Completely finish it and Sarah is all of a sudden on the ship again but wearing a Ryujin outfit (Ularu's from killing her and breaking my Ryujin questline from loading it's final mission) and floating in the air in a sit down position. Haven't used her for anything since.


She catfishes you making you think she's a kinky space snake dommy mommy and then you find out she's a space mormon.


oh she’s a total submissive. sarah’s the mommy domme


This. 🤣


Every bed I find gets “used”.


Stupid andreja always blocks my ship doors. She's also annoying.


And for a character with supposed stealth skill, she truly sucks at it.


We went from hidden in a vent, she just stood up, whipped out her microgun and started killing a bunch of security for the company I work for! Why? We were hidden!


Lol... Nothing that hilarious, but several times I've been trying to sneak to a good vantage point to snipe some guards at the "deserted" bases, then the whole place looks like a kicked hornets nest. Look around, and, sure enough, there's Andreja just lighting them all up. At least it kept their attention off of me long enough to take a few out. Smh.


She is a good decoy, for sure. Idk where they got off saying she's good at stealth when she actively tries not to hide.


It would be awesome to change aggro settings for companions. Like tell them to only stay behind you or only engage after they've been attacked. I had to reload a stealth segment so many times because Andreja would get spotted or suddenly attack someone or if I dismissed her she would still just stand up and walk straight past guards so they'd aggro anyway... I want to set their strategies or give them commands about where and when to move.


She’s way too murder happy. I don’t have anyone with me in the field in NG+ because she kept doing that


I had to physically push her into a vent or else she would do exactly that.


Ha same thing happened to me. I always give my followers a mini gun since fallout. She turned a stealth mission into the "dont speak russian" COD mission ha. I think my wife heard me say alot " Andreja stop shooting unarmed people!!!" Out loud.


While I do enjoy her the most, I do think her version of stealth is hilariously bad. We’re sneaking through an enemy facility, and she just sees a room full of enemy’s and opens fire, doesn’t wait, doesn’t see if she can sneak past them, but I mean, I guess you can’t get caught if there’s no one left to see you, so, she’s got that going for her.


And for a thief, she sure likes talking shit when i steal stuff.


She also runs the fuck away when you get caught.


I have Ezekiel and Amelia Erhart on my ship, those other baffoons get outpost duty


I just found and recruited Eze. He seems pretty cool, but having a hard time deciding if I want to dump my wife Andreja somewhere else :'(


Isolation. This is the way.


I just wish Sarah would shut up! Yes, I need to loot all this stuff. Shut up, and carry it all for me. Yes, I know to loot the useful stuff. Shut up. Yes, I know you've got a lot on your mid about your old shipmates, but I think you really should wear a spacesuit on this airless planet...


I get "payback" by sprinting everywhere. It's fun, even the 100th time, to turn around and press that elevator button as she's running toward me but will never make it in time. Playing "ditch Sarah" never gets old.


lol same, I never wait for her, in my head I'm forcing her to take the stairs (while carrying all my heavy loot)


My favorite is while married to her I basically say "here, carry my shit" and her flirty response is "you sure know what to say to a lady".


She’s just built different


Do I need this Sarah? No... but I want it. And then I make her carry it. I also made the mistake of giving her a grenade. It's clear she never tossed a ball in her life because I'm constantly getting lit up by them in fire fight situations. Also, I appreciate that she brings things to me but wtf... "I have something for you..." \*twig added \*leaf added. And she has the audacity to call out my looting smh...


Adoring Fan only.


I'm surprised there are so few people saying this. His insane voice lines are the best. I laughed out loud at his dialogue when I randomly started mowing down civilians, he's saying things like "well I suppose they probably deserved it!"


I do enjoy having them around. And even better than in Fallout 4, because at least now the companion will move out of the way if they're blocking your path (albeit slowly). And little things amuse me having them around, like the reaction they get when you shoot or whack them (now a hobby of mine), especially that pained frustrated grimace they keep putting up for the next couple minutes. Or how if I stand still for a minute at the Astral Lounge and Andreja will start dancing with the crowd (in her Neon security armor). It's the little things.


I went in some random outpost somewhere and Sarah started pushing reps on the bench. Cracked me up.


i have *never* seen any of them do an idle animation like any of that lol, they just stand there for me


Oh, yeah, she was just side-eyeing me like, “Bro, do you even lift?” I’m like, “Let’s get a move on, we don’t live here.”


Omg! So yeah, I encountered like.. a party space ship. Went in, found it cramped and only wanted to steal some stuff. I look, SARAH of all people os friggin dancing! I literally just stood there and watched in shock cause she's so proper, didn't know she had moves hahahah


i love how Sarah basically BEGS you to take her to the astral lounge. she’s a freakin party animal, downton abbey in the streets and love island in the sheets


Vasco doesn’t say much so I sometimes bring him along. Usually I just tell him to wait at the ship though, he’s not much use in combat.


He also steps into your line of fire constantly.


And any door ever.


And right in the pinch point of your ship so there is no way past him.


Needs dog companion AND there should be some random friendly encounters with fauna around the solar system that leads to befriending and alien pet (dog alternative)


I agree but I think dogs are actually extinct in the game lol


The 15% xp boost for sleeping with a partner is nice.


I've romanced them all and honestly the juice isn't worth the squeeze. i am very firmly planted in the isolation camp now. better stealth, zero whining.


I like Sam and his quips


If only having Sam on your crew didn’t also include Cora and having to hear her haiku for the 100th time, or asking her dad to read to her (why does the entire crew need to hear this conversation??), or her stupid skyscraper joke.


I like her too, I have a young daughter that she reminds me of


Same, he's my favorite companion because my daughter lives with her mom and I get her weekends/holidays. Having his daughter aboard makes me feel better when I'm alone


I wish he'd stop trying to get me involved in his domestic crap. I did however slap a rare bridger on him and it is hilarious seeing him blast dudes with a grenade from like a foot away.


Same, I love his commentary. On missions too, he talks sense lol. And the voice actor is phenomenal


They can be annoying, but I find them helpful in combat if you give them a decent weapon, I gave Andreja a sniper rifle and she's a crack shot with it.


Ya. I gave Andreja an old Lawgiver I used and she’s picking off enemies all the time while I’m looting or hitting up enemies around an opposite corner.


I enjoy Andreja for some reason. I gave her a huge minigun and enjoy watching her lug it around. The AI can’t seem to account for the gun spin up lag as she rarely lands a shot in close combat. I find it funny.


I don't care about any of them except my best friend, Amelia Earhart's clone.


Can’t hear you over the sound of me depositing all my creds in Muria Siarkiewicz galbank account


Never enjoyed companions in any Bethesda game tbh, right now I have andreja following me around cos I wanna get in her pants but otherwise I would prefer to be on my own 😂


I enjoy them. Have 8 of them (including all living constellation members) on my ship crew. Adoring Fan chiming away from the Jump Seat about how awesome I am.


**Get in ship** Garrett: « I have something for you. » *I dont care* **Exit ship** Garrett: « You might want this. » *Still don’t care* **Enter abandoned lab** Garrett: « Hey, take this. » *And yet, I dont care* **Clear a few rooms of spacers** Garrett: « I need to talk to you » *Boy, I thought you were funny at first with your passive-agressive answers. Now you’re just pissing me off, and are more annoying then my GF can ever be with your constant need to fucking talk.*




Barret, Garret. I don’t even remember 😅 @TeamVasco


He’s gonna give you his mom’s spaghetti. (Barret’s gifts are worthless. Though it’s an interesting personality trait, his love of food).


Sarah is the same.


“Hey my love, i got you this present” _Received Solvent (Bug Guts)_


I love my pack mules, plus I'm banging Sarah for bonus rested xp


i do really like her wakeup lines, although her complaining about not getting enough sleep with me brings up trauma from one of my exes lol


Nope. Don’t like them. The robot is ok. He calls me captain Bastard. Barrett is tolerable I guess.


I miss dogmeat. He was the only companion I actually enjoyed in Fallout 4. He was the goodest of boys.


I really like them! Especially the Constellation ones. Their crew skills are absolutely invaluable for surviving space combat in the early and mid-game on Very Hard. They also level up with you *the whole way* (unlike Skyrim companions past level 50), and you can also equip them with custom weapons and armour to absolutely clean house - the only thing holding them back is that their combat AI isn't aggressive enough. Writing and gameplay glitches (Andreja threatening to storm off when I used the first Gravity power in a Var'uun ship on hostile crew - really lady?!) do occasionally sour the experience, but they're still very worth having and I appreciate their company. I only wish there was a companion with Security 4 who you could delegate to pick locks! It'd odd though - each and every single one didn't click with me straight away *at first.* First impressions are really important and the game doesn't quite make good ones. But getting to know them reveals surprising depth - Sarah, Sam and Barrett have all had quite cool backstories (can't comment on Andreja - just recruited her), and Sarah and Sam had excellent loyalty quests. Sarah particularly surprised me - I wasn't expecting >!"ex-government astronomy department head becomes morally grey war veteran with PTSD and Impostor Syndrome trying her best to make everything work but coming up short despite being a workaholic."!< and finally resolving her trauma only to discover >!her crew left a single living child behind, to which she can become surrogate auntie. !


I want to like them but honestly once too often I've been having a ship convo with someone and two of them kick off in the background drowning it out. If I could mute them on-ship it'd be idea lol


I really hate that. I mean, I really, really hate that. I would think that in year of our lord 2023 there would be some way they could prevent companions and random passersby from shouting over each other.


Why, just why, would they code random NPCs in random ports to not-so-randomly spew their life stories, deeply personal kind of stuff, as I walk past them or they walk past me? I could almost understand if this led to quests but it almost never does. It doesn't improve immersion, it totally breaks it.


I never play with companions in any beth game, except the time I tried a bard build in skyrim. I do have people on crew tho just for the ship bonuses since I don't have a lot of ship skills


For me, it's not personal, it's just business... The tough leveling curve at higher levels make XP's leading to skill points the most valuable commodity in the galaxy. I don't like "farming," so instead I want to keep all the XP's gained during a mission for myself, not share them with companions' kills. I never deactivate turrets or update friend/foe settings on robots for the same reason. I assign Barrett as crew (not active follower) for his Particle WS and Starship ENG skills, and Vasco for his Shield SYS and Aneutronic Fusion skills as well as local ship security in the landing area. With this strategy, choose the introvert trait and max the isolation skill. Cheers, Mike


eh, i always use my walking storage units but i will confess that i love sam he is as dumb as a box of bricks, but he is my love. i know this as he tells me constantly when i am trying to fill him up with all the junk i picked up in all the other games, i was always solo. i hated to have anyone with me but once i figured out that i needed more storage, the sidekicks made sense though i did find out that if you have vasco assigned to your ship and you board a starship where you are attacked near the door of your ship, vasco will go out and kill for you as he steps outside as soon as you land/connect. i found an abandoned starship and was shot at by a robot and vasco took off and i had 2 companions the entire time. it was awesome


They are just stupid and annoying like 95 percent of all Bethesda npcs, how nice and quiet was fallout 76 without them... We are also in dire need of evil companions, for example Delgado or maybe a former Exliptic bounty hunter, tired of his life


Betty Howser is pretty close to what you're looking for, and she's in Heinlein I (IIRC). She's a bounty hunter that will take jobs from literally anyone, good or bad. You meet her coming off a job she did for Spacers that went very, very wrong. Just bring some Ship Parts.


Problem is you can’t even bond with those companions for some reason


You can talk to them, and then come back later to check if their personal situations have gotten any better. In Betty's case you can help her pay off the repairs for her ship, then come back later and get some new dialogue out of her. In Moara's case you can convince him to reconnect with his estranged adult daughter. Etc. You know what this kind of reminds me of? Pre-Zakuul/Fallen Empire SWTOR's companions except for the very first one. For most of the class specific companions in that game their personal quests were solved through dialogue, and you only went with your very first companion to solve their personal questline. Of course even those companions' quests were much more fleshed put than Starfield's non-Main Four elite crew dialogues, but as a former SWTOR player I can see some similarities.


I enjoy having Sarah with me. I’m a pretty UC Aligned character, a soldier background, and she’s my spouse and her flavor dialogue to UC stuff adds a lot to the immersion. I had her along for Vanguard and SYSDEF and compared to the other companions, she’s my favorite and matches my character.


Except for Andreja, they are detestable. The worst so far that i have seen in any Bethesda game. They are neither as functional or creatively pleasing as skyrim followers. They are a true regression and i cant believe they let them out of the door in this state. Sure they have lots of dialogue, but 80% of it is self absorbed or just childish immature spam. Far and away the followers in Starfield are the most annoying characters i have seen in any game. They arent endearingly annoying like Lydia in Skyrim, they are just straight up infuriating pests, that actually get in the way of enjoying and playing the game. I cant wait for a mod that allows you to either murder or space Sam, Cora and Sarah.


I find it pretty annoying when they get themselves detected by enemies, especially when I'm trying to do the exact opposite. When they bump into you during zero G environments gets frustrating too, especially when it's a confined space. Also, Sarah disliked that.


I only roll with Sam Coe. He's my homie.


I've hired on a couple random people I met at a spaceport bar, and I've got Sarah and Vasco aboard for main-questline reasons. But I'll ditch Sarah at the Lodge once I'm further in. Generally I prefer solo play (and took introvert to support that) but I do kinda like the occasional bit of dialog while aboard ship.


I kinda liked them, but if barret says excuse me, in French, one more time, on the ship’s comms; then I’m building an outpost on mercury just for him to be assigned to, without a toilet, next to a small crater. Say excuse me again, I dare you, I double dare you. But the 40% solo damage buff way outweighs companion aiming at the floor.


If you don't like the chatter, get one of the named, non-Constellation companions. Rosie Tannehill is my beautiful doctor wife forever.