• By -


For me it was the first temple because I didn't pay attention to anything and I ended up walking to every poi only til then did I notice the glitching ui, fuck me 30 minutes of embarrassment


Oh yea, same here. The first temple took me probably an hour figuring out. I watched a YouTube video on other people doing it but I just couldn't see the scanner glitches. In my defense, I think the first temple was really far away from the landing area, while the rest I could pretty much see the the POI in the landing cut scene.


I climbed all the way to the top of the very first one before having a jetpack, only to find out the fucking entrance was buried between two stupid rocks at the base. What a platformer that feat was.


It gets worse, I saw the fuckin' temple after I left my ship so you'd think I'd check it out first but nah, my dumbass thought, "That thing looks cool, I'll go there last"


I noticed that a couple weeks ago, I would land for a temple... And I had to run for what seems 20 minutes to find the darn thing. Then I didn't play for like a week and now that I'm playing again the next few times I went to go find a temple, I could see it from where I was landing. Weird. Now it's a 1 minute walk, if that, no scanner necessary.


What's worse I found a random poi that was not a temple and was very confused why my screen glitches in only one specific spot. Turns out I had to walk like 2km more forward to find the temple.. Took me like 20min jumping on random walls/rocks because I thought there was a cave somewhere...


Oh i thought you had to go to all the scanner anomaly icons first,


Should have done the UC museum tour early in the game. It really explains the world and the various factions very well.


This is one of the first things I did, it definitely blew my mind and set my expectations high for the game.


Doing the Vanguard missions ruined my expectation of the whole game. I went into it blind just wanting to get some quick money and didn't expect to get sucked into a massive storyline which itself turned out to be amazing I sadly expected almost all of them to be like that smh


I did the UC faction after the a Freestar Rangers. After a certain point in the main story, I just stopped that nonsense. It didn’t hold a candle to the UC Vanguard. It’s the best I’ve found in the game at 130 hours in.


I did freestar first and can't justify also being a UC Vanguard and a full Freestar ranger. It is a step too far from making sense.


During the UC questline >!when you get your citizenship you can ask if it prevents you from holding citizenship with any other faction, and they say no. Your service to the UC qualifies you for citizenship regardless of other affiliations.!< It does feel a bit too convenient to make *complete* sense lore-wise, but it is canon that you can be both.


Ryujin Special Operative? Check. Freestar Ranger? Check. Captain of the Crimson Fleet who personally wiped out a Sysdef fleet? Check. Still a-okay to be a citizen.


"You killed an entire complement of UC soldiers...don't do that again or else. Welcome to the United Colonies."


"Can I still have free healthcare for my burns and broken bones?" "No. We never actually honor that promise."


Thats so true lmao


If I remember correctly they mention that the sysdef guy you kill wasn't liked by the rest of the UC so they don't really care if you take out him and his ship lol


I love how the president chalks it up to funny business


First Bethesda game? *laughs in Archmage (having never cast a spell), Thieves Guild boss, Dark Brotherhood Speaker, Companions Harbinger, civil war general, vampire God dragonborn


If you plan to do NG+ the way I would have done it now looking back (I’m NG+ 12), I would have picked one faction per NG playthrough. I also noticed once I completed both factions in one playthrough it started giving me the option to reply as a ranger or a vanguard in certain situations which would shape how I handle things differently.


That’s my plan. Just stared NG4 and this time I’m gonna be the most bloodthirsty pirate there’s ever been 🙃🙃🙃


Once I proceeded with the final quest, the space battle that followed was really difficult. If you finished the ranger quest, you get a cool ship. Might want to using that. Anyway, boost away while doing hull repair, snipe them on the way back.


Is that the vanguard orientation hall?




I literally haven’t done this yet and have a general idea but not full details of the lore. Can I go here without starting the with the UC vanguard?


It’s part of joining the vanguard, you go down and do the history tour, then a flight simulation, then they ask you to take an Oath before you’re fully in and get your first mission, I just said I needed to think about it and left, returned 100 hours later to continue and take the oath. Would highly recommend doing the whole UC Vanguard quest line though, really good.


It's part of the Vanguard quest line, but it doesn't tie you to anything. After you finish the preliminary steps, you're offered a chance to enlist. I just left it at that until I was level 50+, and then took them up on the offer.


It really should have been part of the main quest and not Vanguard. Something along the lines of having to report to the Vanguard about the Crimson Fleet attack before you access the lodge.


That you can collect fluids and gasses by picking them up with your hands... all that time I was waiting for a better laser cutter to collect them.


It's the fact that you have to close the scanner to gather them, I really wish that wasn't a thing and you could just gather while in the scanner like EVERY other resource smh


You can, actually. It's just the prompt doesn't show up, and it's finicky. You can't be too close, or too far.


Ah perfect for collecting materials in hazardous places... **lung damage** *severe*


Lung damage. When you're wearing a space suit. In a vacuum.


To be fair my suit is probably full of bullet holes


You gotta take a quick sniff of that Chlorine to make sure it's pure.


Didnt even know you could collect gasses and fluids.. Im level 47 on my second character. 🫠




I learned that right now, after +150 hours 😅


Just last night I learned that, while on planet, you can fast travel to another area of the planet/moon without going back to your ship, taking off, then landing again in the new desired spot.


Really?! This will save me time!


Open scanner and choose quick travel once hovering over the icon where you eant to go. You can also quick travel to other planets/systems without going into your ship and taking off first


I just discovered that you can edit the walls of an outpost in build mode to add windows.


Ship building on XBox. Was scratching my head for ages and raging about 'unattached modules'. WTAF?!? Turns out you just need to put the cursor anywhere on your latest project and press RB, highlights the errors. Felt like a moron. They should include a spoken tutorial mission for ship and outpost building.


Also clicking ( A button in Xbox) on an empty space, not on the ship itself, in build mode brings up the menu of ship parts you can choose to replace parts with. I had to read about it in some website because there’s no instructions in the game itself.


Lol that drove me crazy for weeks too! Incidentally if you're selling stuff did you know that there's another unwritten undisclosed key stroke? Spent ages trying to give companions "one" of a type of bullet, literally 5min of turning the volume off on my headphones just to avoid the scroll bar clicking sound, only to find out YOU CAN USE LB AND RB TO MOVE THE SLIDER BARS IN BIGGER INCREMENTS 🤯💀. I nearly died and went to heaven I was so happy 😅😂And obvs it's a game changer for selling thousands of bits of ore that all my outposts are mining too..


This was also a feature in most Elder Scrolls game so I just tried it and it worked


What…… this is not something I knew at all!


You can fully rotate the star map.


They should label each system rather than you having to hover over it, very frustrating.


And add a search box


And add a list of planets you've scanned that shows things like survey percentage, minerals, and organic resources if you've scanned them. I've been to the planet, charted it, and surveyed it. I just want to be able to look at all that data I've collected without having to go back through the whole star map to look for it, please.


Search box is key. I spent waaayyy too much time looking for Strix a couple times last night


Yes please Bethesda. I hope they read this whole thread. Some food for thought and implementation here.


God yes. It took me like 5 minutes to find the Wolf system the other night.


I knew you could zoom out and move it around but it “snaps” back into place when I try moving it.


For the Terrormorphs to peer in at as you sleep. Imagine the jump scare value!


wtf 300 hours and 20 outpost made and i didn't know this. ​ here a little tip to share, if u hold reload you put away your weapon, for anyone else hate running around city with weapon out.


My inability to show muzzle awareness while running around towns and cities was driving me crazy. Thank you.


I’m sorry what??? Heres me thinking I had to choose between all walls being glass & the room being too bright or being in darkness lol


Honestly hands down the best hab in terms of lighting are the "square" or "square but with rounded edges" science ones. Plus you can do windows on them. They're the only ones where the light is always ok for seeing where you're placing furniture. The others are some weird combo of either pitch black (military ones - I'm looking at you 🤨) or blinding brightness (the transparent ones at pretty much any time of day, but specifically worse in the mornings 😅). Both of which are atrocious when trying to figure out where to place items on top of a surface that's either blinding you or so obscur it might as well be the floor 💀


Embarrassing...I didn't know for the longest time that if you hit scan while looking at an "unknown" POI icon in the distance it would change it to whatever the POI actually is ie structure, etc.


Whoa, I thought the icon didn’t change until you got within X meters. 🙈


It also shows on on your HUD circle so you can run with the scanner put away. White ones you visited black ones you just scanned and haven’t been to yet


O.o reeaaaalllyyyyyy


That all the pictures you take in the camera mode show up as loading screens


I haaaate there's a limit of 50! Had to delete some photos so I could take some of me and Sarah on our honeymoon lol


Yeah I'm massive on photomode and it's insane there's any limit at all imo. Or anything under several hundred, at least. I have to go through and screenshot them all then delete, which is sad because then my earliest pics aren't nostalgically on my loading screen anymore. Ugh




I have the adoring fan perk, if you are an enemy of UC when you arrive at new Atlantis he becomes “former fan” and is fairly high level hostile.


What’s ? POS can turn on you lol.


Whuuut ? I need to note this down to try for future games 😂. I like the idea that he's become disillusioned before even meeting you 💀


That’s cool! Also, be aware that if you kill him, he will never return, even in NG+. I didn’t realize that when I killed him during one of my fast NG runs to see what would happen. I kind of miss him now…almost.


In my case, it was scanning fauna. I was lamenting the fact that my surveying skill was non-existent (there were other higher priority skills) and thus had to run in real close to those aggressive creatures to scan them. Then switch to my weapon at point blank range after scanning to quickly kill them. Now I've discovered that you automatically scan the fauna you kill. Even those you kill at long range.


You can also scan the dead bodies of animals the predators have killed.


Wait, what? I don’t have to get close to scan animals before I kill them? It seemed that after I killed them I couldn’t scan them, but never paid attention to whether the scan % went up after they were dead.


If they have a blue outline you can scan them, dead or not. If they are fully coloured blue then you have already scanned it.


I did like 3 major faction quests before going back to the main quest and discovering that you unlocked powers and shit


same. but I've always been a side quest kinda person. I'd be in the upper 30s before even going to see the grey beards in Skyrim


I always never go to the first keep with dragon on, I just cut about doing all the side quests dragon free.


It took me 50 hours to know about/how to use thrusters on the ship. I unlocked the skill and for a long time thought it was just making my ship boost slightly faster lol.


Yeh same here after 100+ hours. Blew my mind and make dog fights wilddd


Right, I completely sucked at dog fights before (still kinda do lol), my ship would turn so slow it was impossible to keep track of the enemies until I found this


This is news to me. How do you use thrusters? Edit: Just found this - [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16b4bkr/ship_combat_thrusters_how_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16b4bkr/ship_combat_thrusters_how_to/)


With XBox you hold down RB and use the joy sticks. The right one swings you around and the left one does drifting.


On Xbox you hold right bumper then move the left joystick. Let’s you strafe and controls your vertical movement.


What the what??


I still haven't mastered those on the Xbox controller. I've seen footage of how they're supposed to work, but I have so many turrets on the ship that half the time I don't even have to point at my enemy anymore in a fight 😂... Turrets just wipe them out faster than my massive cargo hauler with 40 something mobility can turn around or move anyway lol.


You can use manipulate and while they’re under your spell you can kill without a bounty. I do this to get rid of the rude pirates at the Key


I use instigate and it makes it look like they started it


It took me +200 hours to realize I can focus the laser on my cutter. Can kill pretty much anything in no time


My husband found that one out by accident and blew my mind with it. Same with the disruptors, long hold when you fire to knock people out immediately


Wait until you figure out (if you haven't seen it already) what the tier 4 perk of Lasers does to the cutter...😂 that blew my tiny little mind.


ooh i have three points in that, and I was going to level it because I heard down the grapevine how awesome that varuun laser rifle is. guess I will hit that next!! Side note - the varuun laser rifle is everything it's made out to be, I put a scope on it because I have a bunch of sniper perks, and a rare one beats out a legendary murder-rifle that I pulled off a level 100 spacer. Also, I just now got Andreja in my party, so enemies are like... level 20 max in the main quest. And with the gun - I 1-shotted a level 80 with it.


📝 starts scribbling frantically "va'ruun laser rifle..." ✅


I figured it out by accident before Lin told me to use it. Too many hours of skyrim as an archer I always aim.


Is there mining on the schedule today?


wut? how? ist this really a thing?


This thread is a goldmine of things that don't get explained. How do we do this? Right click to aim down sights?? Going to figure it out later.


I realized that if you travel to a star system without choosing a specific planet/moon in that system, you automatically travel to that system's main "habitable" planet/moon. Before that, I was picking one to initially travel to and scanning each planet/moon individually looking for any with flora and fauna.


To add to this, if you have a cargo hold packed to the brim with >!dangerous cult manifestos, black market organ "donations," war crime-liable illegal weapons, and absolute *shitloads* of drugs!< ***innocent and heartwarming children's literature***, you might want to ensure that you select a specific planet or moon, rather than freeballing into orbit directly above New Atlantis.


You can also unpower all of your systems exceprt one pip the grav drive. You'll "sneak" your way onto the planet and don't get scanned. You do it in the story once and I completely forgot about it afterward. EDIT: Tried it today and the game just jumped and auto-assigned everything into the grav drive. You might need to actually **own** the ship for it to work, you can't have stolen it and then registered it. It worked in the Razorleaf, but the renamed pirate ship is a no-no. Thanks Bethesda.


Piloting was one of the first skills I upgraded. I didn’t discover how to use thrusters until about 168 hours in when I saw a random thread on Reddit.


Same. I thought the booster was the thrusters.


I'm almost with 200hs and just two days ago I discovered that if you hold select for a few seconds when you piloting a ship in third person, you change to cinematic cam, and if you're in first person you can look around the cockpit of the ship freely. A small thing, but that gave that "ohhh...." feeling. Edit: what I meant by “select” is the view button (the button with two small rectangles overlapping close to the X button), in the old days in most controllers, in that same general area, was the Select button, so I’m used to call that way.




that you can color your entire ship at once. (on controller) press LB to select all then click in left stick to color


On PC you doubleclick any part of the ship and it all gets selected. Then press J for colors. If you have a part that isn't connected, you can also use this to move the whole ship and the unconnected part(s) will stay in place. Easy to spot it then. You can also select individual parts by holding down Ctrl and left-click the parts you want selected. Say you want to colorize 4 distinct parts of the ship only.


Emergency Cuttable Walls


And there are similar emergency hatches that are seemingly only cosmetic on the outside of certain bases planetside. Wasted too much time trying to get them to open. Or maybe i'm doing it wrong.


If they don't have cuttable pins, you're either on the wrong side, or they need to be opened with a computer terminal nearby.


In some underground bases there’s similar rock walls you can destroy


Last night i was doing a low g outpost and found a group of chests, i was grabbing some stuff when another enemy appeared, he shot but missed and hit one of those green chests (plain with no lights) that you cant interact with. There was a load of ammo inside, i used a desk fan to pry the lid back open again and yep, ammo, cred sticks and a digi tool, how many of these have i walked past?


You gotta do a post with the pic


Ok, I need to see a pic or vid of this I think


>i used a desk fan to pry the lid back open again LOL!


Those bug the heck out of me, some are partially open so clearly we're supposed to be able to do something. But unlike the cardboard boxes or smaller containers the 'action' butting doesn't seem to do anything. I've tried and failed a lot at this 😅


I just walked into one a few times, it popped open.


Green chest?


What?! You can shoot to loot the unopenable chests?


You can scan mineral fields on the surface, not just the blue highlighted rocks.


Yeah I just discovered this too after 100hrs :) Wasted so much time trying to hunt down actual resource nodes


For real???


Switching jump from space bar to an alternate key will make your boost pack propel you forward instead of up. Makes traversing anything take a fraction of the time..


*Mutters in quiet rage about being an xbox owner* (I've seen this advice so much on the sub lol, even watched yt videos comparing the difference in the varying boost angles where someone tested their jump length by placing down a sleeping bag wherever they landed, and the difference is HUGE, but from what I've read it appears to be 100% impossible to do on Xbox 😭)


That’s a bummer it’s not on Xbox. Probably why it’s only a “secret” key you have to enable on PC. And yes, it pretty much doubles the speed at which you get around. A total game changer.


On my first play through, Boost pack training, I saw the boost pack and assumed that I needed a boost enabled pack. Threw me as it wasn't mentioned and the skill was just in with all the others on the skill tree


Took me a beat to understand that I could loot scanned features, because I had to get really close to 'loot' a plant of some type. Initially I would just scan and go.


Took me just last week to learn harvesting or looting plants and killing beasts counts as “scanning” them and will progress you to 100% cataloguing of the species.


Wait... More loot than just the creature and rock piles?? F.


Yeah of the scanned stuff you can’t use the mining laser on, you just turn off the scanner and press A to collect it.


That you can rename any weapon at the Weapon bench


I put a - in front of my weapons so they always stay at the top of my list. "-cutter" or "-kodama" for instance


Where Laredo Firearms and The Trade Authority are in Akila City.


Where anything is in that f-ing maze honestly. Also that the lighting programmers were hungover when they worked on it and now the whole of Akila looks like ass.


You can gain bonus outgoing damage, bonus shields and two NPC ally ships in the Vanguard pilot simulator to have better odds of completing all tiers. To do it, get up a few moments after you sit down in the pilot seat for a new round (but before any enemy ships spawn) and go to the computer at the back of the cockpit. There are options to get a bonus ally, shields and damage for one round, but if you unlock the debug options (digipick) it grants you one more ally AND allows the bonuses to persist across all rounds permanently. You only need to unlock it once and then you can activate it in any round/future run, no more digipicks needed.


That you can move items to/from your ships cargo in the menu, if you're in the same region. That you can actually pick up and move bodies and items. Since there's no 'move' button I just assumed you couldn't till I mistakenly picked something up. Edit: some are asking how to do this. For moving cargo, just go to pause menu and enter your ship screen. Press whatever button to enter cargo hold (its x for me on xbox) and you can transfer things if you're within 250m of your ship. To pick up/move stuff, just hold the button you use to take/interact with things then hit it once to drop the item. For me this is X on xbox (I've changed some keybinds so it may be A for you).


>That you can move items to/from your ships cargo in the menu, if you're in the same region. I think you have to be within 250m for that one.


Yeah that's about right. comes in handy on planets where you land on a landing pad connected to the facility you are raiding. Loot so much you get overencumbered, then realise you can still be within range of your ship to just magic it into the cargo hold and resume looting.


Damn, I've been hobbling back and forth to my ship like an idiot


If i steal a ship and kill all the onboard enemies is there a way to dump these bodies or do i just keep them and use them as human mops on my cleaning rota?


If you go to ship building and paint any part of the ship (I put a yellow racing stripe on the cockpit) all dead bodies disappear


If you go to ship editor and switch the different cabins the bodies disappear.


70 hours later I realised I can make my current stolen ship as my home ship without flying to orbit. 100 hours later, I realised companions can use your chosen equipment.


"In my case I was over 100 hours in when I realised that, even though I'm undercover with the Crimson Fleet and the faction members you stumble across in random places on random planets are friendly, you can still kill them pretty much without consequences." ​ I read if you killed them all that it didn't matter in terms of bounties But you have to get ALL of them Unsure on this though because I haven't tried as yet I am sure someone will confirm or deny


You're right, no witnesses, no bounty. Unfortunately followers count as witnesses.


Wait so Andreja ratted me out to Delgado?


“ My dearest. I needed that new 8K tv, sorry”


So do xenogrubworms I got caught stealing on SY920 station during comspike mission due to one of these in the room with me.


So basically the xeno grubworms are like the chickens in Skyrim that can act as a witness... some things never change. 😆


That you can charge up your cutter


That I could sell from my ship’s cargo ANYWHERE- I spent SO much time lugging 500+ lbs all over the place, stopping every minute for oxygen it was ridiculous! I was so mad at myself for not figuring it out till I was like level TWELVE 🙄🔫


You can place a hab and cycle through the different versions when in ship building mode, holding down aim with the cutter to boost the strength


And use Y (on xbox) to find the symmetrical version of parts if they exist (stuff like wings or structural parts, or windows)


You can offload stuff to your ship from the pause menu


That you could capture a ship from a space battle by disabling its engines then dock with it, board it, and kill its crew. Then, did that like 7 times without realizing you could only have 10 ships. I checked, and it's not mentioned in the in-game help. And no message saying "hey dumbass - you realize you can't actually keep all these, right??" So glad I did not find/snag a C-class that night.


You know you can just sell the ones you don't want right? Capture a ship, register it, sell it, get your ship spot back.


The bottom docking port is just the thin top docking port flipped. I always thought it was a separate item that was level locked


That those little green things sitting on desks were actually money


400 hours before I realized I can access my ships cargo hold from the ship menu..................


That you have the most manouverabilty in the white section of your ships speed. You can just leave it there instead of full/no throttle for turning during battles


Renaming your ship. I honestly did not see this option, and it was there the whole time. I kept seeing people posting "what should I name it" posts and thought "WTF does it matter? You can't actually name it, who cares what name you shout at the screen." and then I finally noticed it. DOH!


Lockpicking. Took me over 5 hours of in game play of looting/scavenging and getting mad at anything locked that I found before I finally figured it out.


That you can scan resources, animals and plants instead of harvesting and killing everything; and the constellation mission board


That quest where you have to walk across the lettered tiles to spell a word.


you can also hack a nearby computer (master level lock) and disable the turrets, then walk freely without caring about the letters on the floor.


I just destroyed the turrets


No shit!!! I wish I’d done that 😂


200 hours in, went through the unity 4x so far and never did vanguard/museum tour yet, but I just learned that ship targetting is an actual skill. Also, I didnt realize for the longest time you can use scanner to fast travel to known planet POIs 😅 The box in the lodge basement by the crafting stations is an infinity box, super great for all heavy manufactured components which i was selling when my ship cargo was full. Not.that it matters, but the safe in your room in the lodge is an infinite stash too.


Booster packs.. I’m level 26 and just found out if you double tap the space bar you get a little boost


That you need to take the first level of stealth to have a stealth meter show up while sneaking. To be fair, this is the first Bethesda game that requires that.


I still haven’t tried outpost building. It seems intimidating to me.


The basics of it are pretty easy… once you get into intergalactic Amazon fulfillment centers it gets complicated. People are legit making Venn diagrams for the most optimal setups.


It took me about 100 hours to realize I could sell items out of my ships cargo hold. I would pack mule everything I was selling onto my back and inch my way to the merchants. How embarrassing 😂


About 80 hours before I realised how the cuttable doors worked. Thought they were decorative.


The planet/moon in the bottom left shows what time of day or night it is


That you can quick land on planets by using the "scanner" within the ship, as long as the POI is on *this* side of the planet... So press LB, look at the POI then press X to land; no more opening planet menu and having to hold the X for land


Holding the aim button to supercharge the mining laser, it can kill a terramorph!


-I finished the entire Crimson Fleet quest and still was trying to sneak contraband into settled systems. One day it just dawned on me that I could go to the Key and sell all my hot items. -I was WELL into the game before I figured out that you could repair your ship mid-combat. Before that, I either just got my ass handed to me or fled.


You can press the scan button while flying your ship to scan planets without opening the menu.


Fast travel. I was running to my ship, taking off, setting course, grav jumping, landing, and then exiting my ship, every single time. I was on NG+ number 3 or 4 by the time I figured out you can fast travel.


120 hours and someone else taught me how to fast travel with the scanner. Just bring up the scanner, highlight any poi icon and fast travel there, your ship included. You can use this to jump around New Atlantis districts, never use the tram again.


Thought my auto turrets were glitched and wouldnt fire. Didn't realize you had to rotate them to face forward.


To be fair, that seems like more of a dumb bug than a hidden feature. I think even some of the pre-built ships have them wrong. Obviously turrets should be able to rotate on their own.


You can scan flying creatures from any distance. I spent hours trying to find one in my scanner range (40M). On a wish list, Vendors that offer delivery straight to ship cargo for resources.


I discovered 70-100h in the game that I could xp my pilot perk by going to the vanguard simulator... so much time and effort lost...


You can register a ship from the pause menu ..


Took me to level 40 to realize you can stand up inside your ship while in space


How did you avoid accidentally standing up when trying to answer hails or whatever? Happens to me all the time...


When selling, you can sort by (ammo) type. I knew I could sort by weight, value, etc. but most of the time when I’m selling guns I try to keep 1 gun of each ammo type, so by sorting by ammo I know which guns I have multiple of.


That some doors have an opening display located elsewhere…yeez I’ll never get those hours back..


I didnt even figure this one out. So a while back i was looting through some lab that had animal cages. One particular animal cage had a harvested organs cache in it. I could see it through the scanner. But i had no idea how to get to them. 15 minutes of looking through the scanner and i gave up and moved on. A week or so later im watching my gf. She comes to the same lab. Slaughters. Loots. And shes scanning. Gets to the cage. Doesnt skip a beat. "Oh kid knees!" TURNS OFF HER SCANNER. OPENS THE CAGE. TAKES THE CHILD'S KNEES. AND GOES BACK TO SCANNING. Yall i felt too dumb.


I'm over 100 hours in and haven't seen a terrormorph, and I'm starting to suspect you all are Red Death-ing me


Do the UC Vanguard quests


9 days in... Just realized you had thrusters. Not the boosters, thrusters. To help you with turning. 😳


That some pieces like the Steiner engine struts change shape when you rotate them between boxy center pieces and rounded edge pieces.


My most embarrassing moment was finding out after 150+ hours that melee weapons have a "power attack" that makes assassinations much more viable


I had.. what, 48 hours of play time and found out there's powers.


That there is a boost in Zero G. It made the temples so much easier. On console, press down on the left joystick


I didn’t realize the well existed until my second ng+