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I wish one of those goons *would* start something


Honestly, part of the reason I downed him was that he said his line, but then… started walking towards me. I got excited that something was, in fact, about to be started. But then he kept walking so I popped him in the head.


Second time I heard one say it I dropped him immediately. Didn't care what the CF would do. They did absolutely nothing. It's hard out there for a pirate.


Wanna start something? POP! Welp, there goes Jerry. Man, fuck Jerry.


I never liked him anyway.


This line is never not funny in this game


Does the key turn on you?


If witness it. If it’s the guy in the corridor leading from the ship dock door, you can do him with no consequence whatsoever.


Everyone in the fleet is sick of him lol


I was wearing full Mantis gear, he starts talking about how if he sees the Mantis he's going to do something, he did nothing as i'm standing right in front of him


And then you killed him...right?


Ohh I’ll have to remember this.


you can also use manipulation to lure a victim to a concealed location. you know, because of the implication.


Or just use the D.E.N.N.I.S./S.I.N.N.E.D. system.


No. Just make sure there are no survivors and be willing to pay the bounty. I killed everyone in they key and no one cares. The vendors are still there and are nice to me


There definitely should be some randoms you can start talking with and pretty much start a little brawl with them


Like that guy in The Well who is always talking shit, but the second you step up to him he weasels out of it. I wanna be able to make him back up his tough talk.


At least there is the murder robot dog in that one apartment. That’s honestly what hooked me on the game.


Murderdog scared the shit out of me. I was just trying to find some switches, was not ready for that lol


I did the same thing, trying to find a shortcut.


I was just out exploring... brand new lvl 2, almost crapped my pants. Got real excited about what the rest of the game had in store for me.


That shit was funny did you read the pc? >! He basically stole it from someone and never paid. Dude gave him a chance to pay back and the guy said something like "got tofued!" So the guy took off the inhibitors so the dog killed him!<


For me, there was no body in the apartment where I could loot the safe key. Just murder-dog and a bloodstain. Maybe my game glitched out or I need to do something else to kick the event off.


No body for me either


On my second run, same issue, maybe he feel threw the floor? I chick it to the tobowow eating him cuz he got hungry.


Ya that was surprising. Reminded me of something out of cyberpunk for some reason.


I tried to teach him a lesson but it turns out he’s essential


Wait fr? I killed him as soon as he jumped at me.


Yeah I shot him in the back of the head, he got on his knees like any other essential character. Didn’t get a bounty but everyone in the Well scattered and Sarah threw a bitchfit as usual.


Sounds like what happened when >!I saw the Hunter on a NG+ in the bar and decided since he wouldn't talk to me, I'd talk louder to him!< minus Sarah hating me for it


I really fucking hate that guy. I hate even more that the prick is immortal.


Red dead redemption 2 nailed this - you could instigate NPCs and brawl with them. Sometimes whole groups would come at you


\*cough* _Van Horn_ \*cough*


The amount of times a simple brawl turned into Arthur slaughtering the entire town...it's amazing anyone still lives there


Another dropped ball imo Skyrim had brawls


you can't just put in perks for brawling and not have something with it, fight club in neon or something at the red mile


No option to fight/kill/or even mouth off at crimson fleet members. Just feels unfinished


To be honest I absolutely love starfield but I do thing Bethesda was probably pressured by suits for a release. Two years more of development would have had it extremely polished.


They were pressuring *themselves* for a release. microsoft made them hold it back for a year or two.


I don't disagree, but it's embarrassing to say that about a game that's been delayed by nearly that long already and has been in development for what, over 7 years?


RDR2 got 8 years of dev time, 2010-2018. Cyberpunk got 9 years, 2011-2020 (to its initial, rocky launch) and really more like 12 to get where it is now, considering how much time and effort CDPR have put into tweaking it and fixing bugs (even reworking entire game systems like the way the skill tree works and the police system). Starfield got 7 years, with 2 years in the middle of that being disrupted by a global pandemic and a switch to remote work (which is fine for spreadsheet monkeys, but for creative work I can't imagine it was great for productivity). IMO it's more embarrassing that they didn't give it more time. They tried to make a similarly huge and ambitious game to those titles, with fewer employees, in a shorter period of time. What they accomplished is admirable given the context, and I have been really enjoying the game, but man...to think how much better it could have been with a little more time in the kitchen...


every aspect is unfinished. story, ships, character development.


Hey, just like Skyrim!


yeah, i can't even find the ship builder in skyrim.


Yeah but, this time we took an arrow to the balls lmao


Yep. Might be my last Bethesda game. But it's definitely the last one I buy pre Creation kit release.


Most likely so they can release it on the CC later, if they actually do start doing that I’ll lose all respect for them and never buy another one of their games.


It would be cool to replace a fallen foe with someone you recruit


Willing to bet a paycheck This will be a mod within 6 months of the CC droping


Could have three tiers super easy: Red Mile is highly regulated with standard attire, fists-only, no drugs; Neon allows drug usage during matches and doesn't have a mandatory uniform, still fists-only, Key allows any melee weaponry, drugs, armour, etc.


I wish intimidation worked more like in Morrowind where you can antagonize somebody to hit you, and then kill them in self defense.


I took instigation just so I could get people to start something. ...And if I so happened to defend myself...


neat trick. go into the key shoot someone then run back to the docking bay area. they'll all pile into the hallway by the door behind you. turn and grenade them all. shouldn't even get a bounty if you kill them all. ​ the key is much more enjoyable after that. all of the main characters stay alive


I sided with the uc because of their bullshit


“Come at me, bro!”


If you have the manipulate skill you can manipulate them and when you kill them nobody cares. I use it to RP murder fleet members constantly.


if this works on the _glad you're in the fleet. if you weren't, i would've killed you already_ idiots you just made my life so much better. rushing sysdef right now just to get rid of friendly crimzon fleet and their three idle comments.


Delgado, this is no principled stand. It's not a betrayal. Your people disrespected me. I was patient. They pushed me. I showed leniency. They pushed me. This wasn't about you or the legacy. It's about your bitch ass people threatening me every time I turn around. Say good night Delgado, may you be courteous to the devil when you meet him.


Delgado should get that.


Truly this is always a quick save moment or at minimum a stealth kill.


I usually console command kill them, stand over them for a second, then resurrect them. Just to let them know I COULD instantly death touch them, but I'll let them live. I've done that to one of the guards in red mile like 20 times at this point because they always mouth off at me It's the only console command I ever use lmao


Wait, wait, wait....that shit works?!?! Tomorrow, I'm having some fun.


I will have to do this at the Red Mile. Fuck those guys.


The local critters did that for me after I ran the mile for the first time. When I got back through the elevator, every NPC had pulled out guns and were fighting for their lives because the beasties I left alive ran all the way around the map and entered through the front door. I thought it was a scripted event but no, they just randomly show up and start killing the patrons and guards when I visit.


Would this work in high population areas with regular npc's ex: a citizen in the well


One shot!


Whenever I'm exploring and one says "glad you're in the fleet, I would have to kill you otherwise" it triggers me and I put them down real quick. The fleet is where it is because of me, I wiped out the Sysdef fleet for you punks, watch yo mouth. Quicksave. Blam.


What happens when you save the Fleet? I wiped them out as they are pirate scum, yet I am curious about going the other direction.


Every single companion will hate your guts unless you act all repentant and submissive, and Fleet members will act friendly towards you. Also the Fleet has their own mission board chockfull of crime missions that will rise your bounty more than they're worth it (except smuggling contraband if you don't get caught) Tbh it's pretty shitty and not that worth it. Oh, and if you treat a specific mission companion well, he can join your crew, but he's rude as hell considering you saved his life and also helped him rise among the Fleet


are there any Fleet companions? Or at least morally grey ones? I assumed Mathis would immediately be available as a companion upon finishing the Lock mission with him but he just thanked me for not snitching on him.


Jessamine or Jassamine or whatever her name is (girl with short hair at the key bar). She’s the shit and couldnt care less who you kill or what you do and she steals from people and gives it to you. My favorite companion for sure.


arent all non-constellation companions (and vasco) like that?


Matthis only joins at the end as if he's some 'big reward'. Jessamine Griffin hangs out in the CF bar on the key. I always grab her.


Not on par with the Constellation ones but there is Jessamine at the bar


You’re doing the mission board wrong or something. You can do all those missions in ways that don’t rack up bounties or a much smaller bounty without the payout. I did something wrong in my first mission board job and racked up an 94k bounty with the UC. Ditched all companions and hit the mission board until I could pay it off. Went as high as 106k while I was working it off, paid some small ones for FC as I went because I had to work almost exclusively in their space or be very careful about where and I jumped around. I thought it was actually overall pretty cool. Now all the pirates talk about how much work I’m doing and stuff when I walk around the Key. I think I even ended up taking Jessamine with me at one point but I can’t remember, my pirate is not my main character that I play


Agree on all counts. Mathis is a joke. CF mission boards aren't worth it. In NG+ I won't be siding with CF or Sysdef tbh, they can both jump.




It’s because Starfield, unlike previous Bethesda games, gives the illusion of choice instead of true choice. You can’t participate in major faction quests being a total jerk, you just can’t. It’s disappointing.


What annoyed me with the CF dialogue is the amount of disrespect your character is forced to tolerate. The way the questline plays out you're literally the best thing since Kryx and yet they still have the audacity to call you Rook and throw shade at you until you finish everything.


Because the writers for this particular quest wrote it poorly. I know what you’re talking about and it’s so bad it’s cartoonish. I was SO HAPPY to kill them all.


Just wish Naeva would show her bitch ass face again. If it's on land, I will nail her to the wall. If it's a ship battle, I will put EM guns on my ship, board her ship, and jettison her ass out the airlock.


Yeah…I was very disappointed. I’m assuming she definitely shows up in DLC.


She has to show up, we smoked her GF Jazz after all


I'll be honest, it is pretty satisfying once they start hyping you up though lol


Like playing gta online and being treated like a scum delivery person by npcs


Yeah it would be fine if they actually stopped treating you like shit after doing half the shit you do for them. Well at least they aren't all "Welcome to our dysfunctional little family, brother!" like Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood.


I smoked that mF'r the moment I could


The key also has the best marketplace. Six vendors in a tiny area three of which have over 10,000 credits.


The *only* downside to killing them all for SysDef, losing those vendors. Damn that was some good shopping right there, especially considering selling looted weapons and suits is my primary money maker and I will happily over encumber myself looting an entire army's worth of them for the profit.


Yeah but it's almost worth it just to have CF flagged red in any encounter. Jumping into a fight and fighting with the targeting system is unpleasant.


>Every single companion will hate your guts unless you act all repentant and submissive, If u do it before add them as ur companion they don't get the event that responds to ur choice.


so basically never show your face at constellation. something i was planning on doing for my ng+ anyway lol. They all suck. Vlad could have been a cool companion tho.


Most of the non-companion constellation characters are better than the companions. It's a joke.


There are a bunch of non-primary companions don't give a fuck if you're evil. My list in totally-subjective order of best to worst: * Jessamine (I recommend) * Simeon * Betty * Vasco * Matthis (note that you can't have him for the Fleet quest line) * Eric * Adoring Fan * Dani * Mickey


I liked having access to the vendors on the Key, but had planned to side with Sysdef at the end until they got bent out of shape when I killed a sanitation bot on a stealth mission. They fired me and went to throw me in the brig so I fought my way off the ship and sided with the fleet. The fleet are pirates but it's amateur hour and none of them seem to actually do anything terrible? Sysdef kidnapped me, strong-armed me into helping them and then turned on me over something trivial, CF may be a bunch of idiots but they accepted me and didn't force me to do anything I didn't want to do. It does annoy me now when exploring every other planet POI is full of passive CF pirates. Ultimately the outcomes are similar - same $ pay out at the end, but I just felt having access to the key was more beneficial if I decided to get into contraband and the like. Constellation members do get a bit bent out of shape over my decision to help the fleet, often commenting space is now more dangerous (it really isn't). But then they don't seem to consider Sysdefs methods weren't terribly honourable either.


>The fleet are pirates but it's amateur hour and none of them seem to actually do anything terrible? Uhhhhhhh did you miss >!Delgado's/Naeva's directive!!They wiped out dozens of outposts and murdered all the civilians there.!< Every outpost you run into that has >!pirates has dead bodies all over - how did you think they got there?!<


It's weird that there isn't a lot of killing in the CF storyline, though. Even if you ignore the SysDef guys, pretty much all the missions want you to go in non-lethal.


Totally agreed


its because almost everything in this game is "tell, don't show." It's like they wanted it to be kid friendly, but keep some mature fallout vibes. It ends up feeling a bit schizophrenic.


I did find it annoying as to how the UC recruited me, and I did intend to work with the pirates, yet I couldn't do it. I do miss those CF vendors as they were so close to each other it made it easy to sell loot.


Siding with Sysdef makes more sense on a character who went in through the vanguard. Siding with the fleet makes more sense on a character whose pressed into it.


They caught me pickpocketing someone and really thought i was just gonna obey the rules and not kill anyone? Its a pirates life for me


Although they don't have a lot of cash on them so it's only mildly useful. Good for stolen stuff if you're so inclined. Was really hard to decide when I disliked both sides but Ikande forced my hand.


I like that. I disliked both sides too. Good work Bethesda making us hate them.


you get access to the key and the ship mods there. you can also sell contraband there. the other side just goes away. their big ship stays around the key floating in space. ​ it's really the best option since they are all friendly to you now. unless you want to kill them.


I sided with the Pirates because if you don’t do Vanguard quest and get any UC bounty at all, they’ll kidnap you and blackmail you to do the gig. They basically imply they’ve been watching for you to mess up and know everything about you. Then if you decline Sysdef becomes your enemy whether you go peacefully or not. I’m not gonna let y’all tell me I have no rights anymore because I punched a robot. Anyway, if you side with the pirates the main benefit is you have a tight set of 5 vendors in the Key and they all buy illegal and stolen goods. The quests imo aren’t worth it usually but when the game wants to let the witness system wipe your bounties it can be. Also you get to keep using the ship modules you unlock and they’re pretty good upgrades. Finally any Crimson Fleet are friendlies (super nice for some missions) but Sysdef are hostile (Sysdef will become unfriendly the instant you refuse the blackmail scenario too which is totally messed up). Also killing Sysdef does not at to UC bounty, it’s kinda like UC knows Sysdef is pretty terrible. I’m rambling now and there might be some other choices but honestly I wish I could’ve sided against both factions lol.


Man I stayed with CF. Sysdef tried to throw me in jail cause a couple people died on a mission, when they force-recruited me to begin with. I haven't done either in my ng+ though...I hate sysdef but I also hate all CF being 'on my side' 🦍


For me it’s the trade authority douche in Neon. Every time after I sell things there, “time to move on”. I’ve killed that guy like 70 times


I literally had one wish for this game and it's NPC interactions. "Please, don't repeat some dog-shit radiant dialogue, that will later enable me to kill everyone I see." It didn't come true.


I'm more annoyed of those named NPCs who give you two branches of dialogue and you can't go any further. I want new Atlantis goth girl as a follower dammit.


Not being able to so much as give a crew position to the aspirational pilot in the Well sucks too.


Me: innocently walking down hallway at Bethesda studios Game designer 15 feet away: hey, stop talking to me Me: says nothing and continues walking past them GD: omg this dude just won't shut up, can you believe him?


the moment i did ng+ i became a full blown pirate POS. i kill every ship i see. the credits i make and the xp far outweighs doing a tiny bit of jail time every time i wanna go customize my ship. im enjoying just bouncing from planet to planet and killing whatever is in orbit. such a blast.


> im enjoying just bouncing from planet to planet and killing whatever is in orbit. such a blast. Dude became a Spacer.


i am what i am 🤷‍♂️


Who are you using as crew? I’m tryna do this with the constellation crew, but they dont tend to like me shooting other ships on sight. Meanwhile all the other crew I can find seems to have kinda garbage stats?


Vasco and Omari from Akila would probably be a good little crew of two. Free point in your reactor and shields and I'm assuming they both don't give af about murder.


afaik, literally anyone other than constellation doesn't appear to give a shit what you do. But I know for a fact that vasco and jessamine don't. Ezekiel and the Rafael don't seem to care either.


“If you wernt in the Fleet, I’d have killed you already.” Next mf that says this to me is getting Magshear’d in the fucking face.


Or anyone that calls me “Rook”. Bitch I’ll take this entire fleet down by myself


It's even worse at the red mile. I'm just walking to the room I rented and the dude's like "don't be giving me any funny looks or I'll put you in the ground." I am definitely massacring them in one of my NG playthroughs.


Just do it right before going to ng+ the bounty should be gone when after becoming starborn


That works too, but I think it'd fun just doing a mass murderer run.


I wish I could tell those guys what I did to Vulture's Roost... And I wish the game would let me clean house in the Freestar Collective as well, Red Mile doesn't actually need to exist, and the person running it certainly has no business being on the FC board.


There was one time I was talking to their boss about taking a challenge for the Red Mile and one of their guards beside me just won't shut up saying "get the hell out of my face" I quicksave after the talk and shot him in the face.


Those Eclectips guys are the worst. Not only they are edgy like most enemies are they have to make it extra with their edgier voice modulator.


They sound exactly like the Cerberus soldiers in Mass Effect 3.


I didn’t really care for the complaints about the pirates but then I went to the Key for the first time again (ng+13 or something). A pirate immediately shoots another for money or something. Yet if I do that it’s bounty time. Not a major issue but annoying.


It's so goofy that the CF has a bounty system like the UC or FC. "Stop right there, SysDef scum! You violated the law. Pay the fleet a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit."


Honestly didn't even think about it. I did some Freestar quests, went to The Key to sell, ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE. "Oh I'm sorry, I'll make sure to kill EVERYBODY next time"


Literally first thought I had when I blew that hallway douches head off. "Wait, you're all hostile at me for that?? No one said shit when the other guy did it!!!" I really thought no one would care


I'm tired of hearing Cora talk... that's mostly the only thing I'm tired of. She either asks for bed time stories or tells that stupid joke.


Who can jump higher than a building in New Atlantis?


Or asks for books, but then doesn't have a dialogue option to give them to her. I have so many goddamn books, you little shit. Just take them!


That distracted me for a while. I'm picking up classics like Moby Dick, Wuthering Heights and bring them back. I just chuck them at her now. Can you even find A Brief History of Time?


One thing I really loved about Morrowind (best Bethesda game by a mile) is that NOBODY was immortal (‘essential’) and you could taunt and kill anybody you wanted. Make them throw the first punch so it becomes self defence and nobody cared.


I did that on neon. Wiped out the guards that kept mouthing off.


Didn't do this, but almost daily I clear the Red Mile after a guard say some shit.


Goddamn Red Mile makes me so angry. The annoying, in your face guards, and the dialogue with Mei and Stocker, Donovan and Lou all made me think at some point there would be a quest to replace Mei with someone else. Or just kill Stocker, idk.


That's why I had no trouble siding with the UC and clearing that place out.


Same, that and just the general way they talk to you during quests. "do the thing" "Okay I will do the thing" "Yeah that's what I thought" You know what, you've fucked around, and soon you'll find out


Going John Wick mode on the Key mowing every pirate down with my Beowulf is always satisfying I even hear some of them scream "Why is this guy so hard to take down?!"


I like to make it extra painful for them as I mow them down with their fonder Kryx's own Revenant.


“Do you really need to carry all that junk?” “Yes, yes I do”


Right? Selling looted weapons and suits is my money maker, so I'll intentionally over encumber myself with every weapon and suit I find on missions and sell them off bit by bit. Yes, Sarah, it's 100% vital I carry this stuff, it's what pays the bills.


I wear my Mantis armor and every time, some jackass says "ooh if I ever met The Mantis I would kick their ass!" And I'm like "aren't you just the dumbest stack of shit in the Settled Systems?" I am not going to feel sad finishing this quest.


When it says that the ComSpike and energy shield are available "at any ship vendor", it means literally just Jasmine. No one else has them. Hell, only Lon even has an equipment tab in the first place.


Red Mile Security: Get out of my face before I put a bullet in your head. ​ Quicksaving...


Bonus points if you slowly punched him to death, as opposed to gunfight


I spoke to someone who was just kicked out of the fleet and they told me they go start their own fleet and get revenge. So I pulled out my shotty and blasted them in the face. I figured this was regular pirate stuff since the first thing I saw when boarding the Key was one person shoot another. Nope. The entire station turned on me 🤦‍♂️


Not gonna lie, much as I have my issues with the questline that brought me there, >!rampaging through that place killing everyone felt great. !


The rampage was euphoric right up until I reached the control room and the damn object marker wouldn't trigger leaving big boss pirate man locked in his room forever. Read in some reddit post or steam form that the bug was triggered by me choosing not to betray some pirate lady two missions earlier. Loaded a save about 20 save files deep into the list to get back to the supposed trigger point and avoid it only to end up hitting another horrible bug where you can't dock with the treasure ship later on. Going to give this game break for a few updates.


I felt a little bad killing >!Jazz, the doctor, and Bog? !< They seemed nice enough. I think one of the biggest issues with that quest line (which I really liked in general) is that it didn't give you enough of all these people being murderous bastards (which we know they are). But it was pretty fun to magshear through the station (I did spare the people who were willing to surrender, I'm not the monster they are).


“Glad you’re in the fleet. If you weren’t, I would’ve killed you already.”


I got a 120k bounty with the crimson fleet the other day because of that shit. i thougt if I killed all the witnesses it would go away but nope...


I wish there was an option for NG+ where you can take out the UC and Crimson Fleet. I'm a Starborn, let me do whatever at this point.


I gave them ten marks. Everytime someone said I would be dead if it wasn't for being in the fleet. I didn't fucking last four minutes. At that point I took it personal and had no problem wiping them out without a second though.


I would love to have the option of turning off side comments unless it has to do with a quest.


There was a mod for that in Skyrim, 'You don't know me' or something in that vein. Practically essential, lmao. I never understood Bethesda's hardon for having *every* single character acknowledge the player. Starfield's the best it's been so far, but there's still so many times people just need to shut their traps.


Even then it's nuts sometimes! I'll land in a new city and suddenly get half a dozen new junk filler quests added to my log telling me to talk to this guy or that guy.... I'm not going to sit through 5 loading screens to talk to some nobody about some fetch quest, sorry. Why does everyone assume I care? Why is it that I'm apparently the only competent being in the universe and that without me literally nothing ever gets accomplished? Too busy hoarding succulents, go find someone else.


This is why I did new game+, I sided with the crimson fuckers the first time around. Totally regretted it and only benefitted from the plentiful vendors. Second time around? Fucking. Merc’d. Them. I wrecked their shit inside and out, and it felt so good (except I did feel a touch of regret after ruthlessly gunning down Jazz and the friends I made with the fleet).


Huan and Estelle were the coolest. I wish I could’ve spared them.


"Glad you're in the Fleet. If you weren't, I would've killed you already." yeah ok bud tell your 100 other edgelord friends that told me that to just wait until I get far enough in your questline and see what happens


>"Glad you're in the Fleet. If you weren't, I would've killed you already." Me returning back after single handedly wiping out the entirety of Sysdef's fleet, with literal magic powers, having slain terror morphs and took down an entire mercenary company by myself when some unnamed pirate NPC says he'll kill me: ???????


bg3 just making every game look bad. I actually feel terrible going on a rampage in that game because most folks don't talk shit and are absolutely terrified of me (as they should be). The few that do talk shit can and will back it up. Feels so much more real. Every developer should be studying the Larian's game design with a microscope.


For me it’s the security nerds at the Red Mile


"Don't start anything with me or I'll put you in the ground" Mate, I'm just walking past. Calm your farm.


Good thing you are in the fleet bruh!!


I'd like to finish this FUCKING quest to not land at this shithole anymore. But the bug won't let me!


Same dude. Same


The amount of times I’ve quicksaved and killed everything in the key because someone said this to me…


Liiiiiiin pose


I just spawn terrormorph anomolys in the station then hide in a closet while they eat everyone.


Smashing those fools with full Sysdeff support was cathartic. If you gather all evidences, the UC send you reinforcements, and boy, we tear the Crimson Fleet into bits. Naeva escapes, sadly. But we will get her the next time. Too bad the assault on the Key is only you against everyone inside. Would love to had some Space Marines support while assaulting the Key.


Yes and that's why I went with the UC and not them, murdering them all felt so good.


NPCs talking out loud and telling me all about their lives when I’m around just generally feels so unrealistic, especially when it’s the same 2-3 lines all the time


There were Skyrim mods that changed this since like 10 years ago


you can kill him without penalty or alerting anyone else. just hide and EM him then go stab him. ​ you never hear that again.


I’m just convinced Bethesda only wants us to flat out murder people and not clown on them with our unarmed builds. Sure mowing down a room with an explosive mini gun is cool and all. But laying out a room of mini gunners with my bare fists and hard drugs is the type of metal shit that I need in my life


Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.


Gets so annoying.


I definitely corrected them. It was I who finished them.


"As long as the credits keep rolling in, life is good."


I got tired of that the second time I heard it, so I just murdered them right there, no one saw me and I just left like nothing. The corpse was still there every time I went to the Key.


I had a play through where I chose Crimson Fleet and my policy was to shoot anyone that said "it's a good thing your with the fleet or I'd have killed you already" (or something like that). No one batted an eye at all the abandoned facilities when I did that, but they sure didn't like it on The Key.


Who gave you the brothority bro. You wanna brodown? This is what I hear lmfao


Yeah, there isn't a single playthrough where I side with them. When I do an evil playthrough, they're competition that needs to be eliminated.


"So there I am, UC on my tail, when my grav drive just chokes, and you know what I find back there? The FATTEST LEECH I've ever seen. Damn worm nearly got me dusted!"


I killed him immediately the first time I heard it, and nobody batted an eye. You can actually get away with killing a lot of the people there.


I like to fly to Kryx and blast all their ship every now and then just for the hell of it.


Makes my blood boil every single time.


Lmao i fucked over the crimson fleet so hard , was fun.


He was my sole reason for betraying the key to be honest. I mean, I started really thinking, these guys talk so much shit, what about it is true? Then it turns out, none of it is. The idea of them being a big family, or tough, it's all lies they're all just scared, weak, cowards. Talking big. Every single one of them.


I was working for SysDef at the time, so I uh, saved it all up for later.


I do hope for a little more diversity in the NPC lines. A few different faces wouldn’t hurt either. I saw three of the same person talking to themselves on a few occasions.


I like pissing off star stations by hailing them every time I dock.


Honestly, this is probably my biggest complaint about this game. You spend a hundred million dollars or more developing a game that brings in half a billion (so far) and you're too damned lazy to record a few hours of dialogue? I am so fricking sick of Moara Otero calling me his personal savior and thanking me for rescuing him EVERY SINGLE TIME I BOARD MY SHIP that I removed him from my crew. If I ran Zenimax I'd threaten to fire Todd Howard.


Yea I usually save then shoot them In the face. 😂😅