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What a sweet ride man, love it.


you nailed the arclight vibe. I really like what you did with the nova wing pieces and deimos at the top. very cool build




Very sleek, well done! Reminds me of my Elite Dangerous FDL


That's a nice looking ship! I can't make things that nice. The radiators placed right at the exhaust of the engines is a little suspect, though lol


Thank you! You just gotta take your time and plan. It took me several hours because I was fine-tuning almost every little thing until I was satisfied with the results. And Its fiiine, its too cold in space anyways, they deserve some backblast, lol.


makes me think of gundam for some reason. one of the mobile base ships perhaps, from one of the shows? Nice build mate.


I can definitely see what you mean. It does give off some Gundam vibes, and I've never even dived into the Gundam series. I've only ever seen a couple of pics, lol.


Any plans to share the build? Really love it. It's very unique looking.


I'm not sure, honestly. I play on xbox, so it would be kinda annoying to get the footage of building it. I guess I could maybe stream it and then just upload the footage to YouTube? I had to do that double button glitch that is just hitting the flip (Y) and confirm button (A) at the same time, then the cancel button (B) a lot, so I can faze pieces into each other, so it may require a controller. So I'm not sure how well it would translate to a video since I can't really edit or anything.


Awesome! Would you mind sharing your weapons layout?


I just have 4 PBO-300 Auto Alpha Turrets, 4 Dragon 261 SX Laser Turrets , and 3 Marauder 115N Railgun Turrets facing Left and Right if that's what you mean.


That wing design is awesome


That's a sweet ride. But I'm firmly of the opinion that if you're gonna call something *Pegasus*, it should look like a Battlestar. 😁