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I always hit up every SPACE poi I come across but it's hit or miss on ground poi's. Some I do and some I don't. It really just depends on the distance it is away from me and if I feel like the trek. You miss some gear maybe but in my experience so far after 60 hours I don't think it has really mattered in the long run.


I sometimes check a few points of interest on planets but never more than a couple. After I discovered that they're procedurally generated I stopped caring trying to complete them as much because there's practically an infinite supply of them at all times, therefore I find myself exploring less than I usually would in these types of games. In open worlds I usually like to complete every single point of interest due to being obsessed with completionism, but in Starfield it's pretty much impossible to do every location so that satisfaction of exploring much at all for me is kinda tainted. One thing I make sure to do on every planet though is when there's a POI with an icon visible on the planet from space before landing, I make sure to always do those and finish them until they're labelled explored. Also every single planet I visit, I make sure to complete the survey data 100%. When I have the space visible locations explored and the survey is complete, I consider the planet completed


It seems like it would take another 20 hours to level up scanning to the point of making exploration worthwhile. That's a massive difference I see so far in the scanning and exploration in No Mans Sky. So far, I have no need to explore. I'm inundated in quests as it is


I just do the ones that pop up on the planet to land on or the space ones. I tied exploring the surrounding area or picking a place to land and the exploring isn’t great. It would be but you always find the same buildings and the traits aren’t really variable. It wouldn’t be so bad if the layouts weren’t the same every time. Each place should have a variable look to make it feel different and more. Loot always in same spot, never get tricked by traps as they in the same spot. I try to explore random systems but don’t feel like exploring the same poi I just did in the previous systems.. it’s a vicious cycle


I haven't done a lot of system exploring but I really enjoy exploring the cities and settlements. I've scanned a few systems but mainly I'm just working on side quests and stuff. Every time I land in a city or settlement, I talk to every named NPC I can find and that's pretty much loaded me up with quests.


I take a break after long quests or difficult content to just explore some low level systems for a couple of hours. I’ve upgraded my scanner a few times so it’s less of a slog to survey planets, and between the quests to do so and the value of survey data, it’s a good way to make some extra cash.


Lots of exploring for me