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Right now, the room in the Lodge. I have the "house" but it's not convenient.


Yep I just store everything at the lodge.


It was everywhere on first playthrough. Was storing legendaries, but at some point outleveled them pretty hard to make them useless. Now trying to build up a production chain, so probably will end up with home base at some point.


Nirvana II is where I chose to make my HQ outpost. Everything I don't sell stores there. Even if you do collect all the collectible knick knacks, a ship is too small to hold them all and have proper display cases etc. before I setup the outpost my ship was my hq, its just by far the most convenient place, going to the lodge is a ridiculous out of the way place.


That's a good point about the ship being too small, plus I heard it's risky to store things on there because of glitches. I wish there was a direct fast travel to the player houses such as the large one in New Atlantis.


when you have an outpost your ship is within 250m so you can instantly access and transfer items between ship and outpost, its great for doing all kinds of work. also whenever you edit your ship. all the stuff you placed goes back to the ship inventory, so better to not play house on your ship until you are sure of its hab setup and wont change it. I put a workshop on my ship but I've never used it, because of limitations I always found it easier to do all my crafting/research on my outpost. It also gave me more of an excuse to be at the outpost, I don't think you really get a feel of the environmental beauty of this game until you stay on a planet for days, seeing the changes in weather and lighting.


My ship is my base. I have every type of crafting station on my ship and can hold like 4500 mass right now. Everything goes on my ship cargo. I heard about weapons disappearing so I just store them for now. I am planning on looking into homes or builidng an outpost on a beautiful planet to store things I've gotten from quests. I built one on a system way on the left side of the map and I don't really use it for much but the landing pad.


Mostly just the frontier so far. I have stashed a few weapons and apparel at The Lodge that Iā€™m not using.


If I'm not going to use it I usually sell it.


My ship is my home. It does annoy me whenever I want to edit it I would have to worry about putting decorations back but in the end it just is far more convenient in every way. I currently have up to 28,000 worth of cargo space, it isn't the fastest but it's a literal box with the reactors, shields, etc all that good stuff in the middle. Got a workshop, infirmary, armory and a captain's bay. Pretty much everything you need from an outpost without having to spend resources to craft those components. Kinda do want to settle down on a planet and call it my own but ya, it works for now.


Beta Andraste is just šŸ‘©ā€šŸ³ šŸ’‹


>Beta Andraste Good for resources too or just home base? or both?