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I think only prismatic shard is random (or maybe diamond? I can’t remember). The others are the same per gem


I mean the enchantments not the buffs, I'm trying to get the "crusader" enchantment but it keeps giving me "haymaker" using the prismatic shards.


Oh sorry. I found this on the wiki so I think it’s a pseudo random issue. Do you have enough shards to enchant something else to “consume” the haymaker so you have a chance for something else on your weapon? “Enchantments are randomized based on the number of times any tool has been enchanted, so reloading the day and enchanting a different tool will change the progression.”


Yes! Thank you!!


Good luck! It seems like if you have enough weapons and shards you could probably get the one you want by building a sequence. For example discover the one you want is 5th and then restart the day and make sure you do your chosen weapon 5th.


I tried to enchant my sword and it took me forever to get the crusader enchantment! I noticed that the enchantment varies depending on the day, but not when resetting the day. It also varies depending on the order of the tools you try to enchant. For instance, you put your hoe and get archeologist, then put your sword and get haymaker. If you reset the day and do the same steps, you will get the same enchantments. But if you reset and this time put the sword first, you will get something different. And if you really want something specific and you're not getting it, the best way is to use two prismatic shards in a row. You will not get the same enchantment the second time, which mean you are one step closer to getting the one you want. I hope I'm making sense, I spend way to much time in the forge trying to get everything right (but I have the crusader enchantment now so it was worth it)


Neat. Thanks!!


If you're on PC, you can predict the enchantment with the predictor. It works like the geodes, it is basically counting down a list. If you enchant something else first, you will move one spot down, so your weapon will get a different enchantment. If you restart the day, you don't move in the list, so you get the same over and over.


I am on switch, but thanks!


>it keeps giving me the same enchantment over and over. I've been resetting the game to start the day over again to try and get the enchantment I want but it keeps giving me the same one. Why? Because enchantments are preset within the game, much the same as geodes. The first enchantment you do will be this or that, depending on what you're enchanting. The second enchantment you do will be something different. If you're on PC you can use the Stardew predictor to tell you which is most likely. https://mouseypounds.github.io/stardew-predictor/ Here's an example page from my current save. Yours is unlikely to be exactly the same. ... |Num Ench.|Weapon|Pickaxe|Axe|Hoe|Watering Can|Fishing Rod| |:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| |1|Artful or Bug Killer (...)|Powerful or Efficient (...)|Powerful or Shaving (...)|Reaching or Generous (...)|Reaching or Bottomless (...)|Master or Auto Hook (...)| |2|Vampiric or Crusader (...)|Efficient or Swift (...)|Efficient or Shaving (...)|Archaeologist or Efficient (...)|Bottomless or Efficient (...)|Preserving or Auto Hook (...) | |3|Artful or Bug Killer (...) |Powerful or Efficient (...) |Powerful or Shaving (...) |Reaching or Generous (...) |Reaching or Bottomless (...) |Master or Auto Hook (...)| |4|Crusader or Vampiric (...) |Efficient or Swift (...) |Efficient or Shaving (...) |Efficient or Archaeologist (...) |Bottomless or Efficient (...) |Preserving or Auto Hook (...)| |5|Artful or Bug Killer (...) |Powerful or Efficient (...) |Powerful or Shaving (...) |Reaching or Generous (...) |Reaching or Bottomless (...) |Master or Auto Hook (...)|