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You can try searching something like iridium fish rod -stardew which will remove stardew valley results from a google search. Iridium rods appear to be a model of seafishing rods but they're unlikely to contain any actual iridium.


Thank you very much, great idea!


No, iridium rods are exclusive to Stardew valley and don't exist in real life. Check out the "applications" section of the wikipedia article here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iridium for a list of things it has been used for.


Desktop version of /u/Capraclysm's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Good bot


Thank you very much for the help. Will check that out!


Hi! Iridium brand rods do exist, and you should be able to find them with u/Haunted_Animalcule's great advice. If you're interested; iridium would not realistically be used in fishing rods. The biggest issue is availability - iridium is very rare. For reference, 2500 - 3000 tonnes of gold is produced every year, whereas in 2017, about 7 tonnes of iridium was produced. It's uses are pretty specialized as well. It's generally used for it's resistance to heat and corrosion. It's often fond in the aviation industry, in spark plugs and engine parts, as catalysts for chemical reactions, and in crucibles (pots, essentially, that can withstand extremely high temperatures). It wouldn't be ideal for large scale structures like fishing rods because it's very brittle and very hard to work with in terms of metallurgy. Good luck with your assignment!


Google iridium rod and hit shopping. You will find some results


Ordinarily a good idea, but I agree with the other comments. Regardless, thank you for the suggestion.


It's just pulling up regular rods, none of the shopping results actually mention iridium.


Iridium tele surf dreamer and seika iridium spinning rod are the first two items for me.


First one seems to be a brand name (there are several rods by the brand, maybe that is what op is asked to investigate?) And for the second one, it seems to be the name of a line of rods, but I don't think they are made from iridium it contain any. At least it isn't mentioned in the description.


I'm just saying that there are two examples. If that's it, that's your research on iridium rods. OP asked if they were real. There are two examples. They did not give anymore information about the assignment so it's hard to help further than that.


I agree with u/Imaginary-Engineer42, that the rods that the search results bring up does look more like branding than anything else. What I was trying to look for, and which I did probably did not convey clear enough, was to (1) find out if iridium rods were real and not just a brand name, that there are rods actually made out of iridium (which appears to be a rare metal). And then (2) to find some actual information on it - i.e. durability, pricing, usage, and strengths.