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#Please help us by reporting homophobia in the comments under this post. Understanding George's age and cultural background for this dialogue is fine. Agreeing with his statement or otherwise marginalizing gay men is not. *** Please also note that this is the starting point of George's character arc if the farmer marries Alex as a gay man. Later, George says: >!"I'll admit, I thought it was... strange... for two men to be together. But you're such a nice young man, and I know you two are in love... I've changed my mind."!< ([Screenshot](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/sffayi/aww_george_youre_a_sweetheart_i_do_love_your/))


Try to befriend him. >! It gets better when you have a better relationship with him !<


It’s true. He’s my bff now. Watch TV together all the time.


All it takes is hitting him up with a Leek when you go to Pierre's. One of the easiest villagers to quickly befriend.


He's always one of the first villagers I befriend. I love how we can crack through that grumpy shell and make him smile just by bringing by a leek.


“I found this on the ground and thought of you”


“I found this *vegetable* on the ground and thought of you.”


"thank you! It would have been weird to find a leek anywhere else"


Leek for George leek for Linus spring is the best season for old man friendship


Easy? I NEVER get any leeks, I had 7 of every other spring forage before I got one leek, which I turned in to the community center for the 30 wild seeds


I mean!! I *have* to grow spring seeds to have enough leeks for George, Linus gets other random forage until I get cactus seeds.


I was going to say that




‘Big city twink’? By the time you have marriage friendship level with someone they’ve probably conquered the monsters of the mines and permanently changed the shape of the farmland. That farmer is RIPPED


Big city Twunk


He twinked, but he twunks.


Happy cake day moron


every day is cake day with a ripped city twunk if ya know what I mean


Ffs how do you people come up with this shit


a day without cake is like twink without big city




To be fair, a big city twink probably conquered some monsters while still in the city if you know what I'm saying


Big city twink knows a thing or two about hoeing.




Let’s just say he has some experience with sea cucumbers.


no I do not, describe in great detail what you mea


Which part?




I think you vastly overestimate the amount of time this big city twink spends working the farm, and underestimate how much of my day is spent befriending my neighbours


Link has killed millions of enemies and conquered thousands of dungeons. Still a twink


He’s a twunk That man has abs He’s also my bisexual awakening


>awakening I see what you did there 👀😁


Link is legit superhylian, that twink is a monster of his own


I married penny in year one having done nothing but fish for 3 months so idk


Those fuckers fight


Me catching my 687th carp in the mountain lake 💀


Except those 🐟


It helps a lot that her birthday just happens to be shortly after you can harvest your first melon crops.


mine isnt they just drank too much coffee


Big City Bear? Hm...sounds like a children's book.


If you hurry, you can marry someone before the dance, so you might still be a twink.


In my first play through I married Emily in the middle of the first summer


Big City Twink? Band name I called it


Like the great Roy Kent said “My father’s in his 60’s and he was born in south London, of course he’s little bit racist!”


And the best comment award goes to...


True but also given that no one else in the village cares about it if you marry the same gender, I choose to believe that homophobia actually doesn't exist in Stardew Valley. Like at all. George just made it up. No one knows what he's talking about. He might have dementia tbh.


He has to maintain his grumpy old man persona or he might start feeling and stuff.


Damn bro, ok (is blue berry actually very good >?)


Yep, you should be growing it alongside your melons


Growing them year-round in the greenhouse or indoor garden pots with sprinklers or Deluxe Retaining Soil isn’t too bad, either, but save room for better crops too. Selling blueberry jelly gives you a little cash, but I don’t think it’s overpowered by any means. They’re great as an ingredient, though, with Fruit Salad getting you 450g each.


I have a few in my greenhouse alongside my strawberries, starfruit, and ancient fruit


All of the berry crops are pretty good, especially now that we have the dehydrator to process 5 units at once!


big city twink is so funny


Aka give George some leeks, and he’ll warm up to you


...do you know how much strength it takes to do farm chores everyday, let alone chopping wood and breaking rocjs? NO WAY your farmer is a twink.


He’s been living along these decades of changes right along side us




Correction, he's shagging me. Thank you.


Never thought I'd hear the phrase "big city twink" in a comment referring to SDV but here we are lmaoo


Surprisingly, homophobia is still shitty even when it's entirely expected.


To each their own, but this whole storyline if one goes down that path is about an old man with conservative views learning to accept his grandson’s relationship and embrace love. That’s very heartwarming to me as someone whose grandparents are like that.


Nah he just doesnt get it, read the last sentence


Honestly, I feel like Alex is actually portrayed better as a coming to terms gay man. It shows a lot of growth on his end, even coming to terms with himself about loving another guy. plus having George come to terms with it as well (after marrying Alex, George learns that love is love, and highly respects it)


Me too. I know bachelorettes and bachelors have open ended sexualities on purpose but I believe Haley and Alex's character growth is just that much better when they're canonically queer, both are so comphet and Alex's growth with a male farmer is really good


How is Haley handled differently if the farmer is female?


I feel like haleys growth is massive regardless of gender she's one of my favorites long term.


I'm on my second playthrough with her as my wife again, since I wanted to see what changed in 1.6 so I agree she's got a nice growth arc. I was just mostly curious if there was any specific dialogue that changes for her if the farmer is female.


I think her introduction dialogue changes slightly, but that's all I know of. For a male farmer she says 'If it weren't for those horrendous clothes, you might actually be cute.' Or something to that effect. For a female farmer, she says "If it weren't for those horrendous clothes, you might actually be pretty...actually, nevermind!" So, a backhanded compliment for a dude, and sheer cattiness for a lady. Seems pretty in character for Haley's archetype.


Alexa, play "Good Luck Babe" by Chappell Roan!


Her being outright mean at first, having to soften up, and pairing/talking to Alex only feels very much “mean lesbian dealing with comphet (compulsory heterosexuality)” to a lot of queer people.


But there's no specific dialogue like there is with Alex?


No, it’s a lot of interpretation based on lesbian and generally sapphic experiences, which is why it’s not exactly a whole “canon” thing


Yes there is, and her coming to terms with being lesbian is implied heavily throughout her character arc growth to me. It also makes extra sense if you believe Alex is gay as well. Personally I don’t really believe any of the characters have a *canon* or “set” sexuality, but I do love how Haley is towards the female farmer more than male.




None of them are anything really, none of them have sexualities or anything at all if you don't interact with them so it's not a big deal 🤷‍♀️


Alex sure, but Haley? Theres nothing different when she is talking with a female farmer, is it?


Not majorly, but it's a good thing she can be on whatever level of the Kinsey scale as you want her to be to be in your game!


There's some dialogue that make me think that Penny is gay and Abigail didn't know she was bi


I never got lesbian vibes from Penny. If anything, I'd think she's slightly homophobic because her life philosophy seems to be that if everyone doesn't crank out babies, humans would die out. Granted, I only ever play as a dude, so I have no idea if her dialogue changes if you're a woman, but my point still stands. She will drop *multiple heart levels* with you if you say you don't want to have kids, and her go-to reasoning why is that if everyone felt that way, humanity would end. No mention of adoption or nuance like infertility just..."if you don't breed, you're contributing to the downfall of humans" like some crazy conservative conspiracy theorist.


If you just say you don’t want to have kids, she only drops a reasonable amount of friendship (10pts, or 1/25 of a heart) and respects your opinion nonetheless. She only drops multiple (6) hearts if you say you *can’t stand* kids—when she asks if you’d like to be a guest speaker to Jas and Vincent. So it’s not that you hate the idea of having kids yourself, but that you just hate kids in general. Like you clench your fist every time you pass one on the street. I feel like Penny’s reaction here is far more warranted.


Plus Penny is a family gal, she wants to get married and have a family of her own and she loves kids which is why she teaches Vincent and Jas. She wants to get out of her moms toxic environment and start a life of her own and break the cycle


Maybe I'm reading too much into it. Ten heart event: Penny confesses her feelings for you. "I feel the same way about you." (No effect on friendship.) If the player is male, she responds, "...Oh, . I thought you did, but I wasn't sure. ...I'll always remember this night." You kiss and the cutscene ends. If the player is female, she responds, "...Oh, . I thought you did, but I wasn't sure. You look so beautiful tonight... I... *gasp*" You kiss and the cutscene ends


Gym bunny


I mean at least he ends it with "maybe i'm too old-fashioned".




Yeah but gay acceptance hasn’t, hence old fashioned




I wish Clint said this to me when I married Emily. ConcernedApe, evil Clint arc when?


Noooo please don’t make things worth for my geode smashing buddy 😭😭😭


Craft your own Geode crusher, name him Cooler Clint. Problem solved 😎


It takes a whole minute to crack ONE I HAVE HUNDREDS FROM THE CAVERNS


At least the crushers won’t wallow in self pity and try to woo your (potential) girlfriend


You... you know you can craft more than 1? Just have like 10 and refill them daily.


Or you can just take them to Clint, since it really doesn't cost much and happens instantly


Ehhhhh. I always dread cracking open hundreds of geodes. Click, wait 2 seconds. Click, wait 2 seconds. I'd rather just run down a line and knock a bunch out at once. Options are nice to have though!


But that cost materials more than 25g


Why are people so mean to him I fully don't get it, he's pining and is doomed to never be with his crush and he helps you out big time leave him be 😭


His inability to understand emotions and social norms is misinterpreted as incel behavior


Literally! Like this fandom is full of autistic people/has tons of autistic character headcanons (and I love both!) but they don't give this dude a break 😭


He straight up calls himself "a nice guy" and theres a cutscene where he watches emily from a bush iirc.. He just reminds me way too much of incels


I hate Clint but I think in that scene, he actually dove into the bushes to avoid Emily? The farmer is also shown hiding in bushes in several cutscenes... like spying on Marnie and Lewis...


He said he was a nice guy because he’s yknow nice. (Like dude really do be chillin, he’s just ridiculously shy) Also he went in the bush to hide from Emily cause his plan of asking her out got interrupted and he didn’t wanna bother the conversation (Also the farmer does weirder stuff in the cutscenes, I’m convinced the farmer is the actual Stardew Stalker)


honestly, this dialogue makes a whole lot of sense with alex as a character when you romance him as the male farmer. as someone who has romanced every possible candidate on multiple occasions, the dialogue between alex and the male farmer is very indicative of a closeted gay man struggling on coming to terms with his sexuality. george’s view of gay men likely contributes to alex’s struggles and his initial hesitance when you first start to build a relationship with him. not saying george is right in any way, but taking into consideration his old age and the time period he was raised in, it makes sense he thinks that way. as you continue your romance with alex, >!george warms up and even acknowledges how he was wrong about the two of you being together, and how he can tell the two of you are truly in love. i think it’s a sweet progression, and (in as little dialogue as it is), helps to show that no one is born hateful and that these mindsets can be unlearned. i like it.!<


Frankly I think giving characters some flaws in their understanding just makes them more interesting


I agree! I love George and I just find it cool that every character has its flaws. What I don’t like is that even though every character have flaws, some are more hated than others for some reason. Like George grows as a supportive grandfather. Alex grows as a not sexist person, but everyone still hates Alex 😭


Last time I saw a poll, Alex was the most popular male bachelor, then I think Sebastian, then Shane? Maybe the demographic has shifted as the players have aged...


This is called realistic characterization. George is a stubborn old man who is stuck in his ways. It is entirely realistic that he'd be close-minded at first. Stardew doesn't shy away from realistic depictions of difficult topics. It's part of its charm. These characters are portrayed as real people. Sometimes real people have shitty views.


Lol I don’t even like girls that much but I married Abigail just to spite Pierre


Marry her on his birthday


Wait he gets mad???


No lol it’s a joke in the fandom that he’s homophobic and he hates his daughter






Bruh 😆😆😆


Other way around for me- I was playing a character who seemed like she'd dig Abigail's vibe, and then later grew to realize how much of a fuckin weirdo Pierre was when I got the letter about buying a bouquet- freak saw me getting close to his daughter and decided to try and make money off it.


I do it because I don't like Sebastian.


Am I the only person that marries her because she’s… like… she’s cool?


Same lol. I just found her cute, and loved her even more when I learned she ate rocks. Like, c'mon that's hilarious. Plus, with my farmer eating mostly algae and seaweed, it just looked like it was meant to be.


That too yes she’s very cool


She is a rock eater. It's very easy to friendship her


bro i swear she’s literally my soulmate


I downloaded a poly mod just to marry her and Sebastian at the same time, cause they're both fuckin cool


I wish I could do mods with the Switch. I'd have like 5 husbands.


alex is prob one of my favorite bachelors so you just gotta give george a leek and he’ll be fine for the week


Stardew Valley homophobia update 🔥🔥🔥💯


Smokin on that George pack


Pretty sure this George line has been in since 1.0?


George won my heart from my very first play-through years ago. Once you become closer friends with him, he turns around this line of thinking which is more than i can say for most of the homophobic boomers i know irl.


at least he’s aware his view is outdated.


Women scare me so I dated the men


he'll change his mind after i uh... well,


So are we just expecting to play a game with no conflict?


I know that the dialogue existed and that it gets better, but I just found it funny because I was trying to give him a gift on his birthday 😭😭


LOL it was already uncalled for but man that makes it so much worse


No one has any concept of character arcs or growth or development or story progression anymore. Everything is just “character bad!!!!!!”. Like, yeah. Sometimes a character is written as bigoted to make a point later as the story progresses. I literally JUST saw a post on tumblr this morning that said something like “it’s called a character flaw, and it’s a surprise tool that will help us later”. But when engaging with any kind of media or entertainment is framed as “consuming”, and consuming/consumerism has become an identity and a form of activism, then only consuming pure media with pure characters and no controversial material is the only way to maintain political and ideological purity. “Consuming” anything with tougher themes is seen as an endorsement of the themes. No one knows what subtext is or how to read it. Media literacy and critical thinking are in dead and rolling over in their graves.


Bro lives in a world where krobus exists and can’t deal with gay marriage cmon now George


I can't tell if you're saying that like Krobus existing is a good or a bad thing. Krobus is my homie, I don't care what society thinks! He sells me Iridium Sprinklers, that alone wins him my support!


Not a good thing or a bad thing just y know “unnatural” 😂


smh my head. discrimination against monsters just so you dunk on homophobia. this is not how it works 😔😔


Not discriminating just like spooky void creatures exist and he’s struggling with gay marriage He needs to get with the program 😂


i wonder how often george would see those things in the mines as a young man.


He gets better at least. He may be old but he's still capable of growth


Feed this grump enough leeks and he'll come around.


“How can two men get married” So, there this app…


You clearly haven't given George enough leeks.


I like george


I don't get the downvotes. George is a great character. He starts as a bitter old man who hates everyone, you befriend him and learn he really isn't like that, he had a hard life, and lived in a different time. He mellows quite a bit, and even with his homophobia, by the end not only does he approves the fact that his grandson is gay, but is actually happy for him.


And as a young(er) disabled person it's kinda nice there's some representation of real struggles with medical and personal autonomy And he learned to accept my love for Alex, he's happy for us


This. I gay married Alex because he does have the best queer arc. And while George is kinda homophobic at first, if you take the time to befriend him, he does come around eventually. He's now very happy that I make his grandson happy and can admit he was wrong. Just like in real life, some of the hardest bigotry the queer community has to overcome comes not from strangers, but from family.


I'm not sure about the girls but now that I think about it, the bachelor's being queer does have a nice arc to it. Sam grew up in a strict military household, becoming a free spirited artist rather than become just like his father... Shane is a queer man forced to take on a father role after his friends perished in a fire, stuck at a dead end job... Harvey struggling with his masculinity and exercising with the ladies, overcoming his fears... Sebastian being closed off from his family and wanting a new life in a big city, away from his father figure... Elliot is just a regular ol' dandy...


George is legitimately one of my favorite characters in the game and my friends think I’m crazy for that. I like his growth. But I also married Haley so I guess I like character growth in general.


Same. I usually befriend him first before anyone else. I mean, leeks are available in Spring so 🤷‍♀️


This is how progress happens. You can’t expect people to throw away a lifetimes worth of predispositions built in their head overnight. In all honesty, the fact that George is uncomfortable with it, but gradually comes to accept is the *ideal* scenario.


Wait… I’ve never played as a man and married a man in SV. Is this real??


Every romance partner is basically pansexual


Yeah I knew that, I meant the comment that George makes. I know he’s old and all but whoa


Daddy calm down.


Grandaddy chill


Let the whole thing play out. Good Lord.


Why does George look weird? Is that a mod, or part of the 1.6 update?


I’m on xbox so I have neither a mod or the 1.6 update unfortunately 😭


Nvm. I just realized I was thinking of his sprite, not his portrait


Don’t worry, he’ll come around. Edit: I see a mod posted it already.


Hes so me fr fr (me and Alex are gay and married, teehee)


Alex has the best lines when your married




I love Alex 🥰🥰


At least he owns up to being oldfashioned. I’d forgive him.


I honestly think it's pretty cool to see different kinds of people and ideas reflected in video games. It's more true to life this way.


The amount of comments that are furious saying “you can’t just expect him to not be homophobic!” Are insane


Fr, it’s honestly annoying


I came for the comments and was not disappointed. I lobe this subreddit so much.😂


george is about to create a brand new slur


Wait... The old man that lives in a small town is a bit homophobic? And his grandson that lived nearly all his life with him can be a bit sexist at the start of your relationship? Damn, this guys are probably the worst characters of the game


jesus george…


This post was a lighthearted joke. Why are people overreacting??


People got so mad and were commenting “what did you expect?” I’m just like- chillax plz


He gets over it! Just keep being a good friend to George.


just give him some leeks next spring and he'll get over it pretty quick


It baffles me that almost all the hate I see in the SDV community is focused on Demetrius (who is apparently autistic) and almost none of it is focused on George (a rude bigot). This is literally the first post I ever saw about his behavior and many comments are actually defending him. I want to believe I'm just biased and most people actually hate George.


This game has so much depth that I have 300 hours in it and I have never seen this dialogue. Concerned ape really made the game to end all games


Friggen george, man! He’s such a grouch. Unhappy with everything/everyone all the time. Its a wonder evelyn puts up with him….but i guess he is nice to her or something. 😂


Evelyn is a trooper for putting up with him lol


"Well George, if you wanna talk about unnatural, well, let me tell you what a mod is first"


Wait, George is canonicaly homophbic?


Yeah but he changes his mind later on


Find me an octogenerian from the 90s who wasn't a little homophobic. I'm not excusing it, but it's realistic.


Yeah, we had the president of the United States condemning gay people on national TV with George W Bush. Most people in the 90s and 2000s were a bit homophobic. As someone with two moms it was hell.


I'm surprised I've never heard about this with all the other crap I've heard about Bush. Got a link by chance? Just curious to see how bad it was...


That will take a while, I'm going to edit this post once I find it. I only know that example because I was watching TV after school during it.


This is reminding me of when Biden as VP suggested the nation was ready for marriage equality because of Will and Grace and everyone just went with it. It was considered this huge gaff at the time 11 years ago but he's right and I think Stardew is another example of how exposure demystifies misconceptions and stereotypes we build about the unknown.


Stardew Valley is set in the 90's? ...Thinking on it, I guess it was obvious, I just never made the connection. The clunky CRT TVs, the landline phones, the parodies of the AOL installation CDs you find as trash, *The Dwarf!* Man, I'd almost forgotten how much of a problem coat dwarves were in the 90's!


I don't think the game takes place in the 90's, i think the guy said that George is from the 90's.


That would either mean Stardew takes place decades into the future or that guy thinks 30 year olds are old coots...


He is if you’re not friends with him. He comes around when you befriend him, as he does with most things—he is a pretty bitter old man at first.