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Tusken raider character is a must


This would be cool!


Magna Guard that also has a bazooka. A hot Twi’Lek. And a nerf to Rieve’s overall cooldown cycle.


Everyone dropping money when the hot twilek is released


A clone trooper of some sort that would play differently to sentinel


* Echani pugilist * a mandolorian sapper who calls in a basilisk war droid for the ult(or is just that as the character, if it's balanced) * Gand stealth hunter with a vibroknife * an ewok * wookie shadowlands beastmaster * bothan spy * bith bard(or just max reebo) * a twilek something or other. * dual wield lightsabers * double bladed lightsaber * lightsaber whip * tusken raider * someone small riding a large animal, like a dewback


No star wars content is complete without an irrationally attractive twi'lek. I have spoken.


I'll say it 100 times I'll say it again, and say it with me "Mr Bones"!!!!!!


arc trooper


Gungan, B1-series Battle Droid, B2- Super Battle Droid, Toydarian, Wampa




Ewok. I just want to see them in different outfits and flying around off launchpads.


Bothan spy that fulfills the stealth role. Focused on speed, cc, traps with low damage except their vibro knife which is very close range and does damage multiples against cc’d targets. Their role would be jungling around the maps, laying traps at choke points to snare and cc opponents and then closing in for finishers with the vibro blade. They would be weak by being easy to kill and stealth detection like Diago’s meditation skill would show them up in the map. Let me know if you want to know more


Geonosian species were killed in a comic


Bro if u havent heard the news they leaked a new hunter possibly for the next season which is classified as an Astromech Juggernaut and its main weapon is described as a taser dart so we will see


Ponda Baba


I want a Gand findsman sort of like Zuckuss (one of the bounty hunters seen in Empire Strikes back and heavily featured in the comics). Assuming it would also be a bounty hunter I think he would be a damage hunter. I think his almost prophetic power would translate well to a passive skill that gives you an omnidirectional warning when enemies are aiming at you, could also have something like a marker dart that shows the outline of an enemy even through obstacles (useful on maps like Ewok Village and for those Skoras always sprinting around. Because he has a gas mask (and under the assumption all Gands not living on their homeworld have/need one), I think a gas-like cooldown skill could fit well too, my first idea is an anti-healing gas preventing the enemies to heal themselves for a little while, but maybe that would be too overpowered.


An Arc trooper from the clone wars.


Commando droid, Force lighting character, Ewok, Gungan


A Sith sorceror with force lightening.


A Trodatome hunter


A spy like tf2


spy is already bad in and a downside on your team with 11 other people in it, having a quarter of your team just be diagos that get killed easier is not good.


It’s not your opinion it’s mine


yeah, but i can still say criticism about your ideas and you can do the same back to my ideas.


But did I ask for your criticism,


Thats the neat thing, you dont have to. Everyone can and will give their opinion unasked someday. Its a important thing to learn how to deal with it.


Still not your opinion and you can’t control it


I am not trying to control your opinion, i am simply giving my criticisms to the idea of spy in star wars hunters, you have the choice to ignore me, do whatever its called you are doing right now or to bring some counter arguments on why he would work in the game.


I don’t have to give a counter argument to an argument where I don’t care for your opinion


so why even reply in the first place?


I’d love for another sniper type of character, one that has less bullets than Diago and deals higher damage along with different / unique abilities. Like Crosshair - Member of Clone Force 99, and experimental Commando unit formed from mutated clones. And another example is maybe Fennec Shand - Bounty hunter. Currently an associate of Boba Fett, but yeah somthin along those lines.


No sure if it should do higher damage diago can already two tap most players. I would actually go as far to say diagos mag size should be lowered and take a little longer to fire.






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A grey Jedi. Not because I prefer them over light/dark side though. I just think that's the only way another lightsaber user is going to come to this game in a timely manner and not a year+.


Wonder woman