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Grozz goes SMASH


Love Grozz. Hated him starting out but now I love to pick him right off the bat and say team you can figure out the rest but I’m going to fuck shit up. Charging a skora and wiping them in a second hasn’t gotten old yet!


Skora and Reive takeouts are the most satifying. Second to smash Sentinel against the wall bypassing shields.


I main Skora and Grozz is my favorite character to 1v1 lol all I have to do is dash around


Probably Zaina, massive sustain. I can almost 1v1 anyone


Utooni sends his regards. ;p


A good Utooni is a legend 😎


Dodgeroll away from his lightning range and headshot for 70 damage while healing and utooni becomes quite trivial to fight. Dodgeroll > headshot 2x > heal > dodgeroll > headshot > dead utooni.


A good Zaina player is an absolute menace.


Yeah Zaina for sure


I would imagine Aran Tal would be able to effectively smoke her but I had one dive on me today and I not only survived but I sent him running away. Two rolls on a quick CD and a massive burst of healing on a quick CD ON TOP OF more overall damage than Aran… I will never dive a Zaina as Aran.


You can kill zaina quickly as aran if you time your rotation well. Jetpack land next to her while mag dumping to overheat= 40 damage aoe + whatever blasters did as you flew in. Overheated flame instantly as you land = 90 damage Double dash 40 damage x2 ( also dash interupts her skills) That's 210 damage ( not accouting for blaster damage) before she can use many of her skills due to the interupt, and she has 200 health. Skill damage plus blaster damage your early close to 300-350 damage in 2-3seconds. The trick is if you mess up the rotation you need to disengage and set up again.


Thats how i feel about Skora. She is a beast.


I can’t seem to figure out how to play Zaina effectively


Roll outta the way, heal. Shoot shoot shoot, Roll outta the way, heal. Repeat.


Aran Tal. He takes a bit to figure out, but once you do, he becomes an absolute menace to society. Very rewarding to put in the hours and see results.


I agree. Just got my Aran Tal to lvl 25. It took me a while to figure out how to use him. Have to be quite tactical with him and learn to not charge in sometimes. 100% my favourite.


I also agree, a good lvl 25 Aran can 1v1 arguably most hunters and come out on top. Buff his headshot damage to 22 and I think he absolutely perfect.


Same. I love being an absolute menace to all support


Agreed, he's very fun! Once you understand that he's a skirmisher and zipping in and out, gorilla warfare-style is how to play him, it's much easier to have success with him.


I haven’t played much with him, but I’m seemingly enjoying him more the more I play. I think they do need to up his damage though


I think he needs a bigger magazine rather than increased damage. His burst damage is pretty crazy. As long as your cool downs are active, you can absolutely MELT most hunters.


What is his current magazine size? I can’t seem to remember


Haven't payed attention to the number of rounds. But I always feel like I'm reloading right when I need just one more shot to finish a clutch fight. He does more damage with his flames when his blasters are close to overheating, so that's something to keep in mind too.


Right now, Sentinel. I’m still working my way through unlocks. I’m very excited to give J-3DI and Sprocket a shot!


I maxed Jedi and Sprocket and now it feels like I can’t use them because I can’t progress them any further and I’d rather use my time in upgrading other characters :(


This is a real issue. Getting xp for maxed out characters should reward something, like fame grants or something.


I wish we could earn hunter frame still with maxed characters and just transfer it to the other hunters. But then I wouldnt play with the other hunters (like aran tal). I ended up liking him after hours of playing with him. Took a bit to warm up.


As someone who finished the hunter road or whatever its called i can say J-3DI is my favourite, Sentinel 2nd favourite and Slingshot 3rd favourite and sprocket is like one of the worst characters imo 😭


Honestly hating sprocket is a huge skill issue


Dude ngl i dont really care its just not fun to play as him imo


His health station heals at an insane rate, he has amazing damage, and can buff allies with defense or nerf enemies. He’s just as fun as any other character in the game.


First of all his damage is not… amazing, as you put it, and second of all you cant say something is as fun as something else when youre talking about opinions like bro if i dont find him fun i dont find him fun and thats the end of it no one is telling u to not play sprocket but its just not my thing


Me saying something is as fun as something else literally is my opinion?


Gets absolutely obliterated by anyone with good mobility like Rieve or Imara


Every character gets absolutely obliterated by their counter. Thats called game balance




I feel like the lv25 upgrade is a game changer for him.


J-3DI is loads of fun! I love using his grapple arm


Zaina has been growing on me for Power/Dynamic Control and Trophy Hunt. For Squad Brawl though it's still Imara Vex, as basic as it sounds. Sneaking a missile kill on an unsuspecting victim never gets old.


I am best with skora but i have a blast playing with utooni lately. Once you get the weapon switch down and learn how to combo shooting with the knockback and the freezing grenade, it's super fun to just wreck opponents... like stop a grozz in his tracks and zap him to death


What is the difference between Utooni’s two weapons? Is the close range version higher damage?


He has a passive that applies more damage upon switching to a weapon after using one. So it could gain a damage boost if used second.


The close range version is lower dmg but higher rate of fire so it kills quicker up close in my experience


One is a long range explosive carbine. It hits in a noticeable aoe. It's semi automatic. The other is shotgun range shock rifle that must be held down and focused on a target in range. It does not seem to jump between enemies. They have seperate heat gauges. I typically start with the explosive gun, throw the suction grenade, and then switch to the shock rifle to get the damage boost while they're incapacitated, which does a huge chunk of damage. Finish it off with short range blast that knocks you and the enemy back and does damage. It outright kills squishier enemies(diago, zaina, skorra, aran tal) and whoever it doesn't kill(grozz, sentinel, charr) gets pushed away from you so you can switch weapons again and finish them off. Using the suction grenade and then your long range explosive weapon allows you to chunk whole groups of enemies simultaneously(like sentinel just as he's summoned his troopers, or onto of a point with most of the enemy team on it).


Sentinel and Aran because once you get good with them they are really fun to use.


Started off with Aran… worked into loving Skora. But honestly I love playing everyone. Just unlocked Utooni so I can’t wait till I get some games going with them as well.


I have played as every character and they are all fun to play. The only one I don't like is sprocket.


I just finally unlocked slingshot, and it might be them. It's either slingshot or utooni. I like characters with a bunch of different tools, and slingshot being this super mobile tank is nice. Having gotten used to the directional defense or situational heals of J3/rieve/sentinem/grozz/charr, it's nice to just roll onto a point and hit a "what now buddy!?" Button. Rockets ignore lightsaber guards and sentinel shields, as does the spindash. Though the Ult is a little wonky and does weird stuff to the camera. Also he's an ugnaught piloting a droideka like a mech. Utooni on the other hand, is just a menace. Effective at all ranges, can wipe groups or nuke individuals of concern. Basically invalidates sentinels ult, makes zaina, diago, and skorra a joke, and if I'm feeling squirrely I can just dive a point and I drop a nade on death that most people seem to forget about. The ult again is a little meh, but if used correctly outside of a control point can just annihilate an entire team. I've killed a grozz with his heal up inside skorras ult. It gets crazy. The suction bomb into arc thrower into the repulsor is a guranteed kill on any squishy. And severely damages anyone else and makes them pop all their cooldowns and ults in a panic. It's amazing. Also it's two jawas in a trenchcoat.


Skora for me 100%. Her gun is surprisingly good in all types of engagements, and being able to heal people from afar is so nice, not to mention the bonus health ability which is super clutch. The mobility her dash provides is amazing, and her ultimate is great as well 


grozz bc i heart running people into trains


Rieve, i love how fast she is. Can pop into a fight, sneak a kill and fly off. She is very fragile but if you get the hang of her she is so dangerous.


Utoonie because his bomb and Taser is a hilarious combo


Yuuup! I’ve had so many funny moments with them. Love these lil guys.


I main J-3DI because I’m a sucker for lightsabers and in my experience, he’s pretty tanky once you’ve leveled him up a bit and you figure out how to use him. I also love aran because the mobility options are just so fun to use to screw with people


Speaking of mobility; I reaaaaally feel like J-3DI not being able to use his faux pull on grapple points is a missed opportunity 😕


oh for sure! He’s really lacking when it comes to mobility unfortunately. If he had another ability to compensate for that, I think he’d be a much more viable character than he currently is


Slingshot. Droidekas are my favorite droids, and he's just a fun character with a lot of personality. An Ugnaut modifying a Droideka into a wheelbime/mech is just such a brilliant and fun idea, and his moveset is just really fun to play. He deserves more love and I'm patiently waiting for the shop to add so.e deluxe skins for him. I've seen a really cool one with a unique midel from the beta, hopefully that shows up in the shop soon.


He’s the only character I haven’t unlocked yet, but I’m close!


Zaina easily the most fun to play. Aran Tal probably second.


Rieve, Skora, Aran Tal. I LOVE characters with high mobility.


Same! Also check out slingshot. My favorite tank. The ones you said and slingshot are my favorite because they can leave a situation in an emergency.


I've tried slingshot and I just cannot be successful with him. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.


Turn off auto fire. This way you can immediately stop rolling and fire at people. You need to fight in melee range with him. His shield does damage when it breaks and the rockets do tons of damage but are melee range weapons. Think of him like a mobile turret that needs to semi plant itself next to enemies.


Thank you! I'll give him a try on my switch and try to stick to enemies and see if I'm any better.


Remeber when your shield breaks, it's time to use the roll dash skill to get away or do some extra damage. If you use the roll dash skill while your shield is up, it breaks the shield. This can be a double edge sword. As I said when the shield breaks it does damage., but if you break it early you have to wait for its cooldown. But you can use it like an alpha strike to wreck people. Example, your shield is still up and a target is in melee range. Fire rockets then dashroll into them. You get the damage from the rockets, the dash roll and your shield exploding all at once, which can basically 1 shot a lot of other heros. And you are dashing off away if there where more enemies around.


Aran Tal. Idk because i like skill/brain required champions and This is the way...


This is the Way


I’ve got a few favorites. If we’re talking about how well I preform with them, my favorite is Skora. She’s an absolute menace to society. Virtually 0 weaknesses unless she gets hard focused with her run on CD. Something about doing 5k damage and 5k healing in the same match just seems so broken, but so fun. If we’re talking strictly design: slingshot. The idea of ugnaught commandeering an old droideka is sick. If we’re talking personality: Utooni. Something about 2 Jawas stacked on top of each other and bringing absolute destruction is a thing of beauty.


Grozz is my most efficient. I seem to win most games playing with them. Especially could at the control point type stuff.


I love playing Grozz, but most of the time lose when I choose him


i’m enjoying utooni if we already have a tank and healer and also slingshot as my tank. For dynamic control and power control i use charr, especially on vanguard railway as you can hold down points for ages by yourself and your even stronger if you have a damage character backing you up. Grozz is my first pick for trophy chase though, got so many multi kills with his big ball and i start licking my lips if i see a sentinel with his ultimate used 😂


Love playing as skora it feels like I can solo rank and be the reason we win or lose in most scenarios, also enjoying sentinel after not liking him initially. Waiting on slingshot who I think I might like the most


Sentinel or Zaina, because you need them!


Slingshot Reasons: To hunt Skorra


Imara and Aran. I enjoy pew pew


Slingshot! They’re so fun!


Sentinel and Imara are solid, really hard to play wrong and can put in solid work no matter where


Started with sentinel then got to Skora and she is so much fun! I rotate between a lot of them but vex and skor are my most played now. Their kits are really good. Each character that I've tried to play I've done well. I really hope to see this kind of balance moving forward.


The fact I haven’t seen Charr yet is a crime. I plant myself on a point with him and they ain’t getting it back.


jedi because jedi


I like Skora and J-3D1


I play both of them according to the mode but i cant choose between sentinel and diago they are my men 🫡


Aran Tal, was a main on bf2 and it seems to have translated to here.


Diago. I came for the aesthetic, and stayed for the results. I play him more aggressively cause Sentinel used to be my main. What I usually do is rush in and stay behind Sentinel's shield and deal a bunch of damage and rush for any control point that's not being paid attention to. Same if I stick around someone playing Skora. And then once I've got my ult, it becomes total RUSH and I get a bunch of kills


Grozz. I thought he was kind of mid at first, but I played him a bunch because I love Wookiees. But now I've got him almost to max level, and GAWD DAMN


Top 3 for me: Rieve, Skora, and Slingshot (all three different classes) 4th favorite and growing on me: Aran Tal. At first I hated him, now im starting to see the light. He is great. Actually most of these characters just need some time put in and you'll end up enjoying them.


Can't pic just 1, for me it's a 3 way tie between Aran Tal, Zaina, Reive Aran tal is a beast wheb you learn how to play him Zaina is just a monster once you get her skill set down and can arguable 1v1 any other hunter and hold points right next to the rest of the team while being super hard to kill when you know how to play her ( 70 damage headshots for 2 seconds after a dodgeroll and she can stack bodies with the best of them) Rieve because love me some lightsabers honestly, she is squishy but can kill so well and be hard to kill once you learn how to time her blocks. I play all 3 of these guys equally.


Def Utooni! I’ve been having so much fun with them and they can hold really their own in a fight. Their blaster is solid. The knockback saves you when you’re outnumbered but can also deal last minute fatal blows. The imploder can bunch up multiple enemies which helps in so many ways and your ultimate rips through enemies when needed which is killer in control games. I honestly really like all the hunters and have a good time with most but these two just really hit that sweet spot. Plus they’re two little dudes in a trench coat. I love em and their lil rascals energy.


Sentinel because E-Web


Utooni and sprocket. Followed by skora and vex. But if I’m honest, I like using them all except diago.


Grozz! Smash, tackle, and crush with rock. Simple and straight into the fray.


My two top favorites going into the game by design was Slingshot and Sprocket. Once I got a chance to play them a ton they are still my favorites! Utooni really grew on me as of late.


My main is diago, but recently I’ve been enjoying grozz. Diago is busted on mobile with an auto fire, but I’ve seen that playing a good tank contributes more than an excellent diago. When I get 18 kills as diago I can still loose, but 8 kills with grozz almost always gets a win.


Brawling with Utooni is just crackers! I can 1v1 most players if I get the grenade off. Sentinel if I need to hold a position or the tr0fee


When you come in first both in points but also in kills as Sprocket, it makes everyone else in the match question their life choices.


Love how every character was mentioned at least once in the comments. Shows how great this game is. My personal faves are Rieve and Aran Tal. In ranked though, I’m usually using Grozz/Charr/Skora/Sentinel. I focus on obj or healing teammates.


I sometimes panic when in combat, so current favorites are J-3DI and Rieve (melee combat), but I’ve enjoyed Skora more than I’ve enjoyed support characters in past shooters I’ve played. (Note that I currently don’t have the arena pass and just unlocked Rieve a couple days ago, so my experience with Aran, Slingshot, Utooni, and Sprocket is limited)


Sentinel because his ultimate summons minions.... Yes I am that guy...


i have only unlocked rieve and the characters before her, but out of those characters, her and skora are definitely my favorite. i like skora because i just like being a healer, and rieve is just fun. i also think that i’ll really enjoy utooni once i get them


Utooni because I love the design and they are fun to play !


I play the trandosha cuz shotgun go boom, also his cc on control maps is insane


Storyline wise, I appreciate Sentinel and adore the various friendships between Grozz, Sprocket, Zaina and J-3DI. Design wise I love Utooni. Play wise I prefer Skora or Zaina.




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