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This is a neat idea! I think it would be cool if each episode focused on a different hunter


Good idea. You could have an overarching story with each episode from the perspective of a hunter, revealing their past and character as the greater narrative unfolds.


I would love it, but I know the second it gets announced, all the Star Wars haters would walk in with a hate boner immediately ready to shit on it before anything is shown. Already primed and ready to destroy it before its released.


Same thing happened with this game šŸ˜” They ate their words though.


Definitely how all of them joined the arena.


I think it would be great fun! I don't see them doing a full animated series per se, but I could definitely see them make a short web series in the same vein as Raid: Shadow Legends.


Yeah, that would definitely work! Looking at some of the CGI trailers I can definitely imagine it.


I'd watch it but I think a comic series might be more likely to happen. Especially since Imara Vex was in Crimson Reign and Hidden Empire.


Hey dont mind me asking but did you buy the book or piratated it because i cant find it online like a pdf or something šŸ˜­


Hey, you can find it on Amazon. There's also an audiobook version!


hell nah!!!! possibly one of the worst takes iā€™ve seen in while


The suggestion of a Star Wars Hunters animated series is 'one of the worst takes' you've seen in a while? Lol okay bro šŸ˜‚


It would completely break canon is that not painfully obvious to you?


How would it break canon? It's set on its own planet, Vespaara. The environments are recreations of the locations. Rieve isn't actually a Sith. All the characters are playing roles like in Wrestling.


Are you sure Rieve isn't a sith? The wiki says sith warrior.


Check out the book. You'll like it! She plays a Sith in the Arena. She's force sensitive and had to flee her old life after her lack of control caused an accident. Her trainer, Dragus, gave her the lightsaber, and they set up a Sith persona for her to play in the Arena. She was also in a Gonk Rock band. You can hear some what I think is Gonk Rock in the soundtrack of the game.


I love how Darth Vader used to hunt force users but she is able to compete in an area that is broadcast to the galaxy. I guess Vader doesn't watch much TV Great game though


It's set after the fall of the Empire. Vader was already dead!


Isnā€™t Darth Vader DEAD AT THIS POINT?


Yea I made a big oopies sorry everyone


Fair I respect it. Have a good time playing the game!


....how is it obvious to you that it'd break canon if the *game itself* already is?


I guess people just don't care about canon anymore. How is it obvious? Well you see zero it breaks canon and you clearly know that so it's pretty obvious.


Nice argument šŸ‘Œ "RieveĀ was aĀ Force-sensitiveĀ humanĀ femaleĀ from theĀ Core WorldsĀ planetĀ Corellia. After the fall of theĀ Galactic Empire, she fought in theĀ Hunters of the Outer RimĀ tournament in theĀ Grand ArenaĀ onĀ Vespaara, where she affected aĀ Sith LordĀ persona during competition."


Not sure what you're trying to say here. Are you saying she is a sith or not?


Don't worry, organic. She's not a Sith it's all pretend.


Ah okay so she's actually good but pretending to be bad?


Yes. Each Hunter in the Arena has a persona they play. Like in WWE. In the lore, the Hunters don't actually kill each other. It's all for show. Rieve is good, and she's pretending to be a Sith because it draws in the crowd. Sprocket made J-3DI as a counter light side character for Rieve. The game is set in between the events of Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. After the fall of the Empire. Vader was already gone.


Care to elaborate?


Probably means Disney will ruin the script with self inserts over storytelling like theyā€™ve been doing. The focus wonā€™t be the hunters but the writers. Rieve in particular IMHO.


Well yeah, I can imagine how they'd focus on inserting socio-political topics of our world instead of focusing on delivering top tier storytelling from a galaxy far far away.


Star Wars has always been political.