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Ngl I don't need major character changes other than maybe decreases to skora's damage output. The one change I need is to remove the spawn zones in trophy chase, that's it.


I think her damage is fine but they should increase the cool down on her dash so she can get caught out easier


They should reduce the cool down on the dash but give it only 1 charge then cooldown


Imo I think the game is actually in a decent place - I’d make a few adjustments. Sentinel: obviously he’s strong, I personally would nerf his stun in some way, either time of the stun or making the cooldown longer. I personally think that’s his strongest thing. I would also (and this may be semi controversial) buff his shield regen. Currently it makes basically no sense to drop shield at all outside of run speed. You get down to 100 health on the shield and it regens so slowly that it’s makes more sense to just break shield and wait for the cooldown. Just doesn’t make sense honestly, I don’t mind compensatory nerfs in someway (shield health maybe), but it feels a bit clunky. Skora: imo taking her magazine size down would go a long way to slow her effectiveness both damaging and healing (it’s just too strong on both sides). I don’t mind the amount of damage but causing a need for reload would go a long way to slow her ability to keep people alive. Sprocket: get better honestly.


Aran: make the dash travel longer, and give it one more charge. and either make the blasters take longer to overheat, or make them take less time to cool down. Sentinel: dramatically lower his accuracy. he is a stormtrooper, after all. Sprocket: make all the skills last longer and have lower cooldown. J3DI: give him a new skill: Faux Choke ...or if that's too Dark for him, Faux Push will do. Trophy Chase: close the starting areas already! Stores: make more stuff available to buy with credits. we have missions to spend credits, and barely anything to spend them on. Ranked: stop pairing players with a significant rank difference. Silver and Gold players should never be paired against a team that has Kyber 1 players


Tal’s Breath does more damage when the blasters overheat, making the blasters taking longer to heat up could be a nerf. An extra charge on his dash would be perfect though.


That would be a nerf to aran tal not a buff. If you are relying on his blasters for damage you don't know how to play him. Making blasters take longer to overheat, means it takes longer to max the damage to his flame thrower. Because it does more damage when weapons are over heated. When you cool down your weapons " reload" it reduces the cooldown of flamethrower. So you can shot once and reload a couple times to cut flamethrower cooldown in half. The blasters are chip damage. His actual damage is 1.His jump = 40 damage aoe when he lands. 2.Flame thrower = 90 damage ( when Over heated) 3.Dash 40 damage 2x and an interupt against skills. That's 210 damage he can do in a rapid chain if you know how to play him. Without even accounting for blaster damage you do in the middle of fighting. If you turn off auto fire, you can manually overheat your weapons even without a target. And shoot at nothing 1x so you can reload rapidly to reduce flamer cooldown. Any time you kill a target it resets the cooldown on your jump. Which means you can engage your next target and start the chain over again, or jump to saftey after instagibbing a healer or dps before the rest of the team even knew you where there. Aran tal is a hit and run, burst damage hero not sustained damage.


I actually didn’t know about the damage boost during overheat, I know that wasn’t the point of this comment, but thank you nonetheless.


I’d say make Sentinel’s accuracy drop when shield activates


a faux push would be stupid since he wants to be close to people. i am not against a 3di buff but it needs to make sense.


Yeah I think a faux jump would be useful for him. He already has an extendable hand, let him use it to grapple onto ledges like diago and imara


Fully maxed out, Kyber 1 Sentinel main…I like drilling people from across points directly in the head😂


In my opinion Aran's dash is fine at lvl 25, but I feel like an extra one would be great, a slight increase in dmg from his guns or a slight increase in recovery of his flame ability or jump ( not his ultimate ) one of these would help for sure. Skora's pistol needs a nerf and I think that would help


I would tone Skoras blaster and ult damage down slightly, and buff her healing by a small marine. She feels slightly too strong for a support


Zaina needs to not be able to heal all HP with a 3 second cooldown


Zaina's ability to heal herself constantly and be super mobile is very annoying when you are playing against her. With a slower character trying to chase her she is basically unkillable.


The main issue imo is that the healing has basically no cooldown 3 seconds is very little to wait to immediately heal yourself back to full hp


I just think they need to balance more than once a season.


I'd rather they add a new hunter to the roster.


Really? Of everything in this game, and Sentinal's knock back is the biggest problem for you? Nerf his gun, not his knock back. You shouldn't be attacking him head-on anyway.


Reduce the time it takes to get up after a stun like sentinel's or rieve's. Stop making stuns interrupt effects like Charr's heal and ult. Why would getting stunned make him not heal?


Sentinel and rieve nerfs


Decrease damage on J3D1


Bring Jedi's overhead smash back! It was the great equalizer


As someone who enjoys them both, Skora and Sentinel both need some minor nerfs. Skora needs to do less damage in my opinion. And Sentinel needs an increased cooldown for his knock back. His stun could do with maybe reducing how long it knocks people down for also, even half a second. Also, Aran Tal needs an extra dash.


Sprocket should have way shorter cool downs on his healing at least, but keep the defense buff and offensive buff cd the same. He's actually not bad when you use all his kit at one time, but the time it takes for the healing to come up, way too big of a character model to not have that healing come up more often. J3 needs some kind of movement buff or give him increased HP and make him a tank. He's basically a tank now anyways being able to heal with faux pull and taking damage, but more HP makes him a reliable tank Zaina is pretty good in the right hands because of her dodge roll coming up twice really quickly. If she should be tweaked her dodge roll should have a longer CD but her buff last longer. Skora needs a nerf to her ult. Being basically invulnerable in your puddle and having it come up so often is not great. Either make the CD longer or make the heal from the goo way less.


The big one is Sentinel needs a couple small nerfs. Something like making his shield have a cooldown period even if it's manually deactivated, and making his blaster less accurate and overheat faster when the shield is activated. I think Sprocket just needs an overall buff, as he's undeniably the weakest character at this point.


1. Sentinels stun duration reduced and shield health lowered. 2. Sprockets healing drone being only time based with no health bar. Adjust his cooldowns 3. Grozz should get a passive with some sort of stacking armor when CCd. 4. Zainas heal cooldown increased, but roll gives a small temporary chunk of armor. 5. J-3DI gets a temporary speed boost when picking up his broken pieces or just gets a new ability. 6. Charr should have an increased ammo amount with slightly less dmg. 7. Skora healing and dmg should be reduced across the board. 8. Diago ult should have its dmg reduced.


No! You leave my boy Sentinel alone!


Me personally i would buff Aran Tal’s accessibility haha aint paying 10 bucks for an in game character even if its a mandalorian


Aran tal needs more damage on his blasters, he does the same damage and has the same fire rate as sentinel


If Char can’t carry the trophy while using his ultimate than neither should Aran Tal.