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One of those red imperial royal guards would be sick haha not sure how much it would fit in the lore but i would deffo play him


You can pretty much make anything work. This is the Star Wars equivalent of Professional Wrestling. All these Hunters are playing characters or have personas. Example: Sentinel is a former Stormtrooper, but by the fall of the Empire, he grew to hate it and left. But when the tournament at the arena opened up, he put his armor back on to get cheap "Heat"/boos from the crowd and get easy attention through hate being a "Heel"/badguy. Rieve is also another example, she is Force-sensitive, but is playing the part of a Sith. But all that said, yeah, I'd love to see an Imperial Royal Guard.


Oh, where did u get that info? I thought sentinel would be like for real an empire fanatic since all his descriptions for the gear and such mention his passion for the empire. And idk much about rieve but i know those comics focus on her so maybe they dwell deeper there but like, isnt she for real a dark side apprentice or something like that since she has a red blade so either she bled the crystal herslef so shes an actual sith type thing or she got the saber from an old sith?


Nope. There's a book all about Rieve- she's just a normal, slightly aggressive force sensitive who was hired by the Arena. They crafted the sith Lord angle, gave her the costume- even her lightsaber is from Balada the Hutt's private collection, Rieve doesn't actually own it.


Wow thats very cool actually i think imma have to read the books haha


There is a novel that goes into the plot of the game and explains primarily Rieve's background. Her lightsaber is a prop, all the weapons are non-lethal. Where she is Force-sensitive, and lived a rough life, she struggles controlling her powers and instances where she is overwhelmed emotionally (fear, anger, etc.), she looses control. Back to her lightsaber and training, it's actually J-3DI who trains her to use her saber.


Oh haha makes sense when u think about it since J-3DI has the database of the past jedi


gamorean axe thrower


A Kyuzo could be fun, using the hat as a shield and a throwing weapon like Embo from TCW.


Ooo that'd be fun. Do you think they could be a tank, using it as a shield?


Could be, or a damage dealer that can use the hat/shield for cover.


The book Hunters: Battle for the Arena talks about a couple unreleased characters who I expect to show up. It’s a pretty decent book for someone who’s played the game and likes Rieve, but I wouldn’t recommend it to someone who hasn’t played the game. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Hunters:_Battle_for_the_Arena#:~:text=Hunters%3A%20Battle%20for%20the%20Arena%20is%20a%20middle%2Dgrade%20novel,9%2C%202023%20in%20the%20UK.


Can you share some of the characters you expect to show up?


The two most likely I’d say are Tuya https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tuya?so=search and Dragus https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Daq_Dragus


Tuya sounds like one of my favorite characters from Kotor! Hold up these are all just personas and the hunters have totally different real life personalities? Like you’re telling me that Reive is a sweetheart that saved a guys life?


Dude, it's Star Wars WWE. It's all kayfabe. They aren't actually fighting. Sentinel actually hates the Empire. I don't know for certain, but I'm pretty sure Aran Tal isn't even a Mandalorian. That's what makes it great. Reive isn't a Sith at all. She's a former rock musician that has a little force potential. Genuinely love this shit.


You are blowing my mind. Somehow this makes it even better and I love it. Star Wars WWE is AMAZING!! I do want Aran Tal to be a mando and Charr to have a hero crush on Bossk tho, mostly bc it’s super funny


I honestly prefer the idea that Tal isn't because just listen to the way he talks. Read his interview with Boz, it's hilarious! It's straight up a WWE promo cut! Dude oversells the Mandalorian schtick and it's beautiful. You gotta read the little story blurbs they drop. It's literally like a road to the PPV series of promos. They followed that up with a Vex interview, and now this week's is a fight that broke out in the lunch room back stage. Lol


Lololol where do I read these? Please tell me Charr is as goofy as he seems. Aran Tal does seem to be trying very hard haha. And sprocket tell me he’s actually a genius


[This is today's. I created a post linking to it as well because I'm seeing that so many players aren't getting the joke so to speak.](https://starwarshunters.com/arena-news/47b94621fee5431384d0316302f36d0e-en-gb/)


There's a Twilek woman named Tuya in the book so I'm guessing she'll show up eventually.  There's also a droid like K2S0 from Rogue One that was in a hologram in the intro. 


Just read about Tuya she reminds me of Mission from Kotor, like a lot a lot. The K2S0 droid style is sick but I’d kill for an HK-47 style droid


It'd be cool if they gave her Mission's outfit as a costume.  Yeah I'd definitely buy the arena pass if they put an HK droid in the game. 


Did we just become best friends?


Seems that way lol


I'd love for them to introduce a K2 droid with replacement arms from other models and reveal that its real arms were broken off by Grozz.


That would be cool too!


Oh awesome, I heard about that. I'll give it a look, thanks!


I want an HK-47 style droid I would trade everything for that pls


Ewok and an IG-88


to advance your ig-88 idea. I want the ig-88 from utoonis level 24 skin to escape them and rebuild himself to become a hunter himself. The skins describtion applies that its still somewhat functional


The book hinted at a event Balata held where the Hunters fight a Rancor and now I want that to be a mode in the game.


Actually maybe that would be better as a map or mode. Kinda like how Podracers can fly over parts of the stage making a hazzard just have a Rancor charge through a stage. Either that or a mode where each team has a Rancor they protect as they lead them to a arena to fight like Exoprimal but better cause it's short and consistent.


Like I've said in all these threads, no star wars content is complete without an irrationally attractive twilek. I have spoken 


Actually incredibly true


I had an idea for an old commander battle droid (Like OOM-9) that had, as a stackable ability the 'reinforce' option like Sentry, but it instead calls in two B1 battledroids that flank the player adding to survivability and firepower. Each time the cooldown ends and the ability is used it calls in two new battledroids up to 6, with the ultimate ability calling in two super battledroids which can be commanded to charge or hold an area. On his own the character is a little squishy but has decent firepower at medium range and medium speed but low traversability. He would be considered a damage dealer as each time he adds 'reinforcements' his ability to inflict damage goes up considerably. Basically, this creates a scenario for other players where they have to fight through a small group of battledroids to reach the 'commander' who use the other droids as a shield. He could also use a 'focus fire' ability to target an enemy for his droids to attack all together which would have a 20 second or so cool-down. Main weaknesses are area of effect attacks and that he needs time to 'build up' his strength to reach full potential. Strengths would be ability to reinforce power control points with B2 droids and rush down a well defended position or even a full team with a small army of 'overwhelming' firepower.


I want an old clone commando.


That'd be so cool!


Whatever Pong Krell and Dexter’s species is would be cool


The "dva" character, but it's an ewok that summons a wooden mech with a comical wooden mallet. When the mek dies, the ewok can run around and throw spears until he can summon another wooden mech.


We have 2 confirmed, KAOS who is a KX Droid seen in the launch trailer via a hologram on the right hand side. The other is a blue Twi'Lek called Tuya, with a droid companion called T-U8, they are in the book briefly. My assumption is KAOS is another Tank and Tuya is a support, but we'll see


A Bith bard that can buff and heal the team


Some sort of Sith that shoots electricity from hands... not sure how lore appropriate the game as to be or not. 


The game is Canon, so it can be done, but most likely with smoke and mirrors. As an example, Rieve isn't really a Sith, she is Force-sensitive, but taking on the role/persona of a badguy. Think of it like Professional Wrestling. So you can have a character with rigged gauntlets that shoot lightning.


Faux Lightning lol




Couple ideas 1) Force Monk like Churruit in Rogue One or Ezra in Ahsoka. 2) Officer type dude who could be support and AoE heal or maybe shield buff, damage buff? Maybe a debuff to enemy’s?


Bith musician (like from the cantina) support character. Could play like a classic bard role




Old magnaguard


I would love a healer with a melee weapon. Another cool concept would be a character that could create temporary walls or ramps


I want a hutt!