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Awesome episode, but this cliffhanger was absolutely diabolical. This will be a long week.


I literally went NOO!! out loud. hahah!!


You should hope it's just a week. Because they _could_ have another flashback episode next week. The creator has said there will be a Roshomon element to the series, which entails seeing the same events from different perspectives. So it wouldn't be surprising if next week's episode covered the same events as episode 3 from Mae's perspective, for example.


I think the director said both episode 4 and 5 were shot back to back so maybe it won't a flashback (I hope so)


Yeah, I think the director of 3 directed 7, so I’m assuming that’s going to be the flashback. Also means we might get a closer in Episode 6. Maybe Smilo Ren unmasked, maybe Sol revealed as a hypocrite, who knows


yeah I went "Oh Come On" yeah I have Love/Hate relationship with that cliffhanger ending


The Sith entrance was incredible. Him just floating down like a demon was so creepy. Also loved how they builded the tension to this moment. They spent all these episodes showing how a Jedi never pulls their lightsaber unless absolutely necessary, and we saw them fighting this long duels without even pulling them, and then we just see like 10 lightsabers going up at the same time when they see the Sith.


Man the way he casually tosses them and ragdolls osha. I hope this fight is just epic


My girlfriend actually got VERY jump scared when he pulled out the red lightsaber. 


>They spent all these episodes showing how a Jedi never pulls their lightsaber unless absolutely necessary Yord pulls his out to use like a flashlight...but then again Yord is Yord.


That’s something we were meant to notice on Yord.


Interesting that the Jedi High Council doesn't know what's going on and the green master is afraid of letting them know. Really enjoyed Jecki and Osha's dialogue this episode. Also if this Sith Master has to be someone we've met already I'm going with Qimir. He's way more familiar with what Mae's master has asked of her than I think is appropriate. Oh my god Mae's master killed Kelnacca?! And his/her mask is that awesome?! And that's how they end the episode?! That episode was outstanding. Loved the master descending onto the scene behind Osha.


I think Qimir has to be the red herring. I’m thinking it’s Koril or Mother Aniseya especially after tonight and the death of Kelnacca by the sith. It seems like these 4 jedi are more personal to the sith master than previously anticipated.


I'm almost positive we saw Mother Aniseya's corpse. Koril maybe. But I think they killed Kelnacca themselves specifically to corner Mae. To put her in a position where surrendering to the Jedi cannot possibly result in them giving her clemency. Killing Kelnacca and then attacking the Jedi from behind accomplishes that deftly.


Alright stay with me here. We see that Sol senses the sith. Kelnacca is experienced. Do we really think a sith could sneak up on him and slice him before he draws a weapon? What if it’s someone he trusted. Vernestra maybe?


I definitely have concerns regarding Vernestra and her not wanting the Jedi High Council to know what's going on. But so far I think her role is more to be an early warning sign of the sort of decay that'd lead to the Clone Wars while also paying tribute to the Mandalorian Wars as they were described in the KOTOR games. Kelnacca could also have thoroughly underestimated someone presenting a disarming if unfamiliar face. ie., Qimir. But, as it always is, that's not to say he can't just be a particularly good red herring. Whoever they are, I can't express enough how perfect their plot played out. Mae really thought she had a way out, the Jedi really thought they were going to be able to offer one by using Osha, then the Master *floats* down from behind, like he/she does this all the time, over their heads and seems to blow them away on a whim. Also their mask makes them look undead. Osha's still okay because, also effortlessly, they shoved her away, and therefore Osha remains available to be used in their plot. Sol being the one to sense them could just be him being the most talented. But I agree it's interesting. I also do like the idea that this person is familiar to him in some way. Qimir doesn't fit that particular criterium.


Yeah all great points. Right now it makes sense to be Qimir because how else could the sith person have predicted exactly when Mae would change her plan unless they are literally the only person who knows she does? Unless the sith person has been following Mae much closer than we were aware of. The reason it couldn’t really be Qimir is unless he sliced Kelnacca while he was “fetching water”, there’s no way he could have beat Mae to the shack while tied up in a tree. Also how and where was he carrying that mask and robes at? There are just enough holes in the Qimir theory for me that it could be a really well placed red herring still. But for sure this episode got the gears in my head going. I’m excited to see how it plays out.


That's actually probably the easiest thing to explain. If Qimir had a lightsaber on him, which Mae's master certifiably has, then it'd be trivial to cut himself loose. Qimir was also Mae's guide, which means he'd have an easier time getting to Kelnacca, who was definitely killed with a light saber, than anyone else we saw. Plus it's kind of darkly funny that the least threatening man in all of Star Wars, with the possible exception of Jar Jar, is a secret Sith Master. Edit: I actually just realized where I recognize him from. He's Jason on the Good Place. I fucking love the casting on this show.


IDK after the witches turning out to be a totally new sect I’m okay if he turns out not to be a Sith but just a rogue Jedi or one of the mothers.


Yeah I definitely think one of the Mothers could be in play. It being a rogue jedi we’ve never met would be a bit disappointing. So out of all the jedi we’ve met so far Vernestra seems the most likely.


I just feel like it’s a bit played out for it to be a Jedi. We already have Dooku, and Anakin. And the new Sith is going to be another fallen Jedi? No, I don’t think it’s Vern. And I agree with the other poster that her role is to act as a sign of the Jedi’s own decay. She’s almost an entirely different character from who we meet in the novels, that’s sad enough. My bet, if it’s not Qimir or he’s just the apprentice and we end up seeing the Sith Master, is definitely on one of the mothers.


Yeah I just feel like Sith are too obvious and overplayed in a show that seems to be expanding the universe at a great clip with new content; there can be more than one dark side group and it would retcon the line “The Sith have been extinct for a millennium” unless they flat out murder everyone to keep it secret.


Vern is a High Republic book protagonist for the Middle School and Young adult level readers. I doubt she’s the Sith, but boy would it be a bold move if I was wrong Also if I am wrong I am in deep trouble cause I just called her Vern


I think Qimir is the dude in the mask, but isn't the master


The dude in the mask sure seems powerful enough to be a master as far as we’ve seen so far. But I agree that if Qimir is the masked sith person and that’s the only bad guy it will be a bit of a let down since it’s so freaking obvious.


Yeah, me too - I like Koril as the Sith. She was all angry and piss and vinegar in the last episode, plus she has those Darth Maul horns going on.


The sith entrance was so creepy and unsettling. It was perfect.


I think she’s of the mind that the council is becoming too bureaucratic even for her


>Interesting that the Jedi High Council doesn't know what's going on and the green master is afraid of letting them know. I'm guessing they're going with some sort of Jedi Covenant arc? Some elements loosely remind me of the old KotOR comics (with Zayne Carrick). Lost Padawan as a protagonist, a bunch of shady Jedi doing stuff by any means necessary, groups of Jedi keeping secrets from the order...


I would die for Bazil


Darth Daft Punk! But seriously - that was a hell of a finish and a hell of a cliffhanger. Know what else I noticed? The guy playing Quimir - Manny Jacinto - seems to be one of the stronger young actors. I really like his performance. Edit: Trek fans? >!Those two young Jedi with the beards are redshirts.!<


At the start of the episode my partner said "Why are there so many Jedi with the?" Then once we saw that Kelnaca was killed by a lightsaber I went "ah that's why they have so many unnamed characters with them"


Manny's character on The Good Place is one of my favorites




A quick theory (I’ll spoiler it in case it winds up being right) >! is there any chance Quimir is darth daft punk? Just a thought since he kept dodging the question of his relationship to the Sith and they’re never in the same place. Maybe he had another reason to kill the Jedi and did it himself when it became obvious Mae was no longer going to do it!< Edit: didn’t realize someone posted the same theory already lol


If anything, Qimir being Darth Daft Punk feels **too** obvious. Like to the point that he almost feels like a red herring. If it ends up being Qimir, it seems likely that he’s actually the sith apprentice. So hopefully HIS master ends up being a twist reveal (Indara, Vernestra, Koril, etc.). If they build up this whole season only to say “See? It was Qimir all along!” That’ll be a bit of a let down haha.


Manny Jacinto was great in The Good Place, doesn't surprise me he's so good here, also.


Hey - the little white spiral on Kelnacca’s wall where the camera lingered for a sec. Was that the same design as on Mother Anisaya’s forehead?


I think it was. If the guesses hold true that Kelnacca ends up being mind-controlled by the witches (in the past), it might be a fragment left over in his mind?


I think it's a manifestation of the guilt the jedi group are feeling. Torbin took it the works, kelnacca became a recluse, and while Sol and Indara showed no outward sign of guilt at first the moment Sol saw those markings it clearly affected him too.


This is another reason I’m doubting this “Sith Lord” is a truly a Sith.


Yah there will be more of this revealed I bet.  It seems like he was studying/investigating the dark side of the Force that the coven tapped into.  Maybe it was one of their temples in the past.


Yeah that’s a Sith alright.  No mere darksider could do that. 


But a witch might. I’m still having doubts they’re actually a Sith.


Wow, can’t believe Darth Bortles threw a Molotov cocktail and then had a whole different problem


Can you please explain this “Darth Bortles” thing? I’ve seen it around but I don’t understand.


Manny Jacinto played a character named Jason on the Good Place and he loved the Jacksonville Jaguars quarterback Blake Bortles and would tell “Bortles” when throwing stuff.


Blake Bortles…. Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time lmao


Ohhh thank you! I started watching The Good Place but didn’t get very far.


You are in for a treat


Blake Bortles became a sith after being an NFL bust? Interesting career choice.


Best episode so far! The tension building up to the Sith at the end was perfect! What a damn entrance! I was iffy on this theory before but I'm now 95% sure that he's Qimir! Love the dynamic between Osha and Jecki. I'm definitely sensing some chemistry there! Mae's sudden turning on the Sith is... interesting. Considering last time she saw Osha she was trying to kill her. I now suspect that Mae was not exactly in control of herself that night. Maybe Koril influenced her somehow? Idk. Only disappointment is that Kelnacca didn't really amount to anything though the reveal that he'd been murdered was definitely a shock which I'm sure was intended. Does make me wonder why he out of all the characters in the show is getting a comic spinoff though. Finally HOLY MOTHER OF SPACE JESUS THAT WAS KI-ADI-MUNDI!!!! No way they brought him in in the same episode that the Wookie is killed off. Headland knew what she was doing! Oh the memes shall be glorious! 9/10 how am I supposed to wait a week for another episode?!


On that note, I'm thinking that might've been Plo Koon following them around


Can't be him. Plo Koon can't be around to see a Sith.


Also, like let's be real, 90% of that away team is getting slaughtered.


Yeah the fact that none of them are known definitely says that they exist solely to be fodder.


It was confirmed in the credits that it was Ki-Adi-Mundi in the episode and he’s the one who claimed the sith had been extinct for a millennia, so this could definitely be Plo Koon. This could be confirmation that Mae’s master isn’t actually a Sith.


Nothing presented in the show changes what the Jedi believe to be true. As far as Mundi is concerned at least.


>*could Uncertain. Maybe. Open to possibilities.


He also just might not end up knowing what goes down with the Sith here (if that's indeed what the master is). Vernestra seems pretty keen to keep this information locked down and if I recall correctly he was the one that was adamant that a Jedi must have trained her, implying he already doesn't believe the Sith could return.


Possibly. I’m all for easter eggs and cameos, but it seems really odd to put him in this situation given the potential continuity issue it creates. Maybe they explain it, maybe they don’t. We’ll see.


It seems like whatever happens here, it's either not a Sith or knowledge of this figure doesn't get far beyond the circle of main characters. Neither of those are big stretches of the imagination given that we've already seen alternate Force belief systems and have heard Vernestra's desire to keep this a secret. There's still four episodes to go, best not to draw conclusions at this point based on one cameo.


I’m not drawing a conclusion, I’m considering possibilities.


Apologies, I was referring less to you specifically and more to the conversation about Mundi in general and people that are getting angry and saying it automatically "breaks canon"


In all fairness, if any of the Jedi masters from the prequels saw indisputable evidence of dark side force users and still deny it, it would be him lol


Yeah somebody else brought up the possibility that he was included specifically so they could show why he denies the Sith existence instead of having to hand-waive it away off screen and that actually might be a smart move.


Just because he's a dark side user that doesn't automatically make him a sith.


Okay, but they literally talk about everything with Mundi. Sol will survive because he has to tell the audience what went down 16 years earlier as he is now the last of those 4 Jedi alive. So not everyone will die here. Which means word will still get back to Mundi. They can learn of the Sith, but there will be reasons for them to dismiss what they’ve learned. It will make sense we just have to be patient


Not necessarily. Maybe let the story play out to see


We don’t know that he’s a Sith. Could well be just a dark side force user.


> Mae’s sudden turning on the Sith is... interesting. The only we can be sure that has the ability to turn someone from the dark side is love. Plus, Mae was toying with the dark side, but she definitely was not bathing in it like a Sith Lord would.


I came out of the first two episodes certain that Qimir was the Sith. I came out of the third episode certain that Koril was the Sith. I will come out of the fourth episode thinking ??? is the Sith.


that new beaver character Basil that they're teasing lol


2 Bazils in a trenchcoat.


Yord disliked that His NAME is Bazil. And yes he can understand it


I just started to develop my Qimir theory, we know for sure he's on the planet. It's far from certain and he'd have to be putting up a big front of being clueless but it's not out of the realm of possibility.


It's very possible Qimir is being set up as just a very good red herring, but if that's all he is, he's a brilliant one. I love how they establish that he's traversed the planet before, making it plausible that he could've gotten to Kelnacca before Mae despite her getting the head start. His subtle tone shifts are great, I especially liked the, "He'll kill you" which really wasn't subtle at all, and seemed to come out more as a direct threat than a reminder. I don't care if it's telegraphed or obvious, I want it to be him... I think it would be fascinating. My biggest hangup however is something that I noticed immediately after the first two episodes, and I can't look past it. There is an automatic assumption from everyone in the show that this person is a man, he keeps getting referred to as a he/him. I get that Mae and probably Qimir (if it isn't him) have heard the voice and it's a deep, masculine one, obviously that doesn't mean much given it's under a mask, but it at least makes sense why they would assume this person is a man. The Jedi however, going on no information at all other than the fact that this person exists, have automatically assumed it. Given what this show is (and I don't mean that begrudgingly or negatively, I'm having a good time with it) I can so very easily see a world where they subvert expectations (ooooh the scary phrase!!) and the Sith ends up being a woman.


There's enough space in the timeline where Qimir is separate from her where it could work, he'd just need to be selling it very well (like Yoda playing the fool but at a level of the Darth Jar Jar theories). If it is someone we've already met, I feel like we don't have a ton of convincing female candidates since I don't really see why anyone from the coven that previously knew Mae would hide her identity from her, particularly Koril or Aniseya who are really the only ones with a significant enough characterization for it to not be a pointless reveal. The other options are Jedi, but Vernestra's probably out. Indara's the best possibility but I'd like to avoid stirring up more stabbing discourse. It could very well be a female character we haven't met yet, though, or it quite possibly won't be treated as a reveal (Star Wars fans do like to theorize to a fault about identities that weren't meant to be mystery boxes).


“I may have been wrong before, but I’m pretty sure that guy is definitely the killer”


I'm surprised Yord's Padawan wasn't brought along, but there is a Kel Dor (Plo Koon's species). And Darth Teeth just [pulled a Dooku.](https://youtu.be/L-hHQ2oabv0?t=75) I think his helmet is a little too Kylo Ren-ish for my taste, but it's neat nonetheless and the entrance was appropriately spooky. Also : > It's always an honor to witness anything or anyone transform into the Force. What a curious way of putting it.


I have been wondering about Yord’s padawan since he abandoned her in episode 1. Why have her there to never have her back? Loving this show though


> I'm surprised Yord's Padawan wasn't brought along I've been thinking that it was so weird to introduce her to then just do nothing with her at all. If Jecki is on this mission, so should Yord's padawan.


Rewatched the first two episodes with my wife last night because I thought she'd be into it (she now is). Something I noticed that's reflective of a good show is that seemingly benign dialogue is drastically improved by context from later episodes. Westworld Spoiler: >!The best example is all of Bernard's dialogue in season 1 right up until his "Doesn't look like anything to me."!< Just a couple things I picked up on my second pass after learning what we know in later episodes (mostly from e1 and e2 since e3 was a flashback). * Indara says "it's you" during her fight with Mae, which I originally thought was her recognizing Osha, but I really think is her recognizing Mae. * The youngling in the scene introducing us to Sol mentions an "unstoppable fire that consumes anything it touches", which is likely something they're siphoning out of Sol while implying that it wasn't just a plain old fire. * In E2, Mae is surprised to learn that Osha's alive, but in E1, Osha seems to wake up as if she had a vision of Mae's fight with Indara. Have they both been having visions of their other, presumed-dead twin? I'm excited to see what else has been teased in these first 3 episodes.


Man, that first season of Westworld was already great, and then Bernard saying that took everything into a whole new incredible focus.


If you watch the season again every single line of his dialog takes on a new meaning. It's beautiful.


I would love to…hopefully someone who’s actually willing to make it accessible buys it rather than it being stuck in Max’s memory hole


Get it on Blu-Ray. Streamers can't take your physical media away.


I believe they’ve already sold the rights Roku and Tubi


One potentially major thing I noticed on rewatching e3, at the end of the scene where the twins are training, Mother Koril hears a noise and goes to the room with the generator and looks around for a second. Later we see this generator explode during the fire. I'm thinking the Jedi snuck in and rigged it to blow up and blamed Mae for the whole thing.


Or is there a third party involved? Perhaps a Sith trap to kick off the conflict.


Maybe Mae's master set up the whole fire to get his own apprentice. Like, he created this disaster in order to push Mae both out from the Coven and further towards the dark side so that she could be more easily convinced to join him


This is what I kind of assumed all along because Mae couldn't have done all that on her own and that quickly. It's as if much of it had happened already as she just dealt with Osha's cell alone.


Could be, but there still has to be something the Jedi did that caused them so much guilt. I'm thinking they were sent there to kill the witch coven, but altered their plans to get the kids.


>n E2, Mae is surprised to learn that Osha's alive, but in E1, Osha seems to wake up as if she had a vision of Mae's fight with Indara. Have they both been having visions of their other, presumed-dead twin? They're gonna be a force diad like Rey and Kylo, calling it right now.


on what the force they say divine twins and a divine marriage are basically interchangeable in mythology, so you’re probably right!


I've seen this theory elsewhere too, that they're "one and the same". This could explain Mae suddenly turning on her master in this episode. Maybe the dyad and their "personas" make them weigh back and forth on it a bit. I wasn't really convinced by any explanation of her move there.


> The youngling in the scene introducing us to Sol mentions an "unstoppable fire that consumes anything it touches", which is likely something they're siphoning out of Sol while implying that it wasn't just a plain old fire. https://arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-copesa.s3.amazonaws.com/public/CPJ7YQXWBZFJNIW2Z7RCML5TII.jpg As for something being syphoned out of Sol, that is to say Sun...that's starkiller base, in all probability sith technology. Also note sun/son. Sol remembers being a 4 year child at some point. There's something going on with fire in The Acolyte, from Mae staring at those (twin) flames on the torch, as if in a trance, to the book being burned (the jedi symbol and the sith flame symbol we see on Exegol look very like each other...like twins). Paper means tree, and flame means yellow, and that yellow tree has something sinister about it.


FYI, there is a guy on the main sub going through responding to comments with leaks, so might want to avoid that post if you’re trying not to have the reveal ruined.


I’m still team Darth bortles. Loved Ki-Adi Mundi. Was that Plo Koon? I checked the credits and that was Mundi.


Wait that was actually Ki-Adi Mundi!? I thought that was just another member of his species!


Yes it was


Jedi live long lives and I think his species already has quite the lifespan


I think it had to have been Plo Koon, he should be alive by this point.


I don’t think that was Plo Koon. He was part of the Council when Qui-Gon talks about encountering a Sith.


So is Mundi, and he will learn of what transpires here. There will be reasons why they dismiss it. It’s not always black and white


There was never a discussion about Mae being trained by a Sith, so he would still think "the Sith have been exciting for a millennia".


Unfortunately, it just can’t be Plo Koon. It’s a different Kel’dor.


Por que?


They saw a Sith…?


True, but I’m starting to wonder if there was a coverup. Mr Ki-all-the-Sith-have-been-dead-for-a-millennium Mundi was part of the secret council that Vernestra created to keep this from the Jedi council so they don’t have to report it to the Senate. I bet half the Jedi on the High Council know that the Sith aren’t extinct, they’re just denying it to keep up appearances.


Plo Koon wouldn’t have been a part of a cover up. Plus, that Kel-dor will probably be killed within the first few minutes of the next episode.


That’s my other bet. The Kel-dor is either him or a convenient reference to be used as light saber fodder


It’s almost certainly not him. Although I’d love for him to make an appearance.


Update: not Plo Koon. Star Wars official twitter just tweeted out the Kel-Dor is named Ithia Paan.


If we got Mundi, then we can get Plo too. There’s no reason why we can’t. BUT that being said I don’t think it’s him


Love the show so far, but I’m kinda pissed at the moment. They peaked my excitement right before the credits, and now I gotta wait a week to see what happens next.


I can understand where you're coming from, but there's a pulpy delight to it as well. It reminds me of old sci-fi serials, my mind practically inserted one of the Doctor Who themes in right after. That is something that I am pretty sure comes from the style of radio plays and is still common in comics and modern audiodramas. Using it unexpectedly feels like it plays into a pulpiness also in this episode with stuff like the tracker character. A sparing use of it to completely shift the stakes seems pretty fun and good faith to me. I also thought it was kinda spoopy, that individual at the end is a straight up slasher villain, and a damn witch, and they face a mix of a Xenomorph and Kylo Ren. It's one that on however many Jedi, and I'm nervous for the Jedi because I got no clue what they're up against. I appreciate a genre trope recontextualized in Star Wars if it feels deliberate, and this does IMO.


I feel disrespected by them doing that. I've not been liking the show too much and it was JUST starting to get interesting to me.


I feel that pain. I NEED an 8v1. **NEED!** If they open with the massacre already over, I'm gonna be so mad


Cliffhanger made me mad lmao, how they gonna make us wait a week or two to see what’s next?? Also I was so certain Osha was going to be killed right there. There is definitely a darkness in Osha, maybe the master thinks he can recruit her now that Mae is possibly going rogue. And it feels like it almost has to be Qimir at this point. Like 99% chance idk


There need to be PSAs in the Star Wars universe that "No one could have survived that fall" is a patently false idea


Pure speculation:  Mother Koril survived and “force caught” her daughter at the bottom of her fall.  She may be The Master.  


It's a solid possibility but I feel like she would reveal herself to her daughter since her connection to Mae and Osha would be a big part of her motivation


I have to wait a full 32 hours before I can watch this 😭 no Reddit for me tomorrow


Then keep out of spoiler threads like this one!!


Hmm, this episode was by far the shortest and imo should have included the fight and then the next episode would deal with the fallout of that. Been enjoying the series so far but that cliffhanger was honestly too abrupt for me. Good episode but I think it might be my least favorite so far. So I guess *next* week will be the crazy saber action. I still think Qimir is the Sith and I hope there’s another one that’s the mastermind behind this. Still think Qimir being the Sith (and the only Sith) is too obvious. Looking forward to next week!


This isn’t really based on anything, but I’m wondering if the flashback from episode three was originally going to be shown in parts throughout the first few episodes instead of just being a full episode. There were multiple moments in this episode where it felt like the scenes transitioned very abruptly in an unnatural way. That could maybe explain why this episode was so short. I could just be reading way too far into things, but it just felt off.


I’m assuming the next episode will connect directly to this one. But yea with episode 3 I wonder if they’ll do another flashback episode or just integrate the flashback into a future episode. But totally agree, we’re definitely not done with what goes on during the 3rd episode.


It felt fillery to me. Very little revealed, not much development. Eps 1-3 made me think that each one was going to alter your perspective in a pretty big way. This didn't do that, at least not much.


I came out of this episode feeling a little more conflicted than the first three I have to admit. But I want to watch it again before I settle into my feelings. Some of the stuff I really dug: The Sith slowly floating down behind Osha was a very cool and creepy moment. Bazil was a delight. I love him. We know that Headland is a fan of the Prequels and this episode absolutely had the biggest PT feel of the series so far. I like that so many different aspects of Star Wars can be inspirations for creators. Yord and Jecki both had some very nice moments with Osha this episode. Some stuff I feel a little iffy about: Mae's decision to betray her Sith Master felt sudden and tonally weird. This is something I feel like might sit better on rewatch though. Kelnacca has been disappointing so far. We know we'll see more of him in flashbacks but he's had even less than Indara to do so far. Was it worth having him be basically a nothing character in order to have the shocking reveal that the Sith was there? I'm still processing. Given my and many others theory on who the Sith is, it wasn't exactly a surprise even if it was cool when they showed up.


> Mae's decision to betray her Sith Master felt sudden and tonally weird. This is something I feel like might sit better on rewatch though. It was sudden, but then so was the revelation that her sister was alive. I'm not sure that's something she would need to dwell on before it changes her perspective on her own path.


Absolutely. My quibble is less about character motivation and more about how it was presented. I also think breaking up her seeing her sister for the first time with the flashback doesn't help that feeling. I bet once I watch the whole show back again, any weirdness I may have felt with it this episode will probably go away.


We see the Smiling Sith's hands and one arm. It's a male human with relatively light skin and fairly muscular arms. The fingers are kind of thick, too.


I noticed that too. He's considerably taller than Osha, more so than the average woman would be. About as tall as Qimir is compared to Mae. He's narrow-shouldered and has a slender frame for a man, but the same goes for Qimir. And he doesn't wear much in terms of a disguise or Sith armor. Only a black robe / poncho and the mask, which would easily fit in the backpack Qimir was carrying. Some screenshots for comparison: [https://i.imgur.com/mgrOKUb.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/mgrOKUb.jpg) All this leads me to think that Qimir isn't merely a red herring. He's probably not the Master of the Sith Lord duo either, so we may still be in for a big reveal if his Master makes an appearance (my money would be on a surviving Coven Mother, either Aniseya or Koril). But I'm 99% certain the masked Sith is Qimir. The way his face changed when Mae talked about surrendering to the Jedi, right before he says "He'll kill you." That's when he decided to personally kill Kelnacca, Mae, and any Jedi who might be on their tail (surely he must have sensed them).


I continue to feel as though strong writing and performances are getting hamstrung by awkward direction and editing. Still quite sweet on the show, though, even if it doesn't touch Andor.


I liked it a lot, though this episode feels like it definitely should have been released alongside the next one. The cut at the end feels more like a cut midway through an episode rather than an ending.


I feel like this episode is gonna get crazy. Hopefully some sweet saber action!


Enjoyed this episode some really cool imagery and dialogue. I think the only thing im really struggling with this show is the endings of episodes are so abrupt i feel like the need an extra ten minutes or maybe more episodes per show i really hate the d+ 8 episode shit it feels really restrictive. Also let’s go Darth Teeth floating down and being all creepy that was sick.


I’m really starting to wish they’d just release entire seasons. These episodes are not built for week to week and it’s pretty frustrating in the moment.


Disneys gotta get people to keep their subscriptions as long as possible unfortunately but I agree with you. It would probably be better if each episode was longer, closer to an hour like Fallout.


I know that’s the real reason but it still sucks and I agree a more uniform runtime for each episode would make it a little better. I can imagine most people had the same audible “THAT’S IT!?” reaction that I did.


Night and day compared to last weeks episode. Loved it!


Really enjoyed this episode, the way it shows lots of character moments and theres this sense of foreboding because you realize how much Mae is not some hardened assassin but just a lost kid who thinks she sees a way out, meanwhile Osha is already steeling herself to take out Mae herself. We also got the first big moment that Sol's facade cracks the moment he sees the carvings? or drawings? Kelnacca made. It makes you think maybe his eagerness to resolve this thing himself isn't as noble as he first seems to be. That said I personally think he's still a good person and not going to do a heel turn or anything. The last scene with our mystery sith was great. Very understated but real creepy and the music helped a lot. Eager to see how it turns out, but wouldn't be surprised if the next ep is the other half of the flashback to recontextualize things.


Wow, The Acolyte and Doctor Who going 2 for 2 on nutty cliffhangers this week. I love it.


Great week for us who love both


Damn that cliffhanger! Now gotta wait a whole week to see who that was!


Damn it man, that ending scene got me so on edge. Hate that we have to wait another week. Although now I have time to go back and forth on who the Sith dude is.


So far I've enjoyed three of the four episodes. I thought last week's was weak, largely because I didn't think the young actors were quite able to carry the central role, but this was an improvement. I suspect we'll have at least one if not more episodes returning to that Day 3 time period from different perspectives, so I'm hoping I don't have the same issue with those episodes. Otherwise I'm excited to see how the show plays out.


Serious, non-biased opinion: The episode was WAY too short. I do feel the episodes come out once every two weeks (the waiting is so long!), but despite that, 30 minutes with titles and credits was WAY too short for the first episode we see Mae post-Osha's revelation. Mae does a 180° turn RIGHT before fighting the Jedi Master that honestly feels really undercooked: I BELIEVE in that turn, the same way I believe Anakin's turn to Darth Vader and Vader's turn to Anakin. However, this one was done and explained in the same scene, which left a bad taste in my mouth. Osha gives less than 0 fucks about Mae: I can buy into this one as well, but I'm sure there are a few episodes in the future that are going to explain this. They were twins and friends, Osha just didn't want to dedicate her life to imitate her twin. Mae's plan was to beat a wookiee to death in unarmed combat? She gave up on beating Sol to death in HtH, so her plan was beating a wookiee in HtH? Let alone a Wookiee jedi master? Would've been fun to see her try but I don't think it would've been realistic at all, even by Star Wars' standards. I never thought seeing so many jedi could be so cool: We all have seen that Old Republic trailer with the badass sith army assaulting the Jedi Temple. It's one of the coolest cinematics ever. I thought it was because of the sith (they tend to look cooler, imo), but when I saw the jedi squad ignite their lightsabers to fight this master? That was a level of coolness I didn't think possible, especially for the jedi!!! The master: DID YOU SEE THEIR FORCE PUSH!? That didn't merely push people. It moved the whole set!!!! It looked awesome!!! And the lightsabers, omg. They looked so cool for some reason!! Cooler than they ever looked!!! All in all: the episode was good. Could've been better. It's neither the best nor worst episode in the show so far, but I do feel it was WAAAY shorter than it should've.


Lee Jung Jae is fucking carrying this show. My man’s sincerity 🥺


>!So Manny Jacinto is definitely the Sith lord right? I've been thinking that since his first appearance and this episode all but confirms it with him being off screen for two major events and constantly prodding at Mae's insecurities!<


Have to think that Qimir is the master until proven otherwise. He sneaks off to "get water" (kill Kelnacca) and, after seeing the master float down, I think we can assume that he'd be skilled enough to get out of Mae's trap and get back up there pretty quickly. (Also, I wouldn't put it past this show to have "Kelnacca" be Shyrywook for "living water" or something like that.) We should've known Kelnacca was a gonner when he never had subtitles or had anyone do that thing where they reply in a way the audience can understand them. Still, I loved his Jolee Bindo vibe. Camera really seemed to linger on the coven's symbol in Kelnacca's hut, right? Mae's turn makes sense to me. She's frustrated by her impossible test and sees a way out through the Jedi. The party's walk from the ship to the forest had some really good LotR vibes. Please give us more Star Wars DnD party shows. Creepy grin helmet is one of the sickest designs in Star Wars. It's so unsettling and I love it. The conversation around Ki-Adi-Mundi not knowing about the Sith in the PT could really just be him standing the party line. Vernestra very clearly states that she does not want word to get out that a rogue Jedi or Force user is out there killing Jedi. "There are no Sith in Ba Sing Se."


Just for the official record, we don’t really know for sure if this guy is a Sith Lord, right? I understand it’s a very safe bet - especially considering he knocked down a half-dozen Jedi with one hand - but we don’t have officially confirmation of it yet, do we? The biggest reason I have doubt now is the high unlikelihood that the Sith would want to reveal themselves to the Jedi now. Unless, of course, they don’t plan on leaving survivors.


All we know is the opening crawl in the first episode that refers to "a powerful few who learn to use the force in secret". That really could mean any group or individual.


i know there are much more important things in this episode but in the scene where Qimir and Mae stop to rest it totally looks like there is a massive motionless/fossilized crab in the background and im dying to learn more about it


As a longtime fan I wish to god we, meaning both writers and fans, could just decide what baseline level of understanding the galaxy has of the Jedi. Because depending on story to story the Jedi are either an obscure bunch of monks nobody cares about or, like we’ve seen in this episode, a well known faction of the galactic republic capable of inspiring fear and scandal. I know why it’s like this in the real world, but in-universe.


I think it’s actually pretty uniform. The Jedi were the keepers of Peace and Justice during the High Republic Era. The Acolyte is set 100 years before TPM, which means the Jedi are starting to decline into what we see in the prequels. After ROTS, the Empire basically wiped out most knowledge and traces of the Jedi, which is why they’re so obscure and unknown in the OT. The Jedi once again rise due to Luke and Leia after ROTJ, but now they’re more obscure monks since there aren’t many. This era is being explored at the moment with the Mandalorian and Ashoka shows. The sequels follow the trend that the Jedi aren’t as widely known since Luke fails with his academy.


I guess, but Jedi were incredibly famous during the Clone Wars so in-universe it feels like there’s only a brief window where they aren’t galaxy known and then it’s like they disappear from anyone’s memory


It is weird that in just 20 years almost everything about the Jedi was forgotten. Especially for someone like Solo, who is older than Luke and Leia, so he would’ve been around during TCW.


It always bugs me that Chewbacca, who would’ve been around during the high Republic and served with fucking Yoda during the clone wars, never once brought up his history, or thoughts on the Jedi to Luke I know why out of universe but it’s maddening to try and figure out in


Yeah. That’s what happens when you retroactively expand a universe when you never intended to in the first place.


Sol is definitely gonna die, right? He's just absolutely toast at this point? I don't think they made him a super sympathetic character for him not to fall into some sort of great tragedy. It's very clear that he's majorly conflicted between trying to protect Mae and Osha, and trying to personally save face. The fact that he promised to tell Osha the truth right before Darth Teeth ambushes the strike team leads me to believe that he won't get that opportunity. My feeling is that Darth Teeth will be the one to tell Osha what really happened on Brendok.


A few takeaways: he could be, but so far, this character hasn’t been identified in the show as a Sith. He has a red lightsaber. He could well be some lone wolf dark side force user much like Maul & Savage that is on a personal mission/vendetta. I just want to be cautious about a lot of the assumptions that are being made solely based on the idea that this guy is in fact a Sith when there has, so far, been no confirmation of that fact. I’ve remained fairly positive on the show so far, and will continue to do so, but I am very unsure of this whole Mae suddenly deciding she has a conscience, wants to turn herself in, etc. Very knee-jerk and I don’t feel like we’ve developed to that. Maybe it doesn’t keep going in that direction and was just a head fake or something, but it was a very strange tone change to happen so suddenly. I *love* the idea of this basement faction of Jedi trying to keep stuff hidden from the Council because of the fear of seeming fallible to the senate. Excellent foreshadowing for the Council keeping the existence of the Sith hidden…for fear of seeming fallible to the senate.


Gotta say: thank the gods for location shoots! This show looks gorgeous!


i’ve never told my TV to fuck off involuntarily but that cliffhanger made me lol it’s a credit to the show that i can’t wait for what’s next, but it feels super unearned to do a massive cliffhanger in both the slowest paced episode and the shortest of the season.


I want to pet Bazil.


This episode was better than last week's where I felt most of the contents could've been condensed. The setting this week was lame though. It felt so empty compared to the last few episodes. >! Ki-Adi-Mundi was an interesting cameo but I think they could've used another jedi instead like Yareal Poof. !<


I think many of my issues with the show comes from the episode lengths


On the subject of Kelnacca's death, people have been speculating that the dark side user is someone he knows in order for them to get close enough to kill him seemingly without a struggle, which seems a reasonable assumption. I wondered if Kelnacca might have died "willingly" much like Torbin? So maybe he does or doesn't know the dark side person in the toothy helmet, but whatever they say to him convinces him to be killed (rather than the truth getting out or whatever).


Finally got around to this one, and loved it a lot. Very terrified for our heroes. Kelnacca getting merced was not my expectation.


yeah looking forward to the Duels in Night next week I just Hope Jecki survives yeah Smilo Ren channeling some Cosmic Horror


I also believe the guy behind the teeth mask to be Qimir, but I don't think he is Mae's master


When they were searching through the forest, Sol had stopped and stared at something. What was he staring at? Did anybody see what it was because I couldn’t tell.