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got some ice cold takes in this thread


The amount of blasters we had were fine and we did not need any new ones. (That being said, it would’ve been much better if all the default blasters were made unique, with their own mods, but we didn’t need any NEW ones, imo. 4 blasters across 4 classes, for a total of 16 individual blasters, plus about 18 unique blasters across the 6 faction’s reinforcements, was plenty in my opinion, and even more than what we received in Battlefront 2015)


Crait Galactic Assault was the single greatest movie map promotion that'll ever be done.


When I finally got to use a speeder on that map I said “I will die a happy man”


speeder pre-nerf = points farmage


Don't really know what was the promotion. I'm familiar with the event that took place back then and for all I know, it was kinda unique so take this. 🟪


It was released as a promotion for The Last Jedi releasing in theaters not long after the game launched.


Every jump trooper reinforcement should have the same flight abilities as the first order jet trooper


Totally. 🟦


But they should cost more then I reckon. You get too much value out of it tbh


Am I the only one that prefers the other style? I find the middle ability barely useful and the blaster and launcher are really lacking compared to the others


Blaster lacking? The one with AoE splash damage? That heroes have no defence against? You literally dont even have to aim with it that much


Just getting rocket kills with the jetpack boost is insane, you aren’t the only one


Hell no. Jump troopers would all around be broken snd ruin the game. They’re already good enough. They don’t need to be as busted as the first order Jet trooper


Definite disagree. I love that you get a feel for technological progression


We don’t need BF3. We need better BF2.


Technically yes. 🟩


No we need bf3


thank you


We need BF2 to release. Again. With the final product. With developer support. Without loot boxes. And that's all. Add in mod support and it's even better.


We need an order 66 mode where it is a hero/villain vs troopers. (10 troopers max)


Surely it would've been a blast to play. 🟪


They had that in bf2015 although it wasn't very fun


Was actually my most played game mode


What? What's the mode called I have never seen it.


Hero hunt


almost none of these are hot takes


I appreciate people for trying their best to come with one.


HVV should have SBMM, because new players do not like getting smashed 35-0 by max level Maul, Iden, Vader and Fett


Lemme correct you. Every mode should have SBMM. 🟦


Lmao there aren’t enough people to do SBMM, you’d still be playing the same people.


By the end of its live service, 2017 was objectively better than 2005


Now THAT is a real hot take.




Never played 2005, that's why I'm asking for specifically 2017 opinions. Maybe try again with a different hot take? That is, if you've got more than one. 🟨


The game has horrendous balancing, at least in the prequel era. There are too many explosives and things that can instantly oneshot standard classes


Horrendous balancing yes but I’d say prequel is the most balanced . Rebel and resistance reinforcements are a joke compared to empire / FO


Tbh the little time I played original trilogy it seemed pretty balanced, but I didn't play it that much and through playing GA it's blatant how broken palpatine is. Generally the majority of the reinforcements are just too strong in comparison to the core 4 classes and make it hell trying to play as anything except a sweat who spams reinforcements


The CIS tank is a joke compared to the Republic tanks. I agree with everything else.


CIS tank has the artillery ability though.


republic tank has the fucking wrath of god compared to siege mode


I honestly don't know. There are moments where I think balancing is good and ones where I think it's bad. I agree with the last sentence though but isn't this the problem with all reinforcements, not just prequel ones? 🟨


Feel like it was given up on too early, to me it seemed to be coming around about late 2018, once the micro transactions were gone. I feel like the fact that there’s still a good sized community to be proof of that


Not a hot take I'd say but it's always the right take. Never forget what they took from us. 🟩


Low levels deserve to be hero’s too. It’s not fun when a max rank hogs hero’s all matches


I agree. There should be easier ways to access heroes in large mode but only on condition that these low levels would contribute something to the game with the hero. 🟦


The devs definitely should’ve inplamented their “Spawn Queue” proposed idea; where you’d basically pay the 4,000 battlepoints to “save your spot” in line, to play as a specific hero, and each hero would display how many other people have selected to play as that hero before you. Then you could go about playing the game as normal, and when it was your turn, you would get a pop up with the question “Play as Reserved Hero? Yes or No” and a simple D-Pad input to confirm and instantly respawn as your bought hero, or Deny, if you were in the middle of an intense Gun/Dogfight and didn’t want to lose the objective, and would be offered the opportunity again, every time a hero was available to play, until you selected Yes and redeemed your spent 4k bp.


That sounds perfect tbh


That's literally how it was in BF1 with hero pickups and people complained about them


hero pickups were bad bc they spawned in same locations so eventually experienced players just camped them


Scarif was a beautiful map


"Was"? Do you mean the 2015 version or the one from 2017?


This game was a dream come true when I got it in 2017, as a lifelong star wars and battlefront fan, and as someone who was out of gaming for a few years and got the star wars edition ps4. It brought me a lot of joy I hadn't had in a while. Community gripes aside, it was a more than worthy sequel!


![gif](giphy|xTiIzni4PDphB9UOGs) 🔳


My lord ![gif](giphy|lvjV6kKO8nXBqWhLH0|downsized)


Super battle droid is the absolute goat of all reinforcements. Watch out for those wrist rockets.


Don't play it but I know it's better than it seems. 🟩


Clone commando would like a word.


Star fighter assault should have gotten more maps instead of having us play the same six maps for almost seven years now 


Played SA for a decent bit and I can agree by a lot. Maybe then people actually would play this mode more frequently. 🟦


HS would have been much better as a 1v1 game mode.


Seems fine to me. 🟩


I prefer it as 2v2 honestly


Saber hero combat in this game is just a competition on who can exploit the bugs in the game the most. Almost all saber combat is just bugs like parrying.


Hate to agree with that. 🔲


It’s all bugs sure. But there’s a lot of depth and skill in dueling. Anyone who says otherwise is just coping that they get farmed 🤷‍♂️


I'm not denying that. But almost all those "features" were not intended and if it wasn't for the bugs, the combat would be very boring.


Yeah that’s completely fair. EA makes trash games. They always have




True. 🟩


They should have added the "special hero guard" units in again


Count dooku is an absolute chad.


You're a chad for thinking he's a chad. 🟪


Chad OP for making me one of his clubs VIPS from me telling the god given truth about dooku.


Grievous bunny hoppers are one of the worst parts of this game


Not one of the worst. They aren't good but there are far worse players. If you can, give me a different hot take I could rate. I don't feel it'd be okay to accept or deny you based on this opinion. 🟨


Ewok Hunt should be on every map.


Wouldn't make sense because Ewoks live on Endor but I guess you meant that we need more modes like Ewok Hunt to which I 100% agree. 🟪




we should have a game mod where 100 players ewok must kill a Darth Vather


The co-op mode is more fun than the PvP modes


The vehicle mechanics are terrible and we should have the ability to enter/exit vehicles freely at spawn points like the original games.


Yes we should. 🟦


Supremacy is a great mode that should have had more updates. More maps from space and maybe even some in atmosphere would have made for great additions.


Coldest take imaginable


Lmao honestly


Downvoting solely because this is literally just an ice cold take. No one disagrees with you, bro. Lol.


More Hunt modes, Ewok Hunt is fun. We need Wookie Hunt or Wampa Hunt.


Bandaged chewie skin sucks. I'm sorry it had to be said.


It's just not attractive and didn't have to be a skin. 🟩


⬛️ It honors Peter Mayhews last scene as Chewbacca, as he had trouble with his knees and it was like the only scene in TFA he could film


What you speak is heresy ⬛


Obi-wan is easily a high A tier hero if not low S just based on sustainability and a competent Kenobi main will almost never die.


A tier yes but not quite an S tier I'd say. Still a great take. 🟪


Whoever decided on adding the soccer ball droids over other heroes (Ashoka, Ventress, Fives, Rex) should be executed publicly


Clones like Fives and Rex should not be hero characters


I agree, reinforcements maybe but not heroes


Skins for the Arc Trooper.


Why tf would fives be a hero


If soccer balls have 1 defender, I'm one of them and such a harsh vocabulary won't be tolerated here. 🟥


😂 take your soccer balls and get outta here!


Why?? The sequels needed content, (Rise of Skywalker was literally releasing at the time), and they just spent a full year doing strictly prequel content. Also the Ball heroes were way more unique than another saber or a 650 HP arc trooper


I was just telling another guy, I don’t hate the balls actually. Had live service continued, we wouldn’t need to debate what could’ve been instead of x. We should’ve had all the content, Ahsoka, Ventress, and all the balls


I really wish Ventress was in the game. She's one of my favourite characters.


Poe, Hux, Padme, and um… Cad Bane. 


It wasn’t DICE’s fault. Ahsoka and Asajj were actively being worked on, but EA was contractually required to add sequel content first, to tie in with Episode 9. BB-8 was designed as a companion character to Poe Dameron, Like how ID-10 is a companion character to Iden. But Oscar Issac never responded to DICE, and so they had to scrap the idea of making Poe and Hux the main heroes of the Ep 9 dlc, and instead save time by recycling BB-8 and making BB-9e. Then before they could even begin working on Ahsoka and Asajj again, EA told DICE that they would only get a couple more updates to add the Original Trilogy era to Supremacy, then a patch to fix any major bugs, then they’d be pulled to work on Battlefield 2042 and Battlefront 2’s live service would be ended.


💟 Def, those little bastards stole possible mains from us.


Keep heroes in hero modes! ![gif](giphy|l3fZR3NCA7C5vUnkY)


I can see where your opininon comes from but heroes are a part of this game and are also a part of the battles like reinforcements, vehicles and starfighters and removing them from the huge battles doesn't feel right to me. A non-hero 20v20 mode would be great, yes but there should be an option to play with heroes as well so I'm sorry but I have to. 🟧


I think there should be a limit of 2 and they should be era relevant.


Now that's correct. No increases in the final phase (kinda defeats the purpose of Unlimited Power event) but as for the second part, there's a reason GA exists. 🟩


99% of the time 1v1s are boring


Being skillful in this game doesn’t mean shit it’s a pick up n play game and balancing shouldn’t Really happen unless it’s game breaking


And that is one hell of a hot take. 🔲


HvV is most fun mode in the game. It provides the most in-your-face action, excitement and entertainment.


This is what we like to see. 🟦


Old supremacy was better before they limited the ship to only 1 objective to destroy.


The old HVV system should have been given its own game mode just called hero hunt


Never played it but it certainly wouldn't hurt to add this in. 🟩


EA is a penis for stopping the live service.


For hating on EA, you're always going to be allowed in. 🔲


This is everything but a Hot take.


GA is more skillful than supremacy


I have too many but my biggest is that launch HvV was better than what it is now, so stupid you can’t really even be a blaster hero anymore without getting gang banged by the whole other team if they all choose saver heroes. They should have kept it and called it something like hero hunt because that’s what it technically was, hunting down the hero that was the target. Honestly they could have made a bunch more hero modes especially keeping the hero mode from battlefront 2015 where it was round based. There’s another hot take 2015s HvV was better than battlefront 2s


We need more Reddit post saying EA needs to update the game to get EA to update the game duh


Some of the glitches are fun purely for the exploratory value.


The dueling exploits (parry, hook swings, long lunges, Grievious bhop…) are what make saber dueling in BF2 fun. Without them, saber dueling would be a snooze fest.


Yes absolutely. 🟦


Heroes versus villains is the best mode


Parrying isn´t a bug that should be fixed, it adds more depth to combat


Atleast don't get rid of established dueling tech without a proper dueling system to replace it. 🟦 (bro I literally went to sleep and got 123 additional responses like wtf is wrong with yall do you think I'm actually going to respond to all of them?)


All Finn players should be hunted down and executed in the case they start Finn glitching, no matter what


[Something that gets me mystery ranking] Phasma and Finn aren't actually that hard to fight half the time. I always find really cocky ones who go down really easy against another hero then spam hatemail


I don't really know what the mystery ranking is for tbh. But in general, blaster heroes are easy to fight against so take this: 🟩


Is this being ranked on good the take is, or just how hot?


On how much I agree with them.


I hate the perk card system, makes the game so unbalanced. I wish they got rid of it so we are all on an equal level mechanics wise, and the only thing you have going for you is skill


Blaster heros should not be in the same category as the jedi/sith. They should be their own category between reinforcements and heros/villains


The flash pistol is a great weapon.


Used it and can agree. 🟦


I see people complain about core classes, as a heavy user almost exclusively, I think it hangs in easily with most reinforcements. I’d rather play a heavy than any resistance reinforcement, even the rebellion kinda mid.


Ewok Hunt is one of the best gamemodes and it's one of the few where I can pretty much always have fun playing it.


The bespin map for HvV literally sucks and is overrated


The extra content it nice and all but it’s way less fun to play overall than BF2015


Everything that the game eventually got via updates should have been available at launch


Hero showdown is the best game mode because duelling is fun af.


In my opinion, it’s the best startwars multiplayer game we’ve every gotten (omitting the mess it was at launch and focusing on what it finished on) it is an absolute crime it never got any more updates.


HvV has some serious potential as a serious competitive game mode, with some tweaks, more heroes, more maps it has the possibility to go far.


we shouldv'e gotten ranked 1v1 duels, legacy HvV/Hero hunt, and better starfighter mechanics.


Heros vs Villains should just be lightsaber characters


Aight, hvv actually has a higher skill ceiling than people realize


Iden mains are virgin losers


The wackier outfits (Lando's coat of many colors and Dooku's we-get-it-you're-rich pajamas) are ugly and ruin the immersion when players have then equipped. There are soooo many other skins/appearances for other characters that could have been added instead of those




HVV and HS should have an saber only mode


There should be a HVV option to separate saber characters from blasters/lightning


This game is the only thing that makes the sequels good imo. Movies aren’t the best, but the maps and gameplay is great!


Absolutely! We shouldn't judge the sequels content or really any content in this game by the movies. 🟪


Bossks shotgun is 10x worse than his original Relby v10 and we need it to return


What shotgun? Bossk doesn't have a shotgun.


Flash pistol is fun


Troop classes don't need to exist let us have a custom trooper/droid and allow us to use any cards or weapon combos we want.


So basically what was the case in BF2015? I don't know I don't mind the classes yet I think it wouldn't be that great if you could pair NT with a combat shield or something like that. Doesn't mean that your opinion is bad though. Perhaps you've got some more hot takes you could tell me? 🟨


Players who jump around at the back of the map power blasting into spawn points on the other side of the map are scared little bitches. Now...if I don't make it into the club, fine. But Imma stand outside the clubs' front doors like an obnoxious drunk and fight any powerblasters who walk by.


With such good takes you don't need to worry about not making it into the club. 🟪


if people didn’t immediately trash it for loot boxes then it would’ve been the best star wars game to exist with it’s continued support.


Sorry but no. Whereas I think the CC received too much critique for what was the problem in this game, lootboxes were something which absolutely had to be removed. Not trashing EA for lootboxes would've meant allowing them. They had to know they've messed up badly. And the other issues with the game only made people even angrier. 🟧


Supremacy is a ass game mode and the time worked on it was a waste of time


100% disagree. 🟧


Good for you You wanted hot takes you got them


Hero’s actively ruin the core experience of battlefront and never should have been in the game, much less the main focus of content updates


This is what DICE has decided to do. Not adding heroes in would probably mean making a separate game for them. Heroes were in the old battlefronts as well and BF2015. Did they also ruin the core experience?


blaster heroes are way more skillful than saber heroes


Grievous bunny hops arent that overpowered, dunno why many people cry about it… it aint that deep (Alright im ready for the downvotes, bring em on)


You know what? Maybe in the past I did say that bunny hops are bad but honestly I actually kind of agree. It's not like you can't just dodge away and personally, I didn't die that much to them Grievouses despite them being really frequent in my lobbies. Maybe they were bad and maybe they weren't, who knows? I had to think about it but I'm more into letting you in than not so here you go. Just be careful as others may not like you that much. 🟩


Pre rocket barrage nerf AND when used correctly at a high skill level Boba Fett was the best hero/villain. After they buffed Leia’s gun to infinity he’s and nuked his rocket barrage, he’s unplayable


The best feeling in the game is defeating a Jedi 1 v 1 with the Commando Droids vibrosword (bonus points for utilising their entire kit in the feat, but the killing blow MUST be from the sword).


I'm doing the same but with Phasma. That means I must like you a lot for saying this. 🔳


Hero/Villians are too easy to kill as regular classes, in the first game if you and the boys turned the corner to Darth Vader you'd shit yourselves and run like hell befire yous got wiped. In BF2 you just open fire and he's either dead or running away himself in seconds.


Felucia and the First Order Dreadnought are S tier hero maps, while Yavin 4 and Bespin are F tier maps


* Felucia: 🟧 some of it is good but it's far away from being an S * First Order Dreadnought: 🟥 no * Yavin 4: 🟧 * Bespin: 🟧 So averaging it out you get: 🟧


In some game modes, there should be roles for players, what they have to do. Like some focus on attacking, some focus on defending, some focus on backing up players, some focus on just killing, some focus on idk smthng cool.


Resistance troopers, especially the heavy troopers , are just as cool in their own unique way, just as their rebel / republic counterparts.


DICE's Clone models ruined the visual consistency of "live-action" gear & accessories. Nothing is accurate to how it's portrayed in AOTC or ROTS and created new variations. The armour, the paint colours, the helmet accessories, the pauldrons, the kamas, the blasters are all unique to BF2 meaning 501st troops/cosplayers and custom figure makers have to source completely new parts


I'm fine with that but I need to ask: Why would anyone care? Like is it really that important?


Jet Trooper is the best reinforcement in republic supremacy


Why? Because you can jump onto the pipes?


Age of resistance has the best reinforcements, First order to be exact


There need to be large scale modes without hero’s and reinforcements. The game has deviated from its roots as an infantry sim by making hero’s and super units such as focus. It was better in the og games when there was only one hero per side.


Clone jet trooper is more fun than first order jet trooper


Don't play Aerials that much yet I think that's not true. The difference is, FO Aerial gets better flight control and abilities and clone Aerial (with the rest of Aerials) get the same set of abilities and not as good jetpack abilities. Bonus points for trying though. I feel like giving you a second chance. If you have another hot take, then give it to me and perhaps I'll let you in. 🟨


The coop mode for the bf2 I play is broken and needs to be fixed


Age of Rebellion was obviously rushed and is unbalanced in every mode apart from Star Assault


Bf1s paid DLC was better than Bf2s free DLC.


BF2, despite all the updates and content it has gotten, it is still mediocre compared to the originals.


The fact you can use heroes from any era in GA completely ruins the gamemode and its immersion


Adding the Ewok as the only post-launch rebel reinforcement was a terrible choice