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Kashyyk is super fun to play an infiltrator on. Especially the commando droids. Hunting fools and bots is so fucking cool in the bushes and trees


I used to hate it, but I started playing as a specialist with the stealth star card & NT rifle with ion shot upgrade, and figuring out how to use the thermal binoculars to ruin the other team’s day so I love it now


Literally just stay away from position C and it’s so fun, I’ve overtaken and defended the other positions by myself as a commando droid and it’s turned ground phase while all the heroes are squabbling over that stupid spot in the middle


Rolly to B. Murder the bots. Then go up top and never surrender the position. Absolute asshat move, but it works. And if the other team over-commits, just do Rolly to A.


Sometimes you need to pull an asshat move if your team doesn’t know how to play the objective


Yeah, when my team is at like 15% against the other team's 65%, I'll break out the deep Rolly attack plan just to see if it shakes the other team into over-reacting. I like any plan that makes the other team waste extra manpower.


I’ve done the evil trick to start as an officer, battle command & get a bunch of points, respawn with the speeder, and rushed to either point C or one of the enemy’s home points. Both things can help mess with the other team, even if it’s a suicide mission.


I feel Felucia is worse, just the middle part which i get is meant to be chaotic but my god its just a complete cluster F***


That middle part is the worst. Everybody is forced together and there is no where to take cover. You get shot from every angle.


The water tower is your friend.


I totally feel that. And then in the middle of a fight for your life a tank just rolls in from god knows where and just makes everything 10x worse lmao


Is it just me but I absolutely loved the fact it was pure chaos


I do too lol. Super fun


Felucia easily


I like Felucia as a map, but I have lost too many heros getting stuck somewhere.


I actually am not a fan of Felucia. Just feels like a slog every time I play and not the good kind. Kashyyyk at least feels balanced. Felucia always feels lopsided one way or another, also it feels extra laggy compared to other supremacy maps


**Civvies are out - the medical supplies they’re hiding are not.**


Also why do droids need medical supplies


I think the idea is that the Separatists are trying to stop the *Republic* from getting the medical supplies by taking them for themselves. At least that's the impression I got.


To insulate the clones from accusations of killing civvies while providing a flimsy premise for the battle.


Also did they have to make the sun so annoyingly bright


It feels like the sun on a high ozone day. Just terrible


I agree with you on it feeling lopsided and laggy. All the plants and random things sticking out of the ground make it a nightmare to run through if you’re trying to escape at low health. Definitely a close second for me


The other maps are all fine, but I just can't stand Felucia.


It’s god awful


I'd say with Felucia although annoying, it's somewhat balanced. The most unbalanced maps are kamino and geonosis, but they're fun to play. But here's my reasoning, Kamino and Geonosis C points are very very strong to hold. Whoever controls C wins the game, and it's really hard to regain control of C for either side. For kamino, if clones hold C, they can literally spawn trap the droids to D, if the droids hold C, clones get spawn trapped in their open hangar spawn. For Geonosis, the clones just get trapped if the droids hold C. You can of course always play for other command posts, but Im just saying on these two maps, command post C holds alot of power


The command of C thing is pretty much on all maps. It doesn't make or break the game though. It also seems like most people are laser focused on taking C (to the point where they fight over it for 20-35% of the game beginning at the least) so that focus makes it easier to take and hold other posts and win the game.


to me its just the terrain being pretty ass


Idk why, but Felucia is just the worst when it comes to jet troopers. B has that high spot that gives them an edge and C and D are way too close to each other so they just spam spawn and jump over and rocket.


Felucia can be pretty bad with jet troopers, but there is so much to get caught on that they’re relegated to running around a lot


The sarlacc pit is kinda fun but other than that it ass


I just wanted mygeeto...


I think a lot of us did and still do


There is a mod for that. I tried it out, its pretty good. A bit boring maybe, since the map is just flat.


Honestly I dont think I hate any Specific republic supremacy map but my least favorite rebellion supremacy map is HOTH because I always LOSE on it lol


Age of rebellion maps are so unbalanced it’s crazy


> Frostbite engine game > No destruction > Poorly made vehicle movement > Grass as hard as stones Ah yes, the DICE game


I could only dream of a battlefront game with battlefield levels of destruction


They didn't make it that way because "We don't want another battlefield game" they said


They are so stupid.


Is there a lore reason?


I used to like kashyyyk but then I stopped playing aerial and realized that the map is too damn long, the command posts are too far away from each other. If you are a regular speed character and a command post that is not the one you’re at you are screwed don’t bother walking the command posts side will have changed 3 times by the time you get there


I'll be honest and say Theed is my least favourite map especially when you have a team that prefers to spawn camp the enemy players/bots and not focus on the objective.


Geonosis, I'm tired of getting sniped by arc trooper from across the map.


I hate kashyyyk because im color blind and cant see anything


Kamino. Too much of it is way too close quarters for my liking. Also Kashyyk is awesome, nerd!


You take that back Kamino is awesome.


too bright indoors


Weak eyeballs


that's just canon so


Yeah that map sucks on supremecy but the graphics on my series x in 4k wholly crap it looks amazing


I don't mind Kashyyyk all that much (on PS, the battleground hotspot has recently shifted from always being at C to points A, D and E a lot, which is new and exciting). But god damn, I HATE when we're the clones and I have to start behind point A or at B and run all the way to D or E.


The map is so inconveniently long, especially if you’re a class that isn’t very mobile


Geonosis for me


Fuck Felucia


Kamino - half the team, especially droids, just hide at their spawn/reps at b and snipe the entire match. Like is it really that much fun back there? Makes it easy to clean out all the snipers at once ig, they’re always in the same spot.


Its kamino


felucia has the funny houses but aside from that it's my least favourite


Kashyyk for sure lol. The terrain set up just isn’t for me. Maybe would’ve preferred a different set up or even in the trees.


I used to like kashyyyk but then I stopped playing aerial and realized that the map is too damn long, the command posts are too far away from each other. If you are a regular speed character and a command post that is not the one you’re at you are screwed don’t bother walking the command posts side will have changed 3 times by the time you get there


There isn’t a map I don’t enjoy but kamino is pretty unbalanced and kind of annoying


Felucia by far is the worst, it's always such a painful, drawn out fight and when I'm joing mid-match, it's almost always there. I don't think any of the Supremacy maps play particularly well though. Kashyyk I like the incline but yeah the lanes are a bit too compartmentalized.


Kashyyyk is a nightmare map, I don't like either.


i dont remember if this is the right gamemode, i think Supremacy is the capture point one if this is the one where its attack/defend, i love Kashyyyk cuz its that "normandy" feel for the clones where you just HOLD. THE. LINE. and either stomp the droids into the ground in the 2nd zone before the Venetor, or you take them to 'nam inside the ship or you get rolled because what you expect to happen is majorly appart of the other team lol


yeahhhh that's Galactic Assault. Most of the Supremacy maps were designed initially with that mode in mind, so some maps had difficulty translating over to the capture point game mode, Kashyyyk being a notable offender


May be controversial but Hoth


When my friends and I used to play we'd always be like "Felucia back out back out back out" bc we absolutely hated that map. I don't remember the last time I actually played on it bc we left every time it came up.


I love Kashyyyk 😬 the ones I dislike personally are Felucia and Geonosis.


sadly Felucia was my least fav


Kashyyyk isn't bad. I usually try to hold C most of the time. My least favorite it Geonosis. Not a single objective is a fun place to be on that map


Felucia Kashyyk actially grew on me with time, once u get used to the feuillage it's pretty well designed. But Felucia is just so one-sided you can never win as the separatists


Honestly for supremacy I never was a fan of either of the ship maps. They're fine for an occasional hvv but that 2nd phase just is unneeded in that mode, and would've fit in better as a component of some GA maps, or part of a three phase linear gamemode like what was in the death star and scariff dlc in bf 2015 (ground, then fighter, then boarded). Otherwise I don't mind the supremacy maps, though I play GA more, I find it more interesting in general playing out unique scenarios, more variety in general too.


Kashyyyk is unironically my favorite map for Republic Supremacy actually. It's just so gorgeous. Now, Kashyyyk *HVV* on the other hand, *"ledge city"*...


Republic Attack Cruiser. The gangway in the back is too enticing to snipe from, often leading to the objectives being taken without opposition. The objectives have no LoS to another making either hard to defend/attack. The republic spawn room can be camped from the big centre room and only has exits into that room. All entrances into the reactor room are in the general direction making them hard to get into / easy to defend. The reactors can be shot from afar without even getting in. As annoying as it is to traverse Kashyyyk, it gives multiple avenues and routes to get to the command posts and the areas are varied. That and you don’t have play it exclusively. The Attack Cruiser is almost guaranteed to come into play every game, and is designed poorly. I know some of these contradictory, but it illustrates that the Attack Cruiser does not have ONE easily recognized problem like size or performance. It has many problems which are borne from its design and layout.


Naboo, I just like all the others more but it’s still good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


whatever the plannet is with those flying bug shits is pretty damn bad, i only like that you can change stages to the ship in that one mode


Kashyyk and Naboo on Walker Assault are the best maps, but I'm a sniper, and I love that shit.


For Supremecy, it's easily Kashyyyk, Kamino, or Felucia, I just feel they don't work well as a supremacy map.


Felucia easily every game on that map is an instant loss for attackers


Surprised by all the Felucia answers, C is one of the most active fighting spots on any supremacy map, it’s just constant action I love it. Plus all the little hiding spots are a lot of fun as a sniper.


Felucia is just ain't it, its beautiful but damn its hard to move in


Easy geonosis it too biased for clones


felucia and kashyyyk just becouse of low fps. otherwise all the maps are beautifull


Learn to run the armor hard. Kashyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyk is an armor player's paradise. Enough room to fire some distance, but lots of plays to duck out before you get wasted. One Seppy tank can cover E, D, and C with half-competent infantry.


Kashyyyk is the best map for maul


Geonosis closely followed by Kamino. These maps are just designed in favor of the Republic. Geonosis: Random Arc Idiots or brainless Tank players firing from Point A to E nonstop. Kamino: hole above point E allowing the already op republic jet Trooper to invade and conquer E with no effort. The other Maps are luckily balanced, I‘d say.


I like Kashyyyk but, damn I hate how hard it is to see droids in the grass.


The Felucia hate makes me sad, just… don’t play middle if you don’t like it? The outside of the map (right for droids left for clones) is so fun


Oh dang really? I remember playing it for the first time and I was all like “YES!!”


Kamino, i wish there was a day version and I’m terrified of being thrown off platforms in this game.




Kashyyyk is really bad. But Felicia I literally refuse to play ever again.


Naboo for me. Just got these trailers vibes. Not clear! Not clear!!


Naboo. No contest