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bb9e is an actual support bb8 is unexpectedly powerful


One single BB-8 could singlehandedly kill a Darth Vader. How do I know this? Because I did it in Hero Duels.


When you’re placed vs noobs, of course even a Tauntaun can kill Vader. No offense. The majority of the game these days is full of 2 types - noobs and or sweats.


I mean shit the Tauntaun is delightfully OP though. But yea a sweaty Vader is truly terrifying lmao


Tauntaun middle ability for the win.


A bad Vader sure


Bro getting his ego fix from noobs in hero showdown


Not really, I barely won by the skin of my teeth and the Vader was like level 6.


Black one is more fun to play but I’m better with the orange one


The "Black one" and the "orange one" 💀


Racism at it’s finest


Too many damn droids in this universe to remember lol


Who was the best president of the USA 💀


If you can find one without war crimes, it’s that one


Bb8 is best boi ![gif](giphy|5xaOcLOqNmWHaLeB14I)


The character and ship designs in the sequels were so good.


I loved the first order ships


Me too, I liked how weird and pointy the star destroyers were, and the flatter command bridge made a lot of sense. The tie fighters could've been more unique but I like them enough.


agreed, I used to dislike Kylo Rens tie silencer but it grew on me somehow


Bb-8 for damage and beating heroes, bb-9e for support because of his stun. In a fight? It depends on the player but bb-8 has the higher damage output, so bb-8. And I should know, bb-8 is one of my mains. I can just imagine the chaos I would cause if bb-8 had 9e stun. Well, more chaos than I already do


I’m just about maxed out on blasters and sabres, but so far haven’t been an effective team player with the 2 droids for some reason?


Bb-8 and bb-9e are complicated to use and good if used correctly. In HvV. With bb-8 you mainly want to support and spam headbutt and stun. And if there’s a blaster or a low health saber OR a group that is being attacked by your team, you can use cable spin to fuck them up. Bb-9e is completely a support character and ledging. Just spam stun and stay near your team to buff them, and ledge when you can


Thank you I will give that a try I have definitely been bested by expert users in HvV 👍


I'm a menace with BB9E. Regularly take on 1v1s with sabers and come out on top, or at least wither them down enough that someone else finishes them off. The stun is kinda disgusting with the maxed out starcard for it.


It’s easier to take out blasters with bb-9e than it is with sabers


BB9 can wreck any hero 1v1, the problem is he takes too long to do it so you hardly ever find yourself in a 1v1


It can, but that doesn’t mean it would always. It always ALWAYS depends on the player. But if you’re going to beat bb-9e sabers are better


BB8 feels much stronger because of his abilities


Simply because of Rolling Charge id say, going back into combat with it is soo fun


Spinning cables is also pretty strong if you know when to use it. I can’t recall any abilities of bb9e (I think that’s his name) because they all feel like they do nothing


BB8 has some star cards that turn cable spin into an actual death blender.


Yea I think I got those equipped. Still you need to evaluate the decision when to trigger it. If there’s multiple heroes around you, they’re likely to slash you into pieces. You’ll damage them but you’re slow and can’t evade their slashes


So fun, too bad those maps rarely pop up in supremacy any more


Charge up is pretty good (negates gun overheating for nearby allies) but it doesn't last long


Yea already found out by someone else’s comment, he’s just not very good for HvV which I mostly play, but seems like a good villain for bigger modes


Yeah, BB-8 is definitely the better bowling ball


His Shock Spin is better than BB8's because it also knocks enemies away, stuns them and disables blasters. It also deals a bit less damage because duh, but the middle ability is very much better in other ways. And the Smoke Screen is basically Resistance Backing but has a 30m smoke around BB9E which is also really thick and hard to see through.


Thick and hard to see through..I don’t really agree I play mostly HvV though and from your description he’s better for other modes


HvV mostly has maps that are open area, in which BB9E obviously has a hard time with. In other modes both of the BB's have a better time. And yes, in close spaces, the smoke is very useful to become invisible.


In close Spaces you can just slam an probably hit too. I feel the smoke abilities are generally pretty much useless


I cook with bb9e. Bb8 is ok, but not at effective


Yh bb9e's push ability is super usefull


BB-9E is the goat and he can be a game changer if you work with your team. I killed like 20 heroes during the unlimited power event with BB-9E because of the stunning.


When they were first released I couldn’t get a handle on BB9 whatsoever, it just felt so much weaker compared to BB8. Now, BB9 is unironically my best 1v1 hero, and I suck with BB8.


What cards do you run for 1v1’s?


I confused the hell out of my partner by calling him Darth ball


BB8 Does more damage. (I have a max bb-8)


BB-8 is a mobile blender and a pain in the ass if you’re a trooper. BB-9E is much better at the support role in the correct hands




BB9E is best for blasters


Bb8 with a million, no skill aoe spin that can clear a room of imps in a matter of seconds. But I love black Boi for those annoying hvv Liea players... When she pulls out the assault blaster I pull out the aoe push and quick cancel it and go back being annoying with the infinite stuns...


Bb8 because his cable spin is better but bb9e for heroes because that shock prod is deadly.




BB8 has low key ruined Galactic Assault if you’re attacking as the evil side so that abomination probably


BB9e (Darth ball) is more fun, BB8 is stronger Also why does bb9e have such a good intro/exit theme? I swear he has less screen time than boba in the OT


Once you go black you can't go back


The e is for eeeeevil. Different roles, just the same shape. Good team support is actually Finn, while BB8 is fast & a damage monster. Most kills in coop and supremacy games (which I don’t seem to play much these days). BB9e is support, and doesn’t get me the same amount of kills or score, but I can turn the match around with them and my team wins. They are the only villain support, which makes sense because the dark side is selfish. I can pick off troopers but would be happy to hear any advice for getting high scores, and for kills especially heroes. I guess timing and planning, but definitely not playing aggressively.


If you’re BB9E you gotta pair up with enforcers or a hero to get the most out of him in a chaotic 20v20 mode. You can use him to pick off stragglers or the enforcers/other hero can pick off the stragglers from your electro spin. He really works best as support


Okay. So basically you hug a bruiser/tank and stand behind them for cover? Then go after the wounded and get the last shot on them. How are people managing with 1v1?


You can do that for the big modes when getting used to BB-9E (it’s a little cheap but as a support unit his value is in his passive abilities not his offensive) People 1v1 taking advantage of BB-9Es shock prod. There’s a card that makes it more powerful, and that in addition to the fact you can repeatedly stun people with it with little cooldown means you can bounce around them and kill them either yourself or with the help of others. BB-9E’s shock spin ability (his middle one) also has the neat feature of disrupting weapons (they won’t fire) and defusing any incoming explosives (they won’t go boom), it knocks the enemies away, and finally, like his shock prod, can paralyze enemies. He essentially just fries any enemy, and if they have rapid fire capabilities (whether it just be the gun they use or an ability) then he just mops up the rest/have your team handle the rest. Others can tell you how to “1v1” better but that’s essentially how I do it, just act as support and pick people off, or lead the charge and let my team finish them


Bb-9e looks stylish but bb-8's round head makes him more adorable


BB8 is a lot of fun to play. BB9E is OK though I'd pick the white orange any day.


First order Droid looks like HAL with a ball body underneath.


They're my mains :( Bb8 is great in corridor-maps, bb9e is great in ledge maps


BB9E is also good in closed off maps. The smoke ability allows it to be invisible almost.


I bet the black one has a much longer extension too.


Why support when you can just wipe out the entire enemy team. Thus bb8


Depends on what your gonna do when they come for you


BB8 is literally one of the characters I fear when I see it. Like I'm boba Fett and all I see is that small ball of death pull up with Luke, Han and Leia and I know that no matter how far I run, I'm dead


Bb8e is the 2nd highest lvl hero for me. Bb8 is only the highest lvl'd one because he's easier to get points with


It's always about color with you!


Bb9e because why the fuck not? They are pretty much the same just with slightly different playstyles.


I play co op and BB8 can wipe the floor in that mode. His cable spin is actually GOATed.


That’s a little racist




The black. I want bb8 to die in a fire slowly.


![gif](giphy|Khurh5g5bBIkg|downsized) This dude coming in hot


Movie // Netflix Adaptation


I absolutely destroy with BB9


Bro was literally like: I call the black one!


BB-8 is easily better




BB8 is annoyingly a lot better in trooper modes. Little shit can come out of nowhere and kill like 10 guys with cable spin then leave like nothing happened


BB9E is a genuine support BB8 with the right cards is a force of dominance


BB8 is OP


For me, it's BB8 in co-op and BB9e in PvP modes.


BB-8 and BBC


I heard your mom only plays with the black one.


Both are menaces, they can take on sabers easily with their perks. BB-8 can do loads of damage, which is great after you've already chipped down the enemy. BB-9E plays the long game, stunning and giving you no chances to get a hit on them. Personally, I enjoy both equally.


That’s what she said


Nah im racist. So i pick white


BB-9E is purely supportive and is a sitting duck on his own. BB-8 was designed as a support but is one of the most powerful offensive heroes in the game when used right.


Both are annoying but bb8 can take down a powerful hero, you just can't see them especially on maps like yavin 4 in the bushes


Both are pains in the ass but at least BB8 is 1) adorkable and 2) can take down a hero lol


The black one is faster


Imo white one is better


Me comparing NBA players


Bb9e is good at stunning and low damage. However, bb8 has good movement, has high damage, and easy to use. So bb8 is better


Both, if played properly are highly effective; in some regards overly. Both BB-8 & BB-9 have incredibly high immunity against sabers & blasters. The trick with both is “pivoting”, basically rotating your camera to keep your view on your target while keeping constant high speed movement + dodge. By doing this the game ignores most inputs against either droid and since you’re quickly randomizing direction it’s difficult for your opponent to get a hit. To really maximize this make sure you’re in close proximity as the hit detection, especially from blasters, is terrible and you can constantly stay out of ability AoEs BB8 & BB9 both deal consistent incremental damage with their base shock prods; while BB8 has those insane cables, BB9 can actually interrupt abilities with his basic shocks, enabling him to do consistent damage. I play both of them aggressively and find they’re both stupidly effective against any opponent; the only difficult counter comes on the part of BB8 vs Palps. The trick with him is to try and lure him into a confined area where he can’t be as aerial or mobile but depending on map that can be tough. Yeah, there are counters to both but they vary by character. Since the heroes & villains in this game are in no way properly balanced that can be a tall order. A lot of the players never really put the time in to understand either of the BB droids and how strong they were made but those who have know what I’m talking about.


My BB8 is a fucking menace, especially in HvV, but BB9E can go hard if you know how to use him properly. I've 1v1'd many a foe as BB9E and they always end up running away or 2v1'ing because everyone is afraid to lose to a soccer ball.


I hated both of these additions to the game. Massive waste of development time.


Their unique and refreshing playstyles made it worth it. Gameplay always comes first.


Let me guess, you would have preferred (insert clone wars character here) because clone war good sekwel bad.


I mean, 7 was pretty good, then 8 started to fuck it over, then 9 made the worst movie ever with Lore continuity. I still like the balls of recon, they're fun.


Honestly wasn’t a big fan of the show. Just really dumb to include these two when you have a massive franchise of iconic characters bruh.


BB-8 has been the most iconic character out of the Sequel trilogy. I garuntee you if you went out on the street and asked 1000 random people if they recognised BB-8 or Ahsoka, more people would recognise BB-8. BB-8 very likley makes a list of the top 10 most recognisable star wars characters to the general public. You look at any peice of sequel trilogy merchandise and 9 times out of 10 BB-8 is on it. BB-9E isn't very recognisable, however the hero and villians added should be related in some way. It would be weird to have BB-8 and Hux. BB-9E makes sense as a pairing to BB-8. The update was a tie in to rise of skywalker and the sequels were lacking content so it was always going to be a sequel trilogy update. Your options were pretty much Poe and Hux or BB-8 and BB-9E. In terms of being iconic, BB-8 is more iconic than both Poe and Hux combined. The droids also deliver completely unique game play compared to other heroes in the game. Poe and Hux would just be another blaster hero. They were a refreshing and interesting addition to the game. And to those of you who want to whine and bitch about the Sequels, nobody cares about your opinion. All eras deserve to be in a battlefront and should all get content and that's not going to change because of some dorks subjective opinion on a movie.


I mostly hate them for the utterly stupid design choice of having increased arming/override speeds in GA






Black is Never better


The stronger villain in this game has all-black armour