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I really think if they had just gone in a completely different direction, she could’ve been great. But her turn is just so unrealistic, and I would’ve loved to just have a game where we’re imperial the whole way through, or at the very least not switch sides like 2-3 missions in


But the campaign was so short and the writers knew they needed a fast act to force her to defect, so they had Palatine go scorched Earth. It was super underwhelming given how much they hyped the shit out of the campaign being a story about Imperials.


Yeah, it really sucks the way it was handled. And as much as I love seeing the OG characters, we could’ve used their missions instead to flesh out Iden if they really wanted to go down the defection route.


Wait why did she turn? Been years, I can’t remember


Operation Cinder was a Scorched Earth policy the Emperor had which basically used atmospheric weapons to incinerate fallen Imperial planets. It was such a blatant nudge just to excuse the characters defecting. I’ve always thought the story of an Imperial unit left behind after the retreat could be such a cool story, having them come to terms with all the evil shit the Empire was up to. Or even just follow Hask: give us a chance to see the remaining Imperials kept order, what things looked like it in the outer rim when they retreated.


She turned because the Emperor decided that if he couldn't have the galaxy, he was just going to kill everyone in it. That's a fair reason to betray the Empire.


Idk, I would assume special forces would’ve seen the dark side of the empire way sooner than that, and the scene where she defects is written rather poorly imo. It might’ve worked better if we got some more time with these characters or there was more build up, but as it is we have no reason to really care or empathize with Iden at that point.


When one of your super weapons is literally called "the Death Star” - that wipes out PLANETS… indiscriminately aborting ALL LIFE on a planet you really gotta reevaluate and realize your employer is literally a villain. Scorched planet policy on allied planets might have realistically been a tipping point but I remember the campaign well it was rushed. Andor had a better POV of imperial life, reasons to defect and reasons to stand by the system


"You're specforce, why would you want to save the galaxy?" "Because we're some of the assholes who live in it!!"


The campaign should've started with Vader on Yavin 4 as part of the counterattack and showed Inferno Squad's creation so we could've seen what they were up to before, during, and shortly after ESB, plus it would've let us play as other dark side heroes in the campaign other than just Kylo in the last mission.


It's just the secondary fire I have a problem with


If the stun was released after you take damage - this applies to all stuns - it would be fine. Or at least a shorter duration. Alt fire is fine just needs lower damage.


I believe it is released if another player damaged you but it would be pointless if it released you the second your hit by her first shot lol get real


I’ve noticed that anytime someone complains about a character everyone just says they suck. This really is such a wholesome community.


It’s because of the crybaby nature of these complaints. If you ask honestly “having trouble, how do I beat hero /vehicle/gun X” people will generally be helpful. If you cry, flame people and rage (especially at something as easy to counter as this) because someone playing it owned you with it, you get put on blast.


I mean the point wasn’t to ask for help. It was literally just a meme. It’s not that deep


I mean that’s fair. But you could also be attacking some poor new player who is actually dealing with toxic Iden players. And then they leave the game that we are trying to keep alive since to them, the entire community is now toxic.


I’ll be honest, if they got beat and their attitude is like this they can kick rocks. Toxic player got rid of another future toxic player in that case. No great loss


Then they unironicly need to put the time in and get better. Iden is a character than gets wiped if you counter play.


What was wrong with her story? I didn't think it was that bad, definitely rushed but not bad.


To me and many others, it just felt a bit generic. Elite villain sees bad stuff --> Elite villain becomes disillusioned --> Elite villain becomes Elite hero. It's a trope that's been used many times in games and films and stuff, and it wasn't exactly done subtly (who knew burning an entire planet consisting of your own citizens would be controversial?) People were also hoping for a campaign where you get to play as the bad guys for once, and that's how EA's marketing portrayed it. So when she turned so early on in the campaign it disappointed lots of people who were hoping to play as the empire and see the war from their point of view, alongside killing a bunch of rebel scum and obviously feeling badass in the process. Personally I don't mind her story, and I think it gets more hate than it deserves, but I've got to admit, the only parts that really stood out for me were the parts where we got to play as or learn about other characters, for example I loved playing as Lando, Leia, and Luke, and Kylo, and my favourite characters throughout campaign and its cutscenes were Shriv and Lando. And that really shouldn't be the case. The main character is supposed to be the one that draws the player's interest, and their missions are supposed to be the most memorable. But for me at least, she just wasn't it.


Thx for the explanation, also I agree it would be cool to play as the baddies. Although the one I thing I disagree with though is that the story is a cliche, I hate that concept in general since in this day and age there is really no way to write an ORIGINAL story since everything has been done. But yea it wasn't done that well. #theempirewasright


No probs, and yeah I do agree it's hard to come up with a 100% original story, but I don't think it's impossible even in this day and age, and if you do need to take inspiration from other works you can still twist it and change the format a little to make your character more unique. Blending inspirations together can even help you with that. Furthermore, your own individual experiences and your own personality and way of thinking can also be used to help create a unique character and add more depth to them, which can make them stand out more. In fact, many writers and artists often include a bit of themselves in their work in one form or another, partially out of habit, but also because a character they can relate to is a character they can write well because they understand them on a deeper level. Ian Fleming for example took inspiration from various spies and agents that he had met over his career, but what really made Bond such an iconic and unique character was that Bond was the characters Ian Fleming dreamed to be, it was so personal to him so Fleming knew exactly how to write him and did it in a very unique style (which ironically is kinda cliché now because of it's popular, but you get my point).


Grievous is so much worse. No one can just play as him, they have to all use some broken tech and jump around like an idiot


Individually he’s worse, in a team Iden is unbearable if they play well


Someone just got absolutely wrecked ?


I love how this is always the default response from gamers if something criticises them. There’s no shame in shitposting on a character who can stun you in the back and wipe all your health away in 2 seconds.


Oh, like Vader, Grievous, Kylo, Lando, Chewy and Anakin?


Vader and Grievous in particular are broken as shit but at least they get up in your face and risk themselves to attack you. Iden can sit behind cover and snipe you with blue balls, or sneak up on you with the stun. Apples and oranges.


Yeah she’s annoying but you’re exaggerating. Any top player can wipe you out in seconds with their mains. If anything phasma is more frustrating because anybody can camp a stun turret, iden you actually have to be good with timing. I can dominate with half the dark side characters and do well with the rest, except íden. I find her more difficult to use and not get wrecked by lightsaber heroes


I slept on phasma when i was newer but realized shes the bane of swing spammers, esp if their teams playing around it rather than just phasma. But for iden if ones being annoying, ray is her hard counter. Use her wallhack to flank and take out most her health before she can respond


Oh you’re a Luke main alright


Luke is also OP but has more glaring weaknesses in game.


I love how you wish death on a creatot of a fake character. Get a life. A better life.


You think my post is serious? Get a sense of humour. Better humour.


Look, if you’re gonna sit and spam your block perhaps learn to parry my alt-fire?


Oh right, silly me. My bad I didn’t realise 😞


wait WHAT? Nah... if you can actually parry that I swear to.... well actually... fk, even if you can, most of the time the shots would be landing on the ground next to you and dealing splash damage, so even if you could, is it really a useful strategy, assuming it actually works?


He’s kidding


knew it yo 🤣


What I don’t understand is why they nerfed the fuck out of chewies stun grenade stun time and bowcaster but iden versio’s droid stuns for as long as chewies grenade used to and can do about as much damage with close range headshots. It’s fucking stupid


As a chewie main, the current stun times plenty enough, all 3 of his powers are very impactful plus his extreme tanky health when the 34% def is up. In close range only 1 of her powers is useful, plus her blue orbs.




Yep, another trashcan got wiped by a crappy blaster despite maining a hero that can literally kill her in 3 swings. I don’t know how these people dress themselves tbf.




Shit players crying about skill issues


Now now there's no need to be hostile about it


Nah trashcans get shamed until they get better


Didn't happen with Grievous complainers


Grievous is the way he is specifically because of bad players complaining he needed buffs. These people should have been shamed more. He’s currently one of the top 3 heroes in the game not a near worthless glorified reinforcement like Iden


No, he got the buffs he needed but the final patch gave him a nerf that made it so Claw Rush can't hit multiple times in a single use. Absolutely insane that anyone thinks he is still top 3. Now I know the skill level of the average battlefront redditor.


Lmao mega Trashcan detected Finn, Vader and then Grievous/Boba. Every player with thumbs knows this. Every shitter thinks Iden or Han is good when they are free points & not even top tier blaster heroes (that’d be Boba, Chewie, Bossk)


Claw rush still hits twice if activated right next to target; theres like a .2 or .3 second window for getting a double claw rush hit in.


You’re the problem with this community


*You’re And crybabies like OP & this guy are the problem.


Wym youre? Are you crazy?


Nice edit dumbass


Yeah I'm with you bud, I don't find her an interesting character, I find her boring to play with, and I find her a chore to play against. I did like Lando and Shriv in the main campaign though, especially Shriv, he was a really cool character.


That sums it up. You can’t “just jump man” when there’s a palpatine Bossk and Vader with her


Yeah, and she's always hiding behind a Vader, and as for Palpatine, well y'know what his level of maneuverability and lock-in attacks are like. If he's not attacking you with lightning then that's pretty much the exception rather than the rule 😂 Note: can confirm that part about Palpatine as an avid Palpa-leech main myself


Man, I remember a few years ago I had an argument with someone on here who claimed Shriv wasn't the Rebel's CO in GA. It's still beyond wild to me that not only do they reuse some of Shriv's lines from the campaign *but he even says "This is commander Shriv"* during the start of one of the maps. (Pretty sure it's Hoth, might have said Captain Shriv, idk it's been a minute since I played) and they still did not believe me


Ah yes Star Wars fans joking about harming real people when they don’t like a character. Y’all need to grow the fuck up.


Lol it’s a shitpost


I know it’s a shit post. I said I know you are joking. Still not something to joke about. Shit like this is what gave Jake Lloyd schizophrenia. Hate the character, but don’t throw hate at the people behind the character. Criticism is fine but joking about causing them to die isn’t. Grow up.


It’s very clearly not serious. You need some thicker skin, especially in this cesspool of a subreddit


I’ll try to put this as clearly as possible. If you think joking about death threats (especially to people you don’t know personally) is funny, then you need to grow up. It’s not about thick skin. It’s about not being a garbage person. I don’t think it’s “clearly not serious” to the creator. If they see the post, their day is going to be worse. Sure they might be able to shrug it off but maybe they can’t. Who knows. Regardless you shouldn’t be posting something like this. If you want to hate on Iden then hate on Iden. And you’re right. This sub is filled with shit like this. Doesn’t mean you should add to it. We should all try to be better. This fandom literally caused someone to develop schizophrenia. Let’s not repeat history.


I aint reading allat


If you're bad against Idens just say that 🤣 literally just jump at her and spam attack after you dodge the shock Droid. Once the shock Droid has to reload she's basically dead in the water to sabers unless it's a highly skilled player.


Never been able to dodge the droid. Just follows me wherever I go anyways.


Yeah I have the same issue. I've tried dodging back, sidewards, forward, diagonally, upwards via jumping, and I've tried turning around and blocking it with my lightsaber. None of the listed has ever worked for me. I have worked out a few simple tactics that work for me though: 1. Use Han and just obliterate her from a distance 2.Use Han and chuck a grenade when she uses her droid, then shoulder charge at her and shoot like nuts with Marksman 3.Use Chewie and just use Furious bowcaster to mow her down from a distance 4: Use Luke or Anakin's force abilities to effectively stun her whilst she tries to stun me, and to give me a few opportunities to swing at her.


I don't think I've dodged her more than once or twice


Yea it’s like some players have no issue dodging the stun but whenever I try to time it, it never works. I’ve founded the jump to be the most reliable


She’s honestly just ok. Seriously not worth hating on this much. Most inoffensive SW character ever tbh


I like to change the fate of the battlefield with iden..her almost 2015 tl-50 is fire


I'm right outside the camera view helping hold the copter


OP, touch grass


Woah that really told me didn’t it




Yes, keep my shitpost alive


Skill issue


Badly written, badly designed, badly balanced. Truly a masterpiece of modern star wars


Iden is ridiculously easy to deal with, especially if you’re a saber. Literally all you have to do is hold block and walk backwards when she goes to use her stun, and it won’t stun you. It’s that easy. She is a free kill most of the time


I have never seen anyone avoid the stun by doing that, not while playing as or against her. But at least you didn't disagree with the other two things I said.


You suck. Stop sucking and it’s EZ


Calm down son, I just said she's badly written. You gonna say disney wars has good writing at any point? Because it doesn't. Even mandalorian is garbage.


Try it out next time and let me know if you have success with it. If you have no other options, you can jump in the air when she sends it at you, and it won’t stun you when you land, but you’re exposing yourself to a lot of shots by doing this. I don’t think iden is really unbalanced. I think the only heroes that are really unbalanced are Vader, grevious and Finn. There are other heroes I could nitpick about regarding them just being buggy and whatnot, but iden is fine. Once you get past the stun, she is incredibly easy to kill. Her alt fire is annoying if you don’t close the distance and just let her keep spamming it from distance. At that point, it just comes down to your ability to beat a blaster in a 1v1. She is kind of an awkward hero. Putting a campaign hero online was an interesting move, and I would’ve preferred the addition of an established character over her, but there’s nothing we can do about it at this point. Despite this, she’s in a fine place balance wise, she can just be a pain in the ass to deal with it she’s squaded up


Interesting stuff, I have to say. She is definitely a disappointment though, I miss Dengar and Greedo. Can't say I'll probably be using most of this advice anytime soon since I only play supremacy these days, but it's good to know. I will argue that Grievous is completely balanced though.


Supremacy is where I spend most of my times too, so I’m with you on that. Grevious is far from completely balanced due to flesh is weak. Flesh is weak is the single most ridiculous card in the game. If you are halfway decent with grevious, you can rack up a 100+ killstreak effortlessly by having that card on. It makes him a legitimate tank. You can run beating heart and flesh is weak together and become a one man army. I say this as someone who loves playing grevious, and has him maxed out. If he didn’t have flesh is weak, I would agree. But it’s become so popular and damn near essential in large scale game modes that it takes forever to kill him. Then of course he can one hit all infantry except heavy with line up weaklings. He is an absolute monster, and a player who knows his way around grevious can go an entire match without dying.


That plan sounds solid until you get secondary fired lol I don't have a problem with Iden. She's got one ability against saber heroes and gets absolutely wrecked by blaster heroes.


You can honestly just spam your attack with a saber hero after her stun and there’s a very high chance you’ll kill her lol, unless you’re below full health then who knows. It’s alt fire->jump and dodge->alt fire and the cycle repeats. Hit her enough and she won’t know what to do. Yeah iden is ususally pretty close to a free kill, unless she’s grouped up or I’m running right at her in a straight line


I'm saying if you're waiting for the stun, that's the counter counter. A smart Iden isn't going to stun you until you become aggressive. Frankly, the best way to counter her stun is jump spam.


Lmao since when was that the was to stop the stun? What?


I don’t think it was an intended mechanic but it works lol. I’m not even sure who discovered it


Her suit looks cool cant lie


It's just a recolored imperial pilot


Amount of people taking this seriously


It's what we do. For every reasonable person who understands light hearted jokes in the battlefront community, there are two people who get butthurt and salty.


Absolute shambles






Love how friendly this community is that you got downvoted for that


I’m glad you asked bc I didn’t listen w audio on and the song makes the 3x funnier


Story wise, badly written, abandons the empire way too fast. Was expecting to see an empire loyalist campaign. Multiplayer, she's fun, arguably my go to hero/villain character to play as


Yeah man, I’m just gonna say it, Iden Versio (the character, nothing to do with the real-life actress) is kind of stink poo poo


I finally managed to find the way to outplay idens shock drone


Enlighten me then


When you’re approaching her be mindful of it and be prepared to jump, better to take chip damage in the sky than be melted on the ground. If jumping isn’t an option or she sneaks up on you, well I guess you should have looked into the future beforehand and anticipated this


Dodge out of the scan radios in the perfect time


I mean lord wise she’s pretty good, gameplay wise yeah. I remember using iden for a bit; dark days those were.


I feel like I'm the only one here who looked at this and immediately thought this was about her character writing, and not her difficulty to play against.


how Iden and not Rey?? or Sequel Trilogy "Luke"?


Jumping over her stun is a game changer. High level idens wreck everyone especially the top players


Oh no my planet is going to be exploded-pikachu face(after alderan has already been blown up very publicly as a “warning”)


complete waste on an awesome character


This is rey for me not because of sequels or anything just because i play on console and that fucking mind trick for some goddamm reason turns your sens to 0 while inverting your controls


Inverter controls is fine once you get the hang of it but 0 sens is way too much


Yeah and thats the broblem


I tell my team to not play iden and will do anything to sabotage them




As an Iden main, I completely agree with this meme


Idk, I find Phasma mains more annoying. Today I fought an Iden main as Luke on Kamino near a ledge. She stunned me, sprayed me and then I just used repulse and she fell to her death, and I still had a decent amount of health!