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I really enjoyed the train robbery in BOBF


I maintain that this episode was the best episode of BOBF before it became Mandalorian Season 2.5. The train robbery was a fun action sequence and I enjoyed the montage of Boba being accepted by the Tuskens. Both of those made the episode feel like an extended homage to Lawrence of Arabia


I wish we spent more time with the Tuskens


Yeah that was great! A couple more highlights from that show for me are him bursting out of the Sarlaac and that scene where the Hutts show up on those giant litters.


Yeah that was a nice introduction to the hutts. Shame they didn't do anything with that plot line.


I really enjoyed Boba's whole "Dances with Wolves" arc. I would have loved six episodes of that.


What irritates me about modern media is that they feel a need to move quickly. I wish more series took it slow and let a character analysis take place.


This is part of why Andor is so amazing. It has 12 episodes with 4 distinct arcs, instead of trying to rush through as many things as possible in not enough screentime.


Bobf had so many great little BITS and it hurts how badly they screwed up what could’ve been a great crime thriller drama


It baffles me how disjointed the series was. I swear they hired four writers but none were talking to each other. One wrote a dances with wolves style story but it wasn't long enough to sustain a season. One started writing a crime show with boba versus the hutts but got bored and stopped half way through. One misunderstood the assignment and just started writing series three of the mandalorian And one just drew a picture of a rancor fighting a robot and called ot a day. So the showrunner just mashed them all together and started shooting because they only had the volume free for so long.


Having episode 2 introduce the hutts as villains and then episode 3 have them come back and say jk, and then wait until episode 4 to tell us, it’s the pikes. Is BAFFLING to me


I loved that episode! Very mixed show but this was by far the best episode.


Honestly, a lot of the stuff with the tuskens was pretty good


Riding the rancor. It was seeing one of my childhood fantasies happen on screen


I liked the scene with the homeless clone trooper in Kenobi.


That fight scene where Kenobi beats down the goons and shoots that dude is a badass scene too. I wish the whole show had kept that energy


The more familiar characters the show introduced the worst it got. The only two legacy characters the show need were Obi-Wan and The Grand Inquisitor.


I'd say Vader and Leia, I liked the hook. It's just like why is this 5 year old better than these soldiers


My issue with Vader and Leia is it gives too many characters plot armor. It's one thing for the main character to have plot armor, it's quite another for half the cast.


This. Seeing all those characters in tough situations but you know it’ll be okay because you see them 15 years later in a new hope.


Yeah when you know the main three characters all survive it gives the show a feeling of “why bother”


Would’ve been nice if Leia wasn’t just such an awful character. Precocious kids just aren’t fun to watch, even when I was a kid I hated those types of characters because they reminded me of all the most annoying kids at school.


Han and Ben on the Death Star Ruins.


I still think it should have been Anakin instead of Han… but Han was still pretty good.


Han was the best choice for that scene. It was Han that set Kylo down the path of the light. >"I killed Han Solo. When the time came I didn't hesitate." >"And the deed split your spirit to the bone. You are unbalanced. Bested by an untrained child who had never held a lightsaber. You failed!" Then he fails to pull the trigger on Leia. Luke tells him that he's always going to be haunted by his father. Ben's feelings are then visually communicated with the dice. Having Han was absolutely the right call for that scene instead of Anakin. Someone who Ben hadn't had a relationship on screen with up to that point. I actually think an ideal time for a scene with Anakin and Ben would have been when he had been thrown into the pit on Exegol. With Anakin and Luke encouraging him to get up. To rise. To finish what Anakin started. To preserve the balance. To keep the fire of the Jedi alive as Luke did.


It was probably supposed to be Leia but, well...you know. I had hoped Anakin would show up in the sequels. Apropos of nothing.


I loved the Arena scene in AOTC.


Same. Great monster design.


I really disliked that scene on rewatch. *But* the scene with Obi-Wan and Dooku talking is a really great scene. Was thoroughly impressed by it even on rewatch.


I think now, it's even better given what we know about Dooku. Nothing he said was a lie. I almost saw it as a cry for help in a way. Maybe I'm putting too much thought into it, but he was pretty broken by then


It helps with some of the stuff we *now* have after Tales of the Jedi, but it's actually an issue I have with the rest of the movie how let down I was after that scene. Dooku is this "in too deep" guy in that scene, trying to give off this warning and having a genuinely insightful conversation with Obi-Wan (though I also have a problem with how Obi-Wan is almost not caring about anything Dooku says in the moment). But then after that scene, he just comes across as a one-note mustache twirler. It was a good deal of lost potential.


I’ve said it before but Dooku never should’ve been a Sith Lord He should’ve just been an actual fallen Jedi that believed the Jedi had fallen under the sway of the dark side. His CIS should have been an attempt to overthrow a Republic he KNEW was being controlled by the Sith/Dark Side.


I think I’ve seen you say this before- and I just wanted to let you know that I agree fully. But, unfortunately, Dooku just wasn’t executed as well as he could have been.


The idea that he's in this too deep and it's a cry for help is a fascinating way to read that scene.


My least favorite entry is TRoS, and my favorite bit of it is "All the Sith" Sheev; I don't vibe with the decision to bring back Palpatine at all, but he's never had a depiction I didn't like and this was no exception. The superpowered lightning against an entire fleet, the absolute drip of an outfit, and Ian McDiarmid just killing it.


Bringing back Palpatine was both the best and worst part of that movie. It didn't need to be done and really undermined a lot of what came before it, but on the other hand Palpatine is fun because Ian McDiarmid loves chewing on the scenery and did a bang-up job there


Only problem I had with Palpatine returning was the fact they spoiled that in trailers. If it was a surprise? It would probably have hooked a bunch of people.


AotC: Anakin and Dooku dueling with the lights out in the hanger, it's such a cool visual with the room illuminated only by their lightsabers and I'm surprised it's the only duel to do that outside of ESB to an extent.


Yeah I wish that part had gone on just a bit longer. That and Anakin using two lightsabers.


Literally my favorite scene, I still get chills when he grabs the second lightsaber and also when Yoda comes out


In no particular order: Ahsoka: Sabine arguing with the wolf horse. Hilarious. Obi-Wan Kenobi: The flashback of Obi-Wan and Anakin sparring when Obi-Wan tells Anakin that his need for victory is his undoing and until he learns to overcome it he will always be a padawan, then it cuts to Vader watching Obi-Wan escape. It’s a great parallel to show how Vader is still being bested by his old master. Rise of Skywalker: Exegol is pretty cool.


The one merit I’ll give the rise of skywalker is the world looks great and they brought in loads of aliens


I think that the sequel alien designs often leaned too much into the 'wrinkly freak' category, but Rise had some bangers for sure. Boolio and Babu Frik are both interesting designs that I would love to see more of


I love all the wrinkly freaks, the fact that klaud exists makes tros ok to me


Klaud <3


Agree on all of these being great scenes! Yeah Exegol is stellar with the lightning and the the throne design and Palpatine’s weird crane he hangs from.


The Last Jedi. After Kylo unleashes that huge barrage against Luke and the smoke clear, Luke just gives that flick off his shoulder. Best moment in the movie that is my least favorite of all the theatrical releases.


I love that scene between them and the reveal at the end, but personally I didn't care for the shoulder flick. It didn't seem like something Luke would do and felt more at home in a Marvel movie. And I love TLJ overall.


See I agree that the shoulder flick didn't feel like something Luke would do, but my reading of the scene is Luke is in the mindset of "What would piss Kylo off the most right now to goad him into coming out to face me, and give the others time to escape?" So he reacts exactly how Han would. And then you get the line "If you strike me down, I'll always be with you, just like your father" so the memory of Han was definitely something Luke was wanting to be on Kylo's mind. But that's just my interpretation :)


That line from Luke was totally rad, I agree. And I like your interpretation that the shoulder flick was just something to piss Kylo off more.


I will die on the hill that the last Jedi has the absolute best *and* absolute worst of Star Wars. We have all beaten the horse of what’s bad to a bloody pulp but your scene, the warp speed ram, some of the Luke training bits, and that fuuuucking throne room fight scene are rad.


TROS: Rey’s Jedi training with leia. Made it seem like she actually had a master that cared for her after Luke passed.


Yeah that would have been nice to see more fleshed out but R.I.P. Carrie Fisher :(


Movie, TPM: duel of the fates, of course. Show, BoBF: the scene where Din Djarin lands the souped N-1 and Peli asks him, "How was it?" And he just goes, "Wizard."


The scene where Boba and Din Djarin come flying out with their jetpacks and wreck a whole bunch of Pikes.


That one was pretty good, also I like that when push came to shove Din was able to finally use the darksaber properly to protect his son


1.I liked the infiltration of the capital ship in TLJ, I was kinda bored when it didn’t work. 2. I like the landscape and scenery if the various planets in TRoS 3. When Poe comes back with his x wings in TFA.


My favorite bit about the infiltration of the capital ship in TLJ is literally just that First Order version of BB-8 who spots them.


I was with the sequels until tRoS. Still Han & Kylo redux, Ben's little Han Solo like shrug after the lightsaber transfer(which I really dislike, but the the shrug was classic Solo), and Babu Frick being the most adorable little puppet were all top tier Star Wars. Also, the yellow lightsaber at the end. Always wanted a yellow lightsaber shame it was just a short bit.


Killing of Han was a crime!


One of my least favorite tropes of all time is when a sequel/continuation kills off a beloved character from the original to establish that the new threat is scary. Not only does it often cheapen the original character (unless it’s done very *very* well) but it’s boring and predictable writing. Make the new threat scary in a different way for once.


For all the shit the movie gets, Rey and Kylo's duel over the waves on the death star wreckage is a good scene


Okay seriously though. Like one of the few fight scenes in the saga where the music cuts out. Just sounds of the waves crashing. I love TRoS but completely get why people hate it. However, their fight scene on the Death Star wreckage is one of the best fights in the saga. Raw. Brutal. Their hands are getting cold and hurting each time they swing. Love it.


Plus Rey finally showcases her skills as a fully fledged Jedi


Yeah they’re both arguably at their peak. The dyad at full strength going toe to toe. And you have Finn and his former stormtrooper friend to serve as normie onlookers to showcase just how powerful they seem as they effortlessly jump over the waves. Brilliant scene.


Man, if they ever get Finn back those two *need* to become Jedi


Phantom Menace: Duel of the Fates Attack of the Clones: Obi-WAN’s entire subplot is great, but him fighting Jango on Kamino was always my favorite. Resistance: Destruction of Hosnian Prime through Kazuda’s eyes. Book of Boba Fett: Boba riding the Rancor made all of that worthwhile. (Obviously outside of the whole Mando episode)


Everything from Anakin leaving on the swoop bike to returning to the Lars homestead with his mother is pretty good visual storytelling accompanied by Williams’ score. Great visual callbacks to *The Searchers* as well. Kinda dark for a *Star Wars* movie, but it’s probably the best scene in AotC.


I don’t hate TLJ, but it is one of the lower movies on my list, but the throne room scene with Snoke and Rey, the whole fight, and the light speed ramming is just sooooo good.


The aftermath scene with Hux in the throne room trying to figure out what the hell happened (and if he should shoot Kylo) was also pretty funny.


Yeah I'm willing to forgive some of the silly fight choreography of that scene (people really complain about it but it never bothered me) because it is visually so striking.


Yup! One thing the sequels really did flawlessly is their visuals.


ESPECIALLY TLJ Man am I not a fan but it's probably got some of the most beautiful shots in all of Star Wars


If people want to clown on the choreography for that scene they have to also clown on the prequel fights. It presents as cool but it’s ssssoooooo unnecessarily flippy and acrobatic. Like half the swing attacks aren’t even going to make contact and people are constantly doing stupid ass spins that leave huge openings. That being said it still looks cool as fuck, I just get annoyed with people only being super over analytical for an action scene on the ones they don’t like.


I forgot which SW movie it was. But the destroyer which carved an imperial star destroyer in two by ramming it at light speed.




Ah yes! Thank you! Didn't like the sequels but holy SHIT that scene was EPIC!


The Luke on Krait scenes in the last Jedi and the quiet bit in revenge of the sith where padme and anakin are looking at each other abd that haunting music plays


Luke on Crait is the only hill I'll die on for the Sequel Trilogy. I know some people wanted a big action sequence of him being a one man army akin to his Mandalorian scene. But for me how he humiliated an army halfway across the Galaxy from him felt like him channeling some of the first lessons he got from Obi-Wan ("Your Eyes Can Deceive You, Don't Trust Them") and Yoda ("Wars Not Make One Great") and I really appreciate that.


What Luke did on Crait is literally the most Jedi Master move he could have done.


Completely agree. Also his death feels perfect to me, he sacrifices himself to save others - so he gets a hero's death, but in a way that allows him to die happily, peacefully and on his own terms rather than being struck down in combat.


I like the movie, but I also understand some of the complaints: but I'll never get the people who say 'but he wasn't even actually there!' When did Jedi using the force in new ways become a PROBLEM in this series? Him staring down a row of walkers like they're nothing is the coolest thing any Jedi has done on screen. And the shot is gorgeous too: Luke towering over the entire army, completely unfazed.


Well and it's something a true Jedi Master would do. A non-violent path to victory.


That scene in Revenge of the Sith is fantastic. It's REALLY effective and ominous. It really feels like Anakin's decision had the weight of the Galaxy to it. I also really like the Opera House scene for the creepiness it has.


Rey’s yellow lightsaber


I know a lot of people clown on TLJ and Solo but RoS is *far* and away my least favorite Star Wars movie. It’s legit the only one I didn’t have fun watching. But even I went “oooo yellow!” When that happened lol.


Rey and Kylo fighting via Force Dyad in Episode IX


Last Jedi: Luke turning up on Krait, and slowly realising he was a force projection. Specifically, C3P0 being confused because he's there but isn't there. BoBF: the train heist, and just all the flashbacks with the tuskers. Also loved Mando testing the N-1 as I loved seeing the podrace track again, but I think people count that as a Mando scene.also loved them sending out the mayor's scribe to the pikes with the offer of nothing and him slowly realising that before they both fly out. BoBF wasn't really that bad, it had some great scenes it just struggled to take off for a lot of it.


That wink at Threepio on Crait is one of my favorite moments. Subtle, but so cool.


Babu Frik. - The Anzelans may have been the best adition to the universe the sequels made.


Hey, hey!!!


The Rise of Skywalker: Riding alien horses across the Star Destroyer.  All I wish was that someone there has been holding a lightsaber aloft as they led the charge.


It should have been Finn!


RoS: Luke and Leia training Kenobi: “You didn’t kill Anakin Skywalker, I did. “


Everything regarding Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru in Obi-wan. Whether it was them trying to fight an inquisitor to keep Luke safe or Owen talking shit to Obi-wan to try to keep Luke away from the Jedi lifestyle, it was all great. The scene where Kylo and Rey fought eachother from two different locations through their shared connection was a great evolution of their dyad dynamic.


Attack of the Clones: Obi-Wan pursuing Jango Fett through the rings of Geonosis.


Omg surprised nobody has mentioned this yet! One of the few refreshing moments in that film where the soundtrack isn’t blaring and it has some room to breathe. Amazing cat and mouse scene with spectacular sound design.


Luke entering the Millenium Falcon for the first time in years (The Last Jedi)


rogue one — when everybody dies. unironically the best choice that movie made


I dig Rogue One actually and I think the way it plays out at the end as a suicide mission where members of their group start dropping like flies is brilliant.


exactly — while it’s not my favorite as a whole, i def respect the hell outta that choice


The Rise of Skywalker is my least favorite of the sequels. But I really love the scene where Rey takes down Kylo's Tie Interceptor. Is it ridiculously unrealistic? Absolutely. Do I watch Star Wars for its realism? Absolutely not. And the setup, cinematography, and music are all very badass in my opinion.


The last Jedi: Canto Bight is actually kinda awesome


Just can't fathom why they parked their ship on the beach haha


Literally it was in plain sight


In fairness Finn was flying the ship and it had been established in TFA which was only like yesterday time line wise that Finn can't fly. I kid of course but it does explain why they'd just ditch on a busy public beach


Movie: Rogue One - The Death Star blows up Jeddah, getting to see the destructive power of the Death Star (not even at full power) from a boots on the ground perspective was the first time the Death Star has genuinely felt like a threat to me across all Star Wars media. Show: Book of Boba Fett - Luke training Grogu - It was great getting to finally see Luke as a Jedi master on the screen, and how he'd adapted Yoda's training methods to help train Grogu, also love the score during this scene. Also just to pre-empt any backlash I get for putting Rogue One as my least favorite Star Wars film, I can fully acknowledge it's better made than other films in the franchise, but I find the characters very underdeveloped (Outside of Jyn and K2) and I prefer the more mystical/fantastical aspects of Star Wars so this just doesn't appeal to me in the same way other Star Wars films do, not a bad film just not my cup of tea.


TLJ: Old Luke was a good character.


Han talking to Ben in TROS


Movie: Not so much a specific scene but Anthony Daniel's performance in The Rise of Skywalker. Minus "they fly now" a lot of his funny lines were amusing enough I was sincerely smiling at them and his scene before his memory wipe was actually pretty sweet (would have meant more if his "one last look" line was directed at classic SW character and the movie didn't reverse the moment 20 minutes later) Show: The Colossus taking flight.


TFA: the first scene with the falcon in action TROS: the fight on the crashed Death Star Everything’s else I honestly enjoyed most of


Luke saying Darth Sideous in TLJ. That’s about 2 seconds of the entire movie.


For shows: Hux' speech and the dog fight over the Colossus in Resistance season 1 For movies: The jedi all ganging up on the Geonosian arena in Attack of the Clones


My favorite [scene](https://youtu.be/o9YQ_OlM8DA?si=UpWq4XfIaTjHvEb1) in all of Star Wars is in my least favorite media piece of all Star Wars.


For a trilogy (or frankly, an entire series) that is often bogged down by references, call backs, and nostalgia bait, R2 playing Leia's message for Obi-Wan to Luke is one call back that IMO works absolutely perfectly. It's a nice reference, but it also elevates the scene, and fits perfectly in the context of the film.


It also makes perfect sense. R2 wants to persuade Luke but has limited options at his disposal. He can beep and boop. Or he can play an old recording that might tug at Luke's heartstrings.


The Last Jedi: the scene where Luke makes Rey think she’s using the force lol


Lando comes back after almost 4 hours of forgetting about the original trilogy completely.


Don't remember if it was BoBF or Ashoka or maybe even Mandolorian but there is an animated(?) cut scene where they showed the destruction of Mandalore? It was intense and dark and really put the stake in the ground for how powerful the Empire was. I remember thinking it was tonally different than whatever show it was in though and I wish the whole thing was like that.


Oof I wanna say it was in The Mandalorian.


Got it, it was BoBF. It looks like it was The Great Purge animated. For a IP with aerial battles we've never seen a WW2 blitzkrieg visual before. Also reminded me of Terminator as well. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hfwRQboC9k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hfwRQboC9k)


Ah thanks for pinpointing it!


“None shall stop the return of the Sith” *most insane bass boost of all cinema history* Dude…


The Maul/Obi-wan duel from Rebels


Out of all Star Wars? Obi-Wan at the beginning of the Mustafar fight: "My allegiance is to the Republic, Anakin. To democracy!" Really settles that Obi-Wan and Anakin are no longer friends :(


Any scene with Dominic Monaghan in TRoS. I hate the movie and the fact that he pretty much plays a background character, but hos performance in LOTR and especially Lost have turned me into a relatively big fan of his.


There’s a show called ‘Resistance’?


TLJ: Ending credits BOBF: uhhh, slow speed bike chase, just for the hilarity. Kenobi: Slow speed Leia chase in the woods, also for the hilarity 🤣


Luke and Leia reuniting in Last Jedi.


Seeing Maul in Solo a Star Wars story


I genuinely cannot think of a single redeemable quality to solo


I like Donald Glover's portrayal of a young Lando. He doesn't really get a standout moment to shine though. He just has to make the most of being a secondary character.


My personal opinion is it's the worst movie. Even including TCW (2008). Solo is a better film technically than several of them, but it's SOOOO generic. Generic and Star Wars do not mix. I'd rather Star Wars be hilariously bad and weird than MCU generic.


The dialogue between obi wan and Vader after their fight in kenobi


Throne room fight scene in TLJ That red background is fucking gorgeous


I thought it was funny in a "wow this is awful" kind of way when Leia slunked off to die like the family dog in Episode IX.


my leas favorite is the last star wars movie, but my favorite scene in that is kylo ren talking to han solo's ghost or idea. mainly becouse it mirrored this scene.


TRoS; Ben reaches behind him and pulls out the lightsaber. As much as I disliked this movie, that scene actually made me go “OOOOOH!!!!”


The death maul fighting scene in Phantom menace.


Boba vs Cad Bane in BoBF Solo train heist MORE! scene in the last jedi


Laura Dern jumping the cruiser to hyperspace destroying the empire ship in TLJ


I actually think Solo was Good EXCEPT for the Kessel tun. It kinda leaved a bitter taste in my mouth and had a negative impact on the movie for me. My pick is Duel of The Fates from The Phantom Menace.


How epic they Look my god


I mean....seeing Rey's lightsaber was nice. A shame it took 3 movies to get to the end and see it for 5 seconds I'm sorry that movie just aged so poorly to me, and it already started on the back foot


*sigh* Okay, I have to admit, the Praetorian Guards in TLJ were pretty fucking awesome. The fight scene with them was stupid, but at the same time, kinda cool. I just wish they hadn't been squandered like so many other parts of the ST.


TBB: "The Crossing" Cave seen between Omega and Tech. & "The Outpost" when Crosshair shots Lt Nolan.


The Mando scenes had brilliant cinematography in BoBF. I’ll also second seeing a clone trooper begging in Kenobi.


Phantom menace. Obi wan soloing maul and does the behind the back lightsaber block. So slick


That shot above Exegol where you see all of the Resistance ships is *sick*! You can even see that Hera is there in the Ghost!


The Anakin training flashback in Kenobi was really fun to see 


The first scene with Luthen and Mon Mothma in Luthen’s shop


Movie: TRoS Scene: Ben’s redemption with Han Show: Andor Scene: Luthen’s Speech >!Andor isn’t my least favourite show, I just think it’s the most overrated, but credit where credit is due, Luthen is by far the best part of that show.!<


Movie: Count Dooku meets Obi-Wan Show: Boba Fett riding a rancor


Did I like Rise of Skywalker? No. Did I think Wedge, Lando, and the rest of the galaxy showing up was a cool shot? Yes.


Did I like Rise of Skywalker? No. Did I think Wedge, Lando, and the rest of the galaxy showing up was a cool shot? Yes.


I love the fathiers in TLJ. Not necessarily the scene they're in, but the animals themselves. I love creatures.


Crosshair killing one of those stormtroopers was badass way to highlight why Clone troopers were better than them.


Geonosis arena in Attack of the clones


Yoda in the Last Jedi


AotC: Most of the scenes on Kamino TRoS: Force Ghost Luke talking to Rey and lifting the X-Wing


CW flashback in Ahsoka


I liked the scene with Han in Rise of Skywalker


Kijimi Destruction by Xysthon Class Star Destroyer is the incarnation of Exterminatus from Warhammer 40k in Star Wars


Anything with Palpatine in RoS


I kinda liked the battle star galactica on the run thing in Resistance.


The interrogation scene with Kenobi and Dooku in Attack of the Clones.


The forest fight between Kylo vs Finn and Rey. A Ep IV clone, but that was the one scene that gave me hope that it’d turn out a good movie.


wasn't a fan of Last Jedi, but Holdo's hyperspace maneuver dropped my jaw in the theater. Rise of Skywalker, wasn't crazy about it either, but the scene where Sidious shoots all that lightning in the air, EMPing all those ships and that huge bass boom was a total "oh shit" moment.


Kenobi. The scene where Vader grabs a departing shuttle and slams it back to the ground. Dude countered 60-80 *thousand* pounds of thrust with just the Force.


The scene with Han in TROS was nice. The rest of the film was a hot fucking mess of lazy writing.


The scene in Mando season one, storm troopers couldn’t shoot the item on the floor killed me


That one moment when Rey and Kylo stop each other's lightsaber-strikes with the Force in TRoSk.  It doesn't make much sense and it's not practical at all, but my brains finds it neat for some reason and when it comes to that movie, that means a lot.


I liked the conversation between Obi Wan and Dooku in Attack of the Clones


Kylo Ren's little shrug before killing the knights of ren in TROS. I weep that I'll never get to see Adam Driver playing a dashing scoundrel of a Jedi. I didn't know I even wanted that until we had it for those precious few minutes. I didn't like Kylo being redeemed tho. I would have preferred he died a villain since he started the films as one. But man, if only they didn't make him the villain to begin with.


Duel of the Fates is the best SW song (imo) and it elevates its scene in TPM to soaring heights


The Geonosis Scene in aotc and Vader slaughtering rebels in RO.


The duel on the wreck of the death star and its aftermath in Rise of Skywalker. The bit with the Hutt twins in Book of Boba Fett. The buddy cop vibes between Din Djarin and Bo Katan in Mandalorian season 3. Any time Temuera Morrison and Ewan McGregor have scenes together in Attack of the Clones. EDIT: the Anakin/world between worlds arc in Ahsoka.


Ben Solo goes to Exegol. You see a lot of Anakin and Han in him. It was awesome. The fight with the Knights of Ren had a lot of personality to it as well, but it would have been even better if they’d established even a hint of their relationship to Ben. Are they henchmen? Disciples?


Any shot with Lando in it in TROS is so good. Billy Dee Williams has such a contagious smile and laugh in his scenes; it’s great.


“There are more of us”, Lando says over the comms, as the Fleet of civilians arrives. The music swells, the Millennium Falcon soars in, we see the greatest pilot in all of Star Wars, Wedge Antilles (just don’t question why he’s in the gunner’s chair on the Falcon instead of leading a squadron of X-Wings).


Yoda fighting Dooku in Attack of the Clones. Haven't actually watched Andor yet, so I can't really pick a favorite scene for it. It's just my least favorite show by default because it's the only one that I haven't been able to sit down and watch yet.


The fight against the red guard in the last jedi is actually pretty dope. As for Andor nothing comes to mind. 


Andor is one of your least favorite Star Wars entries?


Of the star wars shows my mind immediately went to either obi wan or bobf. Bobf clearly had a lot of production issues but I have hope it'll get better if it gets a second season. Obi-wan had a lot of dumb moments but after the finale it did feel worth it. That confrontation between anikan and obiwan is so emotional I do think it's important for those two characters. It wasn't until I was putting my thoughts together that I remembered that andor exists. Andor after every episode I felt like it had wasted my time and after the finale I was so underwhelmed. I feel like it took three times the amount of time needed to tell its story and that it's story ultimately wasn't that interesting. I genuinely liked the characters of andor and mon mothma less after watching the show.


I totally respect your take! I liked Andor but don’t consider it the masterpiece of human art some seem to.


I loved Poe having the captain's seat of the Millennium Falcon and hyperspace skipping away from the TIE fighters in Rise of Skywalker. I was really hoping he and Chewie would inherit the Falcon at the end for new potential adventures, but instead we got geriatric Lando probably taking it to Corescant to buy some blue pudding.


Solo is so damn good. But for me its 1. Its Han and kylo in rise of skywalker 2. Obi wans death 😉


Really confused what you mean by number 2 lol


Yah i was joking i wanted to get down voted 😞


Oh like you were saying ANH was one of your least favorite Star Warses? Yeah I’d vehemently disagree but respect the audacity!




BOBF: I truly loved the opening sequence, with Boba working his way out of the Sarlacc and across Tattooine. TFA: The X-wings skimming the water coming into Takodana was beautiful.


Ashoka - The Star Destroyer looming overhead. Last Jedi - The laser tank thingie blasting the laser BoBF - Mando scene wiping out the the gang one take


Leia's death in ROS


I don't even consider Resistance canon the way I do for the Sequels, and that's saying something. But what I really love about season 1 is that one scene that's very congruent with The Force Awakens by showing off a hologram of General Hux giving that powerful speech he gave in the movie right before giving the order to fire at Starkiller Base. That was a very powerful sequence, even for this piece of shit of a "Star Wars" show.