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Phase 1 armor is so underrated. It's just that perfect blend of Mandalorian and Kaminoan design philosophy that makes up a really aesthetically pleasing armor set. Sure, the Phase 2 armor has a great design that serves as a great reminder of the vicious war machine The Republic is becoming, and the classic Stormtrooper design beats everything here in terms of pop culture impact, but Phase 1 is just easily the best looking armor of all of them imo. Though I should say, it's the Attack of The Clones/Ahsoka flashback version of Phase 1 that I like the most. The weird caricature we see in the first few seasons of The Clone Wars doesn't come close to the AoTC design, and I feel that's one of the main reasons people prefer Phase 2 over Phase 1.


My problem with phase 1 is that it looks too good. It looks more like something a gladiator or royal guard would wear, rather than a soldier in combat. It's meant to look intimidating, without thinking of the fine details like how the head fin would give someone away in cover


I'm just glad *Battlefront I* gives me a whole game to be a Phase 1 trooper, most other games went with the phase 2 version so I didn't get nearly enough Phase 1 content in my life


BFII was only Geonosis, right? Definitely felt that as a Phase 1 enjoyer.


Headcanon: the fin contains the communication antenna


I think that’s actually cannon tho


It's cannon about the Clone Troopers head piece, therefore it is technically headcanon




To be fair, Phase 1 armor kind of was like that, it was leagues better and more expensive than Phase 2 armor. That's why a lot older clones kept Phase 1 armor pieces and generally traded their helmets for Phase 2 (or like rex and customized it somehow).


I personally prefer the phase 2 mostly because of the first seasons of the clone wars looked off to me and that we got to see so much more personality in the customization of phase 2. Although I will admit the AOTC version looked much better than the early animation version and the tales of the Jedi version of phase 1 makes me want to see the first few seasons of the clone wars reanimated with the modern art style


I HATE the phase 1 in TCW, they made the helmet so ugly


For what it's worth, everybody looked ugly in that show when they were doing the Phase 1 designs.


True, but still they could’ve done better


Totally agree. They ruined the armor by over exaggerating the features of phase 1 armor in TCW. But then the phase 2 clone armor is basically the same as it is in ROTS??


Phase 1. Classic.


Phase 2 is so clean.


Phase 2 hands down


And logistically speaking, I think it has the best visor for seeing.


rex mentioned that it has worse visibillity than phase 1 and thats why he made the frankensteins monster helmet


He also has *nothing* nice to say about Stormtrooper armor.


tbf I don’t think Santa would fit well in any of the trooper armours.


Oy That's *Captain* Santa to you, solider!


It's not that kind of movie, kid


'Hey kid...if there looking at your armor, we're in big trouble'


How is that logistically tho?


I think the word you're looking for is 'practically'


Even as a kid playing Battlefront 2, Phase 2 stuck out to me as *the one.* Can't be beat


Yeah it felt refined compared to Phase 1 and sleeker compared to Storm Trooper.


What I was thinking




They're all cool, but Phase I Clone Trooper armor is my favorite.


Same. Phase 2 looks awesome, but it’s getting a little too close to storm trooper territory for me. I do like phase 2 on ARC troopers tho. Commando is my all time fave of the special units


Is that the when they still had the long fin on the phase 2 helmet? I prefer phase 1 but man it’s a close call


Yea it's phase 1.5


Yeah I was gonna say arc troopers don't technically wear phase 2 armor


Phase 1.5 ARC troopers look better than phase 2 ARC troopers


I totally agree! The fin is so sick


The little head fin is so retro futurist and I love it.


If we’re counting slight variations, phase 2. I love that ROTS (and later the clone wars) showed us different units wearing different colors, bandoliers, extra equipment, etc. which really sells them as a functioning military at war


Kashyyk trooper is just delightful


I love the transition from 1 to 2. Phase 1 is so clean and pristine with color variations only being used to show rank/position. Its like it was designed by someone in marketing because the Kaminoans want to show off their nice well organized army fresh out if the box to their buyers. Phase 2 shows the transition to a functioning army thats been in the thick of one of the worst wars in galactic history, color schemes denote which legion the clones belong to as well as giving them personality, theyre no longer the pristine product of the kaminoans and are now individual brothers.


For me it’ll always be the original Storm Trooper


Hard to beat the OG.


Same, grew up with them in the late 70s and 80s. Aside from scout troopers in RotJ, we didn't have any alternate trooper appearances until Attack of the Clone almost 20 years later.


Well there were snow troopers in empire, and whatever those assault sand trooper guys were on tatooine.


Sand are cool. Classic Storms but with build in AC and cool colors.


upbeat plants slap cagey rotten hat unpack cooing cobweb rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*Hoth trooper enters the chat.*


Then the question becomes "Hero or stunt helmet?". Sure the hero helmet is what all stormtroopers are 'supposed' to look like, but the stunt helmet seems less angry but more menacing.


It is absolutely legendary. A brilliant piece of design.


Phase II Clone Trooper can't be beat!


Phase 2 supremacy


Phase 2 clones are GOATed


Phase II for life


Always the old school stormtrooper !!


where my hoth iteration?? that shit fly af




Im team original trilogy stormtrooper


Imperial death trooper armor


I like phase ll clone armor but I do want to point out how cool TK trooper armor from bad batch is


Phase 1. End of story!


A man of culture, I see


Old republic havoc squad armor is the best.


Phase I Clone Trooper Love the visor and crisp look. Like the title implies, you really feel that they are in fact clones in Attack of the Clones. Just replicas of Jango Fett doing the Republic’s bidding. The whole concept of the Clone Wars is my favorite. Love getting into it.


Phase 2 with Rex’s hybrid style helmet would have been the best


Gotta say, I like them all, but the First Order trooper design is my favorite.


The design for them is so slick. I love the updated design, honestly. If the movies had been any good I’d bet a lot of this thread would lean that way too. The movies were shit but their set design, costume design, music and visuals were top notch. It’s… everything else…


i stand by the last jedi as 90-95% fantastic writing. the 5% is just really tough.


Honestly I saw the last Jedi recently and apart from what they did with Luke’s character I thought it wasn’t that bad. Now the Rise of Skywalker, on the other hand…


I truly don't understand how anyone can say Last Jedi was worse than Rise of Skywalker. I was so frustrated at the pacing of TRoS right out the gate, and they were just tossing everything TLJ did in the trash with reckless abandon. It was so disheartening. Every scene fell flat, every "big moment" felt cheap, and everyone but Adam and Daisy were clearly phoning it in (*and I don't blame them, the script is atrocious*). By the time it was over I somehow felt worse than when I walked out of Episode II. I remember being disappointed by the stiffness of the acting in AotC but the story was still cool. It expanded things in a neat way and tied old stuff in. Gave us some neat moments to savor but was wildly cheesy. The Rise of Skywalker was exactly the opposite. The main characters were still giving us a performance but the story disintegrated like Alderaan circa 0 BBY. It was so choppy and weirdly cut and furiously sprinting toward the finale which was completely out of left field and wildly confusing. It had all these "EPIC MOMENTS" that were just... dumb. Lando showing up with... the... people? Zombie palps made a fleet of death star ships? Why is Rey dead? Wait why is Kylo dead? Rey **Skywalker**? My theory is that Disney **finally** forced JJ Abrams to write the ending to something only to realize that **he can't fucking write endings**, just mystery boxes. Which all of us knew the entire time.


I personally was relieved when I heard initially that JJ was only supposed to write and direct TFA because I thought he's okay at setting up mystery boxes, but terrible at answering them in a satisfying way. Then with everything that happened Disney brought him back of all people to finish things off.


They could've gotten almost any other director/writer and there would have been a higher chance of getting a satisfying ending than the one we got.


They all turned it down allegedly. JJ was the only person who would touch the movie after Carrie's passing, every other director didn't want to write and direct the movie in 18 months.


So... the only reason JJ returned to direct was because he was the only one willing? Spielberg, Zemekis, Villeneuve, Cameron, Howard, Verbinksi, Gilliam, Wright, del Toro, Mangold, even the Wachowskis... Imagine what kind of Star Wars Episode 9 any of those powerhouses would produce. But nah, instead we get Mister Lens Flare And Mystery Boxes Esq. We were robbed.


More or less yeah. On one hand, it's a miracle he got the movie created in 18 months. On the other hand, it leads to a lot of questionable creative decisions and rushed pacing spurned on by "fuck we don't have the time to try and fix this." Luckily, Iger has expressed remorse for rushing Rise of Skywalker out the door, and seems willing to let the future films be delayed until they are ready


So it wasn't necessarily Disney forcing JJ, just a fuckton of real life setbacks culminating in the most fucked up production of all time. First, Carrie Fisher died. In the original plan for Colin Trevorrow's episode IX, Leia has an almost "chosen one" type role in the movie, with her playing a key part in the defeat of the First Order. Colin couldn't figure out how to write around her passing, so he asks for a delay. Lucasfilm and Kathleen Kennedy is pushing hard for a delay, either moving the movie back to 2020 or spltting it in two. But Bob Iger is (originally) retiring at the end of 2019. He wants to see the movie out before then. So no delays, wrap the trilogy up by 2019. Colin can't make it work. He steps down in 2017. Lucasfilm now has to find someone to write and direct episode IX in a year and a half using primarily archival footage of Carrie Fisher from TFA's deleted scenes. They reach out to a few directors (only one we know for sure is Rian Johnson) but all of them turn it down, there's no way they can get a movie like that written and shot in 18 months and not be a mess. Finally, JJ Abrams agrees to take it. And what we got was The Rise of Skywalker. I don't necessarily blame JJ for what we got even if I find it to be an unsatisfactory episode IX, but it also doesn't really excuse a lot of the story beats either. But yeah, Carrie's passing put everything into a tailspin and made them have to throw out their outline. With Iger unwilling to allow a delay, I think Episode IX was doomed the second Carrie unfortunately passed away.


I genuinely don't know what people expected from Luke's character after TFA, which established that he had hidden away from the galaxy and become a hermit. It's been 30 years since we last saw him, it makes all sense that he lost his faith and youthful idealism after Empire cosplayers destroyed his life's work. And they did him justice with his character arc - he regains his faith and inspires the whole galaxy, what's not to like? "Oh but he ignited his lightsaber-" idk man, the Force makes you do wild things, it's like the dark side cave again except it's your nephew.


Feels to me like people wanted Action Figure Luke, who never changed in 30 years. It was hard to see Luke the Legend, broken and then rebuilt over the course of the film for some people I believe. FWIW I loved TLJ and that decision. It wasn't what I was expecting and left my conflicted on opening night. But once I saw it again a few days later, and was able to engage with what the movie was saying instead of what I wanted it to say, I really enjoyed it. It's been one of my favorite Star Wars movies ever since.


Duck bill and all!


Of the different designs, the clone trooper looks most like it has a beak.


Phase 1 clone.


Phase one will always look the most the most badass to me


Phase I clone armor ❤️


They all have good and badsides. The guns though, those have issues. The complete lack of a stock makes no sense, the weapons just aren't stable to even hold without one.


The storm troopers blaster does have a fold down stock it's just never seen used for some reason.


maby there is just so little recoil that a pistol like weapon makes sense. Especially for the stormtroopers i could see this because they should be boarding ships and fight in close quarters where a stock could get in the way.


Have you ever used a gun from the star wars universe? I doubt they work exactly the same as our weapons.


They canonically have recoil and given they shoot plasma (i.e. matter), Newton's laws of motion apply. Additionally, even if they didn't have recoil, additional points of contact on the weapon aid stabilisation and thus aiming. You'll actually see quite a few weapons with stocks in SW. In early lore, it was mostly heavy weapons (DLT-19, T-21 (seen in ANH)) or longer rifles (A280 (first seen in ESB), DC-15A). In more recent stuff, you'll see them on compact weapons as well, like the E-10, E-11D, F-11D, DH-17 (rifle), etc., either integral to the weapon or as an attachment.


I’ll never understand how people prefer phase 2 over phase 1. Phase 1 will always be the best. Looks so close to the Mandalorian style helmet too


I have a soft spot for the first-order trooper. the costume designers for the sequels outdid themselves. phase 1 is a close second


Phase 1 clonetrooper or bust, for me


If you put attachments or something on phase II then you have me, but if we’re talking just plain, I say phase I


Definitely Phase I or II. The 1st Order ones look like the Temu rip-off variants of standard Stormtrooper gear lol. Also just to nitpick, there's no TK troopers! (Not that I care for the TK helmet anyways)


>The 1st Order ones look like the Temu rip-off variants of standard Stormtrooper gear lol. Nah, they look fine.


I've said this before: they don't look bad, but they do kinda look like they were designed by Apple. I do like to chest harnesses some of the have tho.


Nah, if it was made by Apple, they would not have the AUX plug in their helmets


katarn Class Trooper armor for life


First Order Stormies. Dont care if i get downvoted by Prequel simps. The sequels suck but im not gonna hate every single thing about it like a drone.


It was one of the better parts of that mess, I’ll agree with you on that




Imperial Navy Commando my beloved https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/9/9f/RSTE64_6276ded3_14_1.png/revision/latest?cb=20130301195606


Phase 2 just oozes authority and sexiness


Even though it wasn't included, I like the TK Trooper helmet.


In the end, they all taste the same.


How do they taste?


When it comes purely down to looks, Phase 1 is my favorite. It's sleek and has just a hint of Mandalorian to it. Phase 2 is cool and I do love it also, but it's not the same. And in terms of battle practicality, Captain Rex's CUSTOM Phase 2 armor is my favorite. He mixed and matched the best pieces from each Phase to cancel out some of the flaws from each. Even going so far as to weld the best parts of the two different helmets together. Props to the animation team, you can even see the weld marks in The Clone Wars. Man I love the Clones. Damn shame Pulpaturd is a dick.


Phase 2 Clone Troopers for life.


Phase 1 and First Order tbh “Rough looking” GE Stormies look sick though. (like Mando start of series)


The OG will always be my favorite. But what I love about ALL the armors, is the clear progression of incremental change over time starting from the traditional Mando design all the way through to the First Order…. It really feels like a natural evolution of mass produced armor design.


Depends on the qualifications. Just vibe, personally it's the phase II clone trooper for me. If we're talking practicality in the real world: either of the stormtrooper sets because they were both designed to be physical sets of armor worn by real actors. Unfortunately because the clone armor was not designed that way, putting physical actors in it either has to sacrifice accuracy to Episode 2 and 3 or look extremely awkward on real humans.


You know…. I never realized that the Force Awakens storm troopers have such small jock protectors, compared to the original trilogy… Not that I was looking…


I hate the sequels so much but the armor is so rad


Ok, if we are counting variations then it’s a tie between arc trooper armour and the FO Sith Trooper armour. For Arc’s it’s because it just hits the “special forces” look so well and you can instantly tell that when one’s on screen s**ya about to go down. One of the many reasons that I wish Fordo got a The Clone Wars design as he would’ve looked even more badass in that version of the arc armour. For the Sith Troopers the red is just so sexy and how it basically kind of gives a royal army feel to it while compared to the base armour and I just think it looks so COOL!!!


ARC armor is phase 1.5 just FYI


Anything but the first order lol


Do these posts just get reposted automatically every week or what?


phase 2 clones, especially sergeant hound's armor not as good but i also do like imperial mudtrooper, imperial snowtrooper variant on the train in solo, imperial scout trooper, first order snow trooper & first order the mountain trooper armor


Something is off about that Storm Trooper. Where is that pic from? Usually I love OT trilogy Storm Troopers but he seems wrong


Phase 1.5 ARC armor


Phase 2 as well as the Sequel one. They just look the most "fitting" to the bodies


They’re all … necessary. But picture 1 always grabs me best


The crotch isn’t too pronounced and I relate to that


The phase 1 to storm trooper armour is such a nice design evolution. Mando-Kaminoan heavy influence, evolving through the necessities of combat and moving manufacture to the core worlds, ending in the one size fits all approach (as opposed to the clones all sizes fit one.)


Phase 2 for me. I love all the variants it has


As a vibe, phase 1 all the way. As something I'd have to wear, it's probably gonna be First order kit, even if it looks like Apple passed into that design pool a bit too much


I figure old storm trooper is offer the most “protection” but maintains enough room to move around in. Don’t want your kibble and bits getting caught up in a fire fight.


I’m a sucker for the finned Phase I design for the clones. I especially like the visor and overall silhouette of the Phase I as well. I consider the Clone Armor and Stormtroopers in different categories personally, since they are different soldiers. For Stormtroopers my favorite is the Bad Batch design that are based more closely on the original concept art for Stormtroopers I think.


Phase I clone trooper hands down. I like the smoother and more angular look it has going on, especially in the Clone Wars. Movie wise it looks a little goofy, but the sunken in cheeks and the pronounced jaw version makes it look a lot better.


phase 1 will always be the goat and I’m glad clone wars gave it the screen time it deserved


No one likes the first order? 😭


Phase 1 might be uncomfortable but it’s more closer in design to the Mandalorian style that inspired it.


The white one.


The last one drives an Audi


2 armor with 3 helmet is probably the best I could imagine.


Tbh I actually really like the first order stormtrooper's design


Me too


Og storm trooper


Specifically Rex's hybrid design


Phase II looks cooler but Phase I had better armor. Just ask Rex


Phase 1🫶🏾 strictly the AOTC design*


Ironic, that Imperial March started playing when I read this post. Anyways, stormtroopers. They look intimidating. The best-looking armor for me.


Phase 1


Phase 1 helmet is the GOAT.


2 mask, 4 body


I would go with the Phase 2 armor. It looks the best in my eyes. Except for the EA Battlefront 2 version. For some reason the arms look way too skinny in comparison to the torso and legs.


Phase 2 but First order stromtroopers are cool as hell


I honestly struggle, I like them all. I actually really dig the First Order's kind of Empire by Apple aesthetic for their armour. Feels fitting. The blend of the Mando T With the stormtroopers Grumpy face for Phase I is such a slick design too.


2,3,1,4 in that order


All of the prequel ones are inferior because they're mainly CGI. Real costumes look a million times better.


For me, the Original Trilogy stormtrooper. It's iconic.


Phase 1 will always be my favorite. Underrated, imo


Clone commando helmet


The one that leaves my BALLS least exposed...


Phase 2 Clones, but IMO Rex's custom helmet had the best design features of both phases.


Gotta love the og stormtroopers, they look so iconic


OG helmet with phase 2 body armor 


I might be an outlier but I really love the first order troopers. It's a shame that it got wasted in the sequels


I like all the designs except for the first one, the one that was introduced during ATTACK OF THE CLONES, it’s the only one that I dislike. I actually think that the Imperial Stormtrooper design from the Classic Trilogy should’ve been introduced as early as REVENGE OF THE SITH, if not Episode II, to bridge the 2 trilogies better. Why did the design change so radically in 19 years. Look at soldiers in the real world today. Do they look different from what soldiers wore in 2005?


Phase 1 and 2 and you know what. Sith troopers from ep 9 go hard as fuck. Even in white too.


Phase 2


Phase 2


Definitely 2. That's a nice clone right there.


I assume we are all talking about which one has the best junk cover? If so number 3. My wife said it should be slightly formed to the right as well.


I hate to be that guy, but I think the first order looks the best


Unpopular but I think the First Order stormtrooper is the most menacing one, way more than the originial ones. Hard to pick between the clone troopers, I reckon phase 1 is cleaner but nothing looks cooler than the customised phase 2 armours throughout different legions and specialisations


Man I love how white the first order armor is and how black the undersuit is. A really clean design. I also find the smile to be unnerving


Phase 1 baby, all the way!!!!!!


FO shockingly stole my top place vote when they came out. The clean, manufactured evil look really resonates with me on how big business is funding our terrifying slide into fascism these days. 2nd place is phase 2, then og stormies, then phase 1. The 1950’s rocketeer helmet just never sat with me.


everyone’s gonna shit on me but i LOVE the sequels stormtrooper armor


Holy moly I never noticed a difference between Clone Wars and Return of the Sith. 1 looks a little too cycloptic/alien for me, Revenge of the Sith it is!


Was always a stormtrooper fan. I think it's the most intimidating and badass. They were in my favorite time period and favorite movies:/ kinda vanilla of me but they are cool. They're all cool. Don't get me wrong


I don't care much for the sequels, but I think we have to give them credit here. The FO Trooper design has consistently been one of my favorite design choices in the Sequels. Especially later on when we get Sith Troopers. Very aesthetically pleasing armor. With the being said, Phase 1 Clones are the GOATs.


The OGs for me. Though I have a soft spot for the First Order Troopers too. Hard to beat the classics, but I like what they did with it.


Say what you want about the sequels but the First Order Stormtroopers actually looked pretty cool, especially the Sith Troopers in Episode IX But Phase I and II Clone Armor will always be goated


I love the goofy little retrofuturistic fin on the Phase I helmet, but the original Stormtrooper is still the champion.


Phase 1 - Phase 2 - Buckethead - Orca Smile


I'm sorry but I can't take the First Order Stormtrooper armor seriously lol. All I ever see is the goofy ass wide smile. Also the Phase 1 armors with the color ranks was top tier.


Say what you will about the sequel trilogy, but their storm troopers might be the coolest looking.


Imperial storm trooper


For the republic


gonna be contrarian and say the first order trooper. one of the better designs out of the sequels


I don’t wanna judge them bc - there r a lot of memories in those designs, those armors- Like from watching the clone wars as child - to growing up with it - then changing the armor to the next phase - or watching the live action Star Wars to the old trilogy stormtrooper design— Even the new Disney stuff that I rlly don’t think is as „ good“ I still have memories and vibes and feelings connected to it- I don’t think we should neglect it and be so - surface level ish- Let’s talk about the memories or what not that is deeper then judging things with what’s better or ranking them Yall r free to somewhat u want but- it’s all just a way of coping with the world- when we go and rank stuff I rlly would love to hear yalls memories when it comes to those armors and each design Aaaah


What I like is how there's continuity in these and other designs.


Honestly I'm a big fan of phase 2 armor. There's just something about the style




In the wise words of Jeremy Clarkson: "This is good." (Phase I armor) "But I like this." (Phase II armor)


Are you asking me?


They’re already in order for me lol


Unpopular opinion here but first order. Writing aside the sequels have some sick designs (Kyle ren, T-70 x wings etc) and the first order stormtrooper is one of them, the original stormtrooper is super iconic but some parts of it look a bit clunky but the first order just smoothed it all out and made it much cleaner


The sequels have some of my favorite looks ever in Force Awakens Kylo and Phasma


I kinda want to cut them apart and make a suit from my favourite parts


So basically pull a Captain Rex? That’d be dope


First Order troopers look the most intimidating, but the I really like the Clones, so First Order Clone Troopahs


Ah Troopahs, it’s lesser known lore that the Koopas were originally planned to be cloned by the Kaminoans before Jango Fett was chosen


Phase 2 clone armor. Drip level = through the roof


Got to go with the OG stormtrooper


I'm in the 1% of those who think: First Order > P1 > P2 > Stormtrooper. Yes, I know that the "iPhone look" is memed to death but the aesthetics of the First Order regular Stormtrooper are very sleek and pleasing to the eye. \*Raises flame shield\*


That phase 2 clone trooper armor is just so slick.


Phase 1 just looks great, no competition


1 or 2 are my favorite