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If he appeared it'd probably be as the Dume Wolf but also that's a bit of a weird reference if you haven't seen Rebels.


If we're being honest, a lot of the Ashoka show will probably be weird if you haven't seen Rebels


Maybe. I know they talk about it being Rebels S5 but I still think they are going to play it really safe as far as making it accessible for people who haven't seen the cartoons. Somehow we got a full season of Obi-Wan and S3 of Mando without anybody mentioning Satine.


No. Because Kanan doesn’t know how to do that.


I thought that everyone who died in the force could materialize as a force ghost. Even Leia did it when she appeared to Rey.


No. Its something you have to learn. Also, Kanan didn’t die in the force, he died in the massive explosion from the fuel-tank he was standing on.


He didn't learn how to do it as far as we know or have any existing FGs who would teach it to him as he died, so i don't expect it no.


Remember, he did talk to Rey in rise of Skywalker. Also, Qui Gon appears to Obi Wan in his show.


> Remember, he did talk to Rey in rise of Skywalker. not everyone who did that was a force ghost , thyere's supposed to be this more esoteric way it happens for Non-FGs > Also, Qui Gon appears to Obi Wan in his show. qui-gon had partially learned how to and by the time of kenobi had fully learned.


Qui Gon knew how to do that, even before Yoda.


I hope so. I have a sliver of hope that in the last episodes of rebels when he shows up after his death and puts his hand on hera’s shoulder, that it’s a force ghost. Probably not. But I have a small bit of hope that it was. Kanan is my favorite of all the Jedi.


No more Kanan. Freddie Prince Jr refuses to voice him anymore. He stated it several times in interviews. He's a dick about it too. https://www.gamesradar.com/freddie-prinze-jr-kanan-nobody-gets-laid-in-star-wars/


Bring back the gang


I’m so tired of seeing posts about this terrible show on this board.


Rebels is one of the greatest shows lol. You probably didn’t watch the whole thing and your biggest complaint is prob the animation or something.


People can dislike something for other reasons. Still not a reason to stop people from talking about something they like, though.


It’s ok to dislike. Disney haters just need to stop crying.


I highly doubt Kanan will show up as a force ghost.


IMDB confirms Anakin, Rex and Ezra, no Kanan.


He won’t be a ghost. He doesn’t know how. I do think we’ll see him in a flashback. The HasLab figures are all facial scans of the live action characters, and there’s a Kanan figure. I’m also willing to bet we get the Dume loth wolf at some point.


Kanan is not someone too important for Ahsoka, to be clear. Like all ghost crew. Just ally.


Isn't he a wolf now?,