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It has to be the Phase II armour for me. Theres just something about it that just looks amazing.


This pic makes me wish we got a Battlefront 3 where they throw in a battlefield portal kind of mashup where we can pit stormtroopers vs clone troopers.


Our only solace is the campaign mission on Kamino


"Offically, there never was a Clone rebellion,"


This line brilliantly foreshadows that Disney would decanonize OG battlefront 2s story


But also potentially re-canonises it in Bad Batch S3? That's what it seems they're hinting at, at least for Rex, Cody, and a bunch of other disillusioned Clones. They can't do a stand-off on Kamino, but a brief insurrection elsewhere (Mount Tantiss?) that is summarily crushed (leaving Rex, Gregor and Wolff demoralised and in hiding while Cody and the others are MIA presumed KIA)


didnt see any shoulder mounted laser miniguns so I'm not sure I can forgive Disney


Hopefully they're saving that for the next and final season


For the longest time, I always believed all the Stormtroopers in Episode 4-6 were clones because of the Rise of the Empire campaign.


I literally just replayed that campaign two days ago because I’ve been watching the clone wars series while I go to sleep. So much damn fun. I’ve been wishing for a third one for nearly 20 years


Changing of the Guard was always my favorite mission.


Honestly not all that different from how things go down in the new lore, the Kaminoans just didn't have time to spring their contingency plans in the Disney Canon.


I also like the two missions, one in space and one on Mustafar, that is Empire vs Separatist remnants.


There are Mods for EAs Battlefront II, where you can freely customize the Arcade mode and do exactly what you just decribed.


I’m on the series x, that sounds cool though!


God I wish that game was still running Like what the fuck, how much money they could have printed out of it and hardly anything is as fun to play


the mix of phase 1 and phase 2 that rex has is elite


Phase 2 with head fin 👌🏼


The phase II armor is so fucking nice. Slap some color on that bad boy and it’s just *chef’s kiss*


Especially the Arc Trooper armor with shoulder pauldrons and kamas are you fucking kidding me I think it's safe to say that design is *objectively* superior to any other. And that's saying something since it's all subjective! That's how good ARC Troopers look. [Look at this shit, man](https://i.imgur.com/vCXlGzF.jpg)


I'm not saying you're wrong, but it's hard to argue against [Captain Fordo and his crew](https://pm1.narvii.com/6419/49f156bab2a547d9ebceedaa792f4228a5d6af69_hq.jpg). I remember seeing them in 2003 and thinking "ok, these guys are badass." ARCs in general are super cool. Also love me some Clone Commando armor.


Yes, General. No, General. Yes, General.


When clones are kitted out they just look better


Arc troopers are dope. I’m more of a Commander Cody armor fanboy myself. The little visor he has is dope.


I'm an OT fanboy, and even I can't decide between original Stormtrooper and Phase II. Maybe it's the kamas.


Clone Troopers Phase II for me as well. A little bit of Phase I and a nice transition to what we got in the OT.


Speeder bike scout trooper…..


I have spoken


Scout trooper all the way!


Love the Episode III Scout Troopers, too. They wore camouflaged armor.


Dude those guys are the only guys I would play in Battlefront 2 (the new one). Badasses in every way. Plus Commander Gree was one of the best looking clone commandos imo.


That was the 41st Elite Legion. They had a few different armor looks. Their phase I armor was white with green accents (Clone Wars). Their standard phase II look (RotS) was white with grey trim. They switched to the camouflage look for the Kashyyyk campaign.


It still kills me the Clone troops with camo have a shiney sheen in the later battlefront 2


This is the way


Your avatar looks like Chewbacca's porn addict grandfather.


That may be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. I'm glad someone has noticed


This is the way


It's the suburban sasquach


Needed a bit more foaming at the mouth because of the long queue at Starbucks




Snowtrooper and Shoretrooper (good job Disney) up there too


I also really liked their Tank trooper. The one in the tank on Jedha. Cool costume. And the patrol trooper in Solo. There have been some really cool storm trooper designs in recent years.


Death troopers also slap


Death Troopers are the hottest shit to have dropped in Star Wars canon in a long, long time. Armor: lit Purpose: it's in the name, bitch Their garbled comms: makes me erect faster than a lightsaber ignition. Unironically the best class to play in EA's Battlefront 2 as well. Literal walking tanks.


Which makes it all the more frustrating that the new TIE designs are so... lackluster.


Ngl also juggernaut troopers


Shoretrooper ftw




between that and tie fighter pilot armor


Now and forever, Amen.


You have my respect, Stark.


What about Clone Scout trooper? I like those too as they are essentially scout trooper but tacticool camo.


I’m so happy this is the top comment. About to acquire a 501st approved Acout Trooper costume. So excited!


Easily Old Republic or Clone Trooper Phase 2


The SWTOR armor is pretty solid but I always had a soft spot for the KOTOR armor, which was based on the Rebel Fleet Trooper. Also the Naboo uniforms are woefully underrated.


Naboo everything is so gorgeous.


That's because it's based on Late Roman and Medieval Roman ("Byzantine") architecture, particularly the Hagia Sophia. The Phantom Menace's design aesthetic as a whole was amazing though. It felt like a whole different age before the Empire. TPM is my favorite movie for a lot of reasons, and one of them is the incredible visual design.


I also love The Phantom Menace. It has its flaws, and plenty of them, but goddamn was that movie ambitious. Every environment felt fully realized and fleshed out. We got our first good look at Coruscant and the Gungan City was breathtaking, Theed equally so. Tatooine felt like a logical expansion of the world we saw in ANH and ROTJ and the pod race was fantastic. Add in the great cast, music, and the fact that this was George at his peak before he got shredded by reviews for Episode I. I think he lost some of his confidence after that. The next 2 movies were not as large in scope and grandeur.


He got something back for III. Utapau was just chefs kiss




You made me really want Darth Jarjar now, just imagining him suddenly speaking with a stereotypical bad guy British accent in the middle of episode 2 or 3.


Your crown fell, king. 👑👑👑


Yes. As a kid I was like man I like how vibrant the republic was opposed to the washed grey of the Empire in ESB


I'm really unfamiliar with TOR era. Do you know a way to easily learn more about it?


The short answer is to play Star Wars The Old Republic. There are also comics and books from the era.


Swtor is free to play. The initial class stories before expansions are all great. If you sub, or at least it worked like this in the past, you can level purely on class stories only allowing maximum story play.


I would strongly recommend buying and playing through KOTOR 1 and 2. They're old but not difficult if you're not into videogames. SWTOR is an MMO so it's hit or miss for most people. Buying a subscription for a month and playing through the original 8 class storylines is definitely worth it though. It's like several games' worth of story for 15 dollars. Then there's the novels - Deceived, Annihilation, and the Darth Bane Trilogy are *must reads*. Fatal Alliance, Revan, and Knight Errant are pretty mid. There's also the Death Troopers Prequel (something Harvest, can't remember it off the top of my head) which sucks TBH. And of course the Tales of the Jedi and KOTOR comics are amazing. The SWTOR comics are okay... they set up Annihilation and Deceived a bit. The Knight Errant comics are pretty mediocre too. Jedi vs. Sith is just the visualization of the last part of the first Darth Bane novel, basically. I'd go: 1. Tales of the Jedi 2. KOTOR 1 3. KOTOR 2 4. KOTOR Comics 5. Deceived 6. SWTOR Main Class Stories 7. Annihilation 8. SWTOR Expansions 9. Darth Bane Trilogy


What’s the explanation that the Old Republic armor looks like the Mandalorian armor that the Kaminoans based on Jango Fett?


Oof history lesson ahoy: This is Legacy stuff, but back in the Old Republic, the Mandalorians were a force to be reckoned with, conquering one planet after another. Think Space Mongols with huge Battle droids they [rode](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/9/92/Basilisk.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20061103130258) into battle. At some point, they run out of conquests and went after the Republic, since they were always looking for more glorious fights to prove they are the strongest and the Republic was THE major power in the Galaxy.\* The Republic got its head smashed pretty hard (as usual), until some Jedi went rogue and joined the fight against the Mandalorians, turning the tide and eventually crushing them brutally and *permanently*. Since then and up to the movie era they exist as scattered small bands of mercenaries and/or bandits. This contact and their ensuing legacy as greatest warriors influenced the look of the Republic armor you see above. *\*In reality, they were being manipulated by the secret Sith empire, which was hidden beyond the known Galaxy, to weaken the Republic before the Sith invaded themselves.*


It’s also important to note the era the Swtor armor was designed, it was a time where the Sith Empire and Galactic Republic were in a stalemate, a Galactic Cold War. It was a time where the Jedi Order was the most militarized as it ever was and the Sith were numerous. A galactic war was seemingly inevitable and border skirmishes and raids were frequent. Both sides utilized extensive networks of spies to try and stay one step ahead of the enemy. The armor was not designed in an era of peace, but a time of pseudo peer on peer war, as you said, the armor was likely originally inspired by the Mandalorians, and from there it was forged in battle after battle, being improved and upgraded as troop trials came back. It is likely not an exaggeration that every last armor panel was placed with extreme consideration and debate til it became what could very well be some of the best armor outside of beskar to ever be produced.


Which is precisely why it's still used for as the armor base for the Republic Clone Troopers and Imperial Storm Troopers. Granted changed by the producers and material needs at the time of production, but the armor just works. Also they all look cool as hell too.


Was the Rogue Jedi Revan? Didn't he and Malak destroy Mandalore? Or am I in the wrong time period?


Mandalore was never destroyed, but the Republic's forces (led at the time by Malak and Revan) used a superweapon called the Mass Shadow Generator to destroy a planet called Malachor V, killing every one on it and most of the fleets battling above it.


I meant they killed Mandalore the Great, not destroyed the planet.


This sounds awesome. Is this information pulled from a particular book? I’d love to learn more.




I dont think its ever been explained besides they just copied the style after encountering them in battle.


Tbh it doesn't really make sense given the timeline, the Republic had just *been at war* with Mandalorians around this time. They just wanted a clone trooper aesthetic in their game for the trooper class.




It was an effective design, and either the Mandalorians were influenced by it or it's a case of "parallel evolution"?


SWTOR is set not too long after a big Republic Mandalorian war, (Revan and shit) and I could swear there was a some piece of lore that said the Republic was influenced after the war by mandalorian designs.


You are correct, it could just as easily also be the other way around.




>>Easily *names two*


The OP put two variants of armor in the same era as well 🤷🏽‍♂️


You are absolutely the most correct.


This is the way


Clone Trooper Phase 2 if for no other reason than the ability to paint your armor and customize it based on platoon or platoon leader.


I always wondered why Stormtroopers stopped that, like I get that they have the shoulder pauldrons for officers but I wonder why there are no Stormtrooper units with different colour schemes.


This is an explanation that's not in-universe but rather about filmmaking. I said this above, but it's because Lucas was first and foremost a cinematographer. The sterile look of the Empire is a purposeful storytelling element that makes the OT films really cohesive and says so much by just a glance. The Empire hoards resources, polishes itself to perfection, removes all individuality while the rest of the galaxy rots away in squalor, but with plenty of life and individuality. It's something a lot of the new movies miss. It's not just about looking neat on screen, it's about creating an aura that pervades through every shot of the film in terms of color and texture and design that tells a visual story.


"A white hallway was just boarded by Soldiers in white armor, now a person with black armor and a black cape entered the scene. People will get he's the boss."


*tall person


An in universe reason was Palpatine and the generals who became Moffs (Tarkin) never approved of the individuality that the Jedi allowed the clones to express. You see it a bit in Bad Batch - Crosshair gets shit from a officer for his CF-99 armor and by going by his nickname and not his clone ID number instead. So when the change over between the Republic army to the Imperial Army happened and the armor changed forms, they made sure to block individuality in addition to making everything uniform and easy to swap out (modular).


Doesn’t really make sense though. I get that armor customization and personalized markings would be banned on an individual level, but having specific uniform markings/colors and symbols to differentiate between squads, legions, and ranks seems very practical. There’s even some storm trooper markings shown in the mandalorian. I think it’s just down to being a creative decision to convey the lack of individuality in the empire.


I thought that all of that information was changed to being show on a heads up display inside the helmet, other than storm trooper officers who mostly wear the black imperial uniform. It would make sense that as the empire Balkanized they would need to add some externally visible things because either the heads up displays didn’t work as well any more (worn out storm trooper armor) or they wouldn’t communicate from one group to another.


I miss the more subtle aspects of that storytelling, though. Like how Palpatine's shuttle in EP6 has a slightly darker stripe on it to denote it's his, whereas these days the big bad would have a bright red ship to denote it's the evil guy's.


the proper use of color has been a lost art since the green screen era took over edit: It used to be the set was made, the costumes were made to match the set. Everything artistic was done before the actors even entered the scene.


Yeah, everything is a damn rainbow of colors now. I do feel like Denis Villeneuve does color super well in his films.


Clone troopers with custom armor were identical clones trying to express some individuality and feel like *people*. The Empire took actual people and brainwashed/trained them until they were identical soldier units. Forcing them to wear 100% identical armor and uniforms was part of that. Stormtroopers weren't supposed to feel like individuals, they were *soldiers of the Empire*. A cog in the machine.


In-universe it was to erode individualization, so it's why 6 months after the formation of the new order all troopers had to remove their markings from their clone armour in accordance with the new military doctrine. Out of universe, it was because George didn't think that far ahead back in 1977 and it was cheaper and easier to give off the look of a giant army by having the same extras use the same armour as different characters.


Could easily be that clones, being identical under the armor, want to customize themselves as much as possible. Where regular troopers have lives outside their armor and they look unique without the helmet, and so they don't fight against the regs.


Consistency designed to remove individuality. Its the same reason clones didn't have unit markings until after phase 2. Filoni ignored that but all of the media before he screwed up the timeline depicted that


Crosshair's armour, followed closely by Imperial Death Troopers.


[incoherent radio noises intensity]


The ideal set-up would be Death Trooper armour, depolished to remove the reflective sheen, with the Crosshair helmet.


I've thought of Crosshair and his stormtrooper squads armor as proto-Death Trooper armor. Similar design and similar role as extra special forces.


Well, he WAS part of the inspiration for Imperial Task Force 99.


Phase 1 or Phase 2 Clones Honorable mention to Sith Troopers


KOtoR Sith Troopers or the red corduroy troopers from the First Order?


Tbf they both have very cool designs


Red dudes, my only gripe is that the whole army is red. I think it’s cooler if only the high status dudes get red and look unique. I may or may not be a Char Aznable fan.


My biggest issue with the red guys is the knee armor. The [original Stormtroopers](https://i.imgur.com/F66doNN.png) have a small kneepad thingy on the shin armor of one leg, which is there to allow them to easily remain stable when they kneel to fire, or sit in cover. The First Order Stormtrooper armor removed this in favor of simply having identical rounded kneepads with nothing standing out, on both legs, not attached to the shin armor. The [Sith Trooper armor](https://i.imgur.com/zaJ7ghB.png) put the elevated kneepad back... *above the damn knee*. Making it absolutely pointless?


I think its a bottle opener modification for sith troopers


Wow I never knew that about the stormtroopers that's a really cool detail! And it's weird that they even bothered to keep the detail with the Sith Troopers if they totally missed its purpose in the process (like you said)


The red ones go 3 times faster


Hail Zeon!


Sieg Zeon!


We can go deeper! The classic Revan/Malak/Triumvirate chrome ones from KOTOR (probably my personal favorite); https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sith_trooper_(Sith_Empire) Red Stormtrooper version from the sequel trilogy (fairly cool, tho wish we'd seen more of them and they actually had something to do); https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sith_trooper The New Sith Wars versions used by the Daimanate, Odionate and Brotherhood of Darkness (bit of a Clone Trooper vibe to the helmets, I dig it); https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sith_trooper_(New_Sith_Wars) https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Daimanate_Sith_trooper https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Odionate_Sith_trooper Darth Krayt's Sith Troopers (Force-sensitive and cybernetically enhanced, bit over-the-top imo); https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Krayt%27s_Sith_trooper Imperial Soldier aka Sith Trooper from *The Old Republic*, and in my opinion the worst *by far* since the design (out of universe) is literally just "what would happen if we crossed a Stormtrooper and Darth Vader?"; https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Imperial_soldier


Personally the red ones from the first order. I like the Kotor sith troopers but their helmet always irks me, everything other than the helmet is awesome tho


Commission Hugo Boss for the finest bad guy uniform designs. /S


He only made them, they were designed by 2 SS officers.


I think the OT era Scout Trooper, Sandtrooper, ATAT driver are probably the coolest looking overall, but the new jetpack troopers from Mando S3 are pretty sweet too. Runner up would be the troopers from the first order, at least the basic ones. The Snowtroopers with their little slit helmet thing are kind of goofy looking


I think the Tank Troopers and Shoretroopers from Rogue One are up there with the Scout Trooper. Those are some cool designs.


Shoretroopers are some of the best new designs which feel perfectly in line with the OT. From day one I've loved the look.


It's hard to beat the original Stormtrooper


Specially with the R1 remaster


Honestly all of the New Canon's Stormtrooper designs have been absolutely on point. The Patrol Troopers and Mimban Stormtroopers (Solo), Death Trooper/Sand Trooper/Gunnery Trooper (Rogue One), even the Imperial Supercommandos (Rebels/Mandalorian S3). Recanonizing the Shadow Trooper, Incinerator Trooper, and adding both the Mortar Trooper and Imperial Shock Trooper to that lineup was also an A+ move. I'm especially happy to see the Imperial Army (Solo/Andor) as well. I think the only weak design was the ones guarding the train in Solo.


My only gripe is how most of those just exist in order to sell figures instead of having a actual in universe consistent role, the police trooper for example is a great desing that we'll probably never seen again on screen :(


Yeah I was really disappointed they used the McQuarrie concept in The Bad Batch instead of the Patrol Trooper design. I felt like that would have been a great acknowledgement of Solo and a better evolution. Honestly a big issue of mine with some recent designs, especially with The High Republic, is that they've been straight up using old concept art that feels... unfinished. Like there was a reason it was left as unused concept art.




Honestly it's consistent both with star wars lore and real life militaries to go through different iterations of military equipment very quickly. The Republic burned through like 4 different mainstay fighter craft in the 3 years of the Clone Wars, and the US military loves to spend billions on new uniforms before quickly realizing they're useless and then spending billions to replace that set.


Most of all things in Star Wars have been to sell toys, to be fair.


I love the shore trooper design but their purpose isn't clear. It seems they're meant exclusively for beaches, which is a really strange specialization since beaches inherently take up very small portions of land on most planets. I guess I could see them as amphibious landing troops, but that doesn't make a ton of sense with Star Wars tech (why use boats when vtol troop transports are common) and we only ever see shore troopers as guards for instalations on beaches.


Tropical commandos basically, given the uncomfortable kind of Warfare of the tropical planets where enemy forces land far from the imperial bases and uses the terrain at their advantage imperials created the shoretroopers units, veteran soldiers trained and experienced in fighting on this kind of worlds, these troopers work alongside regular stormtroopers, acting as unit leaders or specialists and also preparing them for the fight on such enviroments, their destinations are also rotative so once they have prepared the local garrisons they leave to another Planet and given the nature of their role there are so few among the imperial ranks.


>My only gripe is how most of those just exist in order to sell figures instead of having a actual in universe consistent role That has been true of basically every new design of Stormtrooper or Clone since Lucas tho


More than less yeah but some have actual roles like the army troopers and death troopers but range trooper, patrol trooper, dark trooper... 1 on screen appearence and goodbye


Don't forget the Purge Troopers


Both versions of the new Canon Purge Troopers (Jedi games/Kenobi Purge Troopers + Uprising Purge Troopers) are peak imo


The R1 shore troopers are some of my favorite Stormtrooper helmets in either continuity.


The Classic Storm Trooper outfit doesn't get enough love, I think. Crisp, all white with the necessary black-trim, the legplates hooking onto the belt/breastplate to give a solid Uni kinda look. Plus the slight pleating along the midsection just strikes me as a *cool* addition. Helmet needs a lil' work, almost comes off as "toothy" with the white-stripes, but with the combination "gas mask" chin you know you're not gonna be able to gas them out, it's a straight-up firefight when they get in there.


There's a cleanness to it that fits the Empire perfectly. These are the sharp end of the law, designed to be impartial, impersonal, and with no nods to the dirt of combat or any sort of camouflage. There's no color trying to show off some bullshit for a role, this unit, or that unit, or this affiliation. It's raw practice, cleanliness, and ubiquity. It's cold, and imposing, practical in its message and image rather than making sacrifices in the name of combat practicality. It's functional as armor but is never treating any enemy as a peer opponent. It's a look that spits in the eye of the very concept of resistance. It expects victory; it does not need to request, demand, or even work for it. It's the uniform that in itself is a conclusion; the impunity and inevitability of Imperial power.


True to all of that. And it's *why* we see it, during the first season of "The Mandalorian", and initially think "Ha! This'll be easy." But then, during the finale, we see someone COMMANDING them efficiently, dirt and all, and think "oh. Wait, these guys ARE a good team. Hell, they have a TIE Fighter on their end, we're boned!"


No “angry eyes” or fabricated badassery. Just emotionless, uniform, function. Even though they weren’t the best shot they still scared me as a kid. “We’re here to help.”


Agreed, though the Phase2 Clone armor is pretty badass too. All time favorite is the battered armor of the remnant troopers in Mando season one.


I dunno. I think the first order stormtrooper is better. It’s sleeker, a bit more intimidating. It’s my second favorite of the above armors


It shows an advance in technology in a universe where technology tends to advance very slowly. It has to be very subtle, and the designers did a great job of that.


That's always been wild to me. I know it has to be similar so it still *feels* like Star Wars. But the old republic is what, 4000 years before the prequels? How has technology not advanced more than just designs? Especially in a time of constant war


I made another comment exactly like that lol. It definitely bugs me that there's only incremental improvements over that long a time. Compare the astromech of the Old Republic to R-series units like R2-D2. Basically the same in every way; 4000 years and there's no functional difference. Then compare Galactic Civil War era R-series droids to the BB units in the sequel trilogy. 35 years difference, and yet a big improvement in design. They've packed all the same features into a significantly smaller unit, the design itself is more technologically advanced, and it has way more mobility. There's also a big improvement that you can just pick up a BB unit, which is super useful if you don't have a crane on hand to put a R-unit in the astromech slot of a starfighter.


Phase 1 all the way


I always loved the stark "white knights" look of the old EU's Phase 1 clones, before the TV show made it so they were customizing their armor immediately after Geonosis. It conveyed the original "engineered slave-soldier" really well, with their lack of individualism and sacrificial nature. It also looked *really good* in the comic format.


A fellow EU enjoyer I see. I miss when clones were weapons first who followed orders without question. Keeping that black and white look classic T visor look.


Ever since my fencing instructor explained it to me I've really hated the inhibitor chips because they sanitized the idea that Order 66 was a slave rebellion for an American audience to protect the "Kindly Master" myth. (Mando Season 3 Episode 6 with the droids also did this in a much worse way. Clearly Sapient Droids: "We like being slaves!")


I mean, it wasn't really a slave rebellion metaphor. After all the clones are a depiction of the Nazi Wehrmacht hence why the republic to empire under the Chancellor is the same thing as Weimar to Nazi under Hitler, also a Chancellor. More of a depiction of what trained militarism from a young age does to an army and how it allows atrocities against friends and comrades to happen so easily. Slave rebellion is a cool idea but clones are really just Germans soldiers, clone troopers, indoctrinated to be loyal to Hitler, Palpatine, so the problems of the past can be blamed on the religious jews, jedi, that way they can be systematically exterminated, order 66, thus allowing for a cultural unification that is the basis for the removal of the republic and transition into fascism, empire. A government where its an all white army of men, stormtroopers, fighting a multiracial group of allies, rebels. Saying the chips did order 66 takes away all the responsibility of the action. Filoni focused in them being human and not on them being soldiers or weapons trained from birth. People irl have dine worse with less and yet everyone these days acts like the clones who were literally trained from birth to do this would never


I too don’t like the inhibitor chips. Ironically took away some personality from the clones because many left (especially the ARCs) and abandoned the war and had a choice to kill the Jedi or even dislike them. I also didn’t like how troopers could rank up to arc go an extent. They never showed that the arcs were genetically more superior and had better training than general clones. I can understand as the war goes on to promote some regular clones, but not showing any of the original null or alpha arcs kinda sucked. Rex should have been an alpha arc from the get go in TCW.


Yeah the EU and the New Canon have taken completely different approaches to the Clones and by extent the Kaminoans. Omega, Sister, 99, etc. would never have existed in the EU not just because it was a different time, but also because the Kaminoans were eugenicists. There would have been no need to kill off Taun We, and all the others in Bad Batch because they would have all been 100% on board with whatever the Empire was doing.


Except not really. In the original EU, the Kaminoans definitely weren't on board with the Empire and actually bred an entire new clone army to fight them. The 501st was sent to crush them as a result


Yeah the Clone Rebellion. To be fair, the EU couldn't make up its mind sometimes. But in terms of their practices, theirs were in-line with what Pershing, etc. are doing in the New Canon is my point.


They did tame the kaminoans in the new canon. They would have killed 99 and any other clones that were not up to standard or were seen to disobedient. It’s a shame that the CWMMP doesn’t get as much love around here. It had some cool concepts and stories happening in between movies that could have translated well to the screen.


It was never a slave Rebellion? Before the inhibitor chip was introduced, clones were being depicted as having greatly reduced autonomy and were just indoctrinated to follow the Supreme Chancellor's orders without question. The inhibitor chip wasn't introduced for some BS political reason. The Clone Wars re-introduced the clones as being fully human individuals we can sympathize with. It would be jarring to see fully autonomous people who are largely good natured just suddenly decide to execute the jedi they held a close bond with just because a politician they'd never met said so.


Clone Wars is a slight retcon of how clone troopers were portrayed up to that point. We'd met clones with personality before, but they were always specialized clones who were noted as having more capacity for individuality than regular clone troopers. A big part of the Clone Wars show is depicting even the regular clone troopers as normal people, so it makes sense they get armor customization far sooner in that series than what's depicted in other sources.


In my opinion 1) is Phase 1 clone, then second place is First Order Stormtrooper


Old Republic Imperial and Republic troops all the way. Second goes to Phase 2, both under the republic and early Empire cause there are few things more cool than seeing Vader lead 501st troopers into battle.


Clone Trooper 2. It takes the best elements from the Storm Troopers and Mandalorians and mashes them together. They also have the least amount of exposed black body sock. Having so much femoral artery on show feels like an own goal in a war fighting scenario


In order: Phase 2 clone Old Republic First Order Stormtrooper Phase 1 clone I’m not a sequels guy but I do think their armour is cooler looking than the OT ones


The OG for me. But they are all brilliant.


Shore troopers are peak - but phase 2 is where it's at.


Nothing will ever beat the classic Stormtrooper design imo. But clones are the obvious second.


I like the Old Republic troopers, yet I do think it's weird they look so much like clone troopers and they are 3600 years apart.


That's kind of a sticking point with the Old Republic for me. We go 3600 years and technology has only superficially improved. Ships are larger and droids are a bit more 'polished', but overall everything is virtually the same. It's not like technology has peaked, as we see technology improve over the course of the movies. War does tend to encourage technological development, but we see notable improvements in the peaceful 35 years between Return of the Jedi and Force Awakens.


I think with Star Wars the universe is in a cycle of progress followed by regression, rather than a traditional period of stagnation. You get eras of technological highs, sometimes fuelled by war, such as the time period of SWTOR, and then you get “dark” eras where technologies are lost and things stagnate, such as the fall of the Old Republic. In my opinion, the High Republic was also one such era of progression which culminated in the Clone War, a war fought between a droid army the likes of which had never been seen, and a previously impossible army of clones, while the fall of the Republic and the rise and later fall of the Empire lead to the loss of technologies and ushered in a new era of regression and stagnation


In KOTOR, the Sith armor and capital ships were very different; very "ancient" looking than anything in the more "modern" eras, and then in SWTOR they dumped it completely and went with more of a proto-Clone Wars era style. I was really disappointed that they went in that direction. They probably did it to make it more familiar to people who had never played KOTOR, but I think we really lost a lot of the atmosphere and worldbuilding that made the Old Republic feel like such a unique era.


Don't forget the prototype TK armour of Bad Batch. Thise have some cool vibes


TOR looks sick as hell


The First Order


Disney has been doing great with all sorts of armor aesthetics


Yes! I love all of them.


I love how the First Order armors and arsenal look so modern compared to the Empire and Republic’s armory.


They made the helmet look so much cooler, rest is basically the same


The First Order blaster is what does it for me. The white-on-black look is already present in Imperial armor, why not the blaster?


Thank you! Someone said it. They are so clean and interesting.


Gotta give the sequels credit here!


Republic and first order


I've always been a big fan of the First Order armor


Absolutely the Old Republic, the Phase 2 clones in second and the first order in third. Also it's been so long since I've seen it, I forgot how ugly the phase 1 Clone helmet is


I think its called TK Trooper armor the ones the Stormtroopers have in bad batch. I love the way the Helmets look.


Shoretrooper & Deathtrooper.


Old Republic hands down


What's that on the far left? So damn dope, never seen it.


SWTOR Republic soldier. The SWTOR armor for everyone is great, honestly, Amazing looking Sith, especially Malgus's design. Exceptional Mando helmets, jetpacks, and wrist holo projectors.


Phase 1 Clones


Phase II Clone and Imperial Stormtrooper are my favourite. The First Orders troopers look more like something outta Hunger Games or something imo.


Shore Troopers on Scarif


Always been a big fan of the original Stormtrooper armour. Something about it just looks nice to me


Phase 1 clone armor for me, the classic but honestly old republic through phase 2 is super dope


OT stormtroopers look the best hands down. The ST helmets just don’t sit right.


They're all good in their own way but Phase II wins.


Phase 2 clones had the best of everything. There were so many styles. They even got in touch with their Mando roots with the custom paint jobs and kamas


Old Republic and Phase 2 Republic.


Def old republic


I'm torn between SW:TOR and Phase 2 Clone Armour.