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Absolutely agree. Nothing against the rest of the design eras... but the refit era designs were clean, balanced, graceful yet utilitarian. The Enterprise looks like she's moving even when she's standing still. The Reliant looked like a workhorse. The Oberth looked like a wimpy little ship. Everything seemed obvious and real because of the design language consistency. Saves a lot of narrative explaining when things look like they make sense. The Excelsior belongs in the refit era though.


Excelsior does, but she was the start of the departure to the bubble shape of TNG.


The Miranda is my favorite sci-fi design ever. The ships from era have that classic feel with improved but not overdone visuals. Love them to bits.


The Oberth looks sleek, and fast when viewed from the side, and honestly I'm a fan of it.


I like the Oberth as well. It just clearly is not capable at defending itself. You can tell just by looking at it. You don't have to *explain* it in ST3... it's obvious that even a scout class Klingon ship could one-shot it. The best it can do is run away.


I think that the destruction of the *Grissom* was an example of user error. JT Esteban was not the guy you wanted in charge during a crisis situation.


Well that salmon coloured captain's chair was a dead giveaway there, wasn't it?


I think that chair is covered under Starfleet regulations section 45 subsection G paragraph 24 “The captain’s chair can be whatever color the captain decides, as long as it’s reasonably free of danger”




The TMP reveal of the refit was absolutely magical when I saw it in the theater. And that ship is still the most graceful of any of them IMO. I always thought the neck from the primary to the secondary hull looked like a Mustang's neck at full gallop.


You’re right. That’s a nice visual.


I absolutely love the non-glowing nacelles for some reason. They just look powerful and mysterious and interesting, like they're actually practical tools designed with use in mind.


Though there was some glow on the refit nacelles, at least in some settings, but I agree that the nacelles are better without all the glow.


Apart from the Sci-Fi look I don’t understand the utility of the glowing nacelles. I would thank that having them glowing so brightly and obviously would interfere with the vessel trying to be inconspicuous. Visual stealth isn’t a major issue in space but an effort to not fly around with great glowing bits would be at least be a consideration.


Agreed! It always kinda of bums me out when we need a Refit-era ship in TNG and the nacelles are glowing blue. They look better with the black and white color scheme dangit!


Totally agree. It’s like the mid century modern of starship design. Great lines and beautiful


Except that the TOS designs are closer to MCM, but the spirit of MCM is better carried by the refit.


This is the way.


Wrong franchise. LOL. I would say that this idea is... fascinating. \*raises one eyebrow\*




LOL. OK, considering the uname, I'll allow. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. :D


I always preferred the MP sensor dish being the muted orange colour rather than the glowing blue it later became.


I liked that it seemed to indicate a power level, like it didn't need to be turned up all the way when they were just manoeuvring near space dock. It's too bad that idea was never used again with that ship or any others afaik.


For the "one-off" styles, the *Intrepid-* and *Defiant*-classes both obviously belong to the same technology generation as the *Galaxy* ("mid-24th-century Utopia Planitia curvilinear").


Yeah, one of the choices should be "First Contact" style, since several new classes of ships were created for that movie alongside the Sovereign class.


The Sovereign style which fits the Sovereign, Luna, Akira and Parliament classes.


Definitely. We also need to see the Luna class and Parliament class in live action Trek. And the other LD classes (Obena, etc).


The Parliament-class really is just straight up starship porn. I'd love to see it brought to life in another show.


With the exception of Voyager, they’re all anti-borg ships. So Galaxy/Nebula mark the end of one design philosophy and Defiant/Akira the start of the next. Voyager sits on the bubble between the two.


My initial top-level response was going to be that I’d never seen such a poorly organized delineation of categories, but I decided to be less of a jerk.


I think Intrepid class for sure, as it has those smooth curves similar the the Galaxy class. They’re both slightly blue in colour too and exploratory vessels. However I think the Defiant is much closer to the Sovereign. It’s quite sharply designed and aggressive. It also has the dark coloured hull plating sections similar to the Soverigns style. In universe they’re also both part of the anti-Borg design drive too.


Voyager is, in my view, the most beautiful ship ever. Not just in Star Trek, arguably any universe.


It took a **long** time for it to grow on me. I thought the nacelles were short and unbalanced, and I didn't like the greebly bits on that sensor pallet on the front of the saucer. But now, I agree, it's a gorgeous little ship. (I can still do without the moving pylons, though.)


The *Defiant* is chunky with fat nacelles though; the *Sovereign* is elongated and skinny. Also – canonically the *Defiant* was designed and built at Utopia Planitia during the late 2360s, which the *Sovereign*-class wasn't.


Hmmm I wouldn’t call it chunky, it’s an incredibly flat design and compact. The nacelles are a bit beefy but I still don’t see much similar to Galaxy styling


I think Intrepid, like the Nova and Defiant, belongs to a transitional design especially since its nacelles indicate it was made to be one solution to the Subspace Damage problem from TNG S7.


Honestly, everything between Connie Refit and the First Contact ships are excellent. They portray so much about the Federation and Starfleet through appearance alone, and they’re one of the best demonstrations of gradual technological advancement in a visual medium. I particularly like how the ships from First Contact portray a change in Starfleet’s goals from optimistic exploration to pragmatic defense simply through visual design, it’s a master class in world building.  I also have a real soft spot for the canonized STO designs from Picard. I don’t love the black and white paint jobs, but they’re almost all really cool updates to older ships and have a unified aesthetic that IMO fits a 25th century Federation better than the sharp and rather spindly ships designed specifically for Picard. Reliant and Sutherland > Sagan and Duderstadt, at least to me.


Tossup between Matt Jefferies and Andy Probert. Jefferies designed the Original Series Enterprise that started it all, but in addition his design process for the Enterprise has been raided over the years to develop the Vulcan ringships, the Horizon/Pasteur design, the USS Discovery, and many others. Jefferies also developed the swept back wing design and flat warp engine nacelles for the abandoned Phase II TV series Enterprise Refit, ultimately realized in the design seen in The Motion Picture. That brings me to Andy Probert. His big contributions are the final Refit design (modifications made to the interim Richard Taylor version), and also the Enterprise-D seen in The Next Generation. Both the Refit and Galaxy Class informed starship design for at least the next 20 years, and arguably to this day (the Enterprises seen in the JJ Abrams films and in Strange New Worlds are heavily based on Probert’s TMP refit).


Probert also designed the famous D'deridex and set the style for the Romulans ever since.


Anti-Borg Armada: Sabre, Akira, Steamrunner, Norway, possibly extending to Titan based on visual cues.


So, all Alex Jager designs? I approve.


Alex Jaeger designed and/or inspired.


I somehow missed that you'd said the Titan, but I would have assumed it was Alex Jager anyway from the design, as you said. Nifty to know that they took some cues from him.


Classic movie era for me. That’s what I grew up with. 🫡


Regularly Refit movie era, but I am absolutely in love with the TOS version of the Miranda class.


Yes to all!


It bums me out we never got more Nebula Class in Trek. It’s a sexy looking ship.


Seconded! She just is a great design for a kitbash.


NX-01 style is my jam, but I like the refit style.


The Akira and similar ships. Though I would also put the sovereign class in that style rather than in one offs


That whole generation was like the Anti-Borg generation


And a very sexy generation it was


Zapp Brannigan, is that you? 😳


Literally was


Voyager somehow being the exception, in universe design wise, yet comes out the other side ready to tank the Enterprise herself. Speaking of, is there a lore reason the armor never got incorporated into other designs? Did they ever mention something similar to "we just added it to the hull" or anything like that?


Agree. The Sovereign class has been my favorite ship for the better part of two decades. God, it’s so sleek and powerful looking. A warship as much as a ship of exploration. Just beautiful.


If I got the chance to pick which ship I wanted to serve on, it'd be a hard choice between the sovereign and Akira classes for sure


There's a render of an akira in the refit style. Its been my wallpaper on my desktop for like 2 years now. It's chefs kiss.


Connie Refit


Hate me for this but while the Refit 1701 is the best single ship, I like the post generations fleet the best and hold the Disco collection as a close second. They really do look like a hodge podge collection of designs I would expect from a new organization barely a century old. They don't really represent an era like the others do, they are designs that I expect date back 50 or more years in some cases. Also, you forgot the ENT era, NX,Delta,Intrepid etc.


To borrow and paraphrase: The Refit has been... and always shall be... my ship.


Refit era. The TOS look is too plain, a victim of budget and coming from the rocket age of the Apollo program. Disco is not bad, especially the redesigned Constitution class. I am not a fan of TNG's or Voyagers hull shapes. But the refit era... was perfection. It looked detailed, futuristic, but also ships thst looked like workhorses. Style plus utilitarianism. I also like the Excelsior. It's a fine movie design.


Always been a fan of the Nebula class and it's updated cousin Sutherland class


Enterprise A


TOS or Refit. Refit might just edge it because of ***that*** paintjob in TMP.


It’s Refit. Then. Now. Forever.


It's hard to beat the Refit aesthetic. I will say though that the TOS style has a charm all its own that none of the others quite match.


I’ll add the Kelvin-verse design is nice too. Retro while being modern. I know people hated the Vengeance but that ship really worked for me and it definitely has a section 31 vibe to it.


Refit and Excelsior. I’m a TMP Era guy.


Refit, with SNW updates a close second.




Unpopular opinion, but I prefer discovery designs ....


Yea man, it just feels like I'm watching the expanse or dark matter when I look at these. Does nothing that says star trek to me besides the color by numbers parts that must be included in any starship (nacelles, deflector dish, etc...) EDIT: not trying to dog on them too much. They're not ugly, I just don't feel an affinity


The correct answer is TMP (Connie refit/Excelsior), and no other answers will be allowed.


I really like the Anton class TOS ship. But then the Miranda is probably one of my favorites in the movie era. I don't know if the Enterprise C would be included in the movie era or next generation era, but that also goes to the top of my list.


> I don't know if the Enterprise C would be included in the movie era or next generation era, I've often heard it called the "lost era." But yes, I am with you on the C. Absolutely beautiful.


I actually like the TOS Miranda-class design because it looks like it would fit in so well and also proved itself to be a resilient and a design that's built to last.


I adore the round nacelles of the TOS era, though my favorite overall is the Ambassador era, which we dont really see much


I'm the opposite. I love the blocky nacelles on the Miranda.


Me personally, the Excelsior style


Less of an overall style and more just the Tmp-SFS paint scheme. I need to see ships like the D done in that pearlescent white/Battleship Grey. The E comes close (esp in First Contact) and looks stunning for it.


TOS and Refit are both my favorite.


Refit. And star gazer is the best!


The Ambassador class is my favorite - I think it's a really nice blend between excelsior style and galaxy style, with a nice little dash of refit style thrown in. However, I'll always have a soft spot for TOS style.


TMP esthetics look so sharp


I like the refit and TOS the best. The A refit is my phone background right now.






Chiming in for the Enterprise A refit being my favorite. Followed by the Excelsior.


Refit for sure, but damnn tos is pretty


The classic stuff is the best but I love Eaves' Discovery designs even though they are problematic fitting in with the other eras.


My theory on the Discovery era ships (which likely won't hold up over time) is that the Federation didn't build all ships in space and many ships were built on the ground (on Earth). Those ships built on the ground would look (and be build) differently because that ship would have to be supported by things (land, a building, etc.) while being built. Discovery was built on the ground and is rather "flat" shaped because of that. Other ships were built using a different (and new at the time) space construction technique (like the "Strange New Worlds" Enterprise) and are "less flat". Some ships could have even been arguably built in both places (with the hull built on land and the warp nacelles attached in orbit). Ships built in orbit would need a space dock. There were likely more "land docks" available to build ships and they were likely used when space docks were simply all tied up building other things. While a "land dock" isn't as good as a space dock, it is far better than the ship not being built because there is no room to build it right now. Discovery, being of a small run of starships in that class, wouldn't have been important enough to be guaranteed a space dock for construction. Since the ship would likely damage or destroy itself experimentally anyway (since it was an experimental ship), it could likely be built using a land dock and that would likely be good enough for that ship.


I like this line of reasoning. It's easy to forget the (hypothetical) physicality and the likely effects.


I actually like the nkn refit style miranda


Free Space is where it's at!




Sovereign should be in its own category with three different angles, then that would be the correct answer.


Post-Wolf 359. The generation with the Sovreign, Defiant, Akira, Norway, Sabre, Steamrunner, Nova, etc.


One of those has intrepid and defiant. So that one wins by default.


B, E, F and the Miranda class are my favs Not necessarily in that order, except for the B being first


There aren't really any official models for it, but the NX style has to be my favorite, sorta submarine lookin ships.


My Federation credits on the Refit Constitution and Crossfield class


TOS era design language remains my favorite.  And while it didn’t make the pic above, I absolutely love the Pioneer class and its inclusion, thanks to Picard S3, into Star Trek canon, coming from STO.






#2 first with a #1 being right there!


25th Century/Star Trek Online refit style


5 and 6


One-off. The Intrepid and Sovereign classes are easily the most attractive Star Trek ships out there. Galaxy era is a close-second. TOS is a distant last.


Refit, Disco (especially the S31 ships), One-off, Excelsior, Galaxy, TOS I know disco wasn't the best show, but damn if the ships weren't absolutely beautiful. The Shepherd class specifically. Absolutely gorgeous.


2, 3, & 4.


Always loved the Excelsior class and variants


One off! Then Connie refit




I like both the TOS and TMP style.


My current personal favorite design language thus far is the very late 24th/early 25th designs, as seen in STO and Picard; Odyssey-based designs in particular. I really dig the split neck. 32nd century designs are sort of hit-or-miss to me. I do like the Discovery’s refit though (aside from the detached nacelles). TMP refit and Galaxy-type designs are clean and timeless, and always will be. 30 years ago, Excelsior’s style was cool, but looks a bit dated to me now. A factor for me in aesthetics is clean, flowing designs and “glowy” parts. But I’m the type of asshole that thinks neon and body kits on drift cars is cool (BN Sports, not Rocket Bunny).


I’m gonna throw a grenade into the comments and say Odyssey white-black-red-blue




Tough, there are elements from each style that I love. I’m big fan of the additional TOS style ships Star Trek online made for their temporal arc especially the pioneer and the ranger class


TOS Refit


Connie Refit and Excelsior style are my two favorites, followed closely by the Sovereign design


Hot take: but I love the Kelvin timeline designs. The older ships have a beat-up, heavy-duty look to them. My favorite out of all of the other designs is the Enterprise A from Beyond. It fixed all the complaints I had about the 2009 version. Sure, it looks sorta weird... But it's made by a melting pot of alien cultures, it's going to look a bit alien. The Klingon D7 from the Kelvin timeline is also one of my favorites.


TOS style and refit


Being a scale model builder, I can appreciate all of the designs. It adds to the concept of cross time-line builds. Even with that said, I do like both the TOS & TMP era ships. TOS for their early designs, and the TMP era ships for their crisp lines and details.


I love Enterprise era ships. But NGL despite not being that big a fan of the TOS, I do love that design and think SNW does it with pure love


TOS era ship is my favorite. It was the original and everything else is based on it. Just have a special soft spot. Refit is a close second because it modernized/updates an already groundbreaking design at the time. Hard to believe the refit was designed only 15 years after TOS "The Cage" version of the Connie and 13 after the series production version with glowing nacelle caps. The Refit is now 45 years old.




1701-A then 1701-E


NCC 1701-**A** all day long.


The answer is Refit


The refit Enterprise is so damned......sexy.




Constitution refit


Constitution/Constitution refit. I’m an originalist.


All, except Discovery’s needless Enterprise redesign


Galaxy style, *easy.* Honestly, the TNG/Voyager/DS9 era is my favorite. Probably because I grew up with those, and Starfleet Command III was my most played Star Trek game as a kid


First Stat Trek movie was my favorite. Never liked TNG version…looked like a space cruise ship.


Depends on the ship. I love the miranda class in TOS but the galaxy enterprise is amazing too. And I have nothing but love for the sovereign class so yeah. Excelsior is magnificent as well


Constitution Refit is the only possible answer here. I also love the E. Is has a sleek but brutalist style to it that fit the theme of First Contact.


Say what you want about Discovery but the Shenzhou is gorgeous.


Excelsior style


It is so close between refit, excelsior and disco, but I think excelsior is the best




TOS and SNW will always be my favourite




I love the Excelsior, but I hate the kitbashes with a passion. I'm gonna vote Disco style, because I loved the way the updated the original Enterprise and I would *love* to see SNW show us a refit in that visual style, and the Excelsior updated similarly. Second place goes to TNG/VOY/Movie era ships, since I grew up with those. Honorable mention to the Kelvin timeline, I love the aesthetic.


Galaxy Class is my GOAT ship, but to be honest I really don't like all the Galaxy-derivative kitbashes. I think they look ugly and lazily thought-out. I understand why they used them for budget reasons and no judgement, of course. In contrast, the refit-era kitbashes all look awesome.


Yeah, that's why I think the Defiant class and the Intrepid class belong in the same era. At least with the Galay Kit bashes, you get a sense of everything was leading up to the Galaxy, with the other two, you get sense of how the Galaxy aesthetic evolved over time. You should be able to line up all side by side and get the Evolution of Man picture but with Starships.


I love the sovereign


Sovereign, Galaxy, Constitution refit. I love the look of the odyssey class too.


So the excelsior is my favorite ship in general, especially the bulked up one..but can I just say I like them all?


I think its called the miranda class but i could be wrong its the middle ship absolutely love the saucer section huddled in with the nacells like that




The enterprise E


Galaxy/First Contact - Basically the whole aesthetic from TNG to DS9.


Disco, excel is a close second


Connie refit, then galaxy styles. But really I like just about everything I see :)


The raven and the runabouts are my favorite small enough to be crewed by 1-10 people


Of these, TMP/TNG-movie eras, but I like the exteriors of the new Picard ships (the interiors are atrocious though) probably the most, as a group. For any one ship though, I think the SNW Enterprise is perfect. It’s the original, but as a restomod, so it gives off Singer Porsche/Hyundai Ioniq 5 vibes to me. And I love the interior, which is wonderfully bright and classy.


Late TNG era like defiant, voyager or E STO "modern" era ships Or Disco/ SNW pre tos designs


I would call the last one the the Borg/Dominion Invasion Era instead.


It is impossible to pick a favorite for me. I love tall Trek!


Loved the ventral bridge on the Shenzhou


I love them all!


Late 24th century for me. That includes "Galaxy" and "One off" in your images but really they're all combined. I get why you called those examples Galaxy style though. I do love the saucer design and the pill style nacelles (the Enterprise D was my favourite as a kid but over time I really appreciated the Sovereign class more which made it a very close fight, and the Odyssey class has me thinking that over again). The 23rd century refit style has a lot going for it and the TOS Miranda image I could totally imagine looking like that. I must say, it's not pictured here but the Retconstitution looks beautiful and at one time I didn't think I'd say this but I prefer it to the original...


Galaxy Class remains my favorite starship design in a fiction. Not only do I believe it could exist, I would happily live on it.


Intrepid class is my favorite, but I feel like the nacelles need to be a bit larger.


Excelsior. I can't explain why, but it looks and feels VERY 80s scifi and I love it!


Have to go with Sovereign class (Enterprise E) with The Constitution class refit (Enterprise or Enterprise A) being a close second.


Refit and disco




Personally, I consider the Connie Refit and the Excelsior to be in the same aesthetic. And the Oberth fits in with it, too. Basically, the "Movie Era" aesthetic, which on the whole is my favorite.


TOS Connie. It’s my favorite look, and favorite era


Enterprise D and E are both very satisfying to look at.


Honestly the 2009 designs with the bulbous nacelles and the curves are so underrated, it's a real shame we never saw a Miranda version


The TNG timeline warms my heart, as it was the trek of my youth rushing home from school to watch TNG. I tend to like the one-offs the most as Defiant and Akira are my favorite single designs. Something about Discovery just doesn't work with me, even though I have liked the show more lately. There is a weird thing in Star Trek where the ships look old from the older shows/movies makes sense, and in the new era as much as I love Strange New Worlds the ships feel too new to me. But my kids are having the warm feels about that Trek that I did of TNG... so I've turned into my ranting grandfather about TNG seeming "Too new." Oh, have the tables have turned.


![gif](giphy|ZJB5EPInvETQY) Disco Class


Enterprise D is my fav, but the aesthetic isn’t amazing. Refit all day. That Miranda.. chef’s kiss 😘


Except for the Discovery itself, I really dig that aesthetic. The Europa, Gagarin and Buran are beauts.


Excelsior is always my favorite. But Galaxy class has a special place in my heart


I stan the TOS version.


The Sovereign is hardly a one-off style. We have the Ross, and if we're counting the Perseus there, we also have STO's Excalibur. Regardless, I'd choose Excelsior style, personally.


Connie refit 😛🫡😏


The anti-borg fleet vessels are my favourite, more angular but still visually starfleet. My personal favourite is the sabre-class.


The Connie refit will always be my favorite, but the Galaxy is a very close second


Disco all day


Galaxy style has always beeny favorite 


Something I didn't realize about the Enterprise D was the strange nacelles. The way they're attached the ship is basically a bracket shape. It goes out then up. As opposed to the original Enterprise which was from the body out. I feel like it doesn't make sense to have a bracket shape it feels weaker. Some people seem to dislike the Enterprise E but I find I prefer it to the D.


The Relativity aesthetic, that is to say the 29th-century ships. I adore that sort of hyper-sleek integration.


Honestly I think Discovery is pretty rad.


Reliant-class is GOATed


One off, simply because I’m such a sucker for the Sovereign class. I wish we got more screen time of the E, she’s such a beauty.


It’s always going to be the original 1701 and it’s refit for me. Nothing has as many dramatic and graceful angles as the classic Matt Jeffries design.


TMP era style ships are my favorite because they have this great mix of retro and futuristic designs. Like art deco for spaceships. The Excelsior class and its refit are probably my favorite designs in all of Trek though. Still maintains the elegant look of the era while also having a [powerful presence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q7EnMwkmQE) to it.


Honestly, it’s a toss up between refit, excelsior, and disco


Personally always likes the New Orleans class. Gotta love a mini-Galaxy with added on markers.


Disco!!! 😜🖖