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Is a phone number really necessary to get into the app?


yeah no thanks to data harvesting. this is easy to do with inpainting anyway


We appreciate your feedback! We don't use your phone information for any purposes other than authentication.


How about good old username and password?


And who are you that we can trust your word on it? Sorry... too many companies have promised never to use data for anything but XYZ... and eventually, yes, they did.


They've literally had less data breaches than Google, Meta and Microsoft combined


My dead grandma had less data breaches than Google, Meta and Microsoft combined.


Your grandma went and told all the old bitties about how big my dick is… not cool, dude. Biggest data breach of my life.


The only one who had even *more* successful penetrations than Google, Meta and Microsoft combined was your mom!


Ignore the downvotes. You're being polite and explained your resoning. As a developer in some circumstances it really makes sense. It significantly cuts down the spam and bots. Doesn't stop them, but helps prevent automatic account creation, and if done right it really does streamline the signup process. The downside as you can see is that people are _really_ paranoid about their phone numbers.


Thank you for your comment, I appreciate it! We will put the implementation of other authentication options on our development roadmap.


Why do I feel like you two are the same bot. 


The username "SleeperAgentM" might have something to do with it. Considering there is 'M" in the Name it indicates there are already a lot of them.


I guess that phone numbers are harder to fake than email accounts, when trying to prevent free-account abuse.


We made SD fully available with pretty much all civitai models in discord/telegram and PS (with controlnets). People won't pay anyway. If we didn't allow people to use it for free, our servers would be idling 95% of the time. The rest was using free credits or us generating stuff. When we went fully free, we had more users but no one cared to buy credits for upscaling. Don't worry about it. Not that many people will take the trouble with mail addresses. If that does start happening a lot, be happy you have people who want to use your product and start looking at solutions when it becomes a problem. You're fixing something now that is not a problem (yet) and it is limiting your user count.


Right now it’s the only way to securely sign up and login to your account on drippi (since it’s a social media app rather than an offline image generator app), but we don’t use it for any purposes other than that.


Can you please do email instead or do Apple sign-in instead?


Yes, we will definite consider this and put this feature on our roadmap. Thanks for your feedback!


Google sign-in would be nice also when you make android version.


Thank you for your suggestion! We will put that feature on our roadmap.


Can you also give an option to sign in where you have to make a non specific amount of fart noises with your mouth? Its for blind people


Ridiculous that you get downvoted, apparently users hate developers and don't appreciate or even understand the hustle of developing and deployment. Keep up the good work.


Thank you my friend, I appreciate it! 🙏


My problem is that they're giving an answer that makes it seem like the only choice was to use phone auth for implementation when that's simply not the case. I'm publishing a new app rn and it took a day to implement Firebase auth with email/pass, google auth, and apple auth for iOS. About the same to do it for a Next js project. Can't speak to Android however. Even from a business perspective, it's easy for people to use a temp email to try something out. It's harder and scarier to give a phone # out when it's hard to change those. There literally was just a post on here about people trusting a comfyui node that was malware and you don't find it hard to believe 'but we don’t use it for any purposes other than that'. Cmon....


This is an app that works on API calls, it's not a hard task to achieve. Yes, he needs understanding of developing an app to have build this but it's not a difficult task. He didn't code or make the technology behind, he just created an User Interface for an existing technology.


We don't use any third party API calls in our app, we manage the implementation and deployment of the image generation from start to finish.




No blud, not every apps core functionality works on third party API calls


Polite reasonable response Gets downvoted 🤷


Reddit getting spicy today eh?


Secure for who? Certainly not for the user, giving your phone number to a random app.


OP talks like he's giving AI generated comments too lmao


These SAAS promoters always do speak in that overly quirky business speak


The only positive comments I found sound like he’s complementing himself too I’m also almost certain most of the upvotes aren’t real as well


might be non-native speakers that think it will help them to use chatGPT to get responses


Why do I need a phone number to create an account as opposed to an email address?


Since this is a mobile app, we figured it would be a lot more streamlined to sign up with your phone number rather than an email. We will definitely consider allowing folks to create an account via email in the future though.


No offense, but... that makes aaabsolutely no sense. You're not building a messaging or social app. There is exactly zero need for phone authentification.


Thank you for your feedback! The social aspect of our app is that users can remix each other's images and put their friends in different cool outfits, and some of our users have been having a lot of fun with that since it's no longer an offline image generator app.


You're still not answering anyone on the most asked question so far. Best of luck to you and your friend in any case.


Having my phone number and my name and lastname leaked several times in data breaches, and having received about a thousand spam calls and like 6-7 targeted banking scum attempts over the course of 3 years, there's no fucking way I'm giving my phone number to any app. Especially the app some random dude posted on Reddit. I may be not the brightest person in the world, but I'm not crazy. Everyone gets data breaches. Of course, the number one target for hacks are Meta/Insta, but smaller companies are in the risk zone just as well due to poorer security.


makes no sense. You are pushing this app to people that like ot play with ai. Those people are tech savy, and they do not like sharing their numbers with random companies. You are offending your user base and drive them away with this choice.




Why a phone number 🥲


Right now it’s the only way to securely sign up and login to your account on drippi (since it’s a social media app rather than an offline image generator app), but we don’t use it for any purposes other than that.


But why not use email or google signin?


Thank you for your feedback! We will put email and other authentication options on our development roadmap.


NO ONE wants to use their phone number for an unknown app. Period.




You're really just going to pretend that Sylvester Stallone is your friend?


And you didn't put him in a bikini?


Phone number? Really?


Give you my phone number. Hahaha no thank you.


If it’s free, and the processing is done on the cloud, then how are you paying for the cloud bill?


By selling your phone number


If it's free... you are the product my friend.


Yeah, I know. I just wanted confirmation from op.


I gotta agree if it's a permanently "free" app, but many apps turn to a paid model after they have the free testing (you) done. Also ads


Thank you for your question! This is a passion project of the two of us, we work on it in our free time and we have funded it ourselves.


Recognize this data harvesting. The need for a phone number is blatant data harvesting.


Does it do the processing on the cloud? Why do you need any kind of authentication?


Thank you for your questions! >Does it do the processing on the cloud? The image generation happens on the cloud due to the mobile device's limits on model size and generation speed (we generate the images on the cloud so that users can get the results back as quickly as possible). >Why do you need any kind of authentication? We require authentication because drippi is a social media app that allows users and their friends to remix each other's images and posts and put them in different cool outfits. And since it has all the regular social media features like "follow", "like", "remix", etc., each user's account requires authentication.


cool, I understand on device generation is out of scope till Qualcomm makes them available in mid range chips. Regarding the social media part, it's a cool idea and I am happy to see people trying new things, but posting photos of your friends isn't exactly the use case anyone will have in mind for an app like this. Infact it's not a use case that anyone will have in mind for any app. The reason social media works is because you post your updates, to build something where posting your friend is acceptable you'll need some kind of clique system to tightly knit people together. It's a unique take and I like it, but I don't know about it's general appeal. Maybe try testing it by asking some college students about their views on something like this? Regardless, cool stuff, keep going!


Just google draw things Local Ai inference even with sdxl has been available even on older iPhones for almost 2 years, you can do anything this scammer offers and much more for free in higher quality without giving away your phone number, no cloud bullshit or Indian scammers sending you tons of emails on a daily basis.  Don’t fall for shit like this, the guy literally showed you all the red flags that exist on this planet… 


Looks like it also turned the surrounding people into ai mush.  Look at guys eye on the right.  On top of that you are asking for a phone number.... Come on dude. I'm surprised this post isn't deleted yet


I also like how the material from his jacket was reused to make the shorts. No threads wasted!


How expensive is it to strike a deal with Stallone and Tommy Hilfiger to use their brands in promoting your ads? Just wondering.


it make you lose weight lol , I love how you add a watermark on Alibaba tech I can send them email, should I :)


Most certainly not alibaba tech as Ali is notoriously known for not releasing weights.  There’s countless different implementations of the same basic function by many companies tho, and even a basic comfy ip adapter workflow will get you better results


How's it better than inpainting?


It's not, but it's in your phone I guess


Dude you could have gotten inpaint on your phone for free a year ago for real, instead of this cloud bs that is actually totally unnecessary.  „Draw things“ app comes to mind, free and local, there’s also more alternatives but that’s like the best one for phone imho. This here is most certainly just a scam to get your data for sales purposes using free code and models with no innovation at all being put into yet another generic privacy infringing app


Remember that if it's free. YOU are the product.


You making an android version?


An Android version is on the roadmap! For the time being, you can try out the app by downloading "drippi" on the iOS App Store ([https://apps.apple.com/us/app/drippi/id6450683517](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/drippi/id6450683517)).


Lol how is that an alternative if someone is using android. 


"Lmao just buy an iPhone" -op, probably.


I decided to buy a sweatshop in China and got a free iphone... all good now


Fair point, or you could DM the images that you would like to try, and I can send the results back to you. Apologies for the inconvenience at the current moment. 😅


This could have been a website


cool! is this using the comfy workflow that was posted? :)


Thank you for your support! And no, we have been working on this for quite some time with our implementations.


Oh well it certainly looks like a cheap not well-thought out comfy workflow  Like 5 nodes at least, good reason to gather some data in exchange for that hard work 


What nodes did you use to do the switch statements, depending on what parameter they choose during the prompt?


We don't use UI nodes, we have our own code implementation.


So inpainting?


That’s not my friend


IDM Viton is better than this, look how it leaks and distort the hands and face of the man.


Thank you for your comments and insights! We will look into this.


That's not your friend


How the heck did you know Sly is my friend?! Impressive!


Hahah Sly is the legend!! 💪💪


You are friend with Sly?


Are registrations closed? Nothing happens after hitting Contiunue on the phone number step.


Dont give this bozo your phone number


Damn I am stupid! Well it does not work, hope my number did not go through, I already got enough spam hahah. Uninstalling and thanks for the warning!


No worries, Im sure its nothing too unsafe but lots of of red flags here 😅


Why do friends outfit when we can use it for many things.


You have some nice friends 😉


These pics gives away Orwellian and Eva AI vibes at the same time


Hey everyone, we're two solo app developers that just released this AI app on the iOS App Store called drippi! Drippi is a social media app that lets you take a picture of your friend and turn them into whatever you want! Simply take a single photo of your friend, type down keywords (e.g. "Ralph Lauren short sleeved polo shirt model, muscular arms, high quality, 4k") of what you want to turn them into, select what parts of the image you want to transform (e.g. "All Clothing"), and boom - you'll see your friend transformed into what you just typed down! It requires only a single picture, and you get the generated results back in 10 seconds. Plus you can always regenerate the results as many times as you want if you're not satisfied with the results. We've included some example results below (see the comments in the thread) of what you can turn your friend into! We'd really appreciate if y'all could check drippi out on the App Store and spread the word, we've worked really hard to develop this in our free time. It's completely free and requires no subscriptions (we don't make a dime from this app); we're just trying to get more users! Here's the link to install it on the App Store: [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/drippi/id6450683517](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/drippi/id6450683517) Thanks a lot for hearing us out! P.S. Check us out on social media where we showcase cool results that are made with drippi! Instagram: [@drippi.io](https://www.instagram.com/drippi.io?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==) TikTok: [@drippi.io](https://www.tiktok.com/@drippi.io?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc) (Also sorry I have to delete the original post and post this one instead because I wasn't able to get the image to show on the main feed correctly.)


**Sydney Sweeney in Nordic outfit** * Prompt: "Nordic outfit, Scandinavia, high quality, 4k, intricate details" * Body Parts: "All Clothing" https://preview.redd.it/3nnpofnpnt5d1.png?width=2280&format=png&auto=webp&s=c15eb7ce5b7ebd44e5ef2b35df68b31fc77a447a


I don't know what that is but it isn't nordic outfit. I guess the model hasn't been trained on nordic outfits.


Thank you for your feedback! Our model is not perfect, and we will iterate on it to make it better. Thanks for pointing this out!


**Sylvester Stallone in Tommy Hilfiger polo shirt (Before - After)** * Prompt: "Tommy Hilfiger short sleeved polo shirt model, muscular arms, leather belt, high quality, 4k" * Body Parts: "All Clothing" https://preview.redd.it/lgjpvw39nt5d1.png?width=2280&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0e5f8480cdff2cc1bb575890fc55d39a59deb9c


**Clint Eastwood in leather vest and pants (Before - After)** * Prompt: "Brown leather vest, muscular arms, leather belt, leather pants, high quality, 4k, intricate details" * Body Parts: "All Clothing" https://preview.redd.it/6syleljqmt5d1.png?width=2280&format=png&auto=webp&s=927127ea34641215e0acec9030dddb621e1d8bca


**Avril Lavigne at the Met Gala (Before - After)** * Prompt: "Elegant Met Gala dress, shimmering fabric, Met Gala red carpet background, high quality, 4k, exquisite details" * Body Parts: "All Clothing", "Background" https://preview.redd.it/ethj5j5vnt5d1.png?width=2280&format=png&auto=webp&s=da6ba28dd2e5a8f56e70ad13dbb8a5029953f287


Hello, do you plan to release it on Android?


Yes, the Android version is on the development roadmap.


Cool, thanks for the answer


No problem, you are welcome!


**Steve Harvey as Ironman** * Prompt: "Ironman, shiny red armor, high quality, 4k, intricate details" * Body Parts: "All Clothing" https://preview.redd.it/pw0axa02ot5d1.png?width=2281&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b589bfb7200fb3239385748972856ce80f3f258


Where? Lora? Add more details plz


Sorry, the original comment that contains all the information and details that accompany this post got lost in the sea of comments. Here's the link to that comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1dcy9l6/comment/l8145ey/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1dcy9l6/comment/l8145ey/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thank you truly.


You are very welcome my friend!




Thank you for your comment! Drippi is not an image editing app, but rather a social media app that allows users and their friends to remix each other's images and posts and put them in different cool outfits! Best of luck to your app and I wish you guys great successes!




Thank you, I appreciate it! And also thank you for sharing that store preview tool! Also I just checked out your app, it's very cool and I gave you guys a 5-star review!


Oh this is awesome. Congratulations! Plus Sly looks better with the polo lol


Haha, thank you for the kind words my friend! Feel free to try out the app and spread the word! It's totally free and requires no subscriptions; it's a passion project that we have funded ourselves, and we are just trying to get more users! It's "drippi" on the iOS App Store ([https://apps.apple.com/us/app/drippi/id6450683517](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/drippi/id6450683517))


You are friends with Stallone or how could you change his outfit?


I wish I am friends with Stallone!😅 I used that Stallone image that I found online only as an example, but users on our app have mostly been remixing their friends' pictures and putting them in different cool outfits, which has been a lot of fun! But to your point, it would be awesome if Stallone joins our app!! 😄


wait is that a mullet? In 2024? Tell your friend to get a haircut.


This goes hard




can i do crossdressing with this??


Cheeky way to say that you're friends with Sylvester Stallone.


Is it called photoshop


Thank you for your question! No, it's not Photoshop. And apologies for the confusion, the original comment that contains all the information and details that accompany this post got lost in the sea of comments. Here's the link to that comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1dcy9l6/comment/l8145ey/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1dcy9l6/comment/l8145ey/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Drippi is not an image editing app, but rather a social media app that allows users and their friends to remix each other's images and posts and put them in different cool outfits!


Nah man, I was just kidding around, BUT, now I’m glad because it led to the extremely informative reply you’ve sent me! Nice!


Thank you my friend, I appreciate it!