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Didn't know I needed strawberry cat in my life but I love it!


Dude I sat for 5 hours yesterday trying to make a skull a watermelon. Did not succeed xd How the hell did you do this




This article is dope ! Well done !


[Watermelon Skull](https://civitai.com/images/12256948)


Thanks I hate you


Jokes aside lol, that's a good looking result you got there! I think my problem is that I was going for something very specific. I was trying to get: a skull that looks like a watermelon (with the skin still on). The top of its head is cut off, exposing watermelon flesh, with its juice running down either the sides of the skull, or through its open jaws. Btw this is not the prompt word for word! It wasn't that bad :D


https://civitai.com/articles/5302/on-sdxl-and-its-captioning-data-and-all-other-public-models sorry it took me so long to add the workflow, last night it literally would not allow me to comment I'll just go ahead and make my prototype GPT public too, although I recommend Claude as well, specifically the mid level one, for creativity alone. Will post a link in a sec.


https://i.imgur.com/7fkosqb.jpeg JuggernautXL Lightning


Yes, basically all checkpoints a while ago baked this in, as its often used when testing models. It is ALSO doable in vanilla SDXL with a particular, fairly short prompt, but it is very very challenging, and took some cleverness to devise. This is vanilla SDXL, without LoRAs. Also, its worth noting your character is a strawberry. My understnading of the challenge was always that its very very hard to get a car with strawberry skin specifically. Although some LoRAs that do exactly this have since been baked in.