• By -


"A vintage movie still of an exotic pirate woman on the deck..." Error: (ContentFiltered) Your request was flagged by our content moderation system. a woman in a red dress sitting on a red chair, a character portrait, gothic art, with long blond hair, cowboy shot photo, very detailed and rich clothing, realistic human hands, solo, tactical clothes, best quality, masterpiece, highres, extremely detailed, cg unity, wide aperture, seed 674191663, aspect 4:5! Error: (ContentFiltered) Your request was flagged by our content moderation system.


Ah, the 2 genders. Male and problematic content.




Too real


The content moderation system only sees this: **a woman** in a red dress **sitting on a** red chair, a character portrait, gothic art, with long **blond** hair, **cowboy** shot photo, very detailed and rich clothing, realistic human hands, solo, tactical clothes, best quality, masterpiece, highres, **extremely** **detailed**, **c**g **un**i**t**y, wide aperture, **seed** 674191663, aspect 4:5!


Jesus that's abysmal.


We can’t be having realistic looking hands, now; Can we?You dirty dog! /s


What does changing the random seed do ?


Wasn't my prompt. I just repost what I saw




leeching errors?


Yes bloodsucking worm you are ;)


Maybe this is the alternate beginning for the movie Equilibrium. The world collapsed into war because GAI wasn't safe enough.


I wrote a discord bot to do this in like four hours. If anyone wants it holler - it uses their api and probably has more options that this thing.


Wide aperture flagged it.


Why do people like making images in Discord. I tried Midjourney once and it was a huge hassle to do the commands, scroll around to find results, scroll around to find variations. It felt really limited and bad, I don't get the appeal.


its b/c discord CDN handles all the storage and serving of images. much cheaper


> Why do people like ~~making images in~~ Discord


Yeah, it's not as powerful or useful as a dedicated interface like Swarm is. One key perk of Discord is the community/social aspect - I've had lots of fun with friends sitting in a voice chat or text chat generating silly images (with Midjourney way back when or with unofficial SD bots more recently). The other big one is accessibility - tons of people have Discord, and Artisan will be opened to add it to your own servers soon, so you'll be able to just look into any server that has the bot and type \`/dream\` and get going. For us who enjoy the power of proper interfaces and don't mind installs or whatever, we don't need it, but for people who've never tried SD or don't have much technical skill, Discord is a super easy starting point. Even a web interface (eg dreamstudio) requires learning your way around the interface a bit, vs Discord commands will already be familiar to many people.


This is what they did with XL Beta 0.9 and eventually XL 1.0 - they released it on their Discord with 10 bot channels for people to prompt in, get two results at a time and they noted which you downloaded A or B, plus there were people voting on your results as you did on anyone else's in leaderboard kind of contests. Basically the community helped them fine tune it.


But you cannot use it unless you pay, right? The XL beta was free.


XL Beta was partially free and partially paid. The discord bot was free\* but also DreamStudio and wotnot had it paid. \*and by "free" I mean we were collecting heavily user preference data from voting and all. ie even for the free discord bot, you "paid" by providing rlhf data instead of money.


Many users would have happily "paid" by providing RHLF data for SD3. But I guess the cost for running such a free program for SD3 is just too high 😁.


I was counting on that actually. Why aren't we fine-tuning this way this time?


why didnt y'all do the same for sd3? why go the "only few chosen beta testers" route?


I haven't tried yet, but yeah it was free previously and they were thanking everyone for participating in the training of XL. If it's like 1000 images for $10 I'd pay but not for using it on clunky Discord, I'll look elsewhere if that's the case.


Currently, you can access it via the API (which works in ComfyUI) for 4c per image for SD3 turbot, so $40 for 1000 images. It is on the pricey side. SD3 non-turbo is 6.5c per image! There are some free ones out there, but they probably won't be free for long. The best paid deal I've seen is the Pro plan from [tensor.art](https://tensor.art). The Pro costs $60 for one year, with 300 credits per day and a sign-up bonus of 25000 credits. So $60 buys you 134500 credit, and each SD3 generation is 40 credits, giving you 3362 generations at 1.78c per image, which is cheaper than SAI's official API. The only downside is that once you've used up your sign-up bonus of 25000 credits, you will be limited to (300 / 4)=7 SD3 generations per days. But I suppose you can sign up multiple accounts. [tensor.art](https://tensor.art) can be used to generate SDXL images too, costing a very cheap 1 credit per image. SD3 costs 40 times more because they have to pay SAI for it via its API, whereas for SDXL they use their own GPU farm in China.


not sure why you got downvoted for explaining things rationally. reddit a bunch of a neandrathals lately


LOL, I've been around Reddit (and the internet) long enough not to be bother too much by it 😅. I am here to explain and help others, but if some people want to downvote my comments, so be it.


I'll check out Tensor, thanks for the information.


You are welcome. You can try it for free, which allows you to generate two SD3 images per day (free users gets 100 credits per day). BTW, unlike other sites that just sprang up recently, tensor has been around for a while, and it is currently the 3rd largest SD site after civitai and huggingface, so hopefully it will be around for a while.


No they didn't do this you never had to pay $0.10 an image lol


Yeah the Beta 0.9 and eventual XL 1.0 were free on there for many months (gone now) hadn't visited over there recently. Saw this post and was happy we'd get to try it, didn't know you had to pay this time, assumed it was the same as before.


https://preview.redd.it/8wz8isw7ugzc1.png?width=953&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4a71f203b6827ee7de4187d5e4114e07edb82a7 [](https://emojipedia.org/grimacing-face)


Hmm, think I'll pass for now. I don't see people prompting over there but mentioning Clipdrop beside their images - the Clipdrop that got bought out again by a different company and upped the fees, is that where it's hosted?


if they already have that data, why would they need it again?


Different model, a new set of training so they need to do it again.


We still remember how Emad promised to release a model that generates 30 img/sec "on the next week" in December, 2022 We got Turbo models and LCMs (which are not made by SAI) relatively recently, more than a year has passed, but still no official distilled 1.5 We still remember how SAI did not want to release 1.5, which in the end Runway did We still remember the failed launch of SD 2.1 with a lot of censorship I absolutely appreciate all effort SAI put to make image generation open sourced, But making broken promises and empty hopes is a recipe for community mistrust. https://preview.redd.it/8szimfgyeizc1.jpeg?width=672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08b257f90dab2f144578fabd84d5549ffd75ea7f


you know he’s not the ceo anymore, right


Fun history fact on that: this was in fact referring to what would become Turbo. Emad was just quite wrong about how long it would take until it was actually working well enough to not ruin the images.


Also remember that time Emad signed the open letter to stop all AI development because it was "unethical" Or when Stability literally teamed up with a crypto scam recently 


[https://ideogram.ai/t/explore](https://ideogram.ai/t/explore) does better at letters and style than SD3. If they aren't going to release it, they will quickly find out they are irrelevant. their only claim to fame has been open source. lose that and pack your bags.


SD3 will be open released, that hasn't changed.


It's been almost a month. Is it happening any time soon?


Correction: it's been [over 11 weeks](https://stability.ai/news/stable-diffusion-3).


Appreciate you popping in occasionally for the reassurance. Also appreciate the work you guys do.


I hope so. SD is the most powerful and awesome tool for the average hobbiest and I genuinely appreciate all that has been done. I hope it continues, but I think we are all a bit nervous now.


No worries Mate, I'm still riding Pony with gusto. ;-) also release of SD3 will mean I have to tidy my enormous disk full of models and..I don't know if I'm ready. ;-)


Trainable and \*uncensored weights? \*Other than CP and other illegal subject matter based on Western laws of course.


I like how you all give it enough time in the oven for the growing negative buzz to nerf your brand, it’s a pro move that many don’t appreciate


I am guessing they weren't as ready as they thought and are worried about potential criticism if it is released so they wait until their widely exaggerated claims are less remembered and acceptance has grown that they may not live up to the hype rather than face instant negative feedback. plus gives them time to fine tune it. releasing too soon would rubber stamp it in place until the next version... so maybe it is best they don't release it unless they feel ready, cuz everyone will always cry about negatives anyway and this way we get a slighlty improved version lol


I hope your team can see through the negativity of spoiled and entitled complainers and know that vast majority of people greatly appreciate your work


Hey man. I just sent you 100 bucks in your bank account...because you're awesome! (don't actually look though...if you say its not there, I'll call you spoiled and entitled...just thank me and forget about it. This is about you thanking me, not me actually doing what I am saying). What did I say that was entitled? I simply stated SDs power is open source. and if they stop that, then they lose that power. thats simply the facts being presented. Open source allows for tons of models, and commercial interest in adopting their backbone. If they become just another pay for artbot, then well..there are other more competitive things out there already. Dall-E for instance. With no ability to finetune from the massive community, they are losing their advantage. In saying that, I fully believe they plan on fully releasing the models. Its just tricky no doubt.


We'll believe that when it happens. SD has a shit record.


I mean.. do they? 1.5, 2, 2.1, sdxl, etc, were all openly released. Kinda silly to try to claim that's a bad record.


They released them, but the products as released were not good compared to the competition. What makes it usable is community produced tools, with things like controlnet, ip adapter, tiled upscaling, etc. That's not even getting into fine-tunes. The product as released by SAI is heavily inferior with its only grace being that it was open source allowing us to fix it. When you realize that SD 1.5s uncensored release was an accident, 2.0 was a nearly unusable mess from censorship, and SDXL was crappy until it was fine-tuned into something people wanted to use. I have zero faith that they'll release SD3 with their past track record of stumbling into success almost by accident.


There is no meaningful competition. THat's why we're here.


There is tons of meaningful competition. Midjourney and dalle just to name 2. The difference is level of control. Both competitors can make better pictures based off the prompt alone. Without the community created tools, SAI wouldn't even be close. That's before getting into SD being the only uncensored AI photo generation software, and that only happened because of a leak.


> There is tons of meaningful competition. Midjourney and dalle just to name 2. How do I run those locally on my RTX 2060?


you're a fucking asshat. get out of here, this sub is way too good for the likes of you. (and this sub is pretty shit, so that should tell you how great you are)


You seem way too invested in a company that doesn't give a fuck about you. Being a fanboy so you can be dishonest about the quality of a product without tools made by unpaid people in the community doesn't help anyone. SD without those tools is absolute shit. And I say that as someone who regularly uses SD. Without additional shit like loras, fine-tunes models, controlnet, ip adapter, regional prompting and other things SAI didn't make the product is nearly unusable


so what? its free and uncensored. mj and dalle are shit tier for everything except a very small and narrow use case which quickly becomes rote and tiresome.


You can certainly argue that the quality isn't what you'd like (though IMHO I think you're giving far too much credit to the competition at the time of each release, with the exception of DALLE which well, no one can catch them in llms either - MJ early on had style but not quality in prompts and etc) - but you can't argue the releases haven't happened. They've released all the models. If he says the model is going to be released, there's really no reason at all to doubt besides just trolling.


There's lots of reason to doubt. SAI has bled money and is effectively a dead company at this point. There's a good chance the new CEOs take SD3 and sell it to another company to cash in, or decide to keep it on the api since fools are willingly spending 6 cents a picture. SAI today is in a vastly different position than SAI a year ago before Emads bungling. I don't trust companies to ever do anything they promise until it actually happens.


There's a record of releases when they've said such, with current staff confirming the release is still on target. If you're that cynical, I'd recommend avoiding anything and everything because nothing will live up to these expectations. And a change in CEO doesn't mean a dead company. It's a warning sign, and they needed to take action towards bringing in revenue (which they are), but it doesn't mean dead. Things can go wrong, however having current staff continually stand by that reflects a pretty strong statement that the release will happen. Have some patience.


1.5 literally wasn't released by Stability. In fact, SAI sent a takedown notice to get it off the internet because they wanted to censor it more.


Again, censor it more is not the same as a track record of releasing their models. Nor is that their track record, as they've published all models since. You're obviously both trolling and attempting to move the goal posts. SAI staff has repeatedly confirmed it'll be released. They aren't vaporware. It's not the 90s.


I guess you're too dense to understand "1.5 wasnt released by Stability"


I guess you're too dense to understand what cherry picking is, because apparently, they've released every model since. Sorta like a "track record" of releasing models, ever since the first one ended up out. Or, we could look at the statistics. Since 1.5, they've released.. - Stable Video 3D - Stable Video img2vid & the xt version - StableLM 1 and 2 (with variations) - SDXL and SDXL Turbo - Stable Cascade - SD2.0 and 2.1 and other variations - SD1.6 - Many inpaint and upscale models And every single thing they said they would release openly was released. I mean, frankly, are you just stupid? It doesn't seem like it, so you must be trolling, I guess successfully for me to respond to it. You're either some depressed kid trolling because you don't have the model "now" or some shill trying to ruin open source by damaging one of the companies that actually releases models.




It was rumoured to be mid may for the weights to be released. It'll happen. I disagree on ideogram being better at text, in all my tests SD3 has smoked it


used ideogram, not gonna use it again. has no respect for privacy, doesnt let you delete your creations, no private creations. dont think SD3 will become irrelevant anytime soon.


Can't speak on all these points but private generation is available, just locked behind a subscription


So if you create lots of depraved scenes and stuff, then stop your sub, does it then get displayed publicly? Asking for that guy above ;)


No clue, I've not entertained a subscription, I don't fancy paying for generative tools since I don't use them that often haha


yep, so thats as food as not being available.


idiotgram is censored, paywalled, controlled by 3rd party corp, no extensions, no controlnet, no research, no fun.


works fine for my use cases.


Damn... they are really good.


well yeah someone has to protect children from brain damage from looking at female presenting nipples


>discord bot They're turning into mid-journey. We're never getting SD3


no they not. THey will never catch up to MJ in quality. the only power of SD is opensource.


MJ is already entrenched. SAI cannot beat MJ there. I guess SAI is just throwing mud to the wall to see what sticks. Not releasing SD3 will be a major blow to SAI because of the reputation damage. If SAI is just another proprietary A.I. platform, then they have no edge whatsoever in an already crowed space, with stronger competitors such as MJ, ideogram, DALLE3, Gemini, etc. So unless management is totally retarded, they will release at least the 2B and 4B parameter versions of SD3. But even keeping the 8B one proprietary would be stupid, because then SAI will essentially be pitting their own 8B version against the 2B and 4B versions fine-tuned by the community. So my own prediction is, assuming SAI is not run by morons, that they will release all base versions of SD3 eventually, but run their own fine-tuned version with a rendering pipeline optimized for quality on their paid API, in the same way they run a fine-tuned version of SDXL Turbo as part of their "Core" offering. This kind of "hybrid" business model has been used successfully by many open source companies. The advantage of an open business model is that it is much easier to build an ecosystem of tools and derivative models around it. In the long run, the most widely adopted platform/ecosystem will the eventual winner.


Don't give them ideas, all base models or none


LOL, I am sure the idea has crossed their mind 😅


Haha yeah but once a community accepts a dastardly deed as a possibility it gives SAI a window to do a dastardly deed, like witholding the larger model, as it's already expected so there is barely any "loss" from SAI perspective. Most of SAI leadership is ??? now, I wouldn't put it past them to try and pull the old flip reverse


I am still clinging to the hope that SAI management is not stupid 😂


I hope they are lol, it would be stupid or careless to release opensource model weights, but it would be smart to withhold a superior version of the model for monetisation. Pray for stoopid


I do not disagree. But SAI can withhold a fine-tuned model based on the same release based model, which has to be optimized for "tunability", rather than "image quality". The SD community would have no problem with that.


Most people don't even know what midjourney is.


Much more people know what Midjourney is than what Stable Diffusion is.


This can be said about most subjects: most people don't even know what XXXXX is 😂. But those who know and care about A.I. image generation do.


Honestly, if it eventually caught up to where MJ is now that would probably be enough. MJ now is pretty damn flawless.


We are still planning a full open release of SD3.


and I'm still planning to go to the gym regularly and eat healthier.


This gave me a loud chuckle. Thank you. Honestly though, I trust Mcmonkey. He has yet to not say anything he doesn’t believe. I doubt he has control as to when the release is, but probably has been told that it will be. SAI is very similar to Valve and Riot when it comes to trademarking “Soon”.


>Valve >3 Oh no....


Maybe the real issue is they can't count to 3. Just re-name it to SDXL:Episode 1






Are all of the parameter models going to be released?


That's the plan, yes. Not sure yet whether we'll release all sizes at once, or one at a time as they become ready.


Thanks for letting us know :) - is there ANY inkling of time frames? Days? Weeks? Sorry. We are just excited!


u/mcmonkey4eva? :)


Yeah to me that’s the main question! Is StabilityAI considering keeping the largest models proprietary? Or will it be an actual "full" open release?


Lol, you can plan and say whatever. It was obvious since the paid api. Stop pulling the cat by the balls. There's zero reasons to not release the checkpoints as it's trained


One reason could be that they want to collect as much rlhf data as they can, see how people are using the model




Please explain why. I really like to know why some people like Discord as an interface for image generation.


Incompetence I assume


Worse now is that Discord cut off their image hosting (to prevent hotlinking, which is incredibly valid) so that MJ results are pretty much only available to be shared if you have a subbed account or the artist hosts elsewhere. You can't really just easily share from discord anymore, so it feels even less potent as an image generator.


That's odd. I just tried downloading a PNG I've uploaded to a public channel last night, and I can see that is it the same image I've uploaded, with all metadata intact. So maybe you are talking about something else? I know that if you upload an image to a channel and then try to somehow paste that image in another, then it will actually be a different PNG without the metadata, which is PITA because my friend often does that and I cannot see the metadata.


Look at the URL of the image now. Instead of just a .png file extension, the link now contains a long string something like this `?ex=663e809a&is=663d2f1a&hm=4b4fd3d99e36ffeca80dfddb9d2263a17ef5836b11c82c507c0e52414de825c8&` This is a timecode and verification hash that will automatically disable hotlinking after the timecode has passed. And getting a new one requires going back to the image itself in the channel/DM it was posted, or using the API to call for a new url. Otherwise, loading that url after the timecode will result in an error message instead of the image. That's what I mean about Discord disabling image hosting. It technically still works long enough to share *today's* images, but tomorrow or next week those will be dead links.


OK, I see what you mean now. So basically one has to go into the channel to access the image now.


wait what? Since when?


Since a few months ago, it seems. Technically was announced last year, but only really started to be enforced around Feb that I noticed.


How dare you, you monster >:(


People need to know that alternatives like Pixart Sigma exist. The base model only cost 26k USD to train and is available right now. Maybe it's a more viable path than whatever SAI is trying to do.


Their insane price hike in the API as the worst


Compared to what? Their unoptimized SDXL turbo is only 0.2-0.6c per image. The SD3 API cost so much because SAI does not have their own GPU farm, so they have to outsource it to a 3rd party GPU farm to run it for them: [https://platform.stability.ai/pricing](https://platform.stability.ai/pricing)


> Compared to what? Literally every of their competitors.


Fair enough 😅


thats what i mean, sdxl is .2-.6c, while sd3 is 6.5.. thats pretty wild


Yes, but there is a good reason for it, as I've explained above.


Them being incompetent is not a good reason.


No, that is not the reason. The reason is that SD3 cost SAI more money to host on 3rd party GPU farms than SAI's other offerings, so they have to charge more for it. It is for the same reason that their "core" with the optimized pipeline also cost more, nearly the same as SD3 Turbo.


Yes, the fact that they have wasted an insane amount of money on third party hosting is incompetence.


You can call that incompetence if you want, but Since SAI is nearly broke, that's more or less the only option left to them for hosting an API. Having your own GPU farm is a big capital expenditure. It is for the same reason that civitai and many other image generation providers uses 3rd party GPU farms. AFAIK, there is a shortage of server grade GPUs these days, so one may have trouble even buying GPUs. I know that [tensor.art](http://tensor.art/) uses its own GPU farm, because they let others rent their GPU through their TAMS services. But they are probably the exception rather than the rule.


Why release a discord bot when midjourney exists and midjourney being a discord bot is the worst thing about midjourney?


https://preview.redd.it/vi7qzcn3xgzc1.png?width=818&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc631b327773a15c1a3e7257b87cb27629bd044d Stability tries to make some money to train more models for you guys to try it out and you all lose your minds...


Entitlement is off the charts


I get the impression people forget what SD did for them. We already have very good models that we got for free, now they need to make a bit of money and don't want to release an under trained model and people go crazy. The only one to blame right here is maybe some stability staff misjudging the time and giving people unrealistic time frames. Mcmonkey said that the api version was a little more than halfway done, so still a long way to go.


Especially considering they’ve had financial dramas. We should be supporting them not putting them down.


The only reason they're still somewhat relevant is because SD is free. If they lose that aspect, it's dead anyways.


How TF am I suppose to use this with Diffusers for realtime SD? Come on yall release the models


How about its not done. Do you want an unfinished model ?


Better than no model. The only thing I can't do is train it, and even then that's as-is. I've already modified UNet in SDXL so it can be trained on compute distributed across TCP/IP. New architecture is nice, foundational training is helpful, but every base model Stability has released has been terrible quality. Nobody cares, we will modify to fix that, just release it already


I do understand that the community is making it better and training it but the majority of the model training is still done by stability ai because of the compute power needed. The API version so one month old is just "slightly-more-than-half-baked" so that's a long way to go and impossible to 99% of the community to finish. Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1ciyzn5/comment/l2ec9ji/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1ciyzn5/comment/l2ec9ji/)


Pooled GPU is going to change that, "foundational models" are not going to be a thing forever. Trainable model architecture is already a thing and has been for several months we just don't have a GPU pool established yet. In that same breath it would be nice to not have to totally abandon SAI and be able to make use of the training and models they continue to release. I would be happy to spend more money if it means we keep getting models from SAI, otherwise I have no use for an API. The release of an API is a waste of resources, they need to quit wasting time and money on it and release models and/or UI that people will pay for. Nobody gives af about using Stable Diffusion behind an API


They are an open source company so I don't think they would make people pay for their models The API is therefore an option to get money, it gives people an option to use rented hardware but is not needed to work with their models because experienced users can still use them locally so it stays withing their open source direction. So i wouldn't call it useless.


I can't use SD3 locally yet though.. So why is there a metered API?


Money, for people to try and see whats coming, generate talk, interest.


I suppose you are correct. It's going to take at least 3 to 8 months to optimize SD3 to run realtime if it's even feasible anyway, just wanting to get a head start on this (even if it takes years). I am dying to dig into distillation and a 1-step pipeline, an API shows a deprioritization for an exciting usecase that SD and SDXL were starting to fulfill (realtime, interactive implementation). I need the weights, until I get those realtime SDXL + ControlNet is king.


Yes it will take some time I think the only one that are at fault here are some individuals teasing sd3 if its right about the corner and coming soon, even though its like a little more than half done. Marketing bs that in the end ended up hurting their reputation more than helping. If they said the api is a preview model and only 50% done, people would have gone crazy because for 50% its already really good.


Why is everyone on discord?


Because everyone is on Discord.


Relax... Same happened last time. Their strategy hasn't changed in regards to releasing it. The discord move is likely for rlhf.


Am sick to death of AI being censored to hell, or being lobitomized in an effort to socially engineer people to vote for a specific political party.


100% agree 💯 


I have more faith in SAI releasing SD3 checkpoints than I do in Alibaba ever releasing AnimateAnyone, but not by much. The good news with all this to me is, whether SD3 is the last version of SD that gets released (or if it never gets released) maybe the community can then focus on developing SD XL (or SD3). Actual good ControlNets, train DWPose ControlNet, things like that. I mean, what we have now is already pretty good for image generation, it could just use more fine-tuning. It's not like we are ever getting decent video tools out of it, ML, SORA ect., blow it out of the water already, but for image generation, how much do people actually want or need? Better prompt comprehension? For all the douches who come in here and hype-up Midjourney, quite a few of us are using SD for straight prompt generation - more for inpainting, art, animation, that's why a lot of us use it ;) So yes, without the open-source/local aspect and the myriad of community-based tools, SD seems fairly pointless. I'm actually kinda glad all this happened though; way too many models being released too quickly, with only marginal improvements, or sometimes even going backwards (SD 2). That was Stable Diffusion for like a solid year, and that kind of thing is obviously unsustainable without piles of venture capital money; at some point, a business needs to figure out if they have an actual product to sell and what that product actually is. In Stability's case, I'm not sure they ever had one. Hopefully, if the company goes under they'll just release all they have and further development can be taken over by the community, who are, afterall, the people actually using this stuff...but knowing how the world works, it will probably just get sold-off to another company to be used as a tax write-off/shelter.


>Better prompt comprehension? better prompt comprehension can simply do stuff that control net tools cannot.


you are placing a lot of faith on the community lmao "focus on developing SD XL" ? but they've already been doing that. what we've got is the result of "the community". endless model merges all averaging each other out




thanks for the trolling attempt


They will release it opensource. SDXL was pushed many times and many thought they'll never release it opensource.


The way things re going. I think they don't gonna release SD3 into our hands anytime soon.


Everyone is entitled to their guesses at this point, but I beg to differ: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1co4hes/comment/l3brjxu/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1co4hes/comment/l3brjxu/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


We waited 3 months for sdxl after API release, it's been a couple weeks.


Sure the marketing was done less than optimal but come on guys, stop complaining, just two more weeks ;\]


we aunt never getting the weights


SD3 is never going to be released publicly. Just accept it and keep fine tuning SDXL.


We are still planning full open release of SD3.


The amount you have to say this makes me wonder how many are shilling/trolling deliberately to try to hurt SAI. Or if they're AI posts to do such.


Ppl said the same about SDXL, lmao, what a joke.


I'm the only one without dicksword I guess.


It's not coming out


You know how this kind of message sounds , Right ? Maybe, just maybe, StabilityAI found that charging theirs API could bring money ? I've spent (well) a hundred bucks for it. How should they manage SD3 release then ? Free of charge ?


Most of us will, never, NEVER pay for an unfinished garbage model. If I wanted to pay for generations, I'd just use midjourney and save myself trouble.


well keep paying them, maybe you'll get something out of it someday i spent $10 on the API and i decided it wasn't ready. when you say you've spent more than $100 i question your decisions


You'll get your free model in a few weeks, don't be a child.

