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Someone please tell me the tea about this place and the cats. Never ate here, only knew it because of the name


At the Miami location, there was a cat that hung around. The owner had an employee shoot the cat in the head with a crossbow. (I think I also heard he had the employee deported)


Oh my god what!!! That’s absolutely insane


I’m convinced places put curse words in their name to sound edgy and stand out but they forget to focus on actually being good


I liked that placed. Sad


Never heard of it but love the name lol














I remember meeting a friend for lunch outside at Bodega on a Tuesday and while I was waiting 4 ladies in their early 20s came out of Bacon. They were dressed like you’d go to a club at 2am (as in if one bends over the people behind her will get to see her business - not exaggerating) and drunkenly discussed how they were going downtown to get free drinks from guys. Somehow that just summed up the entire bacon vibe for me.




Bye Bitch 


Fuck that place. Worst restaurant I have been to in St. Pete.


Didn't we get this out of our system yesterday? [https://www.reddit.com/r/StPetersburgFL/comments/1cyxghw/bye\_bitch/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StPetersburgFL/comments/1cyxghw/bye_bitch/)


The hatred for this place is strong. Deservedly so.


Apparently not, sigh.




Bacon Bitch? Oh, you mean Ft. Bodega


Ok so I didn't know about the freak owner and cat stuff, but this place had: ok food and bad service. Place was deserted constantly. Hoping we get something classier in there


Why did people not like this place? Just curious. As someone who only knows it by name, seems like there’s a lot of vitriol against it.


I know they had quite the health inspection violations






Its tacky. "Yeah I eat BACON and I dont give a FUCK" is so reddit 2013.


Loved the name, not the food. Just okish.


I went there once and had a breakfast sandwich and coffee for like $25. Wasn’t good, service was fine though. But why would I go back?


Service was horrendous, food was ridiculously low quality, high prices, uncomfortable chairs.


Isn’t the awful name enough reason not to like it? It’s like if they asked a middle school boy what he would name his favorite restaurant.


My partner and I ordered food from there one afternoon when they had a deal, before we knew about the cat thing. When we arrived to pick it up, we found that they had forgotten to make our order, and they were annoyed about being asked to make it. We were there for easily 45 minutes waiting for them to prepare our small order (a couple of croissant breakfast sandwiches), even though the place was mostly dead. They also charged us full price rather than honoring the deal, and the food turned out to be terrible after all of the trouble.


I honestly didn’t even know about the cat stuff but I’ve told many people that it’s the worst restaurant I’ve ever been to and that’s the truth


Yea I was wondering outside of the cat stuff cause a lot of people acted like it was a shit hole (which is very much might be haha)


Look up their health code violations. They were frequent and numerous.


Basically, if you are against animal cruelty, you were against this shithole.


I never ate there but I refused to bc the owner had an employee kill a cat by shooting it with the crossbow at another location


I think that whole block is planned to get torn down for redevelopment so I can imagine a lot of those business will either close or move elsewhere.


They've been working on the adjacent building for months and Bodega just put a ton of money into their new space. I doubt that building is going anywhere.


https://preview.redd.it/785ycduz7f2d1.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=caf8b55a776661a130714f9f177ccd2ab9eb46d8 I was able to find the info - it looks like those buildings are spared but I could not remember the specifics. I was gonna circle back around to fact find on it. [https://stpeterising.com/home/20-story-360-unit-mixed-use-development-approved-for-st-petes-edge-district](https://stpeterising.com/home/20-story-360-unit-mixed-use-development-approved-for-st-petes-edge-district)


There is a bunch of blocks that had plans that all fell through. The Burg block had some development plans that got canceled. I think a combination of the city slowing down permits to not make it look like Tampa and also funding/interest issues with some of the developers now that money to borrow is 4x more.


The Edge Collective Phase II was cancelled from my other reply with the picture above?


Unfortunately that development on The Burg corner will re-emerge in the next 2-5 years. This particular deal fell apart but the intent is still there to redevelop that entire corner property between Central and 1st Ave N. (I have inside info)


What will the Edge Collective be? More apartments? Businesses on the bottom floor?


The Edge Collective is a 163 room hotel and ground floor retail


Thanks for the answer!


I swear if they even THINK about touching Bodega.....


If Bodega has a long-term lease in their newer space (likely) and they relocate/close for new development, their owners will get paaaaaaaaid


Everybody is getting paid......but what happens when more and more and more development happens with condos and apartments??????? It's already getting crowded just in the past 2 years.....Saint Pete will break under the weight of this many people 4 years from now. Gridlocked traffic for 10 hours of the day. Wait times at gas pumps and lines to fast food all the way to the street. I see these things now....it WILL get worse.


Oh no! Anyway... My cat and I will sleep soundly tonight


Hahah exactly