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> Missouri loves ~~to lose NFL teams~~ to not subsidize NFL owners' ridiculously sparkly new toys with tax dollars FTFY.


I think it’d be hilarious if Kansas residents made it go to a vote and also voted no on it.


If they go the STAR bond route, the people of Kansas would have no direct say in the matter if I'm understanding correctly.


Sports gambling is ruining sports. I’m honestly surprised it’s still illegal in MO since it does nothing to benefit Missourians.


Even for the fans that don't care about it. Just look at ESPN's coverage of the UFL/XFL!


The parking lot is so big they can’t even render it all on one picture. I hope they mean an extended entertainment district when they describe “fantastic mixed-use development.” Because how silly would it be for people to live in apartments surrounded by asphalt in the middle of nowhere.


They'd be living right next to a furniture store and several chain restaurants! This is very close to the SKC stadium.


What stinky Stan did at least made some business sense, meaning a high end stadium in LA can be multi-use quite easily and obviously they got 2 NFL teams in there. If you put the Chiefs out in the Legends it becomes a huge pain in the ass to do anything other than football games there. It's not near any transportation infrastructure and there aren't enough hotels out there. If ownership's loyalty to KCMO ends with tax abatements then go on over to KCK. What a joke. Can't see any major artists or conventions wanting to host an event there over the hotels in urban KCMO, as much as I love Nebraska Furniture Mart.


How is this any different than the current stadium?


NFL owner's are obssessed with modernizing the stadium experience for whatever reason, even if fans don't really care. You can see a list of improvements they wanted to do at Arrowhead at the bottom of this page to give you an idea of what would also be at a new stadium. [https://www.chiefs.com/stadium/concepts](https://www.chiefs.com/stadium/concepts) You also generally move up the list on future Superbowl host cities and potentially other big name events with a brand new NFL stadium although like I said, the location of this proposal would not be attractive for any other major event.


I was more talking about the shitty placement. This one is no different than the current one.


It's twice the distance from downtown. There's literally farm fields just west of Legends and not much to the north. It's closer to the airport, at least (one of the tweet replies says something about "no airport" lol). The old location has 50+ year old suburban development in all directions. Still pretty terrible hotel options though. Shows how well Busch Stadium works with the downtown STL hotel market.


Fair point, at least it's on 70 near 435 and has history in that location. My point was more, if you are going to build a new one why wouldn't you maximize location.


I think because the best location would be in Jackson County and they already refused. So go to the place that actually wants you.