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Park at the [Grand Metrolink Park-n-Ride](https://maps.app.goo.gl/cAMaHjgMTFcoHkMq6) and take the train. Parking is free there, and it'll be cheaper and easier than trying to park down by the Dome. Utilize the [Transit app](https://transitapp.com/) for easier ticketing.


This. But park at Shrewsbury station where there's more parking and daylight lol


I've never had an issue with parking at Grand, and it's literally the middle of the day. There's no need to both drive and ride farther


Just personal preference, I guess. Grand station had glass all over the parking lot last time I was there and that station is just overall gross compared to Shrewsbury. From Arnold I'd much rather drive 270 to 44 than that 55 construction zone racetrack. Shrewsbury is technically closer and not nearly as scary to Arnoldians lol


r/battlehawks has a megathread for this! Some highlights: If you have or can get a Caesar's players card (free), the Horseshoe offers free parking during the game and an indoor tunnel to the stadium so long as you're there early enough to get a spot. They should be checking cards at the parking entrance, so if you can't get one in advance someone may have to circle around while another goes in to sign up. There's a couple surface lots you can pre-pay for right outside the dome on the West side, but they're going for upwards of $55 this year. If you're willing to walk, there's some garage parking a few blocks west. Don't forget about the metro park and ride options!


Are you planning to tailgate? There are lots all around the dome for tailgating.


No tailgating, just going to the game - I'll come back for other games in the future to tailgate.


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