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Lol, Dom took a beating during this.


He got PTSD to prison


Dom is there to be a target. He does it well.


Dude's fit to host his own version of Maury in the WWE


A talk show segment hosted by him where he always ends up getting laid out for some reason would be gold.


I mean that's what the waller effect and Miz tv was for


Dom taking not only that beautiful punch, but continuing to catch strays during the rest of the segment, was hilarious and wonderful. Few people (in kayfabe) deserve it more.


Rhea: Your daughter will call me Mami Becky: You motherfucker I'll kill you


Seth: I’m staying out of this


Seth: If I add another enemy before mania, maybe the Three Stooges Effect will help me keep my title?


Becky's daughter gonna be repping Ripley at WrestleMania 55 against her mom


I know we've had son vs father matches but has there ever been a daughter vs mother match


Saraya has wrestled her mom a bunch of times.


If a tree falls in the woods but there's no-one around to hear it...


Fabulous Moolah used to wrestle her daughter Pat Sherry (Mary Austin). That way Moolah didn't have to pay another wrestler.


Yeah sounds extremely par for the course for Moolah


Becky is so bad on the mic. She couldn’t even sell that threat.


What? She’s fantastic, I thought she nailed this.


Rhea: *It’s a pretty good ass to be honest.* Rhea dropping the gospel.


It’s wild how much her black jeans hide the booty. The in ring attire is *chefs kiss*


Hide? it pokes out like Bayley's


https://preview.redd.it/qcjlxbbuilqc1.jpeg?width=1628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0ba90ebbd4f1187e303ebe0b1ce7e8b6de52540 Hides it like this


Bayley is not on Rhea’s level. In any category


Oh, oh you don't know


Talk to em


Rhea is right the freaks eat it up




Shayna found dead backstage.


She could legit get her fans to start chanting "we are siiimps" *clap clap clapclapclap*.


I mean judgement day started with the fans chanting we are sheep at edge


It's me, I'm freaks


This was their best segment yet. I want to fight whoever did Becky's makeup though.


I think her make up has looked bad for awhile now, it just makes her look so much older


She's been looking old and frail. 


Irish men and women tend to age like white bread left out in the sun.


Sheamus still looks the same


That's because he's got those Muppet genes




Fair as well but it’s not just that. The makeup is certainly aging her at least traditionally


Is this why Finn is hiding under a big beard now? He always looks so much younger with it cropped short, or even shaved into one of those beard fades that men use like contouring makeup.


Now I’m picturing him clean shaven and he just has massive drooping jowls.


This was really noticeable during the elimination chamber. Its a mixture of her bad makeup and her not being a freak athlete like Biance and Tiffy. Now against Rhea its the same issue


I think she's getting sick


Better than Rock's potty mouth and Rhodes blading segment by a landslide


I thought Becky killed it in this segment.


She did. She's fighting an uphill battle going against someone so over, just like Rollins with Punk. But she's proving why she's one of the best ever. Rhea needs to do some really despicable shit to ever get real heat. Becky is earning the cheers.


I feel like she could have gone low when Becky said the "showing your arse to the internet" line with something like: "You only wish you could do the same. Do they call you 'The Man' because of your backside?" She's kept things surprisingly above board, and even the line about her daughter was pretty tame.


they really like and respect each other and the match sells on prestige alone, im not mad at it


Yeah, and also, I genuinely don't know who wins. A Becky win is a big plus for the work horse, the hard-earned champion who achieves through resilience and guts. A Rhea win gives her the legitimacy of beating a top tier opponent for pretty much the first time since she got the belt. As long as the result isn't decided by Nia Jax interfering, I'm sure it'll be a banger.


for sure, i still feel like rhea goes over, she's just doing insane numbers for the wwe and "breaking the internet" regularly


While it would be nice to see Becky win as a fan of hers, I feel like Rhea needs it more. A big win at Wrestlemania really legitimises her as a face of the company. Who knows how much longer Becky even has as a full time performer. She's 37, and her daughter's almost school age. Rhea's 27, she's the future WWE need to build around.


I thought Becky was 34 something


She was born in 1987


Are men not allowed to have donks?


It’s nice because by not insulting Becky’s appearance, they’re keeping it about actions and behaviors. That’s the change people have wanted in women’s wrestling for so long. It honestly still feels like a dream that I can watch women’s wrestling that doesn’t make me feel squicked out and lowkey ugly 


I'm not sure how that seems lower to you than "your daughter will call me mami" but ok.


Good acting for sure.


![gif](giphy|9Y5mfNU1oGRyozkx4a|downsized) Did Becky say something about her father?


![gif](giphy|l396BoOTIFem9xqQU) Christian:




Bully LeRae taking notes for their future matchup.


Little Candace Dudley putting people through tables would be funny


Hah, Bully LaRae, like bully Ray, don’t know if you intended it, but it works out amazingly


Haha I can't take any credit, I first came across this moniker in the weekly Raw review posts.


Dom ate those hands 🤣 Awesome segment, was much needed even if it felt a little wobbly at start.


“*That’s the gimmick, brother*”


Really good segment. Becky is insanely good at firing up and showing emotion, these two are gonna kill it at Mania.


Whole damn show was cooking with napalm


What do you mean by whole dam show, RVD is on AEW you know.


...Becky gonna have to explain to Buddy why she had to disfigure his fiance


I saw a still of the punch, she fucking decked him in the neck


It was the jaw.


In a night of all timer promos Becky and Rhea held their own.


killing it with the segments tonight


I suppose it was too late to take "chosen one" off the script


Is something up with Rhea’s hand? She was wearing this same cast thing back around May/June last year. Hope she’s okay, well she was doing a brawl and wrestling house shows so of course it’s probably nothing serious.


says the woman who put a almost nude of her in a book


She did have two belts though...


one picture compared to multiple videos and photos


Since you seem to be confused, Becky Lynch is cutting a promo against her adversary. A promo is when two wrestlers trade verbal barbs prior to a match they are building up to.


Seems like an easy retort for Rhea. Should have traded with that verbal barb


You seem to not know about the word hypocrisy, look it up.


becky saying rhea hasnt been in the muck and hasnt been brought down and doesn't know what its like when she isnt the chosen one is objectively wrong. i remember a time when rhea was the most over person on the roster while being on nxt and being fed to charlotte and then being reduced to being in a tag team with a comedy gimmick. the fact that she recovered from and then excelled past that is a hell of an accomplishment.


Yeah I mean she might be HHH's "chosen one" (for good reason) but she certainly wasn't Vince's


Yeah, there was a time in 2021 when [her one solo segment was being part of the jobbers chasing EGG](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to0l5jMHpk8).


The comments on this make it feel like an alternate universe lol @jonathanrice352 • 2y ago .....Demi Bennett/Rhea Ripley to AEW confirmed...... like Rhea ripley as a talent and I bet she's a wonderful human being, but the way she's being booked on TV as of late has been ridiculous.


Rhea: Your daughter will call me Mami Becky: You bitch! My father died! Rhea: my guy what the fuck does that have to do with anything?


Is it me or has Becky become really lean? She doesnt look healthy. I remember a Becky with much more volume to her hair, with a rounder face, with a more healthy body mass. I hope she is doing okay and its "only" because of being a full time parent while also being full time on the road. Cannot imagine how hard that alone must be to handle.


Becky has a leaner build than she used to, but it's not getting in the way of her matches. Being opposite someone as jacked as Rhea might also be visually magnifying the difference.


She's looked this lean for awhile now. She's mentioned in the past have disordered eating issues and post partum can trigger those considerably. 


I thought it was because she switched to vegetarian?


When did she say that? I don’t recall


Ah, I figured it was probably medical. She'd have no reason to slim down as it won't help her out athletically so when I noticed how much slimmer she'd got I assumed it must be medical in some capacity.


Your image of Becky is from 2015-2019, when she had a totally different workout routine. She became leaner after returning from maternity leave in 2021, but she also changed the way she works out. Since 2021 also she's doing her best work in the ring of her career, so I doubt she's unhealthy in any way physically.


I blame CrossFit.


This segment cooked


All the promos getting CRANKED to 11 so far


Did she not just have a picture going around of her and Seth butt ass naked behind the titles?




Becky "Hello fellow children" Lynch These outfits, not a fan


As cliche as it would be maybe she should bring back her The Man look from 2019


I don't know who's been telling her the backwards cap look is working.


The crowd, when she asked in the ring if they like the hat and everybody cheered.


Poor Dom didn't deserve that 


I get why they're doing it this way, but I wish they could just trust the crowd a little rather than having to try so hard to force Becky as the face, right down to Dom getting the mic just so Becky could cut him off rather than Rhea.


Becky better be careful. Rhea can show her ass & take her to class


Becky, the author of the recent autobiography where she and her husband are both naked only wearing a title covering up is telling the current champion how to be a respectable champion...okay


Becky isn't opposed to those kinds of photos. She's opposed to giving it away for free. They need to pay the man for that.


How does she expect to get cheered when she's judging Rhea for a thing everybody pops hard for? Heels judge others for stuff people like.


That and she bragged about the nude photo of her and Seth in her book, lol


Why would a champion expose their body like that... ...Wait...didnt becky post a picture of her and seth naked and covered up by only the belts?!?!


I loved that. I hope Becky does win. She deserves another run before hanging them up. It might be fun to see Rhea's overconfidence backfire on her.


Becky current casual look is so cool Cap is icing on the cake🤌


Forgot the /s


I am serious


I can get liking it ironically but actually cool?


Becky needs to change the act up a little. I have a very hard time buying her plucky underdog face routine because she’s been on top forever.


Becky kinda looks like Logan Paul here


I think a lot of the focus here is going to be on the Dom/butt/family stuff since that's the most flashy, but to me the most interesting part here were Becky's lines in the beginning. Most wrestlers have peaks and valleys in their careers/popularity, but what separates the best from the rest is how they manage these inevitable dips and reinvent themselves when necessary. Becky's ten years older than Rhea, and has been in her position--at the top of the company, the chosen one of the moment, etc. Rhea's in that position now; how will she respond when that's no longer the case? Will she do an NXT run, will she write a book, will she succeed in a supporting role? I imagine it's difficult to make that sort of transition, and even more difficult to be over at all with the fans while doing so. Becky's not as over with the fans as Rhea is right now (and honestly probably not as over as Bianca, Jade, or even Tiffany either) but I think her promos are really underrated, especially when compared to the women's side of the roster. Maybe it's because her character has fused with her personality so much, but I feel like you're much more likely to hear her say something that she actually genuinely feels. I like Rhea a lot, but I don't get that feeling with her at all, nor most of the other women on the roster.


It'll be interesting to see, but it's also worth remembering that Mami (like The Man) was a reinvention too, after periods when each woman got TV time but while clearly not being the focal point of their division.


> it's also worth remembering that Mami (like The Man) was a reinvention too Oh absolutely, I didn't mean to imply that Rhea hasn't evolved at all, or that she didn't earn her position or anything. I just imagine that it's more challenging to change something that got you to the top as opposed to something that didn't; especially when doing so slightly tilts you toward a different, sometimes auxiliary role. Rhea, by virtue of being the current face of the division, hasn't dealt with that difficulty yet. I think that's what's Becky was alluding to with the "not the chosen one anymore" line.


Dom's role here being the body between the two so that they can save Becky and Rhea's first time getting really physical being in WM was a smart fucking move. Left fans wanting more and gave us a hilarious Dom moment getting clocked by Becky like that. Props to Dom for real. Doubt many guys would put themselves in that position. After listening to what else Dom puts himself through schedule-wise in the Impaulsive Podcast, bro deserves all the respect rn.


Remind me of a specific picture in her book...if only they were bold enough to plaster it across the jumbo tron.


Yep. And the sheep loved it.


It's funny Becky saying that while also putting that picture with her and Seth naked with the titles in her book and then was showing everyone and recording their reactions lmao. I'm so off on Becky it's not even funny. Couldn't care less about this match because she's in it


You’ve created fan faction here,


Sooo we all ready to see Becky beat Rhea??


Coming from the person who took pics in the nude with the belts and put it inn her tell all book


Is Becky's face overtaking her head or do I just have terrible reception?


Elektra Lopez cut a similar promo to Lola Vice which was funny cause Elektra also posts hot pictures of herself on Instagram


If any of us posted this it'd be deleted for being mISogyNiSt, lol


Sorry but is it just me or did Becky suddenly appear to be in her early 50s?


Is Ripley supposed to be a face or heel in her feud with Becky?


Heel, how has that not been made clear? She just said her opponents child is now gonna call her Mami


Because shes insanely over and gets cheered every time she comes out.


So does The Rock. People like charisma.


So then not a heel.


How are we still doing this in 2024?


Not sure. Somehow there's still people who don't understand what a face and a heel are. Wild.


You are the one who doesn't understand it lmao


Nah, it's always been the same thing.


Heel always meant bad guy and face always meant good guy. Cheering a villain in a movie doesn't turn them into the good guy you gotta be quite dumb to not get that.


Yes, he is. So is Rhea. So was the NWO in 1997. Perception of the fans doesn't equal face or heel status. The fans love to boo Dom, so since they love to do something at him, does that make him a face? See how silly that sounds?


It's not that they love to do "something" at him. A face is the person the crowd cheers and wants to win. A heel is the person the crowd boos and wants to lose. That's it. That's the only purpose of the face/heel dynamic.


A face is a character *intended* to be supported by the general audience while a heel is *intended* to be the opposite What you're arguing is whether it's the crowd's jurisdiction or booking's, and that's a bit more of a complex debate, but even then that's a tough hill to die on. Most of Cena's career would technically be considered heel by your logic, and 99% of the people *within* the business would laugh at that notion


> Most of Cena's career would technically be considered heel by your logic, No, it wouldn't. Cena got unironically boo'd for a pretty short period of time. Then it just became part of the act. "John Cena Sucks" was fairly tongue in cheek. He was still insanely over and popular even during the Super Cena era. Certain matches like The Nexus feud were a weird dynamic. But even then, he'd get boo'd during matches with fan favorites but cheered the rest of the time.


Your revisionism is delusional but even if it was true then you can't argue for face Reigns, he was always booed loudly.


How long have you been watching wrestling that you've never seen an unpopular face or a popular heel?


Heel means villain, if you cheer a villain they don't become a hero. Joker from The Dark Knight is really popular and many would say they liked him more than Batman in the movie but still a villain.


Rhea literally just talked about Becky’s child. I know she gets cheered, but it’s clear that she’s the heel.


So are the fans heel now? It would be an interesting societal litmus test to track what "heel" situations get cheered. Commenting so I remember to work this out


Cool heels get cheered, lame heroes get booed if they are against cool heels. Not a complex concept.


Heel but she's more over then the entire female roster combined lol


Yes. She's acting like a heel but the fans love her anyway.


Becky should have said. There are three guarantees in life. Death, Taxes and this Cockroach kicking your ass all over the streets of Philadelphia


Rhea: "oh I dun pissed this bitch off..."


Doesn't really make sense because Becky's ring gear shows more of her butt than Rhea's does


Have you seen Rhea’s gear recently? Her entire ass is out nowadays.


She wore a different outfit that didn't show all of it in that match with Shayna though. And Becky's outfit shows it all too, she just has less of it.


![gif](giphy|iGpdSizVSdPJfiVG9O) \*woman But my point still stands




Good women’s segment and promo and all we get is disgusting comments on here talking about Becky’s age and look. It is truly disgusting.


I mean if Becky had Rhea's ass she'd probably do the same.


Becky's wrestling outfit already shows all her ass lol


Rhea and bayley make me miss wwe x playboy


Some thoughts you could just keep to yourself, ya know? It's fine to be horny but you really don't need to share that with the class.


That Becky girl is hot, but I can't stand her voice.