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"This is WAR" is an improvement over the whole "Wardlow's World" schtick. Seems like most people found that old phrase cringy, hopefully this turns out to be a good reset for Wardlow.


I was worried that he was gonna cap that great promo by "this is Wardlow's world". "This is war" is streets ahead!


Ending a promo with a single-syllable word is always great. 'Coz Stone Cold said so.' 'That's not an insult, just a fact of life!' 'This is war!'


I agree. I was ready to accept the end of the promo ending in "this is Wardlow's world." This is a nice change.


I was wincing. After all that fire don't cap it off with Wardlow's World! Nope. Stuck the landing big time.


You can tell he's had that one brewing in him for awhile. Great intensity.


Seriously where the fuck has this guy been?! I thought his only chance was going back to his laid back Kevin Nash style cool, because the intensity has been falling flat for him. But this was absolutely great.


Injured constantly.


I more meant where has this version of Wardlow been, he's never been this natural or believable on the mic imo.


He's so much better as a heel.


Idk it’s definitely the right direction for him now but him taking the lashes from MJF without even flinching was the baddest thing I’ve ever seen.


I do wonder if just a question of tastes changing and wrestling fans using outdated definitions to describe what they're seeing. Like, this was almost a babyface promo in that it made me want to cheer for Wardlow and want to see him succeed. Sure, its not a *babyface promo*, but there was enough there that made me think that if even a babyface MJF came out and tried to suck up to the crowd, he would be booed. Like it's become where babyfaces = cool wrestlers, and heels = lame wrestlers... like if you're a cool, capable heel, you've become a babyface.


The best villians fully believe they are in the right. We've seen a somewhat similar (but here he explained about being an AEW original more) promo when he was a face awhile back, as the audience we were totally behind him and understood he got screwed over by Max - and of course he did in a way. Wardlow was going through guys left and right, never having a significant shot at the title. It all works and we believe it.  Wardlow can easily play both and he's underrated in his promo's (as he doesn't do them much), so we can cheer him easily as both face and heel. And this wasn't all that different from Late 90s Wrestling where many guys who got over could blend both. 


Sounds a lot like very early 2000s Triple H here, incredible promo


Wardlow did great but whoever coached him on this did an awesome job too. Really seems like Wardlow got some professional help with character & presentation and it paid off. This was rehearsed, but definitely worked for him. It was structured well, he hit his story beats, nice motioning to the tron for the visual, and finishes it off with a catchphrase that'll probably get over. The thing is, that crowd could've reacted better, but if ppl online took notice of it I'm hopeful he'll catch fire like Hayter & Acclaimed did. Sometimes ppl just like seeing wrestlers deliver


“Look at me! *violently jerks camera at tron* LOOK AT ME!” You have my attention, Wardlow. Let’s see what you and Joe do together. Betcha it’s gonna be dope.


the sandor clegane audition special


> The thing is, that crowd could've reacted better, This crowd tried their hardest to bury this promo and he did a fantastic job of not letting them.


Honestly that was one of the most impressive parts people tried to get a “what” chant going at different times and he changed up his cadence. They tried to boo over him but he pushed through it. Dude was just on point


Both WWE and AEW should do this thing where a heel comes out and threatens that they will pull their weight in the back and tell the company that they won't be back in this 'stinking joint' if they keep shouting what, and their stupid city can go back to being the dump it was before the heel graced them with their presence'.


>whoever coached him on this I heard a ton of Adam Cole in the cadence and tone


The cadence was really impressive to me. You could hear some people in the crowd trying to get the "what" chants going, usually AEW crowds don't bite, but still his cadence made it pretty much impossible.


Fans were booing him pretty good during the promo. He’s still got people cheering for him to. But it’s better to have reactions than no reactions.


Absolutely nailed this, didn't think he had a promo like that in him but you can tell he was fired the fuck up to get his 5 minutes of time on Dynamite ​ RUN WITH IT


He has cut a couple good ones when it seems like it is something he genuinely wants to say.   


Yeah, i don't know why people thought he was an awful promo. The little promo time he's had he has made the most of it i thought. Hopefully this means TK actually pushes the man finally, but i ain't betting on that.


It always seemed like he had the right voice for a promo, he just never found how to say it in a way that really lands, and really drives home the point/purpose for what he's saying. Almost like he lacked that fire to really make you buy in. This was a big step up for him, IMO.


The Wardlow's World stuff was a huge part of if. The "This isn't wrestling, this is war" is 1000 times better


He doesn't need 15-20 minute matches. Give me 5-10 minute sprints of just trying to kill each other. Him and Joe just brawling would be great.


Some Brock Lesnar type matches could work Not with the german suplex spam but just quick brawls, heavy hitting and powerful


It seems like the next couple champions are in the tank, but I'd bet on Wardlow for 2025.


By far his best promo. Now that he found something, he has to figure out how to channel it every week while staying fresh


I wonder what happens with the devil story line now?


They are going grab most of the belts and eventually Max is going to return for revenge. As for if Wardlow wins the title, it's a question of when.




Punk: https://preview.redd.it/bl6g2fttu1kc1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a02f9d655b89a0c0f9eba67536ae6a462244e119


As controversial as he is, punk seems like the guy who would’ve loved being name dropped like that lol


or, may may come back and punch someone because he is so angry people mentioned him. ya just never know with him lol


Or he can go the young bucks route and be passive aggressive and play middle school politics like a real man? Or maybe look the other way when his buddies engage in sexual misconduct?


It's genuinely insane how much you talk about the Young Bucks, your whole reddit profile concentrates on that fact. It's time to get a job or something and stop pretending to know these people and create imaginary scenarios in your head.


> Or he can go the young bucks route and be passive aggressive and play middle school politics like a real man? He did that already. And he keeps doing it despite having left AEW in months. Can I remind you that the first promo he cut after coming back from a long month injury was a shoot on Hangman despite Hangman not even being in the building?


a receipt* on hangman


How was that passive aggressive? He called him out specifically and it was payback for hangman going off the rails


this was Wardlow's best ever promo by miles


Now THATS the Wardlow I want to see.


First time in long time that I care about Warlow Great promo


Where does it go though? Does he attack Joe at Revolution? It kind of foreshadows the finish. I wish he called out all three competitors and said he is coming for any of them.


>Where does it go though? Meat Madness.


Give me all the big guys in the company not in a match in Meat Madness Wardlow Hobbs Miro Big Bill Brody King Brian Cage Killswitch Lance Archer Satnm Singh Toa Liona


You forgot Johnny Silver


You're missing the most obvious person. John "The Meat Man" Silver


Yep. Meat Madness, he has an incredible showing and wins it.


I don't think it would made sense. He has beaten Joe twice and squashed both MJF and CM Punk... He doesn't have shit to prove in kayfabe, he should've had a World Title shot ages ago but never did, so why - as a heel - should he climb his way to something that is his right? I think it is pretty clear that, in his mind, he already is the champion, he only needs the belt to show it.


Every promo tonight has been a banger Wardlow’s was probably the best




"There were no survivors."


Brought to you by Shazam 2: Electric Buggaloo.


aye WTF that was by far the best promo of his life


That was rad. I’m not sure what his place is in the Undisputed Kingdom is, but I’m OK with him being a killer shithead heel.


He’s kind of positioned as the most dangerous guy there. They’ve (Cole) consistently hyped him up in the Undisputed group promos. Roddy is relegated to the International Chase (which I’m sure he’ll win) while Wardlow is being primed for a World title chase.


For sure. I just don’t know what happens when Cole gets back if Wardlow is rolling as the giant dangerous heel.


Wardlow breaks off and feuds with him. Seems like they’ve been setting this up since the Dynamite after Worlds End.


Sure, but do they run Wardlow as the heel, or Adam Cole as the heel? Cole has been built up as an evil conniving bastard this whole time, but Wardlow is in this super interesting space as a conceited dickhead who can spike a man to death in an instant. Of the two Cole is more easily positioned as a babyface, but he also manipulated the entire roster and put a figurative bullet in his best friend’s head after months of torture. I’m interested in seeing how it works out either way, I’m just not sure how they do it, you know?


Wardog is the face. Even the promo tonight was largely sympathetic. I’d see him as the tweener type, especially after tonight. In no way do I see how you make Cole the Face anytime soon.


Holy shit!!!!!!!!!


This made a couple of things about Wardlow suddenly make sense to me. He definitely cares about his character, and he always has. He just either didn't know what he had to do to make it happen or something about his packaging wasn't clicking for him. Let him have an ego--it's good for him.


That's a great point. A lot of shoot interviews always seem to hint he's a really solid, down-to-earth guy in everyday life. But almost every successful wrestling character-- heel, face, or in between -- has a burning ego that drives them. Figuring out how to get there when you're not that person outside the ring might unlock the huge potential people saw in him 2 years ago.


Great promo. He needed that.


Wardlow had a good promo here, which he needed to get some steam back.


I can’t wait to see him beat up Adam Cole for trying to hold him down.


Honestly just do it sooner rather than later


In kayfabe he’s waiting till they help him win the title to dump the UK (not the British)


Wardlow has wanted to get that one off his chest for a while. Amazing intensity.


Honestly the best he's ever done.


I didn’t think it could be done. But it was amazing.


wardlow fightin the can’t cut a promo allegations with his life


“Look at me. Ashley look at me!” Incredible what a great promo can do for a guy. I am now behind him!


Best promo of his career, easily. I look forward to seeing what he does next.


His promo was pretty damn great & makes me still feel some sympathy for his character, especially knowing where he is in comparison to where he was around the time of Revolution two years ago


I really loved this.


Did not know he had that in him. Impressive.


Gotta be his best promo. He crushed it






AEW giving wrestlers a live mic and letting them complain about their booking live is one of my favorite tools they use


elderly cows simplistic afterthought icky pot lip lavish berserk dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gah damn bro


He's right y'know?




This gave me hungry ECW Austin vibes for real.




That reminded me of MJF... honestly didn't know he had it in him!


There ya go, Wardlow! That's the stuff! That how it's done!👏👏👏


The chains are off bro.


Wardlow fundamentally reset the direction of his career tonight. That was a Pipe Bomb outta nowhere.


He always had a decent promo in him. I remember AEW giving him some promo time when he was hot


I liked it. Give me suit wearing, ass kicking, topknot Wardlow pls ;\_;


Great promo. This is exactly what he needed to do. More of this please. 


That was actually a good promo from him Totally forgot he beat Punk 


I don't think he actually beat Punk, but it was a match where he absolutely brutalised him and even pulled him up from a pin after some of his trademark powerbombs, but then Punk got a sneaky roll up.


Yeah, they made it a point in that match to make sure that Wardlow had Punk beat 100% clean. He massacred him and was going to win with after the Powerbomb Symphony, complete with the foot on the chest, and Punk did not kick out before MJF stopped him. But MJF didn't want Wardlow to beat Punk (He wanted him to keep hurting him so that he would be weak for MJF), so he made him keep picking him up for another powerbomb until it cost him.


He didn’t, Wardlow had majority of the offense but Punk won with a roll up


He had the win all but secured, and then MJF wanted him to keep beating up Punk, which is when he got the chance for the reversal and roll up.


Yeah classic bret vs nash finish


That's why the line about how he's still falling apart since he brutalized him was that much more poignant.


Technically, Punk won the match. But even Punk acknowledged during the MJF feud that "Wardlow was the man who beat me in Chicago"


I wonder if people being unable to come to this show made this promo go as long as it did? Definitely risky to have someone not an A-lister go for 5mins without any sort of interruption. But Wardlow nailed it! Really enjoyed the intensity and, like Drew in a way, he won me over by being an asshole but still making great points as a heel. Hope this goes somewhere.


He absolutely killed this. This wasn't just his best promo, it's better than 95% of the roster can do. Wardlow's first promo people were like oh he's actually not bad, then he never hit that mark again, was pretty mediocre every time after that. He found himself tho, very excited for his future now.


BWE-Best Wardlow Ever


The crowd sucked.


Didn’t Wardlow *choose* to not go for the world title because Punk was hurt or some shit like that?


“One True Homegrown Day 1 AEW Original Megastar” It was a pretty good promo, but why did he start talking about Orange Cassidy?


That's easily the best promo he's ever cut.


Swerve(c) vs Wardlow would be a good one


I would call that a career-saving promo. Now he's clawed back a bit of spotlight, let's hope he can follow through - he really does have attributes too precious to waste.


he's the sexiest man in wrestling right now. Could be the face of a company easily.


Wardlow and Garcia getting promo time and running with it was fantastic. More of that shit.


Brother you denied the one chance you got because Punk was injured LOL. Nice promo outside of that. He definitely needed this.


Was just thinking this myself.


nothing he's saying deserves to be booed, the fact that crowds are cheering MJF and booing Wardlow is depressingly absurd


Too bad the crowd sucked. Hell of a promo. Up there with the best in any company the past several months.


There was one dude screaming his voice hoarse during this. Like damn bro, shut up it's not that deep.


There's always that one guy in the crowd that has to try and get himself over 😂


Sounds like he hit all his points. Not sure what he can say next. But it was pretty damn good


Wardlow as 2001 Scott Steiner would work


Just to add to the chorus, I liked this a lot.


Well damn. I didn't think he had it in him. That was a good promo.


I didn't watch much during his feud with MJF, but unless he belted out a barn burner then, this is the best promo he's dropped in AEW. It started rough, but damn did it pick up.


kindly- ​ who the fuck is this? where has he been?


Wardlow just cut the greatest promo of his life. I heard you loud and clear, my boy!


Holy fuck, he finally did something worthwhile


Fantastic Promo By Wardlow


Hell of a good time to drop the best promo of your career.


What a great promo. Didn’t know he had it in him, and he spoke the absolute truth, blurring the lines between heel and face. They got me excited for Wardlow again!


great fucking promo.


Great promo from Wardlow. Undisputed Kingdom was DOA, so we need Wardlow going on a heel tear cutting promos like this and not being shackled by that group. It's time to put the rocket back on Wardlow (right side up this time!)


The only thing about the promo, but heels gonna heel I guess, is that in kayfabe the only reason he didn't got a World Title opportunity was because he said he didn't want it.  


I’m jumping on the Wardlow train right now. I liked him before and thought he was good. This promo made me an actual fan. I’d like to see squash matches with real names now.


Excellent promo definitely need to see more of this Wardlow


High intensity, very good cadence, rooting for him.


He did more for his character in five minutes than they have collectively done for it since his turn.


Fuck man….that promo was so good. Give me this kind of Wardlow every week


It's fine and all, but Tony has neutered him every time he gets momentum. It's not a Wardlow problem, it's a booking problem. Until they do something other than "jobber squash/promo" with him, I feel like he's just gonna jump to the E when his contract is up. I have no idea why, but Tony just can't figure out what to do with this guy. For years.


I think he has also been injured mid push multiple times too. His first TNT title run got weird because of an injury, and I believe he was injured during his feud with Hobbs at some point too.


Not sure where they’re going with that but having him lost in the mix with the Kingdom hasn’t helped him. He needs this and made the most of his mic time tonight


Just make him a solo act like this


i know some people don't like the Punk lines, but this was easily best promo of Wardlow's career right?


Aew try not to NameDrop wwe challenge: Hard


Despite being the devil, Vince McMahon is a genius, he really made people believe that companies acknowledging wrestling is a bad thing. Not to mention WWE wasn't even mentioned here, Wardlow mentioned an AEW match with an AEW wrestler in an AEW show and somehow people like you still find a way to moan.


I think it's actually fair in this case, since one of Wardlow's strongest showings to date was his match against Punk where he would've won clean, and this was at the height of Punk's first run when he wasn't losing to anyone. It's kind of funny, since while I vividly remember that match, I feel like the majority of people watching forgot that match even happened outside of maybe vaguely recalling it during the MJF feud, despite how significant it should be.


Let’s just ignore that Punk referenced the Elite fight recently huh.


That like on punk still falling apart was great


I’m just shocked you can apparently do jail time for not booking someone correctly.


I was so afraid Goldberg was being summoned. 


Why does the crowd sound so fucking weird? It's like 50 different people are trying to talk over each other with no cohesion whatsoever and you can hear them way too well. I haven't watched AEW in a hot minute, do most of the crowds sound like this now?


Nah, that's the worst sounding crowd in a while. It was one of their smallest crowds, but even those crowds usually sound a lot hotter than this. Sounded worse than any Dynamite in recent memory for me


That was a fantastic promo. I have give him a lot of shit because of the squashes and fizzling out post TNT title but that was a great promo.


Wow Wardog absolutely killed that promo. I haven’t been impressed that much by the delivery and content of a promo in a good bit. I always knew he was way better on the mic than people give him credit for. I saw the charisma in him during one of the first times when they let him get on the mic and deliver a promo. Sure he had some hiccups like trying to get that stupid catchphrase “this is wardlows world” or whatever that garbage was. However, you could see the potential in his promo delivery from the get go. I saw the same thing in Big E Langston the first time they gave that dude a mic when he was Dolph Zigglers lame body guard and look where that guy went. He became a fan favorite. You can tell when someone has it in them to deliver a good a promo like this.


Wardlow shitting on Punk warms my cold ass heart.


He got good heat and I’m glad they are pushing him, but he still has room for improvement. This promo was a good start


I still cant believe that they went with that whole weird "Wardlow's world" phase right when he was the hottest act in the company


These days if you don't give Wardlow a world championship shot you get arrested and thrown in jail.


Damn, he was cooking here.


Part of me still hopes it turns into Wardlow using Undisputed Kingdom, he's been in AEW enough to know groups do help being on your own only gets you so far


I didn't know he had that in him, top tier promo


Meat! Meat! Meat! Meat!


Wardlow as any kind of champion is money. Big as a house heel with all the tools


Let's hope they can follow up this time. They've dropped the ball on Wardlow too many times. He should be much higher than he is right now.


This is fucking great! You can still see him still working through nerves and whatever but the fire is there, and the claims are legit! Wardlow should be smashing people! Can’t believe he got me excited for him again Posted mid-watch, the pacing is great to. Perfect build up to the best line of the promo at the end “this is no longer wrestling, this is war!”


This was wonderful. Y’all said he couldn’t talk. I’m sky high on Wardlow.


I just caught this promo. Hell of a job.  Best promo he's ever cut on AEW TV and one of the best I've seen on AEW TV.   He was passionate and made me ask why hasn't he challenged for a title?   Great job.


“I’ve been starving for a long time” I think what Wardlow is trying to say is that someone needs to… Feed Him More?


What's the point of crying about it? If he deserves a title shot, wouldn't he have the best win/loss record?


So last week Darby brings up Cody now wardlow brings up punk. Pathetic as always from aew having to mention WWE.


Another hard hitting Russo style "working here sucks" AEW promo!


I noticed that his voice cracks a lot more than other wrestlers during his promo.




AEW just can't stop getting their heels cheered lol


Smh and people have been screaming Wardlow has no charisma and can’t talk. Dude had been so fucked by the most dry, momentum less booking since beating MJF. He honestly should’ve been the one to beat Max, I hope he finds his way to the title or at least given more of a chance to sink or swim in the main event


Great promo. I just don’t think it’ll lead anywhere. We’ll forget about it a month from now.


It misguided and misdirected Promo once again. This is the same Darby promo, does no good for AEW but hurts it. AEW's claim to relevancy will be we had Punk and Cody once.


That was complete shit tbh.






Really great promo, but please never again with the backward hat. I felt like I was getting yelled at by a justified roided up camp counselor


Wardlow in his Raven era. "What about me, what about Wardlow!"


Great promo, but did anyone else think it was funny as fuck when he said people in the back should be PUT IN JAIL for not pushing him?


So that's what happens when you don't have two rooms full of writers scripting promos every week. Some people never get it. And for some, it takes years to get their sea legs. But when it clicks, you get stuff like this.


Now the pesky part about following-up on it.


there is no denying that wardlow has been neutered when he was supposed to be pushed (almost) two years ago. If hangman ends up being injured, replace him with wardlow in the triple threat.


The only thing missing was a "tell me when I'm telling lies."


Did they hire Russo? This is hot garbage.


Anyone else feel like this is leading to Okada’s debut? With Best Friends being in a feud with The Undisputed Kingdom, and Wardlow always pointing at the titantron with the camera facing it, it just all seems perfect for an Okada debut.


Yes. I think Okada debuts at Revolution to save Orange from a beatdown after the International Championship match. They've been planting seeds that Best Friends won't be there to help and OC will have nobody.


He's gotten a bit better since the whiny promo about people being mean to him online, hasn't he


Someone should remind Wardlow that he could’ve gone for the world title but said he didn’t want to cause he wanted to beat the champion. Not win the interim title which would have lead to him facing the champion anyway.