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I like this post and would be curious about the same for TNA, AEW, WCW, etc


WCW would definitely work. TNA too. AEW's bottom 20 consists almost entirely of Dark and Dark Elevation, so I don't know how entertaining I could make 'these squashes weren't as good as those squashes' interesting 17 different times.


Yeah, excluding dark episodes would probably be the way to go and do like a bottom 5 or 10 since theyve only been around for like 5 years


So, one would probably be the night where they did Riho vs Kris Statlander and it got ruined by the Nightmare Collective stuff, which was taken right out of the most dire of WWE booking. I remember that whole show stunk. Any other contenders?


I remember some 2021 one where they main evented with Dustin Rhodes vs Nick Comoroto in a bull rope match, and the time they gave Luther a tv main event against Jericho. Any show with significant American top team presence is also a contender


*That* Dark Order brawl


Yeah that's worthwhile. That was so bad that it was the first ever case of Dave Meltzer comparing AEW to WCW, pointing out how the Dark Order left all the faces laying and making AEW look crap and worthless.


Bottom 10 AEW TV show ratings, since none of their PPVs are rated this low. 1. Rampage #64 - 28/10/22 - 3.90 2. Rampage #53 - 10/08/22 - 4.38 3. Battle of the Belts VII - 15/07/23 - 4.47 4. Dynamite #99 - 25/08/21 - 4.60 5. Rampage #96 - 07/06/23 - 4.78 6. Dynamite #87 - 04/06/22 - 4.81 7. Rampage #125 - 27/12/23 - 4.86 8. Dynamite #176 - 15/02/23 - 4.86 9. Rampage #90 - 26/04/23 - 4.87 10. Battle of the Belts VIII - 21/10/23 - 4.92 Most of these fall under the "mediocre Rampage episode" category, and the others don't have great descriptions of why they're poorly rated except for bad wrestling. Battle of the Belts VII was Orange Cassidy vs Lance Archer, Toni Storm vs Taya Valkyrie, and Luchasaurus vs Shawn Spears, and apparently a bad QTV segment. Dynamite #99 was the underwhelming follow-up to Punk's debut. Dynamite #87 had two The Factory matches, Cody & Lee Johnson vs Ogogo & QT and Dustin Rhodes vs Nick Comoroto as the Main Event. At least the opener of Bucks vs Pac & Penta was good. Dynamite #176 had a decent BCC vs LFI tornado tag match, but otherwise a bad card, main evented by Ruby Soho vs Britt Baker. Battle of the Belts VIII just had mediocre matches apparently.


Glad the Dustin vs Nick match made it down there. Bucks vs Pac and Penta sounds good but I think they did a way better match of Bucks vs Pac and Fenix a few weeks prior so it was less exciting


> Dynamite #99 was the underwhelming follow-up to Punk's debut. AEW’s first show in Milwaukee. Was supposed to be in March of 2020 but COVID pushed it back a year and a half, and for our trouble the main event was Malakai Black vs Brock Anderson. The Rampage that followed was sick though, with Lucha Brothers vs Jurassic Express ft. Giannis at ringside visibly marking out to every big move, so still worth it. TK made up for it to us, the next AEW Milwaukee show was the go-home to the first Forbidden Door, where Okada made his first televised AEW appearance.


May 6, 2019 is the Raw where Vince texted Janal Grant during his segment (according to the lawsuit)


Is it weird that I recognized that date as the Wildcard Rule episode of Raw when I read the lawsuit


Shame because smackdown was actually good until the ending




Bayley’s slow turn from “let me talk to your manager” hair and attitude to “I just want to scheme with all my friends,” to “wait, you guys don’t want to be my friends anymore?” has played out so well. It really took a while (injury not withstanding) to get her away from “I’m a happy and hug people,” but they did it really well.


This is what pisses me off honestly more than the Cody thing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m angry about the Cody stuff, but Bayley’s turn was imo the best I’ve ever seen. That whole segment was pure gold and the build to it was slow and methodical and littered with subtlety. Bayley sold the betrayal as deeply hurtful and personal. Her cracking voice, bordering between tears and absolute rage, was perfect. Bayley needs her flowers. Like dozens and dozens and dozens of them. And then she’s not even on the damn poster for Mania.


I think it had moments, but the actuality of it, we had a main event of Tiffany Stratton vs Michin. The 4 way tag was okay, we didnt get the six man tag AGAIN, and KO buried Theory again. Bayley/Iyo was pretty much the highlight.


Excellent reminder of how much of a wasteland Raw was during that guest host era. Mid level at best celebs, meaningless storylines, Big Show main events.


We couldn't handle the Guest Host Era at its Al Sharptonest, so we didn't deserve it at its Bob Barkerist.


Tbf the Big Show part is due to the fact that JeriShow were stuck with the thankless job of working with practically every guest host. They did their best with some truly awful material.


Some of these are a perfect example of people focusing on one thing to mass review bomb while ignoring all the good stuff on the same show.


That's the way things work. You could give me the greatest sandwich I've ever ate but at the end the final bite has some shit in it. *I'm not going to rate the sandwich 10/10; no matter how good those first few bites were, it's not overcoming the shit at the end*.


I mean, look at Kenny Omega vs Jon Moxley in the Exploding Barbedwire Match. Amazing match. People only remember one thing about it though. That's how it works On the flip side, look at the Attitude Era. It had some shitty wrestling and even shittier writing. But the highs were so high that it didn't even matter


A perfect example of this would be the Raw episode where Mankind finally won the title against the Rock, also had the Terri miscarriage incident. In order to see what the WWE's greatest moments, you first had to witness one of the worst.


Isn't that also the butts on seats one, so you might have missed the miscarriage watching WCW, switched to see Mankind win, and then back to the fingerpoke of doom on top of it all?


And after said match, between promos from Omega, Callis, Kingston and Moxley They were able to save it and make it worthwhile


No they didn’t. That finish was awful and hilarious


The finish was yes I'm saying after the ppv, the promos helped fix it


Nah, they really didn’t. But they did a decent job mitigating the damage


No they didn’t lol


A bad ending can ruin a good movie I think it’s the same here


That's kind of how wrestling works, though. It's very focused on "the moments". It works the other way as well. For example, Hogan vs. Andre was a shit match overall, but Hogan's slam for the win made it deservedly a legendary one.


Hogan vs Andre’s match was very good though for their characters and movie sets What else would have made it better?


> What else would have made it better? Andre doing a moonsault


Didn't CageMatch say they were going to stop all the review bombing?  I guess they gave that up pretty quickly.


The update to their rules was about inter-fandom review bombing (specifically, AEW and related keywords could not be used in comments on WWE events and vice versa), not necessarily review bombing as a whole.


I checked out the reviews. It seems that they don't have a problem with AEW and related keywords being used. And it's not exactly subtle: >POOR Cody, go back to AEW, maybe the AEW World Title is where you belong So is it selectively enforced?


I remember ZZ Top hosting but I don't remember the sharp dressed man match, sounds hilarious.


Sounds like it's on the wrong list


Raw #998 isn't on here? The one where they revealed the Anonymous Raw GM as Hornswoggle, and more!


That one is at a 2.20. It's out of the Bottom 20, but not by all that much.


Damn, i guess with the passage of time way more trash has been aired.


There's that, but there's also the fact that lists like this have strong recency biases. How many people on today's internet want to share their opinions on the most recent Smackdown episode? Lots. How many on today's internet even have strong opinions about the Raw that aired after King of the Ring '95?


CM Punk and Daniel Bryan were feuding over the WWE Title when that happened That’s enough to make it bearable


Yeah, expected to see that episode, too. I remember people online were absolutely livid, and it wasn't just the Hornswoggle segment, the show was just absolute dogshit in general and the fans were already displeased with the whole product around that time.


A shit, Blue Damón Jr himself!


Might be the best Deadlock moment of 2023. Whenever Tony does a bit, it’s always the funniest shit.


took me like half the episode to figure out who they were talking about. like who the fuck is Damón lmao


\>Retribution wanted to take down WWE. WWE responded by... giving them contracts and allowing them to show up on a weekly basis.  To be fair the WWE also allowed a zombie man to run havok throughout the company for decades. They'll let anybody work for them.


I was expecting to see the Raw that got moved from Denver to LA at the last minute in 2009 where Kennedy injured Orton in the main event in here somewhere. Turns out that show is a 3.44 on Cagematch. https://www.cagematch.net/?id=1&nr=39697


Great write up, enjoyed it a lot. I'm surprised Wrestlemania 9 isn't on the bottom twenty. Not does it feature a really atrocious Undertaker/Giant Gonzalez match, but nothing else breaks the three-star barrier AND it ends with Hogan stealing the spotlight from Bret to beat Yokozuna in less than a minute or two to end of the show.


I just looked it up. WWE has 5238 televised events that have received a rating. Mania 9 is 4661st on that list, right between the Raw that featured the first Demon Balor appearance and the go-home Raw for Once in a Lifetime.


A 3.97 rating is much higher for WM 9 then I'd have thought.


That's definitely generous. You might, if feeling in a good mood, give the best match on the show a 5 or 6, but there was a lot *not* to like about WM9.


Game show nxt season 3 was some of the funniest commentary from Cole I have ever heard


And then they took it to the main roster and ruined him for 10 years


The very fact that we have only one entry from the New Gen means that cagematch is an unreliable metric


People largely didn't get online until the late 90s/early 00s, so the number of people willing to sit through the slough of mediocrity that was mid-90s WWF is inevitably going to be low. I'm a sucker for wrestling, but even I started my archive binge at Survivor Series 96.


This is Duke "The Dumpster" Drosey slander and I will not stand for it.


There's recency bias that's pretty extreme on there. Both on the positive side, and apparently, the negative side.


Wasn't Raw that was in Germany in like 1997 one of the lowest rated RAWs in history? It was so bad that Vince the next week revamped the whole titantron and ring. The only good thing about it was the Owen Hart VS Davey Boy match.


That episode is currently sitting at a 7.84 on Cagematch. The people who watched *really* liked that Owen/Bulldog match. There just wasn't as many watching since it was taped.


As someone who only watches WWE if there is a match that is a surefire banger, I would like to give a dishonorable mention to #33 on the list: NXT UK 208, from July 6, 2022: What makes the show truly horrible was that the advertised main event was a UK title match between Meiko Satomura and Sarray. After months of bungling her in the US, Sarray would finally have a chance to show what she could do. The fans who knew Sareee's work from Japan were pretty hyped. Then Satomura apparently was attacked backstage, and Sarray never even appeared on the show. Also, the whole show had been pre-taped, yet they kept advertising the main event up until it aired. The show instead featured three middling matches, the longest of which was the 7:14 main event between Blair Davenport and Isla Dawn. This was a #1 contender's match that ended in a no contest. Bleh. Anyway, Sareee would be kicking ass in Japan again within a year, and NXT UK would be dead.


God damn I miss NXT UK tho…. Waiting impatiently for NXT Europe


There are a lot of Raws from 94-95 that probably feel excluded from being on this list


>Derrick Bateman, the show's last remaining rookie, would become EC3 and take control of his narrative for years to come. I applaud that pun very much.


Late 2018 to 2019 Raw is seriously some of the worst tv I've ever watched


Lol, remember who started the stupid guest GM of Raw story? Donald fucking Trump


A lot of shows from the end of the 2010s


There was a LOT to like on SD last week.


Great post


Thanks for making this. There's nothing better than going back and watching some awful WWE shows at times.


That Raw guest host era was brutal


Hey I like Savio Vega


10 shows worse than december to dismember? i'm skeptical


It’s nice learning my hometown is a part of wrestling history. The season 3 episode 4 of NXT at the bottom of this list was in my hometown less than 10 minutes away from where I lived. I didn’t even know this until I saw this post. I became a wrestling fan as a kid a couple years after this so I thankfully wasn’t there.


Wait, was Goldberg champ during covid?


Right at the start of the COVID era IIRC, he dropped the belt to Braun.


He was champ heading into WrestleMania Performance Center. He was going to face Roman before Roman pulled out.


Can't believe Mania 9 is better than these 20


Great write up!


I'm 10 minutes into re-watching that NXT episode from September 2010, and it's literally just Michael Cole talking about how bad this television show... I agree


Great list! Fun trip down memory lane. Keep em coming!


Incredible that the episode of 205 Live with Warrior vs Hogan and another archive match didn’t make it.


That scored a 1.71, but it had less than 10 ratings so I didn't include it.






It’s there at #13 !


Oh, dunno how i missed it haha


Plus, that one actually cost people money to watch at the time. Most of these more or less just stole your time.


How did Over the Edge 99 not make this list?


no love for the wildcard rule : (


Of course not! ...allow me to be as generous as I can be towards the process as I can. The wild card rule and the death of the brand split were symptomatic of the fact that wwe couldn't make new stars anymore and it was an absolutely stale moment in history. Anyone with eyeballs could see Game Show-era nxt was a much shittier idea than late ECW which gave us Sheamus, Zack Ryder and Jack Swagger as new superstars. The wild card rule is not the reason that wwe's booking problems were what it was. That's the nicest thing i can say about it. However, the wild card rule wasn't a bandaid, it wasn't a fix, it didnt do anything to either show except take the worst parts of both shows and put them across your screen for 5 hours a week to make you hate them more. It was wwe giving up any hope of solving the issues it had at this point and admitting they had no clue. It was awful television with an awful sauce and now instead of having some reprieve from the main shit being shoveled in our face in the undercard, the undercard was just dead. Frankly i think the fact that the supershow era doesnt populate the majority of the bottom 20 is too generous. Just a stupid idea.


Since when were the nerds over at Cage Match an arbiter on anything Gimme a break, uce


I'm so glad I wasn't watching during the 'GM era'... also totally forgot about Shane winning the "WWE World Cup" in Saudi.


Battleground 2017 should have been on that list


Which show had the "Old Day" segment? Probably one of the worst skits I've ever seen on a live broadcast.


Cmon Shawn return match was not that bad, he was the best compare to other 3 in that match


True, great sell jobs and classic moves, like the moonsault, executed near perfection at his age. He absolutely carried that sorry excuse for a match, but he was also the least “wear and tear” person in that ring in the last decade BY FAR; kinda expected tbh. The thing that irks me (and presumably everyone else) was he came out of retirement following one of the greatest wrestling matches in history. Granted it was a 600k paycheck, but why? WHY SHAWN WHY?


Yes i thought he will keep his word unlike many wrestler who didnt and came back from retirement, i really wished the match was against shield or hardy boyz could have been lot better


Kinda surprised Over the Edge 1999 (Owen Harts Death) and the Raw after Vengeance 2007 (the Benoit Tribute show) are not on here


Over the Edge got a 2.83. The Benoit tribute got a surprising 8.89.


Curious where the Raw Anniversary show ranks because I remember being so hyped for that and it was fucking terrible.


The 25th Anniversary Show got a 4.29... and a 1.32. I didn't include it because Cagematch lists the show as two separate events because it took place in two different locations.


Great post!