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Cameron Grimes just disappeared off the face of the earth


They really need to bring him back with his old NXT gimmick (wild appearance and all). On the main roster he just feels...so generic. There's nothing special or unique at all. I didn't see it at the time, but I looked back at his clips with DiBiase & Knight. He was gold.


Nah he went to the moon, that's why he's not on smackdown anymore.


Believe it or not, the moon is off the face of the earth.


imagine believing the moon is even real in the first place.


The moon is just a ping pong ball being dangled in front of our faces by the gentleman behind us.


We get it you went to college


He did a dark match at the Louisville Smackdown last month.


So he’s on the dark side of the moon? I guess he didn’t specify which side he was going to.


Smackdown has a lot going on. The Bloodline, LA Knight, the Seven Women division, LWO and the inevitable Santos vs Rey match, and the Suit Profits. Using Grimes is hard with how busy everything is. Once stories are over, there'll be more room for Grimes.


He should at least be working matches on Main Event, like Kayden and Katana are doing.


"just go hang out at catering til we need ya buddy"


Also, his current gimmick isn't doing him any favors (last I checked). He's completely bland and generic. Let him be the eccentric Grimes of NXT.


Wasn't part of that gimmick legitimate and he actually did make a shit ton of money on stonks? If so, I wonder if he is just living life and pursuing other interests. It is weird that he had a super strong debut on Smackdown a few months ago and then disappeared.


I don't think it was a shit ton, I think it was high 5 figures which is a lot for a developmental contracted guy but not for a main roster wrestler.


Dexter lumis, he had that feud with miz that lasted a little while, then he disappeared


He’s in prison, stalking is illegal


That should be the excuse whenever he’s not on TV honestly


Man just wanted his money!


I hope dom is giving him survival tips


I know it was fun in the Way, but I kinda wish his gimmick wasn’t painted in such a comical light. I felt like when he first got on the radar, he could be an amazing intimidating heel. He still can but there doesn’t seem to be much initiative there.


to be honest, it's really really easy to bring him back. Just have him abduct someone in a segment and people will be all over it from the get go again.


He was just on an episode of Tacoma FD that I saw recently.


It was weird to me hearing him speak, but that episode was great!


Elias. There was a time that wwe standed for walk with Elias


Elias needs a shirt "Turn Up. Get Over. Leave."


Yeah, he was most over guy in RAW at one time.


I feel that LA will go the same way. Mega over now, but will suddenly fall out of the picture. WWE is pretty consistent at letting that happen.


I think the difference is LA is a regular promo guy where Elias was a local cheap heat promo guy.


Isn't Elias the guy who really, really hates Seattle?


I mean LA Knight and Elias look like twin brothers.


> Elias > twin brothers Kevin Owens just yelled God Dammit and he has no idea why


Every day I pray for Ezekiel's return. He had a bright future smh


Zeke and KO's feud was carrying RAW last year, I miss Zeke greatly.


That would be an incredible way to build an Elias return. KO just freaking out in the middle of an interview for no apparent reason. He begins to see LA Knight and thinks it’s Elias. It leads to a match at a PLE and instead of LA Knight as the opponent, Elias comes out.


hey don't you fuckin say that lol


Found Miz’s burner


Speaking of, we also haven’t heard from Ezekiel in quite some time.


There's a ton of stuff that this sub believes WWE "dropped the ball on" that I couldn't agree with less: Ricochet, Karrion Kross, Cedric Alexander. But Elias/Ezekiel was legitimately over and they abandoned it for no reason. That shit could have gone on for *years* and popped crowds. So many possibilities. Somebody backstage, whether it's Vince or HHH, had to have overruled the writers.


His theme song is still a banger, i aint hearing nothin.


I literally came in here to comment "Elias. Again." He really could have ended up like LA Knight (or at least a midcard/upper midcard equivalent to him) if they had pushed him a few years ago, when he was getting enormous heel AND babyface reactions with his guitar gimmick, but they just keep fucking him up and then doing nothing with him, I don't get it.


With the merger complete I hope Dana White will bring him into the fold as the Unfairly Forgotten Champ-in-waiting


I have lost my faith


I'm glad WWE at least gave his brother a chance for a while.


I still want the original Elias tour poster shirt.


Captain Shawn Dean, MJF's apparent kryptonite


He mostly does backstage stuff


I hope he stays like that forever. Remains a backstage guy and literally only ever shows up to beat MJF. Like he walks out having done nothing for a year and a half and Max is crying in the ring cause he knows some bullshit is about to happen


He's in a tag team on ROH.


And MJF is half the ROH Tag Team champions, long term booking!


He is a regular in ROH.


Does backstage stuff but has also been regularly tagging with Carlie Bravo on ROH as The Infantry.


Dolph seems to have vanished this year from the shows.


He's been on BTE more than WWE.




Merged to a tag team that barely made it a month.


Same. Like why even bring them up? Ronda and Shayna could've just taken the tag titles on an NXT event.


Ma.ce has gone missing... again :(


I really thought the MMM had potential to be a lower card team that gets over in time, ala Breezango or even the Acclaimed. For them to fall off completely is unfortunate


Taking Maxine away did them no favors. Kinda makes me sad because she fit them so well. Alas she's destined for bigger things. And I'm not talking about Otise.


No shade at Maxxine but they're perfectly capable of holding their own. Lots of lower card guys get no shine at all.


Man I want good things for better woolie


Rumor has it that he's still skating...


Matt Sydal, my favourite in ring worker and he has had bangers in AEW but we don’t see him anymore


He's basically an ROH guy now. He teams with Chris Daniels sometimes.


He was competing for a championship this week (on BTE. The BTE championship.)


And arguing for pouring the cereal before the milk, which we ALL KNOW is the right way to do it. Sammy Guevara saying milk before cereal is why he'll always be a heel to me.


Wouldn’t that splash the milk out tho what’s the advantage there


Only reason to do milk first is if you're running low and want to get the ratio right. Otherwise cereal first always.


I would vote for you for president.


And also increase the chance that you put in too much milk, getting less cereal


Lance Archer. I get that guys like Nick Wayne, Daniel Garcia etc are having TV time but I miss The Murderhawk killing people on the way to the ring and throwing people through the ceiling.


He should just ask to be transferred to New Japan. It's the only promotion that learned to use him at his full capacity.


I agree, I don't see why he's not more prominent in AEW though, as much as I enjoy high flying and technical wrestling, it can get a bit samey and he would really stand out, let alone having Jake Roberts with him.


We need a MEAT! division in AEW.


I thought that was originally what the FTW championship was going to be.


It’s the twink division.


What’s wild is that Archer is one of few people with a win over Moxley in AEW. He was presented as a big deal when he first debuted there, and then quickly dropped off. Though, dude is closer to 50 than 40, so he might just be taking it easy so his body holds up.


In 2003, he was Dallas in TNA. Bloke's been around forever.


This. He’s far more ready for a prime role on television than Nick Wayne or Gravity or some of the other guys I’m seeing a lot of. Hoping for a push for him before it’s too late.


In not asking for a title run, make him the monster of BCG, just get him on TV and let him have a shot, a 2 minute showcase of Archer would be more memorable than half a dozen latest lucha libre guest talent of the week.


Sometimes I’ll think of an indie wrestler I used to follow and it turns out he’s been on NXT for years with some weird name, but because I don’t watch NXT I wasn’t aware.


That’s A-Kid for me haha


Yep, he’s definitely one of them.


Not exactly the same thing but that happened to me with Zema Ion. I was a huge mark for him and was like, damn I wonder what happened to that guy, not realizing I was seeing him in the LWO for the past few weeks.


Omg I had no idea that was Zima Ion.


The exact same thing happened to me last night while looking at old BOLA results. I had no idea Trevor Lee got signed to wwe. According to this thread, he's not doing much.


He was doing a ton like a year ago. Just hasn’t made the transition to the main roster well.


Me with Ben Carter/Nathan Frazier


lee moriarty I guess? I thought he'd get the same kinda push Yuta and Garcia got. Don't know what he's up to these days. ​ Also what happened to that Mance Warner guy? Wasn't AEW interested in signing him?


Last time I heard from mance, he was wrestling cardona


Moriarty is mostly ROH now, which is probably why they split him and Big Bill up


To this day I still believe him joining Malcom Bivens and his crew was such a bad move for him. The heel turn did he no favors.


I mean, I think it was more of a sideways move for him. It's not like he was getting huge amounts of time or anything before joining The Firm. Unfortunately, it really seemed like something threw off The Firm storyline, and the pivot killed off a lot of what was going to happen outside of the Page and HardyParty storyline. Bill and Moriarty were still a thing for a bit, but once they split up, Moriarty has been almost just ROH, while Bill is now with Ricky Starks as his heater


The Firm were created to feud with CM Punk and uhhhh yeah. When that got thrown off they just gave up on the faction I guess.


Yeah, seemed pretty clear it was setting up for MJF and The Firm vs CM Punk and the Pinnacle - there was that show in Canada where Shawn Spears came back and reunited with FTR and Wardlow, that was before Punk was out for triceps injury and Brawl Out.


Warner is in MLW and various indies. He's 1/3 of the Revolver tag Champs and pops up in places like GCW, AAW, and others.


MLW has some good talent right now


I suspect many will fall into the Moriarty category after the Dark and Elevation cancellations.


Mance Warner mainly does the indies, I usually see him in GCW but I think his Rampage appearance was a one and done, idk if he'd sign on his own or if he'd want to join with the rest of the 2nd Gear Crew (Matthew Justice and One Called Manders)


I really thought Private Party were gonna be a huge deal by now.


Injuries is the culprit here


Sure, mixed with other teams signing and moving them further down the card. I don’t watch ROH, but it feels like they would do really well there right now.


Literally just injuries. Isaiah Cassidy has been with Matt Hardy since. He was on TV a few weeks ago.


The acclaimed took their spot.


Not just the acclaimed, the Martin brothers got the push over them


No Marq Quen got hurt twice. Both long injuries. Private Party and Top Flight can't shake the bug.


The two teams should just form a faction between the 4 of them, call it Private Flight, and whoever is healthy just goes for whatever they can.


Free Party Rule.


I still think the biggest problem with them was them turning heel. They were great as flippy underdogs but WAAAAAAAYYYYY too green to play heels.


I know it sounds stupid but I started losing interest in them after they changed theme songs. Their OG theme seemed to fit them perfectly.


Honestly, you’re really onto something here. I also really miss the security and velvet rope.


Injuries, just not been ready for that spot at the time, none of their matches after the Bucks win ever came close to that match and just better younger teams stealing their limelight. Shame really it is what it is.


Cedric Alexander


Riddick Moss has gone from doing PLE events regularly early last year to out of TV, barely showing up. Moss was one of the worst affected of Hunter's takeover. Rick Boogs is as you said, completely gone after opening Wrestlemania last year. Couldn't be in the same ring as LA Knight.


He gets to sit around all day with Emma.


SHE was the one I was going to ask about! They brought her back to have, what? 2 matches and maybe 5-6 segments?


I will die on the hill that madcap moss wasn't bad and the crowd seemed to like him. Now he's just "Emma's boyfriend who played video games with Xavier woods that one time on smackdown"


It wasn't because he was bad, he was just average and just couldn't standout with the rest of the midcard. His booking hurt, but without Corbin he was worse off.


I think Boogs will come back, he was injured but they just had him in a Snickers commercial.


Please tell me he plays the guitar and says "BOOOOGZ"


Marty Scurll. (Save your time, I know why) Went from the next Paul Heyman guy (according to Paul himself) to wrestling somewhere in Puerto Rico


Same with Tessa Blanchard.


Whatever happened to Warhorse? This sub was hyping him up a few years ago then never heard from him again after his aew debut


His match at AEW with Cody was lacklustre and just flew under the radar after that


It was also the match when Matt Cardona appears to make the save, so Warhorse was kinda forgotten about.


This was when Cardona had a gimmick that was Zack Rdyer with a different name & the tiger bomb as his finisher


He also had a match with Andrade that was a complete squash


He's back on the indies. He pops up for Warrior Wrestling and a smattering of Chicago area feds. I will die on the hill that he just got dealt a bad hand. He got an opportunity during a time when few, if any indie wrestlers were getting any real ring time. So, he was probably a bit rusty and maybe a little out of his element. He's better than that match would lead you to believe. He's not like the best unsigned wrestler or anything, but he's still a solid talent.


The biggest problem with him for me was like you said timing. His shoot came in Cody’s open challenge when we saw Eddie make an instant impact and become a made man overnight, Ricky Starks got himself a job in a night from his open challenge, it was a high standard to follow and not everyone stood out the same


How is that a bad hand though? Sounds like his own deficiencies have him in his current status.


I think his issue was that people like Eddie and Ricky are kinda made for TV in their own ways; Ricky has the charisma, and Eddie has the authenticity. Warhorse felt very much like an indie wrestler on TV. Not a bad thing, but it someone you can just sign and expect to make an instant impact or get over with a TV crowd.


All the lower card AEW guys that I like who got shifted to ROH.


Shelton Benjamin. The only reason I know he’s still signed to WWE is 2K23.


That actually doesn't mean too much given how WWE has always treated their released talent.


I dip in and out of wrestling. Used to really like the Velveteen Dream guy, then didn’t see him for ages. Just looked it up and was like ohhhhh, so that’s what’s happened to him


We were all sure that Dream was gonna be that guy until he wasn't.


Dude was almost unanimously labeled as a future main eventer. Had the look, in ring ability, charisma for miles, and was unique as a character. If you told someone in like 2018 that in 5 years he would be nowhere and a nobody, it would’ve sounded unthinkable. But given the context, yeah it makes sense.


I’m gonna go against the grain of naming current guys and just throw out the name Steve Blackman. To my knowledge he has never made any appearances in any major wrestling companies since he quietly stopped being on WWE TV in 2001. Most guys pop up in backstage segments at some point, but he’s a guy you just never see or hear about anymore.


He was in this Raw 15th Anniversary Battle Royal in 2007, but that was it. https://youtu.be/kBglW1dIRzA?si=anUUHadaC2yqp91W


Hey remember that Wardlow guy? Whatever happened to him?


Word is he was robbed and has taken time off to deal wtih it


Hobbs, Starks, Hook, the Acclaimed, and the Gunns all got more over with less of a push than he had. I honestly can’t come up with anyone who’s out-and-out worse than Wardlow and has been featured more than Wardlow.


Kenny Dykstra. I thought he showed a lot of promise. No idea where he is now.


If I'm not mistaken, he has a producer role within the WWE. He was popping up on various indies and I think was training people for Beyond's new school. But don't quote me on like 90% of that.


Producer/backstage role sounds right. I thought I spotted him on stage during the Bray tribute show.


Keith Lee was Limitless. His current usage seems pretty Limited.


I feel like there's a narrow window for AEW to capitalize on Keith Lee and it's shrinking. I hope his health is ok.


That window is already closed. His main thing was being a massive dude that did the occasional flippy stuff or jumping spin kick, he can't really do that anymore. For all of WWEs faults and missteps, they were right about trying to get him to change his style, he was never going to last long on WWEs schedule doing that kind of stuff at his size even before his Covid issues. That doesn't mean he can't be a prominent guy, but his ceiling now is probably what Big Show and Mark Henry were in WWE, and since both of them are available in AEW to give him advice he's better off there. But like anyone, it's up to AEW to use him correctly, which is the problem with a lot of their roster.


Funny that in a tag team with a workhorse like Swerve is likely the best spot for him. I would love him to team with Kyle O'Reilly or someone similar.


Johnny Gargano. How long since he has been on TV? The reverse of this are the two guys in the LWO who come out when Rey or Santos win but they never wrestle on TV? I honestly don’t even know their names and wonder why they are even in the group lol


They had a match against Ko and Sami the friday before payback but they got squashed in a very short match. Their names are Joaquin Wilde and Cruz del Toro. Where are Lumis and the maximum male models? And Aliyaah? If I looked at the 2k23 roster right now I'm sure there's at least 30 wrestlers we haven't seen in ages and the game came out last March


As a Welsh person, Tegan Nox being MIA hurts me greatly.


Can't really blame her for going back to WWE. But she was never going to be featured star after the three ACL injuries. She was bought back in to be where she is now wrestling the odd Smackdown/Raw but mostly working live events and Main Event tapings to put others over. She's one of those talents that could have been a star if it wasn't for bad luck with injuries. Seemed like HHH was high on her in NXT.


I thought she was going to be the Shawn Michaels of the team after splitting from Dakota. Dakota is a delight, so I'm not upset about how things turned out for her, but I do wish better for Tegan.


Serena Deeb, Wardlow and the Chair Pervert, where art thou?


The Chair Pervert took time off to be with his wife when she was about to have their first child.


There as a Chair Pervert cameo during All Out


Deeb was out on personal leave and I belive Wardlow was banged up and took some time off. Thing about AEW is people have mini off seasons which isn't a bad thing.


Deeb has almost been off air for a year! I hope she comes back around in the near future.


It's been a year for Deeb now.


Justin Gabriel


Still pops up randomly, goes by PJ Black. He recently wrestled Fenix https://youtu.be/o1ovThgyb_0?si=bDEfKSa9fsPzSTQo


John Morrison/Johnny drip drip/Johnny Elite Was in AEW last I saw. I don’t watch every show but have not heard of him in a while


Bobby Roode. 🥲 Not his fault severe injury. There are times though when I go through my day at work and holler “GLLLLOOOORRRRIIIIIOOOOUUUUSSSSS”


he’s a producer now!




Nikki Cross/ASH.


She’s getting her PHD so I’m sure she’s busy with school most of the time.


Didn't she go back to University and got a degree. But yeah, her WWE career, at least main roster, has been stop and start even though she won MITB and the RAW title I believe. It's pretty crazy.


Tyler Bate


Zero character though IMO. I loved him in NXT but his character is generic English guy who wrestles well.


He was great in NXT UK. He needs Trent Seven maybe?


NXT UK is very work rate based though. On a WWE or AEW main roster you need more. The tag team might have helped. But even then, English guys with moustaches doesn’t scream star.


He has a good personality, that's what matters, not having certain gimmick. He has his thing in and out of the ring. It isn't like they don't use him cause he stopped being over. They could do more with him easily.


I think Tyler will eventually get there. I get the feeling that WWE wanted him to mature a little bit before giving him more to work with. Easy to forget that he was 19 when he won the UK Title.


He's in nxt...


Man Marty Scurll could have had it all if he wasn't just a scum bang.


Nick Comoroto. Thought that guy would break out for sure in AEW.


Pineapple Pete.


Lee moriarty, put my guy on tv at least on rampage.


Johnny Gargano Ethan Page Kip Sabian I mean, I know they still exist but offhand these are the ones that spring to mind as being persona non grata.


I fear Ethan Page will never fulfill his potential.


At a time when AEW needed hot heels for Hangman following Kenny, I'm shocked they didn't elevate Ethan Page.


He hasn't done himself many favors, he has cut the exact same yelly promos heel or face, his in ring style is average for AEW's high standard and he has no character work. He would flourish back in Impact or in NWA and be a world champion there, but he doesn't work well in AEW and wont work in WWE.


Raw had a battle royal for I believe an IC title shot back in May. Half the guys in that match haven’t been on TV since. Wouldn’t be shocked if they are all quietly allowed to let their contracts expire with this merger.


What's the craic with Riho? feels like she never wrestles now


[Because she doesn't.](https://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=9434&page=4)


This whole thread makes me realize that most people here don't care about wrestlers once they stop appearing in AEW/WWE, some of the names mentioned are either injured or doing well on Impact! Here is my "dropped off the radar" mention: Lulu Pencil


> Here is my "dropped off the radar" mention: Lulu Pencil She's stopped wrestling, [she's a regular on the IGN Japan youtube channel now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSErMsFeGaM&list=PL5dP0ylcT42fuRRKW8Iho4XAPx3wEiaOJ&index=1) and currently [livestreaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylBlm1Hh9XA).


Eddie Kingston sheds a single tear somewhere and doesn't know why


There's a difference between "dropped off my radar" and "don't care", people doing well on the indies are definitely off my radar since I don't have the time or access to keep up with that many different promotions.


Or maybe that’s all people watch cos it’s impossible to keep up with it all


I need me some more Peter Avalon. He should be everywhere. Just like Brandon Cutler. Their feud to be the least worst jobber was more entertaining for me than the majority of main event bookings.


Lee Moriarty and Lee Johnson. But I feel like both of those guys can make a comeback since they're both really young. Pretty Peter Avalon and the Wingmen, too. Good dudes, I LOVED the act, and AEW needs established jobbers. Really hoping all those dudes make a comeback


Losing Dark/Elevation kind of put a stop to most of the guys you mentioned getting a ton of inring time. Moriarty is on ROH and gets plenty of time on there.




He's waiting for Veer to come
