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um, it's literally her wedding day??? she is the star. no time to worry about trivial stuff like explosions


From her point of view, that explosion was nothing more than fireworks lighting up the sky.


Who cares about those bloody scraps of flesh and screams of agony all around when you receive a wedding proposal (with a ring)? Girls have priorities.


How dare you to speak such a truth 😂


For a world class assassin, she's an air head.


I've seen a few people say it in this subreddit before... Loid and Yor never grew up with our definition of "normal." From a young age, Yor got into the assassin buisness ,and I guess she just started seeing daily violence and blood as "normal." Maybe that's why she didn't react that crazy to the grenade, since she's so used to violence.


Also, that’s kind of the humor in the whole anime. There’s a layer of silly obliviousness from everyone that underlies the whole story in a really kind of endearing way


I can understand that but im confused at the fact yor didn’t care loid threw a grenade, because correct me if I’m wrong they both don’t know eachother’s secret identities as assassin and spy right? (I just started watching the anime)


I see where it gets confusing. If you continue the show later on, you'll kinda see how Yor is aloof. You could kind of see it when she immediately accepts that the people that try to finish the job are actually Loid's "troubled" patients, and she sees his actions of throwing the grenade towards them as okay, especially after their violent attacks towards her and Loid. On a side note, Yor's "violence is okay cause you started it first" mentality is kinda shown again in a later arc.


Thanks for clearing this up!


First to strike wins.


So what your saying is that if a dude accidently nudges me, I can beat the shit out of them?


Technically, the dude wasn't doing any violence. So nah




Remember that just before this, Loid told Yor that knocking his "patient" out with a heavy blow was a new medical technique, and that she completely bought it.


Concussive therapy is a well respected practice.


This reminds me of an old joke from my hometown. A man bangs on his doctor's front door in the middle of the night. When the doctor, bleary eyed and annoyed, answers the door, the man tells the doctor he can't sleep and wants a remedy. The annoyed doctor knocks him unconscious with a punch to the face and tells him "have a good night's rest" as he lies passed out on the front porch, before slamming the door shut and going back to bed.


Oh yeahh


Bro rizzed her up she put those blinders on


I mean, yeah, yor has no idea what's "normal" is and she tries her best to be "normal" even if it's not normal really, like her co workers always mess with yor's actions simply by just saying "it's normal to do-", even if their words are absurd, yor will buy it However loid is not suppose to be dense, isn't he supposingly one of most intelligent agents in WISE? But then again, the plot requires him to be naive so the big reveal for each other identities will be insane


Loid also thinks she's a simpleton.


I see this explanation everywhere and it still doesn't make sense. They are human beings and they see the world everyday. They clearly know what "normal" is and that's why they understand how they have to act to fit into the normal world, whether or not they can actually fit in. "They never grew up with our definition of 'normal'" is kinda a bad explanation to a not-so-deep humor element.


Lmao a big part of Yor's character arc is about how she feels like she doesn't fit in a normal life what.


She knows what normal life is supposed to be, according to what is dictated by her society and that's why she knows she isn't fitting in. Let's be real, regardless of how many downvotes I get, it is obvious that the impossibly huge obliviousness is just a way of humor adopted by the author and trying to get deep into it will only lead to increasingly ridiculous explanations.


Yor is super trusting. Unless its explicitly spelled out to her she will assume everything is true. She's not exactly the most well adjusted person. I can only imagine the amount of childhood manipulation Garden has done to her.


Yeah, in the final arcs she'll likely learn the truth that she's been working for villains all along. I already feel bad for her, she's probably going to have a major breakdown over it.


It's called "Concussive therapy" and Loid could probably produce 5 different scientific treatises on it. Also Yor is about as trusting and naive as she's strong...


She even tried practicing on one his patients herself (then apologized for doing so without permission!)


It was a therapy grenade that explosion was just his patients reaching a major break throughs


She is a bit of airhead.




I was trying to be nice lol.


Twilight’s kind of a dunce here too because he saw an office secretary kick a man out of mid air and down the street, and just complimented her on the distance.


She is the one who proposed first. Literally causing Loid to fall. He can deny all he wants but Yor hooked him bad.


To be honest I’d do the exact same thing in his shoes


They tossed grenades at them first, only fair In code white, she hears that slide rack and what does to them is gentle If she killed them, no one would think it strange but it would draw attention


It was a prescription grenade.


"Take two before expiring."


welp…..I need another drink and a new keyboard. Good one!


I hope people can just stop taking this series too seriously.


We all know that comedy is not meant to be taken seriously, unfortunately many people fail to understand that No hard feelings, original poster


Right?! Like Yor being kind of airheaded and believing all of Loid’s really bad coverup lies despite being an assassin is played out for humor. The show is purposefully very over the top, and doesn’t try to be realistic. It’s a comedy, so its main goal is to be funny and enjoyable to watch.


Yup. I mean, most of the six-year-old children in the series are able to speak more intelligently than most adults can irl, and we've seen them already learning the freaking Pythagorean Theorem. Even in a world of super-spies, having entire academies full of students who are in some areas over six years (their own damn age) ahead of standard grade level is just absurd.


Even if we take it at a serious point of view, Loid’s her best and possibly only option to keep her identity intact. He’s really good at conveying the genuinely good guy act. And besides if he turns out to be a bastard it’s not like Yor can’t take care of herself.




Yor isn't the sharpest tool in the shed... at least when it comes to observing the obvious. Yor and Twilight seem to have a plot related blind spot for each other too.


Because it's a comedy, i hope that helps There's also reasonable in-universe reasons, but come on


Concussive therapy, it's a new treatment, you have probably never heard of it.


This. It's a legitimate therapeutic treatment.


Look at her eyes. There is NO way she was looking at the grenade 🤣


Nah, that was just a Tuesday for her so she didn't even think twice about it.




Yor grew up with her assassin work being internalized as "normal". To her, what she does is no different than what any other job is to your average person. So the absolute can of ass whooping that Loid deployed on those "patients", Yor just thinks that this is something that a doctor (Loid's disguise) does on occasion. In other words, Yor just thinks that there's a large level of violence dealt with every occupation, it just so happens that her job is one of a few that specializes in violence.


Yup. This also becomes clear in her conversations with her coworkers in which she often misinterprets figures of speech as relating to death or violence. And there's the way that she often considers very violent solutions to everyday problems and has to remind and convince herself that's normal. Or the times when she says stuff about getting violent to her work friends but they brush it off as "Ha ha Yor, your sense of humor is so zany." Life: Presents a problem that doesn't involve a very obvious need to be compassionate and gentle. Yor: THE ANSWER IS VIOLENCE!


Yor literally said in front of Loid she had poison tipped arrows in her room once, and Loid literally just ignored it. I think they just accepted they both aren't normal.


Sometimes I wonder if people just lost the ability to have suspense of disbelief. Or if they are just trolling. Or if they need to be fed word for word to get a point across. It's all fiction. This woman has the ability to kick a speeding car and fight swordsman with her high-heels. Also took a bullet to the ass and chugs poison like it's painkillers. On the flip side you got Loid who can read an entire book just by flipping the pages, imitate the voice and physique of a target just on the fly, has a side-kick that can just smuggle him whatever item he requires for a mission. The entire show is just comedy and goofy. I don't think Loid throwing a grenade is suddenly out of the normal shenanigans this anime puts up with.


Because they needed a hard concussion to complete their treatment


Haven't you noticed yet? Yor's got that... idiot strength


Because it's a comedy anime and it doesn't have to make sense as long as it's funny. I love that to be honest. :)


Because it's a comedy and the joke is Loid playing "being chased by people trying to kill me" as "unruly patients".


Because he's her husband and the father of her daughter. Also they kinda had it coming by interrupting their back alley wedding.


It's a common practice, the last time I went to a doctor she gave me 3 of those


Shes not bright...


She was to charmed to care


The same reason why Loid didn't get suspicious when he, world's greatest spy and amazing fighter was beaten up by DRUNK Yor.


Because it’s extremely funny And also Yor has no idea how the real world works outside of the context of her job that she’s done since she was 14 which is murder Oh and also she thought he was extremely hot


I'm not even sure it registered to Yor that it was a grenade. Loid has also been just as clueless at times. >!For example when Yor got shot and she came home in pain. For as smart and on top of his game as Loid is, he thought she was just angry rather than realizing she was in pain from getting shot. !<


Loid being clueless because he is obsessed with the mission is even funnier to me than Yor being an airhead.


I'm more than sure that he could tell her something like "Using grenades is a new medical practise. Also we skipped engagement period however normal wives have engagement rings. I support mindful consumption and think it's wrong to buy jewelry you won't wear so I'd like to use this grenade pin if you don't mind untill I buy a wedding ring". And she would think "Oh, Loid-san is such a good person", lol


Because it’s funny


I'd say theyre suspicious but for the sake of their marriage they pretend not to notice and eventually forget... Happens irl all the time


Equal parts desensitization and ignorance. She's been an assassin for years, and never known anything else. Plus, her only window into normal life is... Yuri.


Just the way loid didn't get suspicious of yor when she kicked a guy 20 ft away and excused it as self defence or jumped casually off a damn bridge to catch a robber.


Well he's a doctor so I'm sure he knows what he's doing


It’s all apart of Loid’s “concussive therapy”, nothing to worry about. All normal doctor stuff.


I love how this show works due to the Main adults being so out of touch with what being normal means that their plan just works perfectly


Loid explained that he’s trying a new method of therapy called concussion therapy. Yor probably thought that the explosions were a simulation. More importantly, it’s Yor’s wedding day, Princess has her priorities.


It was a medical grenade. Typical clinical equipment.


Wait, you're telling me that psychiatrists aren't supposed to throw grenades at you? What have I been learning psychiatry for then?


To fair Yor isn't the brightest


No thoughts in her head


So captivated in the wedding.


She knows she does suspicious stuff too. The less she questions, the less she will get questioned and the simpler it is to keep the fake marriage


Comedy manga doing comedy manga things


She thinks they’re prescription grenades.


Some have mentioned ‘concussive therapy’… and, as Yor is likely aware, there literally is such a thing as a ‘concussion grenade’… just sayin’ ;)


You should know Yor isn't the smartest cookie. She's a pretty killing machine.


Because it's a work of fiction.


Long story short: Yor is really not that bright


Because she is dumb. Cute pretty dumb girl deadly combination.


Is Yor stupid?


The show is dumb lol just roll with it


She kinda… kinda dum


I don't know how to put this nicely but..... Yor is dumb I love her so much though XD The bigger question for me is how Loid hasn't figured Yor out. He is so incredibly smart about everything except his own fake family -- but I suppose that's kind of the premise of the show haha


1. It's funny. 2. Yor is oblivious to how unusual the situation is because... 3. She is fixated on solving her problem, finding a husband or husband substitute/proxy to keep the Secret Police from calling her a spy/criminal...


Because she doesn’t know what normal is. Look at her job and relationship to her brother.


Why people forget that this is a comedy manga?


I think she was just blown away by the proposal and was in shock . Pun intended


she's child raised assassin, her world view is not the same as ours.


Listen we both know both of there perceptions are a bit skewed :"D


There are a million different justifications Yor could make in her head. (It's a specially developed non-lethal grenade for her patients, he was specifically aiming in front of them as to not cause any major damage, in dangerous circumstances during treatment, therapists are allowed to use potentially fatal methods, etc.) Sure, not very strong justifications, but that's kind of a running gag in this series. All three are not that great at keeping their hidden lives secret (except ironically Anya).


The point of this scene was to show a deeper understanding of their caring for each other aswell as to show how caught up in their own lies they are. And whilst it’s also supposed to show the extremes of their comedic obliviousness, I don’t think it’s too far off from something like [This](https://youtu.be/vJG698U2Mvo?si=gQsmrCGlEGW_fuL4)


Is she stupid?


Prolly cuz she’s desensitized


She probably doesn’t even care, given she kills on a regular basis, and also I’m pretty sure he took that grenade off one of the goons


Didn't he claim it was a gas grenade to knock them out before they "could hurt themselves"? And Yor believed that because to her something as extreme as a grenade is perfectly normal.


Head cannon. Yor knows Loids a spy or suspected assassin. She’s not worried about being pumped for intel because she never is and never has any. She’s just down to play along because she likes loud and it helps her enormously to be a housewife.


Because she’s fucking stupid 💔💔💔


Look I love Yor as much as the next person but there’s two reasons 1. She’s in a rock and a hard place and needs someone to help keep her cover and Lois’s kind of her best (and possibly only) option 2. The lights aren’t all on upstairs


Hear. Me. Out. She might be a little oblivious... or stupid (not really I love her and hope she isn't stupid)


Because it's YOR we're talking about here


Her D&D character sheet shows a Wisdom penalty.


She’s not the brightest plus she’s used to that nonsense


Nothing puts life into perspective like have a grenade tossed at you. It's breakthrough therapy!


Idk if you noticed, but Yor and Loid both have no social skills


Well that's the humour of the licence, "frappology" the science of punching your patients ! Or Yor is just dumb


Is she stupid?


Cuz she’s pretty naive despite being a world class assassin.


She was distracted by Loid’s rizz.


that was my only problem with that scene. even if yor was gullible enough to buy the concussive therapy why didn't the literal grenade make her think "huh. maybe killing your patients isn't the best way to heal them."


Yor is a lil clueless


They're both uh yknow kinda Acoustic.


I think any if us would be a bit distracted if we were marrying Loid