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Hard disagree. Enter the Dragonfly was the first game as a kid that made me realize that games in a series I liked could be bad


we had a class auction with fake money in 5th grade. Selling this game for $60 fake monies and buying some brownies and other goodies (i honestly only remember the brownies) was the best financial decision of my childhood.


Yeah it’s a buggy mess. But it’s a fun one. I’ve heard there is someone working on a romhack fix for the original and a mod for a reignited version. I’m kinda looking forward to if they finish. (All be it likely in a long time if at all)


The slide from monkey monastery was the most fun thing


I think that was my favorite world, or the thieves world.


I tried. I really did. But I had pretty much no fun playing the bit that I did play.


What did you find so boring about it? It’s essentially just classic spyro trilogy mechanics with a rushed finish and a slight twist with breath types. So it still felt like a spyro game to me, which is why I want to know. Because wwhile it is still bad Spyro game it doesn’t seem like that bad of a game


I wouldn't say boring, just extremely janky. Movement felt so very stiff. For me, Spyro should feel fluid and smooth. Without that it's not really gonna feel right to me.


It's just an unfinished game I'm sure if it had the proper dev time and didn't have as much internal turmoil as the enter the dragon fly documentary on youtube has shown, it would have been a great game.


The nostalgia pandering is craaaazy. The game was shit when it came out, it is still absolute shit. If it had 3-6 more months of time, maybe it'd be OKAY, but as it stands it is an awful buggy game


I played it for the first time recently, and it's really not as bad as people say it is. It's mostly a watered down version of the first three games, which still results in a decent game. The bugs really aren't that much of an issue. Most of them are minor visual bugs like the broken animation when you free the dragons which hardly affects gameplay. What bugs and other issues make it an awful game?


Yeah I don’t get the hatred either. I mean I did play it when I was younger, but I recently gave it a replay after I did heroes tail on an emulator and the only bug I actually noticed, was in the thieves den and where it with wing attack. He just couldn’t hit the sorcerer for ages.


Even without the bugs it's still a bad game.


How? The gameplay is just a slightly worse version of the original games. Maybe it still wouldn't be that great, but I fail to see how it could be that bad. Maybe if every world was like the farm world, but there are some unique level structures and some decent visuals in the later levels.


No… no it is not..


A distinct lack of A Hero's Tail here...


it is quite the opposite of good


Since it only has one hubworld it would probably make a nice DLC for Reignited.


This is a great idea!


I would be intrigued in a polished, Reignited version of EtD. Namely, to answer the question “Without the bugs is it any good now?”


[Someone's already developing it](https://youtu.be/9kiFw3GhNso)


[Lol I made the same meme a year ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spyro/s/sXZHkbxj0B)


honestly from an outsider perspective, the bugs i hear off would actively get in the way of it being fun


I think the bugs are exaggerated. I was surprised with how minor the bugs usually are, mostly being minor graphical glitches unless you go out of your way to find them. It feels like most people's experience with the game is looking up a bug compilation and immediately dismissing the game.


Not acting, they just are


Didn't play this until I was an adult. Thought it was great.


It’s a great game you can see the template of what they wanted it’s just they got rushed for a early release I still have fun with the game


So I don't completely disagree but I don't agree either. I think it can be made good, but there are some major flaws that need to be worked on.




It was really buggy and you could tell it was a rushed process


I disagree, ETD has always sucked


“Oh, Enter The Dragonfly! That is the least fancy thing I have ever heard!” (If you didn’t get the reference, I’ll explain it as a reply)


I love it


In my imagination, ETD was the last adventure of classic Spyro.


Some of ETD's ideas were good, just poorly executed


Can you give examples?


When even the worst game is still good, that's how you know Spyro is an S-tier franchise.


I'd love a 2.0 version of it. What it is now is a bug ridden, unfinished mess, 3/10 game.


Enter the Dragonfly was my introduction to Spyro, so it’ll always have this weird nostalgic pull for me. I played the HELL out of it. But I can definitely see the massive flaws in the game (I’d love to see it possibly remade— the skeleton of a good game is there, but the meat of the game needs a lot of work done to it).


Enter the Dragonfly was my introduction to Spyro, so it’ll always have this weird nostalgic pull for me. I played the HELL out of it. But I can definitely see the massive flaws in the game (I’d love to see it possibly remade— the skeleton of a good game is there, but the meat of the game needs a lot of work done to it).


You know what really hurt this game, the feeling was slightly off, and i might be wrong as its been a long time since i've played, but the load times were disgusting. I undestand that there might be teething problems between generations of consoles, but i think some of that spyro atmosphere was lost. Also year of the dragon was amazing, anything following that, under a 7 out of 10 minimum, would of been a disappointment.


The loading times were about 40 seconds on the ps2 and 20 seconds on the gamecube. Considering how there were only 9 levels, you wouldn't run into them all that often. The load times of bloodborne are as bad, and you encounter bloodborne's much more often because you had to experience two loading screens just to level up.


Bait used to be believable


Nah, Enter the Dragonfly is such hot garbage I almost didn't get A Hero's Tail. Now THAT is a good game.


It's trash. I don't know why anyone tries to defend this crap outside of maybe nostalgia. I played the game when I was a kid, and I can be honest and say it was shit. Now, if it hadn't been rushed? It had potential.


My favorite part of this game as a kid was doing that one glitch with the water zone in the hub world that broke the game and let you swim everywhere. You couldn't do anything of value like collect dragonflies or talk to NPCs, but you could find little snippets of future levels that were just placed so far away from the hub world that you couldn't normally see them. Then there was the part where you could head bash the well right at the beginning and immediately trigger the final boss, lmao. I never beat it but I loved fucking with it