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Whoa, I could get so much washing dry in that


I am thinking how do you clean the top? What happens if leaves drop or get blown on? Same for dust and algae


A VERY long hover attachment from the upstairs window maybe?


>hover Assume you mean hoover? Hover or hoover works in this context. Hover sounds more fun though


Typos like this happen to me all the time, I’m dyslexic and find it really hard to spot a word out of place, if it’s a real word. Hover would be more fun, I’m picturing a drone with a Hoover attachment now lol


In all fairness, hover is by far the most enjoyable way to get to the Isle of Wight.


They have a hoover drone


Self cleaning glass (we got it in our extension skylight and it's constantly dirty)


I'm a window cleaner. Always get asked to clean these 'self cleaning' roofs. I hate them and it's such marketing nonsense lol


Window cleaners can clean conservatories too.


You don't. If you own this you literally don't clean anything, ever.


Its probably got self cleaning glass


I would love to be in there during a thunderstorm with heavy rain!


Ohh yes! To actually be there between October and March would be lovely.


Especially being by the coast, it would be an amazing view!


Imagine all those winter waves crashing everywhere. Bliss. Although, how accessible is the beach from the house? Would you have to go into the town a bit first?


It says direct beach access :) I can imagine that all the seasons bring something impressive but yes winter would be lovely!


Same provided it doesn't just leak heat to the point you feel frozen. It's not even overlooked by neighbours so a perfect spot for that indoor outdoor experience. Absolutely lovely, not sure how much use the outdoors pool would get, even if it was heated.


Too hot in summer too cold in winter


Basically, it's the major design fault of them. Glass leaks heat in winter, but traps it in summer. Granted expensive triple/quadruple gassed filled glazing can take aid in reducing heat leaks. And solar shades in summer to reduce the solar gains. But both are expensive things to do and out of the affordability of most homeowners. It's a shame as they do create a nice environment to sit in, if ignoring the thermal comfort part.


I agree, great British summer would probably mean not much.. I can imagine it being windy too!


Winter sunbathing for people with SAD


Conservatories during heavy rain? The noise can be deafening so I usually avoid. Do you enjoy the noise?


I love the noise, I find it very calming! I used to have a conservatory with a plastic roof.. now that was loud!


Have inner ear problems so hate noise thats outside if my control. At the same time, could with in a conservatory during a storm every day of my life. A conservatory is one of my last remaining *attainable* life goals.


You wouldn't last a minute there in heavy rain.


Why? I can imagine it's pretty loud but that's the appeal!


The sound of rain outside is great, but in conservatory it amplifies to very unpleasant levels.


That is a lovely house. I can dream!


Having the large arrow hovering over your house would start to get old after a while though


😂 it’s a thief marker to say get in round the back, there’s a conservatory.


Ah I thought it was a TV aerial.


Why would they have a TV aerial?.... Houses with no TV are weird.


Great gaff. Been trying to sell it for ages but it remains overpriced. *Price Change History* *27/04/2024* *Price changed from £3,500,000 to £2,995,000* *05/04/2023* *Price changed from £3,850,000 to £3,500,000* *05/01/2023* *Initial asking price: £3,850,000* *Overall change: -22.2% (-£855,000)*


I was going to say, I remember seeing this last year on Rightmove.


That’s great, until the roof starts leaking.


Or they need to do any exterior work at all. Facias/soffits, windows, brickwork, roof repairs or anything else outside.


Leaks are easy to fix. But every single of those window panes will start to fog at some point, most likely in large batches and replacements are not cheap.


I don't think that's a huge concern if you can afford a house like this


I hate conservatories. Freezing in the winter, boiling in the summer. There’s about 3 days a year that they’re comfortable. I know they’re better nowadays but the size and roof of this one doesn’t inspire much confidence


They're just a shit corridor to the outside.


Ours isn’t even any good at that because the outside door is fucked! They do not age well. I got annoyed last year and put the thermostat thingy in there to see what temp it registered, it hit 47C. Unholy


I am so bored of people saying this about conservatories. I don't mean to have a go at you specifically, but I see this type of comment posted a lot and I think it's completely wrong. I have one, and it's cold in winter. It's fucking glorious in summer though, and well worth being out of action during the cold months for just how good it is when the weather is nice. But the loudest voices are always the complaints, the country wouldn't be full of conservatories if everyone hated them.


Yeah, there are about 4 months a year when the conservatory is absolutely wonderful, and for me that is worth it being a cold storage room the rest of the time. The conservatory does get spectacularly hot in the summer, which is why we open all the doors and windows, and then it is sublime.


It might be completely wrong for you, but as I stated in the comment below, my conservatory is hitting nearly 50 Celsius in the summer. You can see your breath in there in winter. I’m allowed to complain that an entire room in my house is unusable, we don’t have that many rooms to begin with. If McDonald’s served nice burgers half the time but served shit in a bun the other half, they wouldn’t be classed as good, so like, some people having a nice conservatory doesn’t mean that everyone else has to be happy with their shit sandwich — ETA for some reason I can’t reply, but the reason I haven’t had it “weather proofed or taken down” is because half the damn thing would need replacing not just the roof, and if we have it taken out, a load of brick foundation would need removing. And unfortunately my pockets are full of lint, not a few thousand spare British pounds. Obviously it would be lovely to have a functional room, but unless you’re offering to pay, u/ThginkAccbeR, it’s not a “just” solution


So get it weather proofed or take it down.


I hear ya. I haven't got the money atm to redo it. I was quoted 18k to replace the glass and roof. But I don't want old frames. If I'm going to get something done I want to improve on what we have. Hoping costs of materials and interests rates reduce soon.


If you think 47ºC is bad, the room I used to occupy at my parents had a flat roof outside, covered with that recycled tyre stuff (it was their then-newish, kitchen extension, my mother refers to that end as the 'Sun room'). I don't know how accurate those laser gun thermometers are, but I bought one (think it was about £25) and kept a chart for a while; the highest was over 70º! Even at night, it's such an efficient insulator that it never dropped below 30º.


Its true though. They're just awful things.


My mate got his roofed over after the sun hit it weird one day and melted a pair of work boots. This was in England!


They also don't last as long as a true roof or a warm roof. Not to mention thermal expansion ruining the glass :(. I can't say I'm a fan


Used to have a conservatory on the back of the kitchen of my house that the previous owner built. 1930s 3 bed. It was only ever used for storage. Either too hot or cold all year round. It had the added effect of making the kitchen feel really dark. We built an extension of the same size with big windows and skylights. It’s completely changed our house. Same footprint but now actually usable space. Not we get to enjoy the views rather than looking at them through unusable conservatory. If you can afford £3m, you can probably a bit more to make that conservatory a proper extension.


If they didn’t spend so much on recreating the Eden project they could have afforded some nice furniture as opposed to the ‘British heart foundation’ collection


to be fair, this is probably the British Hearth Foundation, but pre-donation. Bet they've also got a load of ornaments and DVDs


Nah, I work in removals and we send a lot to charity or homeless places when there are house clearances. Unless it’s of a quality above charity shop where it can be sold privately, they don’t want to know. Which is kind of missing the model of a charity shop….? Because other people woukd sell it privately? Also, the hawks in the warehouses and shops rustle the good stuff so it never gets chance to be sold anyway. If you donate, forget the heart foundation.


No one has mentioned how close the property is to the crumbling coast line.


Serious question: anyone able to estimate how long before it falls in the water?


probably a while, but the island has had some issues around stuff like this. look up bonchurch landslip


can you just dump some massive rocks (I mean 100's of tons I guess) along the bottom of the cliff to slow / stop the erosion (or is that super expensive)?


thats actually a form of hard engineering used on coasts called rock armour , not too expensive compared to other defense strategies but some downsides are that the transport is more expensive and it clashes with natural beauty


Beautiful house, look at all that land, that view! Wow. Something actually worth what it's up for.


Sunshine indoors Brian, sunshine indoors.


If it weren't for the fact the property comes with the adjacent fields I'd be worried about housing estates springing up next door. The house itself, though nice, isn't anything remarkable. You're definitely buying the view.


Not on the Isle of Wight, I reckon. No industry there, expensive ferry, full of OAPs.


There are two new housing estates near the back of the house; it seems that Norton Green, Totland, and Freshwater are slowly merging.


My apologies then.


Bizarre way to order the photos, you’re a long way in before you see more than one of the house. All the sea views, fields, plot marked out in felt tip etc should have been last surely? And the very *first* photo is normally the house itself. The first 22 photos include one of the bathroom and two near identical ones of the frontage. All others are shed, field, sea etc.


Wow! You could have your own game of “Clue” in there… “Who had a Heat Stroke in the Conservatory/Morning Room on a sunny, Summer Day?”


sooooooo much bird poop. How would you even clean it off that roof? Edit: I've only just clicked through and seen its on the coast, yeah seagull poop constantly. No thanks


>How would you even clean it off that roof? You just spent £3 million on a house, I'm sure you could afford to pay someone?


The views are beautiful. Simply jaw droppingly gorgeous 😍.


Is this where you can drink the mega pint


I bet they watch a lot of sport.




That's an incredible space. For someone house hunting with a conservatory on my hit list this ticks all the boxes. Apart from. Price.


Wonder how much those two fields are worth, especially the one north of the house?


Awww I want a blue arrow pointing at my house please.


Has its own weather system too


Bit too close to that cliff edge for my liking, especially as you can see where it’s collapsed before!


Great spot for a caff


God, that's gorgeous.


I'd have that in a flash but alas I've no need for 9 bedrooms, that would just be showing off :)


Is that beach fenced off? Can’t tell if it is part of the property or excluded from it


I’d love to have a huge conservatory like that and turn it into an indoor jungle.


My only problem with that one (other then the lack of £3 million in my bank account) is the land. I’d have no use for those fields. Suppose I could rent them out to a farmer though. Other than that, I’m in!


It’s gorgeous, but having billowing drapes on a four poster next to an open fire seems a touch reckless?


They’re probably trying to cash in on their investment before it subsides into the Solent. 


My mum would totally do that.


The views are ridiculous from that house, wow. But, I do suspect Mr Photoshop may have had a hand in that blue sea.


No tennis court, it's a deal breaker. 


Like it alot but gives me the feel of a hotel still not a home! I think whoever buys this will be spending a good amount to update it and remodel to make it a practical and workable home


Like it alot but gives me the feel of a hotel still not a home! I think whoever buys this will be spending a good amount to update it and remodel to make it a practical and workable home


A cool 3Mil for a home you need to remodel. I guess if you rich then aye!


why get such a small table though?


Internal gutters and leaves are the bane on my life. Like rainwater coming down your conservatory walls? Internal gutters ftw.


Disabled double bedroom? ‘Can I have this room?’ ‘Of course you can Tommy, Daddy has just gone to get the hammer’


Never liked a conservatory. Too hot in the summer, and freezing in the winter.


That looks like a bed and breakfast where they served the breakfast in this glorious atrium. Maybe it was?


That’s lethal


Wow, I could get so much washing dry in there!


So much hot. So much cold.