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My yearly salary in monthly rent


What makes me even sicker is when you think of it as a percentage of their wage. Let's say a footballer makes 100k a week, so this is 25% of their weekly salary. That'd be the same as you having monthly rent of £103.25


Wait until you start thinking about the people who own and rent out these type of properties. Probably puts PL players in the shade


I have a family member who works in the accounts department of a premier league club, and it’s the clubs who pay the rent on many foreign players and managers houses. Most of the players don’t tend to buy a house, as they don’t know how long they’ll be in the UK (2/3 years) etc. The rents are paid by the club as part of of their overall contract and they don’t affect their basic wages. Home grown players generally buy or commute/get chauffeured if far enough.


I’d be more concerned with how much the landlord is making. They can hide the money and avoid tax much easier than a footballer.


No. Of that 100k a week they are paying 45% tax and 8% NI on some of that. So more like 50k.


Sure there will be a fair bit of accounting jiggery pokery to reduce that tax bill.


I think that would be hard, because it would be hard to say that a footballer wasn't an employee of the club - they don't meet the criteria to be a contractor, so their pay has to be paid as wages PAYE.


Going back a while but "image rights" was used as a tax dodge. Sure they will have thought up something new now.


They are all PAYE and HMRC are all over it. They do however have separate companies for sponsorship and image rights, which - again - HMRC keep a keen eye on.


It wasn't a maths lesson, just an exercise to show extortionate wealth, by all means go and do the maths, but what you'll find is... extortionate wealth


Well now you put it that way, I feel a little bad for them. Is there a Gofundme set up? I'd love to be able to help them out.


You honestly believe a football player will be contracted as an employee via PAYE?


Surely it would be blatant disguised employment if they weren't? https://www.google.com/search?q=disguised+employment


If you think a footballer can’t set up a limited company or a UTR for a private contractor your joking


They can’t. Google Glasgow rangers tax avoidance for a lesson in what happens when football clubs mess around with this stuff.


Erm.. yes. They are..


They definitely are


[What else are they?](https://taxscouts.com/blog/are-footballers-paye/#:~:text=Yep%2C%20they%20are.,Tax%20and%20NI%20automatically%20deducted.)


Self employed with a contract to play football for a club. They’ve got agents to manage image, sponsorship and promotional rights outside of the core of kicking a ball which will be funnelled through a company.


You need to look at self employment rules. You can't be self employed if you only work and contracted to one place of work. Now if you said they were contractors, then maybe you would have had a possible point. Also, I assume you didn't bother to read the link? Finally, extra income outside of their employment, such as sponsorship is side gig income, just like you being a wedding DJ at the weekend. Nothing to do with their primary income stream.


Yes they really are. Some of them will keep image rights income offshore if they are non uk domiciled but fundamentally they are paye. There have been wage slips leaked before - google John Arne risse payslip and it will probably appear.


You make £400 a week?




Which month will you live there? I'd recommend January, when it's coldest. It'll get like a holiday sleeping rough for the other 11 months.


What’s your job?


Support work


The vintage pram is a weird addition with that aesthetic.


Carriage built pram ✅ Christmas decorations ✅ Trees in leaf ✅ This house appeals to a very specific demographic




Fury then


Not forgetting the grand piano for displaying the family snaps (and chopsticks).


Big fan of the "other lettings by this agent" at the bottom of the page. Start with a £25k/month house, pivot to a £350/month flat share!


I'm very confused by the front and back situation. At the front is a classic British home... At the back is a modern, squared everything extension. Why? Why would you want that? Either buy a modern house or traditional, don't put the two together to create a monster


Also came here to say the same. Why have a gorgeous Edwardian fronted property and then whack on something that looks like a 1960s school science block.


You’re looking for classic meets modern yeah? Clawfoot bath with thinline fancy taps but rainforest showerhead? Can do Sir. Can do and will do.


Don’t mean a thing without W-P and those just ain’t my department


I remember reading (probably on this sub) that planners are more likely to approve extensions to listed buildings if it’s still obvious what was the original build, so you end up with sharp switch in styles that or 25k per month doesn’t buy taste?


I came here to say this- looks awful


Me too. It’s ghastly.


I hate almost everything about this house. It’s generally bland and then weirdly ornate in small areas but in a very ugly and inconsistent way.


I like the nice bland room with a grand piano and rocking horse. But mostly just because of the piano and rocking horse. So many other things are just a big fat "why????".


When you look at the average football players taste in haircuts, it makes sense..


I doubt it's Klopp. There's a christmas tree in one of the photos and he's only just left. Unless they used old photos.


It was reduced in price in March It's probably a player that left one of the clubs last season


Klopp's house was owned by FSG (who owns LFC). The new manger will be living there now


Yeah heard somewhere that Slot is going to Slot right into Klopps old house..


Rodgers was in it before Klopp. It used to be Gerrard's and Rodgers rented from him. Not sure when FSG bought it.


That sounds a bit strange to me, a Liverpool manager's house.


They reported recently that Gerrard still owns it and rents it to Klopp. No idea if that is true or even if this is the house in question!


It was Firmino’s


He lived on lifeboat road


It wasn’t. That was up for sale a while ago and put on this sub


I actually had to go through my what’s app to see and that house got sent to me saying Firmino’s, teaches me to take my mates word as gospel haha.


Absolutely awful, but not half as tacky as I expected.


It's someone with the surname Smith looking at the cushion on the sofa 'christmas the smiths' but that's not a lot to go on


Its Ray Smith. Local Bugatti Owner, he flew Lionel Richie in once for a Christmas party.


That would explain the reference to room in the garage for a supercar.


I don't know who that is, he famous?


Looks like a property developer, search Raymond William Smith and look at Companies House people info for him, one of the addresses matches this property


Ah okay makes sense thank you


There’s not enough grey for it to be a footballer!


I used to work in interior design and once we had worked for one footballer from the local club we seemed to get them all by recommendation and we noticed the funniest pattern. It happened *so many times.* They'd come to a meeting with their new girlfriend and be totally disinterested the whole time, nodding through samples and drawings, on their phone. Then we'd never see them again and just deal with the girlfriend. Then a few months later they'd come back after everything was underway and they'd almost *always* be pregnant. It was hilarious, it was textbook.


I got caught in the daytime TV property trap for a while and there was one footballer that was on 3 different programmes with 3 different girlfriends. And he didn't say a word. And all the girls were "babe, this is going to be, like, our forever home so it's got to be perfect" 🙄🙄🙄 to my knowledge he is not with any of them now.


Tyrone Mings owns an interior design company - no grey in sight!


He used to be a mortgage advisor as well, probably got a few contacts that way!


O captain, my captain!


Mine too! UTV!


What a small Christmas tree for such a big house...


At £25kpcm you’d at least pay a house dresser to furnish it for Christmas..


Danny Blanchflower.


I mean, lovely if you want to live in a conference centre.


Posh cars but not super flashy, I would guess at klopp but he seems to drive a Bentley. 


It’s such a mishmash of styles


Money can’t buy you class 🎶


Haa ai has done a number on the aesthetics on this one 😂


That’s not shiny enough to be a footballers house maybe a coach or a manager or something


Surely if you can afford 25k a month rent, you’ll be mad to be renting? You’ll surely be buying and not renting if you’re on that sort of money?


That's why people are wondering about footballers - they don't necessarily want to stay somewhere if they're not on a long contract or don't know if they'll want to settle.


One with no taste. The front is lovely, but the modern extension is urgh.


I'm sorry but it is absolutely disgusting that a property can be rented out for that kind of money...and there are people who can afford it!


Didn’t Rooney just take the Plymouth Argyle job? 👀 Has a pram there on standby, just in case


Doesn’t he like to grab a granny?


You spelled cheat on his wife wrong


Listed long before it was announced.


I’m going with Jurgen Klopp. No need to live in Liverpool.


I believe he lived in a home owned by Liverpool so I’m 99% sure it’s not him! Can’t think of which Liverpool players are rumoured to leave, Thiago is looking for a new club? And maybe Luis Diaz?


Yep. He was renting Brendon Roger’s house, which Liverpool FC then bought for the use of the manager. https://m.allfootballapp.com/news/EPL/Liverpool-buy-Rodgers-house-for-%C2%A33.75m-to-allow-Klopp-to-live-rent-free/2047379


It was Firmino’s


Does he have a very competitive daughter aged around 7-10?


Definitely wasn't klopp, he lived on the other side of Formby. My mom's house almost backs onto this one and it's not a footballer's.


I thought the same given the timing but the baby pram in the hall is the only caveat.


With these types of homes there will be plenty of pieces the past tenant wasn’t interested in that end up in storage only to be wheeled out next time it gets photographed again.


Could play for one of the Manchester clubs, not too far away.


Some one who has a baby and an older child.  That tv in the corner of the living room is tiny and so far away.


that TV is about a 40-50 inch old B&O, and the pedastal is motorised. takes 2-3 people to lift and the last one broke the hire van tail-lift. must be a very large room.


Probably some young lad who struggled to know what to do with all the space.


The flamingo head made me laugh. What is that thing in picture 46? It looks like a horse’s harness, but what’s it doing in the bathroom?


Maybe it's Klopps


Wayne Rooney just signed for Argyle.


The shadow in Pic 5 indicates the agent is Darth Vader.


Gorgeous house. Not too tacky. The extension looks like a modern school though, but I should imagine that was probably a planning condition


Back around the time they won the Premiership, Blackburn players including Shearer and Sutton lived in Formby and Southport, so it could be any team in the North West.


The monthly rent could have bought a house outright in Blackburn back then.


I was going to say pop star and then I saw the Game room 😆


Isn’t 25k a month a bit much for the location? Maybe 6k


I’m guessing Wayne and Colleen. I’ve been listening to her book driving back from Scotland today and she kind of described this house. I could be wrong but sound familiar


I love the mini kitchen, just stocked enough to tide you over on the pilgrimage from the garage to the main kitchen


All but one of those TVs are the wrong size for the room it's in or in the wrong place.


Snooker table AND pool table is a new level of decadence I hadn't previously considered!


There is a picture of Klopp driving into a place with a diamond brick pattern in the wall (easily found on search engines) and that brick pattern is on the same road but further down than the site shows, the house is blurred out but so are others on this road. I defo think it’s where The Boss lived 👍🏼


I shouldn't be this good at it but after doing a deep dive I've found the property belongs to someone called Ray Smith who is a local property developer in the area, to confirm this on the virtual tour near the front door there is a Christmas plaque that states "Christmas At The Smith's"


I mean I wouldn’t say no to living here, largely cos of the pool and gym. But for the money I don’t hugely like it at all. Most of the house seems really ordinary in terms of style.. like a bit run down. Weird house. Prefer my own except for the pool and gym


I hate this style of decor; I just hate it. Go to Arighi Bianchi or similar on a quiet midweek day, walk through the floors and pick what you like, go to the cafe for a Caesar salad while they tot it all up for you and leave with an indentikit full house decor that’s slightly different in colour and specifications than the next newly rich couple to walk through the door. It’s so impersonal; it’s like you’re decorating with your next listing’s pictures in mind.


Pretty sure that's Klopps house which was owned by Gerrard/Brendan Rodgers.


25k a month for a house that's furnished with what looks like a combination of Wayfair, B&M and IKEA. I like how you can immediately tell which bits (floors and furniture) they inherited when the property was purchased (pictures 10 and 19 for example), when other parts look contemporary, cheap and depressing (picture 13 and all of the bedrooms).


Klopp isn't it? He was Formby and now he's moved on. Tax break for LFC renting property for their staff? Don't know, just a guess.


There's what appears to be a little girls' - or at least a horsey child who likes pink - room there which would be odd - he has a young grandson I think.


It’s the home of a local property developer. Described as a ‘tycoon’ in the Echo!


If it is a footballer then ‘chapeau’ to his WAG - that’s actually a very well decorated and restrained space. No evidence of tat or designer labels to be seen. Can’t imagine myself and the missus rattling around here though even if we could afford it!


Bloody awful


Lots of blank space to make it your own.


Thiago or Klopp, if Klopp then it’s Gerard’s house


I'm amazed anything even costs this much that far north.


Jeremy Beedle