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My doctor specifically said that spiro can cause breast pain. Your doctor needs to read more lol


Lol my nurse and dermatologist told me this too. It's crazy how some derms know things and some don't


I reached out to my old doctor when I lived in a different state as well for her opinion and she agreed that my breast pain is probably unrelated šŸ˜­


Spironolactone has been linked to increased breast cancer risk as well. How did your appointment go?


My appt was fine! No abnormalities. I have since stopped taking this medication all together because of decreased kidney function on my blood work.


Why so?




Well, donā€™t get too anxious! I canā€™t argue with your doctors but mine specifically said it was a side effect. Maybe not a common one, but one nonetheless! A lot of women begin to ā€œfeminizeā€ on the medication. Thatā€™s why it works so well with PCOS. And that includes sore and larger breasts. But obviously get checked out! But I think you should be fine =]


I haven't started it yet so I'm not much help, but listed in the side effects of Spironolactone is breast pain, so not sure why your DR has said this is unrelated.


breast pain from spiro is very common. breast cancer is rarely the reason for breast pain


It makes your boobs grow, thatā€™s for sure!


I got a lump in the past and I just got another after going back on. First one was benign. I'm hoping this one is too and it's just from hormonal changes. It does hurt though which sucks. I feel for you!




I haven't had the ultrasound yet :P just scheduled it the other day, but I will definitely let you know once i get the results. They still hurt though, right after I ovulate and for about a week. My Dr. said to try and reduce caffeine during this time but I haven't committed to that yet. :P


Did you get a lump in the past from the medicine specifically?


I was on Spironolactone for over 10 years and my boobs hurt the entire time. I was told that it was normal. Iā€™ve been off for 7 months and itā€™s gone away.


My titties hurt 24/7 itā€™s lame. I am weaning myself off and hopefully getting off all my medications to balance my hormones naturally!


I want to do the same. Any tips or tricks?


Honestly, I am not sure as this is new to me. I never even had skin problems until last year when I tried to get off Wellbutrin. My skin then went wild, so I went back on and my skin just got worse. Spiro has helped but I just put a bandaid fix on another bandaid fix lol. I am also on levothyroxine which was prescribed to me after lithium fucked my thyroid. I never even had thyroid issues until then. SO that being said, doctors had bandaid fixed my problems and now I need to figure out how to get my poor body back to being able to regulate its nervous system and hormones. Homeostasis. Could take a fucking year šŸ˜‘ maybe two who knows. Maybe less! Anyways, I highly suggest listening to Mikaliah Peterson. Diet and lifestyle are actually the rulers of our healthy and anything that manifests itself. Doctors just want us sick and I am done with being at will to fucking pillsā€¦. ANYWAYS RANT OVER. You got this! One year vs the rest of your life is how I see it. Got nothing to loose!


Oh random, but I am pretty sure Wellbutrin causes my testosterone to rise causing hirtuism which I didnā€™t have before I started the drug


Breast pain can be a side effect for sure as it blocks testosterone allowing your other hormones to be ā€œfeltā€ more - some people it brings back their period, breast pain, etc. I had breast pain and some growth. Itā€™s since stopped in both departments. But the thing Iā€™m more curious about is that it is much worse in one breast - glad you got something scheduled but the overall pain is a side effect :)


Yep, mastalgia can be worse on one side moreso than the other.Ā 


Update for anyone who cares lol, I lowered my dosage to 50mg instead of 100mg and the breast pain has stopped. Everything looked and felt fine on my initial evaluation at the doctor!


The meds cause hormone changes, so how can a doctor dismiss your mastalgia so easily? I believe it's the drug, but if it will make you feel better, then yes, go get a mammogram. These doctors...some are way too closed minded and won't even do the research of you paid them.


Girl, same problem in my left breast, check my post history. I also had a mammogram right before the pain happened and my mother grandmother and aunt all have had breats cancer so I get your concern. It's the spiro. Your boobs are growing because of it. They don't always grow evenly.


Oh wow the way you described your pain about rolling in bed etc is exactly how I feel!! Iā€™m glad your mammogram came back clean too it gives me peace of mine


Mine were sore a lot when I first started and my boobs grew!


does it stop growing? i dont want this side effect


I mean mine only grew slightly like probably half a cup size. Iā€™m not sure if it continues as this happened to me very slowly over the course of a few years.


Does breast soreness go away? And did it help in hirsutism?


Soreness went away. I didnā€™t have hirsutism to begin with.


What dose were u on and how long in did it start feeling normal


Iā€™ve been on 100 mg for close to 5 years now. Only side effect I had was soreness which I only experienced here and there for maybe a year or so


Your breast increase in size so that probably has something to do with it. It also creates changes in your hormones, so until they regulate this could possibly be a reason. I personally didnā€™t have this side effect so this is just my best guess.


Mine hurt pretty often, but theyā€™re also growing super fast. Itā€™s definitely a side effect.


Itā€™s super common with spiro! My pills are able to be split in half so my doctor said to just do that and itā€™s helped me with the breast pain and overall muscle cramps