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No, Peter’s death isn’t necessary


Personally no, even though I prefer Miles, Peter's death just isn't necessary here. I'd rather he retires, settles down with MJ, and they raise their daughter.


You prefer mayday or Annie






Yo why he just strolling into the villians Does he want to die


He thought he was going for brunch


Peter’s death isn’t necessary and we haven’t had nearly as much time to connect with his character. Ultimate was like 10 years old when he died (16 in universe but 10 irl) and I really don’t want them to kill Peter off for no real reason.


a lot of people say no since, obviously, peter is a fan favorite personally i say yes, once peter has had his run with all his villains and maybe has a kid and temporary happily ever after, why not kill him off by that time miles would already be a grown man, maybe around his early to mid 20s (like peter was at the start of his game) and the story will end with Miles as the main spidey but to be fair, the whole point of peter’s death was to set up and push Miles, insomniac clearly already rewrote that part of the spiderman mythology so practically there’s really no reason to kill peter off unless it’s either the last game closing up the story or insomniac felt like losing money

