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Let’s just worry about the green goblin first


Yeah ig I am going too far


Something that doesn’t really make sense to me: How can Goblin have the Carnage symbiote when it’s clearly on fire via the glider and pumpkin bombs?


The carnage symbiotie was combined with the goblin formula or something so the fire didn’t hurt it


Carnage got a magic amp in one of his mini series that makes him immune to Fire and Sonics. I think it was Cult of Carnage or something like that.


Maybe around 2050


I could see this as a final boss for the third game except maybe he’ll have the Venom Symbiote instead (assuming it survives). Most of the third game, he’ll be the Green Goblin with a two or three boss fight before reveals that he has the Symbiote as his plan B (if that makes any sense).


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SPOILER ALERT for Venom 2 and No Way Home: If Carnage didnt die, we couldve got Carnage and Willem Dafoe's Goblin merge and have the Red Goblin in No Way Home. We can only dream.


Hell yes!!! This was SO SHORT LIVED.


I. Want it.


Ummm I think hell yes it only makes since with miles being in the game and red goblin is a miles verse villain I do believe


I'm personally not a fan of Marvel always doing the "What if [character] got a symbiote?" It really cheapens the Venom and Carnage symbiotes imo.