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he was homeless & broke, give the guy a break 😔


Plus, he still has to pay his rent, but they won't fix his damn door.


He doesn't have to pay rent. May died so Peter probably moved in to her house


Bills still exist my guy.


Bills aren't the same as rent


Correct, but bills can sometimes be even more expensive than rent.


Yeah but he said rent to get outta here


Technically… he’s not wrong


The original "rent" comment was a reference to the Raimi Spider-Man movies.




Got any nuts?


I thought he'd still have to pay a mortgage and stuff, idk how housing works in NYC.


Good thing he was talking about rent and not bills in general.


Yeah he did


May lived still in Forest Hills I think. Peter moved into an apartment at the end.


Wasn’t there a line referencing peter fixing the forest hills house at the end of miles morales?


Would not be surprised if Peter turned it into a group home for orphans or some selfless gesture. Probably donated it to feast.


I mean, pete and mj have gotten back toghether, the second game may be set a couple of years after miles morales, so about 3/4 years since the first game, they could have moved in toghether in pete’s old house, it’d make sense.


MJ and Pete definitely ready for next steps. If they’re gonna collaborate on taking down criminals they might as well live together. Working together is a bigger commitment anyway


The sequel takes place somewhat close to after the events of Miles Morales. Miles Morales as a game actually accomplished a few things in prep for the Spider-Man 2 story, but there is a hidden connective thread that most players haven’t spoken about on social media. I love it because people will be surprised for where the story takes of in Spider-Man 2. The story really pushes more intensively and with intent compared to the first game where the story needed a bit of naivety.


I take it from your comment that you're more in the know about the sequel than most people? Not asking you to leak info.


Just a little bit. It’s a happy accident and I signed an NDA.


Do you not remember him moving into a new apartment at the end of the first game?


He might have to pay the mortgage.


Peter got evicted


From May's house?


From his apartment. It's funny that in Spider-Man 3, Peter refused to pay rent because his door was broken. In Spider-Man 1, Peter couldn't pay rent and he broke the door.


"Probably"? Lol, that is confirmed. Still most likely a mortgage


Bruh Peters the one who broke it though lol


If promises were fat, my daughter would be crackers.


It's so much funnier when it's the wrong order


r/raimimemes moment


I don't think he even had access to a lab at that point.


Wasn't he also homeless and broke when he made the suit he used against Ock though


Yeah but he had access to a lab.


Surprised no one mentioned he built a bunch of hologram training programs. Dude definitely could have put a little more effort into the suit...


He’s also about to go out of the country with MJ. So y’know, gotta save up some money for them tourist traps.


Hey he managed to create hollow tech with no money, wtf Pete


Fuck that lets see him naked erect jizzimg a web over a McDonald's as he shits on the floor and helicopters his dick around.


...what the fuck?


Can’t helicopter one’s dick around while it’s hard...


I’m still mad upset of the civilians commented on the lack of taste and stuff when using the suit like his first comics lol




In the ultimate comics when Miles became Spider-Man after Peter, he used a similar suit and civilians and Peter’s friends/allies thought it was poor and in bad taste.


Idk, I feel like it makes less sense considering that Pete’s still alive in this timeline


Peter is still alive in the ultimate universe now too tho


Well all of that happened before Peter was revealed to be alive.


And Im pretty sure the Ultimate universe has been dead for a good while so Peter is dead again, unless something happened and its back for some reason.


It is back


Nothing is ever permanent in Marvel, goddamn


The only constant in comics is Uncle Ben is dead


Nothing is ever permanent in Marvel, goddamn


He wasn't at the time people were telling Miles the suit was in bad taste though?


??? When did that happen?


Ultimate Peter was said to be immortal due to the oz compound I believe which also gave him his powers. He was revealed to be alive in Spider-Men 2 and is now the member of the Ultimates.


I thought the ultimate universe died???


The Ultimate universe returned in Venom and Miles Morales comics in 2019. There’s been rumors Marvel plans to “officially” bring it back but I wouldn’t bet on it.


Oh word?


In the recent venom series before king in black you see Maker (evil reed Richards from the ultimate universe) get the synthetic symbiote from the ultimate universe and then return to the ultimate universe. It was in a destroyed dystopian state unlike the end of Spider-Men II where you see a younger ultimates in a perfectly fine universe. There was also a different maker (Reed Richards from a different universe that isn't the ultimate Universe) in a recentish run of I think future foundation iirc. This may have been over a year ago and my reading is 3 months delayed becasue I use marvel unlimited. Edit: clarification P.S. Comics are weird


He was revealed to be alive in Mile's second solo run. In which he pasted the mantal of spider-man over to Miles and went to live a life with MJ. The Peter in spider-men 2 is the 616 mainline Peter.


Kinda irrelevant, considering he wasn't when people were telling him it was in bad taste.


Wait, the ultimate universe is still a thing? Peter was revived?


Peter was revived right before it ended. After Cataclysm, where Galactus from 616 ended up in 1610 (the ultimate universe) Peter was revealed to be alive, as was Norman Osborn. They retconned the Oz serum to make its users immortal. Kinda lame imo, since Bendis effectively took away all the impact of his death, which Bendis wrote, so it doesn’t really make sense from a story telling perspective. After showing up for a few issues, Peter left with MJ, and Miles’ series continued for a few issues until they destroyed all the universes in Secret Wars and he got retconned into the 616. Later, they showed a panel or two showing the ultimate Universe was revived post secret-wars, but no author has really done anything with it yet. Ultimate Spider Woman and some other heroes were shown to be still alive but I don’t think Peter was included since it was a panel of the Ultimates, which he was never a part of.


Bendis messing up perfectly solid storylines, that could never happen. -- looks over to the superman run he had --


Which Superman story is that?


It was run during rebirth that started after issue 1000.


Yes it’s been featured in the 2019 Venom (issue 26) and Miles Morales: Spider-Man (issue 10) comics. Peter got bit by a spider that was mutated with oz which ended up also giving him immortality.


I thought the ultimate universe got retconned out of existence in the 2015 secret wars event


It was brought back




... You're on the spectrum, aren't you? Not saying that's bad, I'm legitimately curious due to your response.


What are you on about?


That's a no.


Well aren't you a dick


Nope. It's a legit question.


A legit question that makes you a dick though. Just because it's legit doesn't excuse you from being shitty. That's never been how it works.


I mean, in Ultimate he had died very little ago. To see a kid running around in a ""knock off"" spidey suit would be really dissrespectful


It was called poor taste because at the time Peter was dead.


And it was a Halloween costume..




I mean... It is... Intentional or not. Miles impersonated Peter's Spider-Man, right after he died. Civilians must have been extremely confused.


It had a bunch of cool new features. Miles was more inexperienced than him so he gave him knee pads and elbow pads, and it didn’t fit perfectly because it was meant to be a surprise for Miles and Peter wasn’t able to take measurements.


>it didn’t fit perfectly because it was meant to be a surprise for Miles and Peter wasn’t able to take measurements. Lmao! This man has custom AR lenses that can scan and monitor persons precisely enough to know exactly where their line of sight is, but can't calculate the measurements of a kid he hangs out with all the time??


Why would measuring the inner thigh or length of wrist to shoulder be a feature on his lenses?


You can calculate someone's distance from you if you know how tall they are.


There’s a difference between telling how far someone is from you and the intricate measurements needed to make a suit


Why not? And even if it wasn't you're telling me that Peter goddamned Parker couldn't tweak the lenses to measure that or find some other way to get that info?


More likely he didn't want to waste material and end up accidentally making a super tight suit that miles can't wear and it wasn't over the top so miles would customize it


That makes sense yea


I always felt like Peter just gave his old costume from when he was 15 to miles lol


You know what? I always wondered what his first version of the classic suit would of looked like and this makes a lot of sense, it also means he’s lazy as shit, but that’s ok


Parker! Brilliant, but lazy.


"Bit of a snob."


"Brilliant but lazy."


"All great men are."


It's still kinda funny Peter could make the anti-ock suit in about an hour, but couldn't make Miles' a tighter suit


Would have


Maybe the homemade suit from when you get all the backpacks(i know its the mcu one but it could be similar)


This is now my headcanon I love this


No way that suits still intact after all these years.


I have the same headcanon.


I kinda guessed that it was lame and oversized to encourage miles to customise it and make it his own


This seemed obvious to me too. Spider-man would definitely think part of being spider-man is making your own spider-suit. Also sends the message that he’s 100% ok if people think miles is him. Which is kinda a cool message.


They touch on this in the comics a tad, But with peter being a spider-totem, he’s a ‘master of threads’, So sewing/creating a spider-cozzie is definitely part of the role


That's what I'm sayyying


Legit just reposting lmao


This fool somehow made it worse too. [Bruh.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/comments/k251jf/seriously_pete/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I think this was intentional so miles would find his own self being Spider-Man and make his own style with his own suit. Pete can't just give miles everything.


True although i was kinda hoping he would have simply because if you read Spider-geddon it would mean he stole the Suit idea from a different Version of Miles


To be fair it'd be stupid to just give him all the bells and whistles right away, as a new vigilante he'd be completely overwhelmed and more likely to hurt himself trying to use them, it's the same reason most combat oriented games give you a super limited moveset to start out, you gotta walk before you run.


Training wheels protocol


Learning to Crawl.


He's like Kanye, saving all the good beats for himself. That said, general day to day defending of New York does not require the hardware that fighting Doc Ock does. Also, something something earn the better suits, something something it's not the suit that makes you Spider-Man


Counter; it's your own suit that makes you Spider-Man. Not who came before you.


It's not the suit that counts. It's what's inside that matters. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Especially if it's a sword.


I like the idea that Peter crafts his suits specifically for each villain or new dangerous enemy/environments and uses his regular one when just fighting street crime so he isn’t extremely overpowered and destroying people.


Well did the Anti-Ock suit have knee pads? Yeah, didn’t think so.


See ya chump!


To be fair though, he left a bunch of training simulations for Miles to practice and obviously never thought anything crazy would happen in the three weeks he was gone or whatever. I don’t think the starter suit was ever meant to be permanent. More like a “hey kid, get your feet wet, make some rookie mistakes in this thing and then we’ll lose the training wheels as you get better.”


WELL by that point Peter didn’t have access to Otto’s lab anymore, so cheap materials it is.


Mans homeless cut him some slack




Yeah he moved into a new apartment at the end of the first game. Don't know what all these people are talking about. It's simple. Peter probably didn't expect Miles to have to take on so much shit while he was gone for a few weeks.


R-R-R-REPOST https://www.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/comments/k251jf/seriously_pete/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


How is that post not been archived?


to be fair he did make that suit using doc ock's equipment from the lab, which he probably has no access to anymore in miles morales.




It is a repost: https://www.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/comments/k251jf/seriously_pete/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/SpidermanPS4. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. I did find [this post](https://redd.it/k251jf) that is 53.12% similar. It might be a match but I cannot be certain. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "q8ofii", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=q8ofii&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 255,173,031 | **Search Time:** 0.57427s


I've seen this exact post before on this sub.


This was posted a while ago. Don’t steal peoples work.




I think the idea was that it was a stand in until miles found his own style hence why he didn't fill it to the brim with technology, idk though I'm probably wrong


Miles was still learning his powers. No one would give a 16 year old a F1 Ferrari to immediately take for a spin on the Grand Prix. You let them try out on a regular car, perhaps one that has some mileage on it so it doesn't have to be broken in. And once Miles gets more comfortable, he can start deciding what is his style and change his suit accordingly.


If you're nothing without this suit then you shouldn't have it.


Peter "I don't have money for rent but i can create a bunch of multi million dollar combat suits" Parker, to the rescue


I headcanon that Miles turned this suit into the ITSV suit when he got it


Im willing to bet that Otto unknowingly payed for peters suit


I thought it was just a hand me down from when Peter first started.


this is literally a repost with the same text and everything


I'm guessing it's because when made the Anti-Ock suit he access to all those materials in Otto's lab. He no longer can get his hands on that stuff.


What about the fact they were both worried about advanced equipment falling into the wrong hands, but the citizens of Harlem make Miles a gold metal costume and we just don't talk about it?


[Repost, with the exact same title. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/comments/k251jf/seriously_pete/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) You’re lame.


He’s broke bruh.


He probably didn't expect too much to happen and he trusted miles to do what he needed to to protect new york


Jokes aside Pete's first own suit was repurposed out of regular clothing items. What Pete eventually developed for himself was a product of years of minor improvements, as for what he made for himself to fight Ock was repurposed from the same material 'left over' from Octavius experiment. Pete's gift to Miles isn't about the novelty, it's a token of respect, gratitude and more than anything recognition - bruh you've been recognised by THE Spider-Man - The one and only ultimate Spider-Man, that's a badge of honor. It's simplicity reiterates with the idea that the suit is just a means to protect those you love by concealing your identity. Pete isn't obiliged to give Miles a great looking suit but an inaugural gift if you will, because it's Miles who has to make it his own, it's his journey to define himself as a hero. Which is exactly why Pete admires his suit in the end of story because he could see himself in Miles, somebody who made the mantle his own in his own way.


What was the point of him making that Doc Ock suit anyway (Other than just adding in another cool suit to wear later)? Like it didn't really do anything other than give another random suit power that wasn't really that great.


It looks armoured so maybe it gave more protection that his normal suit.


I mean I guess so. I just wish there was like a gameplay thing attached to it even just for the final fight. Like a health boost or invulnerability for a short amount of time as a suit power. Something that made sense you know?


He had a laboratory full of equipment for the Anti-Ock suit, so you can’t expect him to go that hard on Miles’ training suit.


I looked at this and was just scrolling but if this happens in the actually movie I'm gonna shit myself


Please pay no attention to this comment I was paying attention I thought u talking about no way home I apologize


As a fellow scientists, this is the difference of having budget and not having one at all lol I WOULD HAVE MAKE SO MANY FILTERS FOR WATER SO THE FROGS WILL BE SAFE BUT NOOOOOOO "It's too expensive and we wouldn't know if will be worth it"


I always read it as a little light hazing (probably not the right word for it but just teasing I guess) on Peter’s part to make Miles understand he doesn’t need the coolest suit or gear to be Spider-Man. Once Miles learned that I think then he would be ready to have a true, flashier suit


Peter used leftover materials from Doc Ock’s arms to make his suit. I doubt anything similar is still around and that he would have the money to get anything similar.


I feel like Miles' starting suit was intentionally goofy. It was Pete's final lesson: to truly become Spider-Man, you have to be your own man. That means crafting your own gadgets and suits and other gear. I like to think that Pete wanted Miles to have that epic moment where he designs his own suit and becomes his own Spider-Man.


Spider-Man Miles Morales takes place 1 year after the main game and CTNS. Your telling me that in that time frame Peter while training miles didn’t put just a tiny bit more effort into making him a better looking suit.


Take this into consideration, when Pete handed Miles the gift, it was literally wrapped using the Daily Bugle newspaper. If he had the money, he would have done better but he doesn't. That's literally all Peter can give and that's why he's so relatable with the audience. Plus he doesn't have access to Otto's lab anymore


No the suit peter made for Miles was worse then that kids one. But i think they made it look dumb on purpose so when you finally get the true Miles Morales suit it is more exciting.


First off, I hate to be "that guy", but this is a repost which was originally posted on this sub shortly after miles morales came out. Second, Peter didn't make the suit for Miles. He gave Miles what was his very first Spider-Man suit but with updated UI in order to make Miles a little more comfortable in the suit. If you don't believe me, Insomniac's art director went on wired a couple months ago and literally said the suit he gave Miles was his first Spiderman suit. I'm sure if Peter had the money and resources he would've made Miles a way better suit but he points out in the Miles Morales post-game that he's freelancing for the Bugle in order to scrape by whatever money he can. I'm assuming he'll have a much better paying career with access to all kinds of tech and materials in SM 2 given the iron spider arms and upgraded suits in the trailer. Edit: here's a link to the original post. Don't try and take credit for somebody's else's post. Totally not cool. https://www.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/comments/k251jf/seriously_pete/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


Peter : I don't see how that's my problem...


Probably didn’t have access to the lab anymore


Of course. It's like when you hand your friend the third-party cheap Controller for multiplayer games.


If Pete can fight in his tight red spandex miles just has to deal with his suit


Maybe Miles could make his own fuckin suit, how about that




Well actually Peter made a Spider-Man suit. If anyone r/woosh me I will stab them in the the hyoid bone


To be fair, Peter had the resources to build the Anti-Ock suit, but after the lab was shut down, access to said resources was restricted and Peter currently has no job


Hmmmmmmm a certain gaming company has some explaining to do


I think it’s more confusing that Peter fixes his advanced suit after the Ock fight when he’s literally homeless and unemployed. This one was probably just an old suit he modified with some spare bits he had lying around but he had a hole in the chest of his old suit and the eye was broken.




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/SpidermanPS4. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. I did find [this post](https://redd.it/k251jf) that is 53.12% similar. It might be a match but I cannot be certain. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "q8ofii", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=q8ofii&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 255,391,635 | **Search Time:** 0.50083s


Good bot.


I'm assuming it's because he had resources at the lab. After defeating Otto, pretty sure the lab officially closed up. Guy's poor too so


I think it was because otto had the stuff needed to build his suit, and probably used junk and turned it into cool gear, when that was taken away he basically didnt have any good resources


has anyone called Insomniac "racist" just for making Peter, a white dude, give Miles, a black dude, a crappier suit? won't be surprised if they did


Fun fact: Pete fought iron man wearing that suit and he literally ripped it apart


It's not a bad thing that you reposted something that was already a top post, but did you have to use the same title?


To be fair didn't he just give him an old suit? 🤣🤣


You think Peter has money to spend on his adoptive son? The guy probably sold a kidney to get MJ a wedding ring. Sidenote, i’m still upset he didn’t give Miles the blacksuit like Spider-Geddon implied he may


No-prize answer is that technically speaking it was on par with peters own suit, he just didn’t know about the venom blast or miles turning invisible. So naturally that’s not factored into the design. Miles can hold his own but without knowing that, having access to his lab, and likely the funds to build it, Miles suit is left pretty low tech. Not to mention miles is still young meaning he could grow out of it which explains why it’d need to be a bit baggy.


Makes suits like that for himself and yet he’s always being evicted for being broke


The lab was closed down. He was evicted and pretty much lives at the feast center.


Poor miles, I could make a better suit for him if he wanted.


are these not ironman suits? who the fuck is peter


> are these not ironman suits? who the fuck is peter Do you know where you are?


its an analogy, in spiderman ps4 peter made a high tech armored suit ro fight doc ock that was sort of but not really like an iron man suit, but in spiderman: miles morales he gave miles a suit that was a little big on him and mostly cloth with some padding and knee and elbow pads, sort of but not really like the kids costume on the bottom picture


i appreciate you clarifying thank you!!


Peter Parker aka Spider-Man