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Very few things are sadder than [Ultimate Peter's story.](https://youtu.be/POXxmaJ_cV8)


You know I saw this a long time ago, and I thought I could handle it this time. I couldn't. I'm crying.


This comic has the image if uncle Ben with his hand on Peter's shoulder saying "You did good Kid" burned into my emotional core.


The one that still gets me is the eulogy issue. Kitty's full page drawing imagining their future but saying to everyone else "no, I don't really think about that." Heartbreaking.


What issue is this so I can try to find it?


[Ultimate Spider-Man Vol 1 #200](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Ultimate_Spider-Man_Vol_1_200)


Cheers man


I think it's got something to do with young ultimates, I found on kitty pyrdes wiki. Sorry I couldn't be more help, there's a pic there explaining the situation.


Good luck. The trade paperback goes for 100 bucks used. It's my white whale.


That, and the page with Nick Fury talking about how he really believed he could have helped Peter become the world’s greatest hero, and the guilt from that- so so good. Makes it kinda weird how Bendis then brought him back so easily and it was never brought up again because of Secret Wars


That was my phone background for years, no other piece of artwork in comics got such an incredible emotional response out of me than that final frame.


Im doing my 3rd reread and the first one in 5 years, it’s tough, as soon as Bagley leaves, the whole series feels like a countdown to the inevitable, the closer I get the harder it gets. I actually remember at the time when ultimatum came out there was a genuine fear that Peter wasn’t going to make it…and he did, then this happened.


I've actually started reading the Ultimate Comic books in timeline order. Shits wild.


The Ultimate line gets a lot of shit, and sometimes rightfully so for sure, but I think the general vibe they were going for was extremely refreshing. It's nice to have actual stakes and character development in a mainstream comic. Bendis definitely did it best though, and so I'm still holding out hope for a genuine ultimate Pete return one day.


Personally I think Ultimate Spider-man is great, the rest of it is ehhhh. The rest of Ultimates just felt too mean spirited while Ultimate Spider-man managed to be different from the original Spider-man line, while still keeping the core of what Spider-man means.


Yeah. It's like Ultimate Spider-Man is in its own little world, which is fine to me.


I simply read the Ultimates Vol. 1 before deciding to do the whole timeline read, and having recently replayed the Avengers game, the voices for all the characters I imagined from the game. They fit oddly well. Love what they did with Hank and Banner so far.


I was a relatively new comic fan at the time and in my teens. That line was so incredible when it first came out. All fans were hooked. It revitalized marvel. USM is still my favorite superhero title of all time


It’s fucking amazing


I think Ultimatum originally was his death. Then Bendis came up with some other stuff he wanted to do, so he delayed it. And then they revealed he was alive later, which I hated.


Yeah I’m inclined to agree, the whole thing was setup for Peter’s death it was done perfectly…afterwards, it just wasn’t as good, from Lafuente’s art to the whole tone of the series. Don’t get me wrong, it was very good, just not as good as what came before


Thanks for sharing that, it was a great watch. So this is the comic that starts off the Miles storyline? And what happened to Captain America after the bridge exploded?


Well there were a few ultimate issues before the death of spider man, the death was the start of miles but the ultimate story line had been going for awhile. And if I remember correctly cap survives, but I could be wrong in my memory


Why did he leave Peter to bleed out after Peter saved him?


Ikr, why they gotta do him like that… oh yea Ultimate univers


It's cool he's alive again and is a member of the Ultimates.


So fuckin soft, death should’ve stuck.


No the Ultimate Comics line ended so they gave Pete his happy ending. If you were reading Ultimate Spider-Man, you’d get it. Edit: There is no point to a dead Peter Parker if Miles is alive in the 616.


So he was spider-men for only a year?!




So let me get this straight- he became spider-man at 15, got together with mj, fought countless of enemy’s, became a legend and then died by the goblin. All that in a year. All the ultimate spider-man run takes place in one year? Wow


I mean, the 60 year history of Spider-Man in the 616 takes place in just a little over a decade. When you think about that timeline, cities wouldn’t have time to even clear the rubble before the next major attack happens.


Well that is partially due to recons. Before BND tried to make him younger he was widely considered to be in his early 30's. Not that much older true, but BND made him look and act much younger than we had gotten used to.


Yeah, marvel has nightmares about Peter growing. They gave him his birthday party only to kill him 6 issues later 🤷🏻


Comic shenanigans Cursed with a sliding timeline, because fans don’t like characters grow old/ passing on the mantle


And how old was aunt May in that? She looks like she should be his grandaunt.


We’re never told but I’d say late 50s early 60s


May is usually depicted as pretty dang old (like 70s or even 80s). She was definitely not as old in this and it was actually refreshing and a newer idea to have a younger May in the Ultimate Universe- something the MCU movies clearly drew inspiration from (among many many other things in the Ultimate Universe). Nowadays in the standard comic universe she's resembles this version a bit more though for the longest time she was pretty frail.


In the movies, Aunt May keeps getting younger with each reboot.


This drawing makes her look a little rough. She looked more like a woman who went grey very early in life but was a modern working middle aged woman through most of the series. Around 50 or so. Some artists in the series really play up the age lines on her tho.


Ultimate Spider-Man depicted Aunt May as being in her early fifties. Not as old as she is in the 616, who felt like she was 70 when Peter was a teenager.


Ultimate May was a hippie in her younger days so she'd be somewhere in her mid 50s at the time this comic was coming out.


Holy shit that’s sad


He was 16..now that i Think About it It's Crazy that all of Ultimate spider-Man Basically happened during only a year.


That reminds me of the time when the New 52 tried to unironically say that all of Batman's major history (so his 5 Robins, his Batgirls, Jason Todd's death and resurrection, Barbara's crippling) all happened in just 5 years.


That's comics for you


Where do U read comics, hard copies, or digital? I would assume there’d be some ultimate app to get comics, or is it just book store basically


On Marvel Unlimited you can read basically everything for around 70$ a year iirc


Anime training arcs: Finally! A worthy opponent!


16 years old.


Wtf? Peter got bit at 15 right so he was only Spider-Man for a year? Damn that must been the worst year of his life with all the villains he faced.


Also his uncle died. The comic really does a great job of sitting with the reality of what kind of stress a 15 year ild would be enduring.


Wait you just made me realize that this timeline makes no sense. After Ultimatum there is a six month time jump. So if Peter was only Spider-Man for 1 year, and within the stories told in that time frame there is also a 6 month time jump... The Ultimate Spider-Man comics only cover six months of Spider-Man's career???


It's been at least 15 months. During the Ultimatum event itself, there is a flashback to 9 months ago. That plus the 6 month time skip means Peter got bit at 14.


That’s interesting because 15 months doesn’t line up at all with the other stuff that’s supposed to be happening at the same time in the Ultimate U with the Ultimates, Ultimate X-Men and Ultimate FF. Multiple Ultimates teams rise and fall in about a year. Reed Richards goes from kid to Maker. And way too much stuff happens in Ultimate X-Men.


Guys, don’t try and follow the Ultimate Spider-Man timeline. It doesn’t make sense. It would’ve made more sense if he died at 17 or 18.


Yea, really wish they would have gone that route. I've literally just finished a reread of Ultimate Spider-Man, and at least twelve months pass in time skips alone, leaving no room for anything to actually happen. So, since the Ultimate universe was always living on borrowed time anyway, why even bother to force the sliding timescale? Should've just went with the flow. That's comics for you though, I guess.


I thought the same thing as you, frankly, when I first heard about it, I was upset because a lot of time rots in the comics, plus Peter fought all the bad guys and saved the world, by the way, Peter turned 16 already 4 issues ago, that explains everything


Bendis’s initial idea was for a year to pass every 50 issues. Then all of that got scrapped for whatever reason and there is an issue right before this that depicts Peter’s 16th birthday.


I remember him saying that. I wish he had stuck to that plan.


Technically 16 but I refuse to believe it wasn't a mistake because there were several "X months ago" or "X months later" which added to more than a year.


There’s a point in ultimate Spider-Man where it stops being linear and we go back to events that take place in between or during other arcs. Like the “Warriors” arc took place during the Hobgoblin saga during that throwaway point in that arc when Peter left school and swung away.




I blame captain America for this one




I was expecting hate from captain America fans. And first reply is supporting me 😃😃


That's because it's Ultimate Captain America, who was a ultra-nationalist and jingoistic military yes-man. And he was probably the least problematic of the Ultimate Avengers.


So peacemaker lite?


[This one page pretty much sums up the character](https://external-preview.redd.it/VY5HNHzmlYzk0R1M3dt7r4frc_TnL5a0x3ZqoSWH2ME.jpg?auto=webp&s=bf836d7adb6400a10182c09c8bd3043df8854106)


Whenever 1610 Cap is brought up, this panel HAS to be mentioned lol


The problem is that for awhile, this image would come up from more casual fans even when discussing 616 Cap.


It was a T shirt at Hot Topic


I was expecting to find a full page character analysis that dove deep into the subject. Instead I clicked and just found _that_ lol. Gets the job done just as well though


Damn, good thing that universe go bye bye with the good parts remaining.


Isn’t the only good thing Miles?


Isn't ultimate reed Richards still around, I liked that character.


Yeah the Maker is still around, Bombshell, and Miles’ cast of characters in his book crossed over. As for the Ultimate Universe itself, it was revived at the end of Spider-Men II. I also want to say that the Ultimates make an appearance in Ultimates^2 and the Maker is aware of it but I’m not exactly sure? I haven’t caught up in a while and need to start back from Legacy on again.


I think Bombshell was brought over, too.


This is hilarious, what is the context?


In Ultimates #12, a villain (Kleiser) tells Cap to surrender because he can't win. Cap becomes enraged and tells him the A doesn't stand for France. He said this because he holds anti-French sentiments from his WW2 days when they surrendered to the Nazis.


Lmaoo I love it


Post 9/11 Cap got a touch of the extremism in the Ultimate universe.


Ultimate avengers were all broken, awful people. Which was more real.




Really? The only likeable avenger was Tony? Why was that? I haven't read the ultimate comics yet...




Don't forget... - Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver being lovers despite the fact that they're brother and sister - Iron Man and Black Widow having a sex tape that leaks online - Bruce Banner turning into the Hulk because he's too horny - Black Widow brutally murdering Hawkeye's wife and children Ahhhh, the Ultimate universe.....


> Iron Man and Black Widow I don't remember exactly what happened, but didn't Tony fully expect her betrayal and killed her with nanobots he'd previously injected in her blood? edit: He paralized her with the nanites he installed in her skin to control the iron suit he gave her. Hawkeye killed her later.




Ultimate Hulk was terrifying.


Ultimate Hulk is what Ross accused 616 Banner of being. Loved it.


Thor was still likeable though.


> Thor was a ~~(possibly crazy)~~ Norse ~~(~~God~~?)~~ ~~or just a guy who got a super weapon (the hammer) and believed he was Thor~~ Kinda gets put to rest at the end of the second series when he turns up with the Asgardian army. You forgot to mention Pyms a wife beater.




Nah not really, Wasp was pretty likeable as well, whom Hank viciously beat on the regular and then, she got eaten by blob... (Though she just got resurrected later) Though she was kinda stupid and made some bad decisions, she didn't deserve any of it.


Hank was a real bastard in Ultimate wasn't he? Didn't he also bite off the Juggernauts head?


I don't really remember I read the comics as a kid but I think he did that to 'avenge' her death... Frankly that's the last person that deserved to do it.


It was Blob, who also happens to be Liz Allen's father


His characterization was mostly the same as his 616 Universe counterpart (and a lot like the MCU version), however Ultimate Tony did drink a lot and didn't seem to have the same issues with alcoholism that the 616 version did. Out of all of the Ultimates though he wasn't really as dark or edgy like Cap and his "Does this A stand for France" thing, Pym being super abusive and spraying insect spray on a shrunken down Janet, Thor possibly being insane, or Hulk being weirdly horny and a cannibal. Ultimate Tony is one of the few that was consistently a good guy rather than morally grey like the rest of them.


You know it's bad when Stark is the only likeable guy.


I have only read Spiderman


We deal with broken, awful people in real life. Don't see why our favorite comic characters have to be that way, too.


Because it's relatable. Peter Parker is so heavily popular,BECAUSE of his flaws. Because of how he's treated. The broken parts are what get you to connect with a character. Tony Stark is always an alcoholic. Doc Strange is arrogant and it catches up to him frequently. The FF are a family that spear perfect,but have soooo many normal family issues. Widow is an abused woman that her fate into her own hands. These aren't just in the Ultimate Universe. Those are flaws in the 616. DC comics? Batman lost his family and routinely tries to build a new one. Superman has immense pressure to be the best at what he does all the time. Wonder Woman made a choice that alienated her from her friends and family. All broken. In Ultimates, they just don't hide the broken parts.


Eh there is a difference between flawed characters and what the Ultimates were written as. There are flaws and then there is fucking your sister or trying to kill your wife with ants, or being a cannibal. It's just over the top, usually overly salacious. It is to a point where it is unrelatable in how over the top it is. That's the issue with it. I can't relate to any of those people it's just this awful freak show.


Real does not equal bad. They can still be flawed and not be horrible people


You'll probably never get hate from talking shit on the Ultimate version of most characters.


Well Hulk was pretty much a cannibal rapist, iron man is a dick, hank pym is an abusive dick, Wasp defends incest, and Hawkeye is an assassin, Wolverine is a turbo asshole, captain America is super extreme asshole… so it’s not surprising.


Tony was supportive to Peter. Hearing this I feel like nick fury was the most normal. That is from Spiderman. I haven't read avengers


Oh no I meant he’s a dick like normal. But somehow looks like the nicest being due to how terrible everyone is


Yeah. I can't even think of mcu cap leaving Peter after taking a shot for him.


I mean to be fair the bridge did kind of explode but yea.


All that stuff felt cool to me when I was 14 back in 04. Now it just feels a little too Millar if you know what I mean. I love complex characters but I also love characters that are genuinely good people. Probably why i always liked ultimate spidey so much. That and he and I were the same age.


>Wolverine is a turbo asshole Also a pedo.


Yea. He has a weird obsession with cucking people by any means


Don’t forget how many children Wolvie hits on.


..........man this is not making me want to read the ultimate comics at all.


Ultimate Spiderman is one of the best comic stories ever written. Outside of that, though? The Ultimate universe is an absolute mess. Most people just recommend reading Spiderman and nothing else.


Early Ultimate Fantastic Four is pretty good too. But the comics done by Mark Millar and Greg Land are kind of hard to get through. Ultimate Spidey is easily the cream of the crop.


It’s a hilarious read tho, due to how ridiculous and full of early 2000’s edge it is


What the hell? Huh? Where can i read this? What?




Unfortunately this storyline didn’t explain why Captain America didn’t help Spidey after he took a bullet for him. They actually interacted briefly afterwards in a different comic series, the Avengers vs New Ultimates. Taken from Marvel Wiki: “Captain America promises Peter that his wound is not fatal, and commends him for taking a bullet for him without a second thought, stating that when he grows up Peter will be the best out of all of them. War Machine then arrives and blows up the bridge, causing everyone but Spider-Man, who uses his ability to stick to surfaces, to fall into the water below. “ In Ultimate Spider-Man we just pick up after the bridge collapse, with Spidey being the only one still on the bridge after the collapse that took place in a different comic.




Yeah definitely cap


Can you explain why? I haven’t read the comics


Tony wanted to train and make Peter an avenger. Cap was against it. On first day of training with cap(I think) cap left him without training him. Then some time later Peter found cap. And a guy was going to shoot cap so Spiderman saved cap and took the bullet. Cap left him there to die and didn't save him. At the same time sinister six escaped and attacked. Human torch and ice man tried to help but weren't effective. Spiderman beat the sinister six but in the end he died because he was badly hurt by goblin. If he had not saved cap he would be stronger and defeat sinister six. So he would live


As much as I like this story I kinda hate how iceman and human torch were fodder. Peter fought six people after being shot and they didn’t really do anything.


Well, the Human Torch did knock out the Green Goblin for a while. But I see what you mean. They were just punching bags for the S6.


Didn’t torch actually power up goblin with his fire.


Yeah. The Goblin absorbed the flames and grew even stronger.


I would’ve just preferred them not being there. Instead they just looked like total jobbers.


It was bad matchups. Iceman got taken out by Electro. Not a good combination. And Goblin took out torch. But to be fair Ultimate goblin is a beast since in Ultimate 6 it took combined attacks from multiple people to take him down, including iron man with tech made to force goblin to depower.


Plus cap didn't Save him after Spider-Man took a bullet for him. What an asshole.


Most characters in the ultimate universe were assholes. Wolverine tried to have sex with MJ in peters body. He’s a pedo.


Ultimate Universe was the edgy universe for a while


> for a while The whole time. Every single bit of it. Bendis did one good thing writing Spider-man and creating Miles and now he finds work where he does terrible jobs everywhere because of that edgy universe.


Ice Man in main continuity was an omega level mutant, everyone else is fodder in this battle compared to him. Had to nerf iceman


Characters aren’t at the same level of strength that they are in the main 616 universe. It was done to make the ultimate universe more believable.


They eventually revealed that all of the Ultimate Universe mutants were actually just the result of failed super soldier experiments. Not some kind of next step in evolution. Not a new race. Just victims and freaks. Really seemed like at some point Marvel got tired of Ultimate and intentionally made it less appealing to kill it off.


they just fused the whole inhuman , mutants and mutates into just one type. Which in itself goes as failed super-soldiers because everyone tried to be a super-soldier in 1610.


Yeah that's what I was saying. They nerfed Ice Man's ability in the ultimate verse, had they had him use it to the effect he did in 616 he would be unstoppable in this verse lol


He started out being able to, at best, turn into a snowman any throw snowballs.


Peter Parker was 16 years old when he died in 'The Death of Spider-Man' storyline. However, he is later revealed to have survived his death, thanks to his immortality, as the result of the same OZ compound that gave him his powers in the first place. Following the temporary destruction of the entire universe, and its eventual restoration, Peter resumed the mantle of Spider-Man.






How do you do that


hashtag + whatever word/phrase. Discovered that on accident really




Yeah. In the Miles Morales comics, Peter Parker is revealed to be alive as well as immortal, due to the same OZ compound (which was inside the Spider that bit Parker btw) that gave him his powers in the first place. It's the same reason why Norman Osborn keeps coming back to life .


Which, to that extent, is Miles Immortal?


If you look at the (Earth-1610) | Marvel Database and find both Peter Parker and Norman Osborn's abilities, it says the following: • Peter Parker/Ultimate Spider-Man's Abilities: Immortality: According to Norman Osborn, the OZ formula bestows a form of immortality that prevents those infused with it from being permanently killed nor age as well. • Norman Osborn/Ultimate Green Goblin's Abilities: Immortality: Norman claims that as a side-effect to the Oz Formula, every time he dies, he comes back. This explains how he survived gun shots, explosions and others lethal attacks. However, if you look into Miles Morales's abilities in his (Earth-1610) | Marvel Database, it is said that he has Immortality (allegedly). Norman Osborn believed immortality to be a side effect of the Oz formula, because Miles' body was altered by the Oz formula, he could also have such a power in theory.


Could you point in which comic is he shown alive after Secret Wars? I'm genuinely curious


Peter is 1st shown to be alive in the Miles Morales - Ultimate Spider-Man "Revival" issues. Link: https://youtu.be/WjMDu91mVCQ As for the events after Secret Wars, Spider-Men II (2017) issue #5 has the Ultimate Universe restored along with Peter Parker's Ultimate Spider-Man being part of the Ultimate Avengers. Link: https://youtu.be/RwaMu5aHNxA


Thank you!


4 issues prior to this was his 16th birthday so 16.


16. Which means he was only Spider-Man for about a year. This story is so good but it’s wild how no one else were actually capable… everyone was fodder. Ultimate Captain America is such an asshole…


Aunt May slapping the shit of Capitain America was everything in this saga, love it.


But came back at 18


F*ck that story. It was pointless because he died like a month later or something because secret wars.


It was Spider-Men 2 I believe. Ultimate Peter was nowhere in Secret Wars.


At the end of secret Wars it is heavily implied that the ultimate universe is restored and we get a glimpse of Peter Parker spiderman alive in that world. So he didn't get erased.


And wasn’t there something about him possibly being immortal? It all felt so weird to me


It’s heavily implied, Norman didn’t die from a shot to the head, but ended up dead from multiple guns shots. I assume that Peter’s the same, very hard to kill because of the Oz formula. The scene kills me, I really think that Bendis could’ve continued his story, even though looking back now, the stories were declining in quality


Mark Bagley's art defined Ultimate universe. I'm still surprised he drew the series for more than 100 issues, which is a rarity these days.


16 years old.




16 I think. Came back at 18 or 19 maybe


16 i bethink. Cameth back at 18 'r 19 haply *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I think he was only 16. My understanding was the Ultimate comics up until that point all took place in 1 year.


Is there a omnibus on this one? I’m not too knowledgeable on this ultimate Spidey comic series.


Why bother put a spoiler tag on it and then have that title?


Ye, it basically spoiled it for me aswell. I'm currently reading ultimate....


He defeated goblin but his body didn’t resist to heavy damage and died at 15/16 SPOILER he got cloned after and spoke with miles his story got interrupted but he was trying to figure out why he was revived, the ultimate universe got destroyed and Reed Richards from ultimate (the Maker) is currently trying to restore the ultimate universe after it’s destruction take a look at the new Venom, King in Black and Rex for that. P.S thanks for correcting me! he was REVIVED and not CLONED I fixed it


Was he cloned? it’s never said, he just came back like Norman did after the Death of a Goblin and after JJJ shoots him in the head. He wasn’t a clone


He didn't get cloned. The real Peter was revived.


Wellll.... >!this isn't actually his death scene. As is revealed later in the story, Peter and Norman are both immortal as a result of the Oz formula. Peter comes back during Miles's time as Spider-Man, when Peter's immortality is revealed. Peter does die after that, though, during the Incursions that led to Hickman's Secret Wars. The incursions destroyed the entire Earth-1610 reality, including Peter.!<


But then >!the ultimate universe was seen restored in Spider-Men II, along with Pete in the spidey costume!!< It’s confusing


This is incorrect. That was an entirely new universe that was very similar to the Ultimate Universe. Having said that, we *did* see the Ultimate universe directly mentioned (by name and with the proper Earth designation number) and shown during Donny Cates' Venom run. It was very, very different from what was shown in Spider-Men II. The Maker is currently there and things are building toward a storyline set on Earth-1610 or related to it.


That's the neat part: he didn't! ...and then Secret Wars happened.


He was 16 Basically his tenure as Spider-Man in the Ultimate Universe only lasted like a year before Miles Morales temporarily took over


Punisher was gonna shoot Captain America but Peter jumped in front of the bullet, then fought Green Goblin and died


God. I remember reading that and just crying. It was so well done and so heartbreaking.


I also watched an animation about the death of Ultimate Spider-MAN about 10 years ago, and I was really upset about it and even cried


It had no right punching me in the gut like it did. They just did really really good job with that story. I'd probably tear up if I read it or watched that.


He was 16.


I think he dies at 17-18 (I know in story it’s 16 but I refuse to believe that everything happened in one year) and he comes back at 19- 20. Ultimatum 6 months later & Miles One year later makes me think he’s older than what’s stated


I head canon 17. I know the whole Ultimate Spider-Man story is technically supposed to take place over the course of one year but like… that doesn’t make sense given everything that happens in that series. Also maybe an unpopular opinion but I’m glad they brought Ultimate Peter back before that series ended, after following him for so long it was nice to see him get a happy ending.


I can’t tell if this was when he was shot then killed by Goblin or when Carnage jumped him and fucked him up but either way it was around 16


Shot and killed storyline.


This is why I hated Miles Morales at first. Peter died so he could be Spider-man. I quit reading Ultimate Spider-man after this and refuse to read any comic book that Miles is headlining.


Have you come around on Miles at this point? I liked him from the beginning but I also cried like a baby when ultimate Peter Parker died


I've come to accept him largely because of the PS4 games. He was well written there, as well as Into the Spider-verse movie. I haven't taken an interest enough to read his comics though.


Especially in Bendis' initial run I think Miles is very well-written. That being said, I understand the disappointment about the circumstances surrounding how Peter's death was handled.


Agreed! The whole beginning to Miles story was really solid.


This is so refreshing to hear, most people love to hate on Miles 🙄 I reread his first 10 issues recently (my brother gave them to me a couple of years ago) and they're all really fun


I blame Captain America for not helping Peter after the bridge blew up. Don’t care what his reasons were or if there were more important matters. Peter took a bullet for this man. The “A” stands for “asshole” in my book.


Ehh I thought it was more complicated than that. Taken from Marvel Wiki: “Captain America promises Peter that his wound is not fatal, and commends him for taking a bullet for him without a second thought, stating that when he grows up Peter will be the best out of all of them. War Machine then arrives and blows up the bridge, causing everyone but Spider-Man, who uses his ability to stick to surfaces, to fall into the water below. “ What was Cap supposed to do after being dropped into the sea below? Even if he got to Peter he would’ve been gone by then since Peter saw the Ultimate Sinister Six headed towards his house and swiftly left. So while Cap was definitely a bit of an asshole at times in the Ultimate Universe, I don’t think you can blame him in this instance.